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Commonwealth of Australia
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The Commonwealth of Australia (Australia for short), the capital Canberra In 2022, the per capita GDP will be US $65543. [27] be located South Pacific and the indian ocean Between the Australian mainland Tasmania And other islands and overseas territories. Bordering the Pacific in the east Coral Sea and Tasman Sea , facing the Indian Ocean and its marginal seas in the north, west and south. The total area is 7692000 square kilometers, and the coastline is 36735 kilometers long. The northern part has a tropical climate and most of it has a temperate climate. The country is divided into 6 states and 2 regions. As of July 2023, Australia has a total population of 26.39 million, 74% of whom are British and Irish, the official language is English, and most residents believe in Christianity
Australia's first residents were Indigenous people In 1770, the British navigator james cook Arrive at the east coast of Australia, and announce that Britain occupies this land. On January 26, 1788, Britain began to establish a colony in Australia, which was later designated as Australia Day In July 1900, the British Parliament passed the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia and the British Dominion Ordinance. On January 1, 1901, the Australian colonies were changed into states, and in October of the same year, it was established Commonwealth of Australia In 1931, Australia became Commonwealth An independent country within China.
Australia is a developed modern industrial country southern hemisphere The most economically developed country, the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural products, is also an important producer and exporter of mineral products in the world. Agriculture, animal husbandry and mining are traditional industries, manufacturing and high-tech industries have developed rapidly, service industry has become the leading industry of the national economy, foreign trade has been developed, and the economy has maintained rapid growth. Australia's social environment is stable and its financial system is standardized. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, Australia's GDP is $2.1 trillion. [6]
Chinese name
Commonwealth of Australia
Foreign name
Commonwealth of Australia
major city
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Adelaide Darwin Hobart etc.
National Day
January 26, 1788
National anthem
Forward, beautiful Australia [2]
Country code
official language
Time zone
UTC+8 to UTC+10
National leaders
King Charles III [30] (Head of State) David John Hurley (Governor) Anthony Albanese [4] (Prime Minister)
population size
26.12 million (September 2022)
Population density
3.37 people/km2 (February 2023)
Major religions
protestantism Catholicism
land area
7692000 km²
Water area rate
About 0.89%
Total GDP
US $1.67 trillion (2022)
GDP per capita
About US $65000
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Keep to the left
State structure
Gini coefficient
zero point three zero five
Representative animals
kangaroo Emu Koalas platypus
GDP per capita
A $78000 (FY 2021/2022)
gross domestic product
A $2100bn (FY 2021/2022)

Historical evolution

The word Australia originally means "Southern Continent". The first people to settle here are indigenous people, who live by hunting and gathering food. They came here from Asia at least 40000 years ago.
In 1606, Spain The ship of the navigator Luis Vaezde Torres sailed through Australia and New Guinea Straits between; In the same year, the Duyfken of the Dutch William Jens set foot in Australia and was the first recorded real landing of foreigners in Australia, and named it "New Holland".
On April 29, 1770, British navigator james cook The captain landed at the Botanical Bay near Sydney and declared that the eastern part of the Australian mainland belonged to the King of England.
On January 26, 1788, the first batch of immigrants arrived under the leadership of British Admiral Arthur Philip Sydney Bay , where criminals were set up for exile, was designated as Australia's National Day.
In 1790, the first group of free people from Britain immigrated to Australia to Sydney And gradually develop inland. By 1803, the colony had expanded to Tasmania
In the 1850s, with the development of wool related industries and the discovery of gold mines, the population of the Australian mainland increased sharply. A large number of gold miners from Europe, America and China swarmed in. The population of Australia surged from 400000 in 1850 to 1.1 million in 1860. Since then, many important gold mines have been discovered one by one, and a large number of mineral deposits have been found. These discoveries have made Australia rich and developed rapidly.
In July 1900, the British Parliament passed《 The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 》And the British Dominion Ordinance.
On January 1, 1901, the autonomous governments of the six colonies in Australia jointly established the Commonwealth of Australia and became a British self-governing territory.
In 1931, Australia became a member of the Commonwealth independent state
In 1945, the Second World War After that, Australia entered a period of economic prosperity.
In 1986, British Parliament Through the "Relations with Australia Act", Australia has full legislative power and final judicial power. [5]
In April 2023, Melbourne Becoming the largest city in Australia [26]

