Giordano Bruno

Italian thinker, natural scientist, philosopher and writer
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synonym Gi ordanoBruno (Giordano Bruno) Generally refers to Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600, February 17), The Renaissance period Italy Thinkers natural scientist Philosophers and litterateurs. As Freedom of thought He inspired the 16th century Europe The free movement of History of Western Thought One of the most important people in the world.
He bravely defended and developed Copernicus Of Heliocentric theory And spread it all over Europe, known as anti church Scholastic philosophy Our fearless soldiers are the martyrs who defend the truth. Because of criticizing scholastic philosophy and theology Geocentric theory , Publicity Heliocentric theory and Cosmology , religious philosophy, which made him a leading figure in his time, was arrested and imprisoned in 1592, and finally was Inquisition It is judged as "heresy". On February 17, 1600, he was burned to death Rome Flower Square
He has always been associated with "heresy" all his life, and for this reason wander , and finally burned to death in the Flower Square by the Inquisition. Therefore, he is often regarded as a pioneer of the rise of modern science, a defender of scientific truth and a dedicated person Martyr People often compare the religious power represented by the religious judge who executed him with the religious power he supported Copernicus The science represented by the theory is regarded as a pair of opposites with sharp conflicts.
Chinese name
Giordano Bruno
Foreign name
Giordano Bruno
date of birth
Date of death
February 17, 1600
Key achievements
Advocate heliocentric theory and infinite universe
one's native heath
Nora Town, Naples, Italy
Representative works
On the Infinite Universe and the World Noah's Ark

seek truth

Bruno's outstanding contribution to philosophy is his inheritance and development Ancient simple materialism and Dialectics of nature Based on the fine tradition of The Renaissance The achievements of advanced philosophy and natural science during the period demonstrated that Materialism and Dialectics Thought is the first of modern materialism and dialectics. He formed his own brand-new Cosmology He put forward and demonstrated the idea that the universe is infinite and the world is numerous. He believes that the whole universe is infinite, and there is no fixed center or boundary. The earth is just a planet orbiting the sun, and the sun is just one of the countless stars in the universe. In the infinite universe, there are countless "worlds" emerging and dying, but the infinite universe itself is eternal. Bruno not only abandoned Geocentric theory And also crossed Copernicus' Heliocentric theory And a big step forward. He also put forward the theory that heaven and earth are homogeneous and that matter is everything natural phenomena Common unified foundation.
Bruno clearly pointed out that everything in nature is Universal connection And constantly moving and changing. This change is unified Physical entity The process of continuous transformation of various forms involved, things are transformed into each other, forming the unity of opposites. Bruno also discussed the unity of opposites between "maximum" and "minimum". He pointed out that "in the universe, there is no difference between the volume and the point, the center and the periphery, the finite and the infinite, the largest and the smallest". He regarded the principle of the unity of opposites as the key to understanding nature and discovering truth, and raised this theory to the height of methodology. He came to the conclusion that: "Whoever wants to know the greatest secret of nature, please ask him to study and observe the largest and smallest of contradictions and opposites. The profound magic is to find the junction first, and then lead to the opposite." Bruno popularized and applied this dialectical thought to society and daily life. He said: "It is impossible to have such a country, such a city, such a generation, such a family, and its members should have the same spleen and stomach, without contradictory personalities." He pointed out that Italy is not only the "origin" of "all evils", but also the "brain and right hand of the earth" and the "instructor, cultivator and mother" of all virtues. Bruno inherited and developed the ancient dialectics and became the greatest dialectical theorist in the Renaissance. He proposed several important dialectical principles and made detailed argumentation, in order to oppose the Middle Ages Scholastic philosophy The Bank of China's view of learning has made important contributions.
Giordano Bruno
Bruno believes that Human history It is constantly changing and advancing. He opposed the idea of beautifying the ancient society into a "golden age". He advocates social change, but opposes the use of violence to transform society. He regards rationality and wisdom as the decisive force to transform society and defeat everything. But he can't see it masses Practical Social role
Bruno's philosophy was just enlightened bourgeois class Philosophy, yes Renaissance Philosophy A peak of development. Limited by history and class Philosophical thought There are still many imperfections, but bourgeois revolution And the modern bourgeoisie materialism The development of has played a significant role in promoting.
Bruno's life is a life of breaking with old ideas, fighting with reactionary religious forces and unswervingly pursuing truth. He praised the Copernican theory as a ray of light, which should make the ancient real scientific sun buried in the blind, shameless, jealous and ignorant Black Mountain Cave for hundreds of years shine brightly. Bruno defended and developed Copernican's Heliocentric theory And make people have a new understanding of the celestial bodies and the universe. [1]

