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Excitation frequency

The number of times of stimulation in a certain time
The excitation frequency refers to that excitation It is generally based on a work cycle as its time unit.
The excitation frequency is determined by Work cycle It is determined by the number of incentives. The relationship between the excitation frequency and the excitation effect is not simply proportional.
Chinese name
Excitation frequency
At a certain time excitation Times of
Time unit
One working cycle
One Work cycle Number of internal excitation
Objective factors
The choice of incentive frequency is restricted by a variety of objective factors, including the content and nature of work, the clarity of task objectives, the quality of incentive objects, working conditions and personnel environment. Generally speaking, the incentive frequency should be high for tasks with high complexity and difficult completion, and low for tasks with simple and easy completion. The incentive frequency should be low for work with unclear task objectives and results visible for a long time; For work with clear task objectives and short-term visible results, the incentive frequency should be high. For staff with poor quality in all aspects, the incentive frequency should be high, and for staff with good quality in all aspects, the incentive frequency should be low. In departments with poor working conditions and personnel environment, the incentive frequency should be high; In departments with good working conditions and personnel environment, the incentive frequency should be low.
Of course, the above situations cannot be understood as absolute mechanical division. It should be organically linked. Only through comprehensive analysis of specific situations can appropriate excitation frequency be determined