geographical environment


Regional location

Location of Australia in Oceania
Australia is located in South Pacific and the indian ocean Between, by Mainland Australia , Tasmania and other islands and overseas territories. To the east are the Coral Sea and Tasman Sea in the Pacific Ocean, and to the north, west and south are the Indian Ocean and its marginal seas. The mainland covers an area of 7.69 million square kilometers, with a north-south length of about 3700 kilometers and a east-west width of about 4000 kilometers. In terms of area, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. [5]

topographic features

Topographic map of Australia
The terrain of the Australian continent can be divided into three different terrain distribution areas: the east, the middle and the west. The Australian continent is located in the interior of the Indian Ocean plate, so there are few tall terrain formed by plate movement. The mountains and plateaus in the continent have been formed for a long time. After a long time of external force, the surface of the Australian continent is relatively undulating plain, The overall altitude is not high, and the average altitude is only about 350 meters.
The topographic unit in the eastern part of the Australian continent is Great watershed It runs through the south-north direction and is basically parallel to the coastline, with a total length of about 3000 kilometers, a width of about 160 to 320 kilometers, and an average height of about 800 to 1000 meters, of which the highest peak is Koshusco Mountain, 2230 meters above sea level. The Great Watershed is an ancient mountain range. Under the long-term external weathering and erosion, the height of the Great Watershed is declining and the surface is relatively flat.
The average altitude of Australia is 300 meters. The mountain area of more than 1000 meters is less than 1%, and that of less than 500 meters is 87%. Australia is the continent with the most gentle surface fluctuation. The west is a low plateau with an altitude of 200~500 meters, which is mainly distributed in deserts and semi deserts; There are also some Hengduan Mountains with an altitude of 1000~1200 meters. The middle part is a plain with an altitude of less than 200 meters. There are abundant herbaceous plants. Lake Eyre is the lowest point, and the lake surface is 12 meters below sea level. The great plain centered on it is a great artesian basin. The east is the highland formed by the ancient mountains, most of which are 800-1000 meters above sea level, and the southeast Koshusco Mountain is 2230 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Australia. The Great Barrier Reef along the northeast coast is the largest coral reef in the world. [11]


Australian climate
Australia is between 10 ° 45 ′ and 39 ° 08 ′ south latitude, with a north-south span of 28 ° 23 ′. It is a continent with the least cross latitude. The temperature difference between north and south is small, and the temperature distribution is relatively simple. The Tropic of Capricorn traverses the central part of the mainland. 99% of the area belongs to the tropics and subtropics, making the temperature warm all year round. The area of less rain areas and deserts is particularly wide. The contour of the Australian mainland is relatively complete, increasing the distance from the inland to the sea, up to more than 1500 kilometers, which affects the ocean air flow going inland. In addition, Australia's territorial profile is long from east to west and narrow from north to south, expanding the area controlled by the southeast trade wind belt. There is no water surface regulation of vast rivers and lakes in the interior, making most areas more dry and hot. Topographically, the vast central and western regions are low and flat, with little fluctuation, few cyclones turning, stable weather, and it is difficult to cause rain, reducing the climate difference in the vast central and western regions.
The tall mountains in eastern Australia are 4500 kilometers long from south to north and more than 1000 meters high. The east slope is steep and the west slope is gentle, and it is close to the east coast, blocking the warm and wet air flow brought by the southeast trade wind from the eastern Pacific Ocean, making the eastern slope rainy and the western slope dry and rainless, reducing the area of the eastern rainy area and expanding the scope of the western inland arid area. The central plain running through the north and south is conducive to the movement of the north-south air flow, so that the central inland basin is not a place where rain cannot fall.
The ocean current around Australia is the North Australian Warm Current along the northern coast of the mainland and the East Australian Warm Current in the east, which affects the temperature and humidity increase in the northern and eastern coasts of the mainland and becomes a rainy area. The southern coast is westerly drift, and the western coast is the cold current of Western Australia, which affects the lack of rain along the southern coast of Australia and the formation of the western desert.
From the perspective of atmospheric circulation, the summer pressure belt of the Australian continent moves southward, the northern part of the continent is the center of the thermal depression, and the tropic of south high belt is located in the southern part of the continent, so the northwest monsoon is blowing in the north, hot and rainy; The southeast trade wind is blowing in the middle and south of the mainland, which is hot and dry; Only the east slope of the eastern mountainous region of the mainland is windward, with more precipitation. In winter, the pressure belt moves northward and is combined with the cold high pressure on land. The high pressure center is located in the northern inland of the mainland. Most areas on the mainland are shrouded by high pressure. The wind blows outward from the high pressure center, so it is dry and rainless. Only the westerly wind from the sea from the southwest and southeast corners of the mainland, with many cyclones, is humid and rainy. The east slope of the eastern mountainous area is still windward, with more precipitation. As Tasmania is located to the south of 40 ° south latitude, it blows westerly all year round, and has a temperate marine climate. [9]
Australia has summer from December to February of the next year, autumn from March to May, winter from June to August, and spring from September to November. [5]