Historical evaluation


Viewpoint 1

Giordano Bruno
All over Europe, whether orthodox Catholicism or Protestantism under the banner of religious reform, are competing to persecute Bruno. However, this did not shake his belief. He enthusiastically publicized everywhere Materialism and atheism Thought spread Copernicus' theory throughout Europe. He became anti church, anti Scholastic philosophy The most determined and brave soldier. Because he publicized the new cosmology everywhere and opposed scholasticism, Rome the pontiff His fear and hatred, as a thorn in his side, will want to die soon.
Bruno has been living in exile for a long time and is homesick. At the same time, he is also eager to bring back his new ideas and theories and dedicate them to his motherland. 1592 [2] At the beginning, Bruno returned to Venice to give lectures regardless of his personal safety, but ended up trapped by the church and arrested. The Venetian government did not want to hand him over to the church at first, but later, for fear of offending the Pope, it handed him over to the Holy See Inquisition
Bruno was held in Rome for more than three years before the Inquisition began to interrogate him. The church accused him of denying theological truth, opposing the Bible and treating him as a top criminal. Two successive Cardinals had to put him to death. However, the purpose of the church's imprisonment of Bruno is to force him to bow his head and confess his guilt, give up his own views, confess to the church, and surrender on his knees. The Holy See wants to destroy this flag and eliminate its influence, so as to revive the prestige of the church. Integrity hold firmly to the truth Bruno is not afraid of jail and torture, and refuses to plead guilty.
When the religious tribunal used a heavy sentence against him, he calmly replied: "I should not and would not give up my own opinion. There is nothing to give up. There is no basis for what to give up, and I do not know what to give up." Bruno was tortured for eight years in prison, and experienced inhuman torture and abuse in the world, However, he never wavered in his belief, stood firm and unyielding, always kept his promise, never gave up his theory and belief, and never admitted that he was "guilty". He once said: "When a person's career makes him great, he can die unafraid." "Fighting for the truth is the greatest pleasure of life."
On February 6, 1600, Bruno was sentenced by the Inquisition Cremation Bruno listened with contempt judgment Later, justice said with awe: "When you read the verdict to me, you were more afraid than when I heard it.". Before the execution, the executioner held the torch and asked Bruno: "Your end has come, what else to say?" Bruno announced with confidence and solemnly: "The darkness is about to pass, the dawn is coming, and truth will defeat evil!" He finally shouted: "Fire, can't conquer me, the future world will understand me, will know my value." Bruno died bravely in the raging fire. After his death, the church even feared that people would take the ashes of this great thinker to commemorate him, and hastily scattered his ashes together with the soil in the Tiber River.
Great scientists die, but truth is immortal. With the continuous development of science, by 1889, the secular government had rehabilitated Bruno and restored his reputation. [4] On June 9 of the same year, he died in Bruno Rome Flower Square People erected his bronze statue as a permanent memorial to the great scientist who fought for the truth and would rather die than surrender. This magnificent statue symbolizes that the unyielding soldiers who died for science and truth will always live in the hearts of the people.

