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Heat flow

Heat flow
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Heat flow (heat flow) refers to the temperature difference between two sides of an object of a certain area heat conduction The heat transferred through the object by convection and radiation. The heat flow through the object is proportional to the temperature difference between the two sides, inversely proportional to the thickness, and related to the thermal conductivity of the material. Heat flow per unit area is heat flow flux Steady state conduction of heat through an object circulation It does not change with time, and there is no heat accumulation inside; The Heat Flux of Unsteady Heat Conduction Passing through an Object and Its Interior temperature distribution Change over time.
Chinese name
Heat flow
Foreign name
Heat flow
Heat flow
watt (W)
Introduction to terms
Recorded as: Φ;
Unit: Watts (W).
Heat flow can be understood as the change rate of flow, Φ=KrA Δ T/Δ X
Where Kr is thermal conductivity , A is the object's Surface area Δ T is the temperature difference between two sides of the object, and Δ X is the thickness of the object.