natural resources

mineral resources
Australia is rich in mineral resources, with at least 70 kinds. The proven economic reserves of lead, nickel, silver, uranium, zinc and tantalum rank first in the world.
Australia is the world's largest producer of lithium and zirconium, and its output of gold, iron ore, coal, lithium, manganese ore, nickel, silver, uranium and zinc also ranks first in the world. Australia is also the world's largest exporter of bituminous coal, bauxite, diamonds and zinc concentrates, the second largest exporter of alumina, iron ore and uranium, and the third largest exporter of aluminum and gold.
The proven mineral reserves with economic exploitation value include about 5.3 billion tons of bauxite, 14.6 billion tons of iron ore, 40.3 billion tons of black coal, 30 billion tons of lignite, 22.9 million tons of lead, 22.6 million tons of nickel, 41400 tons of silver, 40835 tons of tantalum, 41 million tons of zinc, and 5570 tons of gold. The crude oil reserves are 227 billion liters, and the natural gas reserves are 2.2 trillion cubic meters.
water resource
Murray River and Darling River are the two longest rivers in Australia. These two river systems form the Murray Darling Basin, covering an area of more than 1 million square kilometers, and the longest river, the Murray River, is 2589 kilometers long. Ayer Lake is a huge salt lake near the center of the mainland, with an area of more than 9000 square kilometers, but it has been dry for a long time.
Australia is rich in groundwater resources, and one fourth of the total water consumption in the country comes from underground. Under the ground in the middle east of the continent, there is a huge aquifer with an area equal to one fifth of its land area, which is called the Great Artesian Basin.
In Australia, however, the total amount of surface fresh water is relatively small. The precipitation in Australia is unevenly distributed among regions, and the total amount of precipitation and surface water resources is small. The water conservancy facilities are insufficient, and the regional and seasonal adjustment capacity of precipitation is relatively insufficient. [5]
Forest resources
Australia's forest coverage rate is 21%, and the natural forest area is about 163 million hectares (2/3 are eucalyptus).
Australia's forests are very unique and diverse. The natural forest is mainly eucalyptus forest (78%), followed by acacia forest (7%) and Melaleuca leuca forest (5%). As far as man-made forests are concerned, 52% of them are planted with exotic conifers (mainly radial pine), soft wood forests, and 48% are hardwood forests (mainly eucalyptus forests).
Most parts of Australia are relatively dry, and dry land accounts for 70% of the whole Australian inland, which is difficult to support the growth of forests. Natural forests in Australia are mainly distributed in areas where the annual rainfall exceeds 500 mm. Commercial plantations are mainly planted in areas with an annual rainfall of more than 700 mm. [10]
Animal and plant resources
Koalas and kangaroos
Australia is one of the 17 super biodiversity countries in the world. Many creatures in Australia are unique to the local area, because the Australian mainland is relatively old, geographically isolated for a long time, and the climate is extremely changeable. Its angiosperm is about 85%, mammals about 84%, birds more than 45%, and coastal temperate fish about 89% are endemic. Most woody plants in Australia are evergreen and can adapt to fire and drought, such as eucalyptus and acacia. Australia has a wide variety of leguminous plants, which are native to Australia. They can coexist with rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi, so they are more suitable for poor soil.
Australia is famous for its monotremes (such as platypus and echidna), marsupials (such as kangaroo Koalas and Wombat The boxing kangaroo is also the national symbol of Australia), bay crocodile and freshwater crocodile, emu, kookaburra and other birds. Australia has the largest number of poisonous snakes in the world. The Australian wild dog was introduced about 3000 BC, when the aborigines of Australia traded with South Islanders. After human beings first settled down, many animal and plant varieties quickly became extinct, including some large animals; Since the beginning of European colonization, more species have gone extinct, including the wombat. [11]