Viewpoint 2

This school believes that although Bruno objectively promoted the research work, he supported Copernicus' Heliocentric theory Not because it is scientific truth, but because it can support its own Polytheism Philosophy; And he was executed not because he insisted on scientific truth, but because he publicly preached different theological views from Christianity (including Pantheism , polytheism Hermes Legality Mysticism Etc.).
Encyclopedia x Misunderstanding: Graphic Bruno
1、《 Celestial motion theory 》Little attention was paid after publication. Most people don't understand it, but many astronomers only regard this book as a way to compile a list of stars.
2. Seventy years after its publication, "On the Movement of Celestial Bodies" was once Martin Luther But it did not attract the attention of the Holy See.
Later Bruno and Galileo publicly publicized the heliocentric theory, which endangered the rule of the church. Only in 1616 did the Holy See list the "Theory of the Movement of Celestial Bodies" as banned book
reference resources
Dampier's masterpiece《 History of Science and Its Relationship with Philosophy and Religion 》(Written in 1929, long before Yeats and others re examined Bruno's mysticism background): "Moreover, the best scientific opinion at that time was to oppose this new system (referring to Copernicus system )Of. Rome and Geneva Bruno and other revolutionary intellectuals who all thought they were heretics might agree with Copernicus' opinion, but the more cautious philosophers kept their distance. Bruno also believes that the universe is infinite, and stars are scattered in endless space. Bruno is an ardent pantheist, openly attacking all orthodox beliefs. He was tried by the church court not for his science, but for his philosophy, because he was keen on religious reform; He was burned by the church in 1600. "
Yeats (Western historian of science): Bruno's insistence on heliocentric theory objectively promoted the research work of others in later generations, but in history, Bruno himself may not be burned as insisting on scientific truth. There are also extreme opinions: "Bruno is a radical follower of Hermes' magic tradition with a strong sense of religious reform Ancient Egypt A believer in magic religion, he is a magician himself. He tried to discover the secrets of nature through magic in order to control and use nature. All his philosophical and 'scientific' discussions were subordinate to his religious mission. No matter what thought, as long as it is consistent with his mission of reviving the ancient Egyptian magic religion, it will be used by him. For this reason, he ignored the Christian taboos at that time. Undoubtedly, this has led to Religious adjudication Disgust of him. "
Wu Bo's "The True Face of the Inquisition: The Inquisition Procedure of the Inquisition by Bruno" "However, in recent years, scholars at home and abroad, represented by the French scholar Yates, have raised all-round doubts about Bruno's traditional image: first, Bruno is not a spokesman for modern science at all, but a heterodox polytheism. His support for Copernicus is to use his heliocentric theory to demonstrate his polytheistic philosophy; Secondly, the church's condemnation of him was not against his astronomical thought but his theological thought; As for Bruno's final tragic outcome, it has a lot to do with his' arrogant ',' headstrong 'and' stupid 'character. " [2]
Bruno is not an atheist, but a theist, and also a polytheist - such research results are undoubtedly enough to subvert Bruno's traditional image and position in the hearts of the Chinese public.
Glorious successor
classical mechanics Newton, the founder, once said: Why do I see farther than others? That's because I stand on the shoulders of giants. great physical scientist Newton said this, which not only shows his personal modesty, but also shows that his achievements are based on the achievements of his predecessors. In the pursuit of truth, the pioneers and successors occupy the same important position. Copernicus was the founder of the heliocentric theory in terms of the rules of celestial bodies' operation, and the successor was the one who later insisted on and proved the heliocentric theory. Among these successors, Giordano Bruno undoubtedly made the most intense sacrifice to defend the truth of the heliocentric theory.
Although Bruno was trained as a believer when he was a child, when religion, God, science and truth contradicted, Bruno resolutely abandoned the former and followed the pace of reason to pursue scientific truth. He continued to advance along the theory pioneered by Copernicus, and after his research, he further pointed out that Heliocentric theory It points out that the universe is infinite, time is eternal, and the sun center is nothing but the universe Galaxy One of. This has prevented people from worshiping the sun center, greatly expanded people's exploration of the infinite mysteries of the universe, and promoted people's research on the celestial universe. At the same time, he also pointed out that everything in the universe is changing from birth to death, from which he deduced that human history is also changing.
Standing at that time Historical environment Through investigation and analysis, we can see that Bruno has great courage and perseverance. To some extent, his thoughts are also ahead of time Theoretical summary It is still shining with the glory of truth, providing a practical and complete philosophical foundation for the natural science that was just revived at that time, and opening up a broad road for the development of philosophy in the future ideological system yes time spirit The essence of the philosophy has a profound impact on the successors of science and philosophy.
Due to the times, Bruno is not only a giant in the history of science, but also a giant in the history of philosophy from a historical perspective, despite his limitations. The position of his philosophy in the history of philosophy, and The Renaissance The position of sports in human history is completely consistent. His philosophy inherited the achievements of ancient philosophy, advocated rational knowledge, and denied the Middle Ages Religious theology , which indicates that philosophy has regained its independent status from theology and includes later philosophy Comprehensive development It is an inevitable stage in the history of philosophy to inherit and develop its philosophy system. As a scientist and philosopher on the way to defend truth, Bruno is undoubtedly the most outstanding and worthy successor.

People Memorial

After Bruno's death, Holy See Afraid that people would take away the ashes of this great thinker to commemorate him, they hurriedly collected his ashes and threw them on Tiber River Li. On June 9, 1889, at the flower square where Bruno died, people set up a bronze statue for him in memory of the great thinker who cried for truth and dedicated himself to science, forever commemorating his courage and achievements.

Anecdotes and allusions

In Bruno's hometown Italian Christianity The rule of the ancient times was deeply rooted, and various religious superstitions were popular among the people. At that time, it was very common for believers to worship statues and mummies. But accepted the modern Humanism Bruno, baptized by ideological trend, despised all these things. He is Christian Church The most stubborn enemy. Bruno believes that the doctrine of "trinity" of God proposed by the Catholic Church is wrong, and he advocates "variant theory", "virgin purity conception theory" and "God creationism ”And other doctrines hold a negative attitude. Bruno didn't even look at the saints' portraits. Once, he took the portraits of Christ saints from his own Monk's room The church was persecuted by the church. He denounced Luther, Calvin and other religious leaders as "the stupidest people in the world", and said that they were "mindless, ignorant, far away from culture and life, and moldy and rotten in eternal pedantry". What they did was "give rotten religious healing ulcer ”"Just mending holes in the religious coat". In his works and speeches, Bruno recounted the harm of religion to science, philosophy, morality and social relations. He believes that religion is ignorant of people's thoughts and hinders the development of science and philosophy. They abhor the drawbacks and harms of religion and hate monks at all levels. He even shouted that it was not only necessary to nationalize church property, eliminate the economic power of the church, stop building churches, and close Monastery Moreover, monks should be deprived of their privileges and forced to engage in public welfare work.