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Radical Left Alliance

Left Radical Alliance Party
The left-wing Radical Left Party (English: Coalition of the Radical Left, abbreviated as SYRIZA, Greek: ∑ννασ πόό ό ό 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 Greece The political party alliance, or "Leftist Union" for short, was founded in January 2004 and consists of more than ten small left-wing parties, mainly members of the Greek Communist Party. In the June 2012 parliamentary elections, it became the largest opposition party. The first party congress was held in 2013, officially completing the transformation from a campaign alliance to a political party. The party was in power from 2015 to 2019. Chairman Stefanos Kasselakis. [1] [6]
Chinese name
Left Radical Alliance Party
Foreign name
Coalition of the Radical Left
Date of establishment
league of the left-wing writers [7]

essential information

On May 22, 2012, the Alliance was reorganized into a political party, maintaining its original name. The core of the Left Radical Alliance Party is the Coalition of Left Movements and Ecology (Synapsism ó s for short)

development history

Before the 2004 parliamentary election, four left-wing parties, including the left-wing ecological alliance and the revolutionary communist ecological left-wing party, prepared to establish. They won 3.26% of the votes in the parliamentary election and entered the parliament for the first time. The initial leader was Alex Aravanos, who announced after 2007 that he would no longer serve as the chairman of the Alliance and would be succeeded by Alex Zipras. The left-wing radical alliance held high the concept of "macro-control, citizen interests, anti austerity, anti Neoliberalism ”With the deepening of the Greek debt crisis, its influence has grown day by day, and it has won the favor of more and more radical voters. Finally, it became the second largest party (16.78%) after the New Democratic Party in the elections in May 2012, and won 52 seats, but failed to form a cabinet. In the second parliamentary election in June 2012, 26.89% of the votes were obtained and 71 seats were obtained, but it still lags behind the New Democratic Party, the largest party. Due to political differences, the left-wing radical alliance announced that it would not participate in the formation of the New Democratic Party coalition government

Current leaders

chairman: Stefanos Kaserakis (Stefanos Kasselakis)。 [1] [5]

Related news

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On May 21, 2023, the Greek Ministry of the Interior announced the final results of the Greek parliamentary elections. A total of five political parties entered the parliament, sharing 300 parliamentary seats. The election results showed that the radical left-wing coalition, which ranked second, obtained 20.07% of the votes and 71 parliamentary seats. [3] On June 25 local time, Greece held the second round of parliamentary elections. The largest opposition party, the Left United Party( Radical Left Alliance )Obtained 17.83% of the votes and held 47 seats in Parliament [4]