administrative division


Zoning Details

Administrative division of Australia
Australia is divided into 6 states and 2 regions. The six states are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania; The two regions are the Northern Territory and the Capital. The capitals of the states or territories are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Canberra and Darwin. There are state governors, state legislatures, state governments and governors in each state. [5]
Australian local administrative division
States (6)
South Australia
Western Australia
Region (2)
Northern Territory
Capital Region
Schematic Diagram of Overseas Territories in Australia
Australian Overseas Territories
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Norfolk Island
Australian Antarctic Territory

major city

Canberra Scenery
Canberra (Canberra) is the capital of Australia, the seat of the Commonwealth Parliament and government departments. "Canberra" originates from the aboriginal language and means "the place of meeting". Canberra has both urban characteristics and rural scenery. With lakes and mountains and trees, Canberra is a quiet "garden city", also known as the "jungle capital".
Canberra has a population of 420000. In addition to the Federal Parliament and government departments, there are Australian Academy of Sciences, Science and Technology Museum, Australian National University, University of Canberra, War Memorial Museum, National Library, National Gallery and other institutions in the city. [7]
Sydney View
Sydney (Sydney) is the capital of New South Wales, Australia, one of the world's famous international metropolises, the largest, oldest, most prosperous and colorful city in Australia, and the center of commerce, trade, finance, transportation, tourism and culture in Australia. Sydney usually refers to Sydney area, including Sydney City and 44 satellite cities nearby, with a total population of about 5.31 million, accounting for one fifth of the total population of the country. It is the most populous city in Australia. [7] Sydney has a high degree of population urbanization, but its urban population density is low. It has a Mediterranean climate, mild throughout the year, and full of sunshine.
Sydney View
Sydney is the center of commerce, trade, finance, culture and tourism in Australia, and also the hub of sea, land and air transportation and communication in Oceania. The University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales, Macquarie University and other famous institutions of higher learning are located in Sydney. There are five national television and radio stations headquartered in Sydney. [7] Sydney plays an important role in Australia's national economy, accounting for about 30% of Australia's GDP. The service industry is the main body of Sydney's economy. High value-added and creative industrial clusters in CBD are the engines driving the city's economic growth. The high-end service industry has developed rapidly. Both the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Stock Exchange are located in Sydney. 39 of the 53 banks in Australia are headquartered in Sydney. The Sydney Futures Exchange is one of the largest financial futures and options exchanges in the Asia Pacific region.
Sydney has well-developed infrastructure and convenient transportation. Sydney Airport is one of Australia's major airports, with 37 international routes, 420 departing flights and 230 returning flights every week. Sydney has not only railways to all parts of the country, but also subways, light rail trains and ferries in the urban area.
May 1986, Guangdong Province, China Guangzhou City Become a sister city with Sydney.
Melbourne Scenery
Melbourne is the capital of Victoria and the largest city in Australia [26] With an area of 6129 square kilometers and a population of about 5.08 million, Melbourne is known as the "Garden City" for its mild climate and beautiful environment. Melbourne is also known as a city with "four seasons in a day" because of its large temperature difference and changeable weather.
Melbourne is Australia's major manufacturing and financial center. There are many office buildings in the center of the city, which centralize the major banks, insurance companies and stock exchanges in Australia. Melbourne is also a famous cultural city. In addition to the famous Victoria Art Center, there are many sports facilities, galleries and handicraft markets in the city. [7]
Melbourne ranks ninth in the list of 140 most livable cities in the world in 2021 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit. [5]
Brisbane Scenery
Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and the third largest city in Australia. The city covers an area of 1220 square kilometers and has a population of about 2.51 million. Brisbane has a subtropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 24 ℃ and an average sunshine of 7.5 hours/day. It is known as the "Sun City". Famous scenic spots include Gold Coast, South Bank Park, Kangaroo Horn and Kusa Mountain Park. [7] In 2032, The 35th Summer Olympic Games It will be held in Brisbane. [8]
Brisbane ranks 10th in the list of 140 most livable cities in the world in 2021 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit. [5]
Perth scenery
Perth is the capital of Western Australia and the fourth largest city in Australia. Founded in 1892, it covers an area of 5400 square kilometers and has a population of about 2.09 million. Perth has a pleasant climate and beautiful urban environment, and is known as the "City of Wild Flowers". Perth has been ranked among the best livable cities in the world for many times. Swan River runs through the city. The main attractions in the city include the Perth Mint, the Perth Wildlife Park, the King's Park, the Bell Tower, etc. [7] Perth ranks sixth in the list of 140 most livable cities in the world in 2021 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit. [5]
May 18, 1998, Jiangsu Province, China Nanjing City Establish sister city relationship with Perth. [25]
Adelaide Scenery
Adelaide is the capital of South Australia and the fifth largest city in Australia. The city covers an area of 2000 square kilometers and has a population of about 1.36 million. The city is located on the bank of Torrens River, bordering St. Vincent Bay in the west and Adelaide Mountain in the east. It is the transportation center from the eastern states of Australia to the central and western regions. Adelaide has a unique urban style, with elegant Victorian and Edwardian buildings everywhere. Adelaide holds formula racing every November and grand art festival every two years, so it has the reputation of "festival city". Adelaide's wine production ranks first in Australia, also known as the "Wine City". [7]
Adelaide ranked third in the list of 140 most livable cities in the world in 2021 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit. [5]
Darwin Port
Darwin (Darwin) is the capital of the Northern Territory of Australia. The city has a population of nearly 147000, nearly half of which are aborigines. Other ethnic groups include Torres Strait Islanders, Chinese, Indonesians and Europeans. [7]

