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State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion (Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

scientific research institution
State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion rely on Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences The laboratory was approved for use by the State Planning Commission in 1991 World Bank loan Preparation. In 1995, it was officially opened to the outside world through national acceptance. Three national assessments were passed in 1999, 2004 and 2009.
The current laboratory director is Wang Jianguo researcher The deputy director is researcher Li Yongwang, researcher Zhu Zhenping and researcher Li Wen. The Academic Committee is composed of 15 domestic and foreign experts. Academician Why Mingyuan, the director of the Academic Committee, and Academician Xie Kechang and researcher Li Baoqing, the deputy director of the Academic Committee.
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion
Foreign name
Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Establishment time
organizational management
Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Administrative subordination
Chinese Academy of Sciences

research field

Based on the demand of China's economic development for efficient and clean utilization of coal, combined with the international development trend, the laboratory aims to ensure China's energy security, coordinate the solution of coal utilization efficiency and ecological environment problems, provide scientific basis and engineering basis for the innovation of clean coal technology, and transform coal into high-quality fuel efficiently and cleanly The main research direction is the scientific and technological basis in the process of chemicals and materials, focusing on the core scientific and engineering problems in the fields of coal thermophysical chemistry, coal based liquid fuel synthesis, pollutant emission control in the process of coal utilization, new processes and technologies for related product processing, and new materials preparation for energy and environment. The main research fields of the laboratory are: chemical and engineering basis of coal direct conversion process; One carbon chemistry and engineering of coal converted by syngas; Environmental chemistry and engineering in coal conversion and utilization; Theoretical calculation and engineering simulation in coal conversion; New energy and environmental materials and technologies related to coal conversion.

Project achievements

Since its opening in 1995, the laboratory has undertaken and participated in 394 projects, including 16 973 projects, 15 863 projects, 3 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 10 key projects of the National Fund, 56 general projects, 15 major and directional projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 13 key projects, 10 "Hundred Talents Plan" projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, more than 107 provincial and ministerial projects, and 19 international cooperation projects, There are 60 horizontal cooperation projects, with a total of more than 360 million yuan in place. It has won one second prize of the National Technological Invention Award, 19 provincial and ministerial awards, 251 authorized invention patents, 717 papers published in foreign academic journals, and 1297 papers published in domestic core journals.

Academic team

Based on the principle of "introducing urgently needed talents, making good use of existing talents, stabilizing key talents, and cultivating future talents", the laboratory has formed a research team consisting of fixed personnel with academic leaders and backbones as the main body and mobile personnel with graduate students and doctoral students as the main body with reasonable knowledge structure, active academic atmosphere, and rigorous style of study. At present, there are 34 fixed personnel, including 29 persons with doctor's degrees. among National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Two winners, and eight winners of the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

graduate student

The laboratory involves chemistry Chemical Engineering and Technology Materials Science and Engineering Three disciplines, including physical chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering, chemical process and materials science. Physical chemistry Postdoctoral mobile station Physical chemistry and chemical process have the right to confer doctor's degree, and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering, chemical process and materials science have the right to confer master's degree. The laboratory has 16 doctoral supervisors, 120 doctoral students and 68 master students. Since 1995, 62 people have won the "National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Selection", the Special Award for the Dean's Scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Baosteel Education Fund Outstanding Student Award, the Liu Yongling Award and other awards.

Exchange and cooperation

The laboratory actively carries out academic exchanges and international cooperation at home and abroad, has carried out cooperative research with universities and scientific research institutions in many countries, and has undertaken the 10th International Coal Science Conference, the 7th, 8th, and 9th China Japan Coal Science and C1 Chemistry Seminars, and the 7th China South Korea Clean Energy Technology Seminars. The laboratory's fixed staff served as the international journal Fuel respectively The main editorial board members and editorial board members of. The laboratory has the competitiveness of international cutting-edge research on coal conversion. On the basis of putting forward a new concept of coal conversion process with characteristics and completing the experiment of technological innovation principles, it will develop new technologies for efficient and clean coal conversion suitable for China's national conditions to meet the country's demand for clean coal energy, The laboratory will become one of the international centers for basic research of coal conversion application and training of advanced scientific and technological talents of coal conversion.