National symbol


Country name

The Commonwealth of Australia is called Australia for short. When Europeans discovered this continent in the early 17th century, they thought it was a piece of land that led directly to Antarctica land , so it is named "Australia", Australia Latin Terra Australis (land in the south) changed.

national flag

Flag of Australia
Flag of Australia It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The bottom of the flag is dark blue, with red and white "meters" on the upper left, and a large white seven pointed star below the "meters". On the right side of the flag are five white stars, one of which is five pointed and the others are seven pointed. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth, King of England Head of State of Australia. The upper left corner of the national flag is Britain national flag The pattern shows the traditional relationship between Australia and Britain. One of the largest seven pointed stars symbolizes the six states and two federal territories (Northern Territory and Capital Territory) that comprise the Commonwealth of Australia. Five small stars represent the Southern Cross (one of the small constellations in the southern sky, although small, there are many bright stars), indicating that the country is in the southern hemisphere. This was selected from more than 30000 works in 1903.

national emblem

Australia's national emblem
Australian National Emblem One on the left kangaroo , one on the right Emu These two animals are unique to Australia. They generally only move forward and do not retreat easily, symbolizing a country that will always move forward. In the middle of the national emblem is a shield, on which there are six groups of patterns representing the six states of the country. The red cross of St. George (with a lion and four stars on the cross) symbolizes New South Wales; Below the crown Southern Cross On behalf of the State of Victoria; The blue Maltese cross represents Queensland; Shrike represents South Australia; black swan The symbol of Western Australia; gules lion It symbolizes Tasmania. Above the shield is a seven pointed star, which symbolizes the six states and a federal district of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is decorated with Australian national flowers an acacia The ribbon on the bottom is "Australia" in English.

national anthem

After 1977, Australia's national anthem was《 Forward, beautiful Australia 》( Advance Australia Fair )This is the work of a Scottish composer. [2] The royal anthem is "God Bless My King" or《 God bless the Queen 》( God Save The Queen )。 In 1977, Australia held a referendum to select one national anthem from four candidate songs. The song "Forward, Beautiful Australia" won the highest number of votes and officially became the national anthem of Australia.

national flower

Australian national flower yes an acacia (Golden Wattle, Latin scientific name: Acaciapycnantha) is a series of acacia flowers. According to biological classification, acacia flowers come from acacia trees, with tree heights ranging from two meters to eight meters. They bloom in winter and spring every year with strong fragrance. The flower can be used for making essence and perfume, and its branches can be used for making dyes. Acacia has been recognized as the national flower of Australia for many years, and was officially declared as the national flower in 1988.

national bird

According to the perennial announcement of the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as of 2013, Australia has no officially recognized national bird, nor any officially recognized animal symbolizing Australia, but Australian people generally Emu (emu, Chinese Pinyin é r mi á o) is regarded as a symbol of Australian birds, and kangaroo It is regarded as an animal symbolizing Australia. These two animals can only move forward, not retreat, and they are the two animals that appear on the national emblem of Australia.

National brand

National brand logo
In February 2022, the Australian government announced a new national brand logo, which was jointly developed by the design agencies Clemenger BBDO Sydney, Bararinji and Houston Group Sydney. The new LOGO is a golden kangaroo composed of three boomerangs, with the main colors of green and gold.


As of July 2023, the total population of Australia is 26.39 million, of which 74% are British and Irish, 5% are Asian, 2.7% are indigenous, and 18.3% are other nationalities. In recent 10 years, 62% of the total new population is immigrants, and more than 40% of Australians have mixed cultural backgrounds. Accordingly, Australia is a multi-ethnic country.
The geographical distribution of Australia's population is uneven, with about 90% of the population distributed along the coast of 120 kilometers from the coast to the mainland; Other areas are sparsely populated. Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and a dozen other cities together account for 70% of the national population.
Australian aborigines are composed of aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, with a population of about 470000, are distributed in most parts of Australia, especially Northern Territory Western Australia and western New Zealand are relatively concentrated. 80% of the aborigines live in areas under municipal jurisdiction, and 14% live in remote areas. [12]
According to the 2016 census, the Chinese population in Australia is about 1.21 million, accounting for 3.9% of the total population. The number of Chinese immigrants in Australia has been rising steadily over the past 10 years. Chinese has become the most frequently used language, second only to English. There are 600000 people speaking Mandarin Chinese and 280000 people speaking Cantonese in Australia. China is Australia's largest source country of investment migrants, the second largest source country of skilled migrants and the largest source country of international students. [5]




Australia is Commonwealth The basic system of the country is Constitutional monarchy , King of England King Charles III As the head of state of Australia, Governor-General of Australia He is the representative of the British King, with a term of five years. Current Governor David Hurley (David Hurley) was sworn in on July 1, 2019.


The Commonwealth Parliament was established in 1901 and consists of the Queen (represented by the Governor of Australia), the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Parliament is elected by universal suffrage. There are 151 members of the House of Representatives, elected according to the proportion of the population, and the term of office is three years. The Senate has 76 members, 12 in each of the six states, and 2 in each of the two regions. The term of office of the state senators is six years, half of which is re elected every three years, and the term of office of the regional senators is three years. In May 2022, Australia will hold a federal election to elect the 47th Parliament. In the House of Representatives, there are 77 seats for the Labor Party, 58 seats for the Alliance Party, 4 seats for the Green Party, and 12 seats for other political parties and independent candidates. [5]


The federal government is composed of the majority party of the House of Representatives or a coalition of political parties. The leader of the party is the Prime Minister, and the cabinet ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister. The general term of office of the government is three years. In May 2022, Albanese led the Labor Party to win the general election of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Labor Party came to power again after 9 years. In June, the new Australian government took office. At present, there are 30 members, including 23 cabinet ministers and 7 non cabinet ministers. The main members include the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (Anthony Albanese), Vice Premier and Minister of Defense Richard Marles (Richard Marles), Minister of Foreign Affairs Huang Yingxian (Penny Wong), Minister of State Treasury Jim Chalmers (Jim Chalmers), Minister of Finance and Minister of Public Affairs and Women's Affairs Katie Gallagher (Katy Gallagher), Minister of Trade and Tourism and Special Minister of State Don Farrell (Don Farrell), Minister of Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister of Arts Tony Burke (Tony Burke), Minister of Health and Elderly Care Mark Butler (Mark Bulter), Secretary of Climate Change and Energy Chris Bown (Chris Bowen), etc.
Australia has three levels of government: the federal government, the governments of six states and two territories, and about 700 local governments.
The Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Australia includes: the Attorney General's Department; Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Ministry of Communications and the Arts; Ministry of Defense; Ministry of Education and Training; treasury department; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Human Services Department; Ministry of Industrial Innovation Science; Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development; Ministry of Employment and Small Enterprises; Social Service Department; Ministry of Environment and Energy; Cabinet Department of the Prime Minister; Department of Veterans Affairs; Treasury Department. [5]


The Federal High Court of Australia is the highest judicial body in Australia. It has appellate jurisdiction over other courts at all levels and makes decisions on cases involving constitutional interpretation. It is composed of one Chief Justice and six Chief Justices. The current Chief Justice Susan Kiefel took office in January 2017.
Australian states have the Supreme Court, District Court and District Court. Capital Territory and Northern Territory only have the Supreme Court and local courts.


Major political parties in Australia include:
Date of establishment
(1) Australian Labor Party
It is the largest political party in Australia and has a close relationship with the trade union. The members of the trade union are mostly collective members. He has been in power 11 times since 1940. The last time in power was from November 2007 to September 2013. In May 2022, he won the federal election and took power again. The current leader is Anthony Albanese.
(2) Liberal Party
Its predecessor was the Australian United Party, which was founded in 1931. It mainly represents the interests of industrial and commercial owners. The last time he was in power was from 2013 to 2022. The general election will be lost in May 2022. The current leader, Peter Dutton.
(3) National Party
Formerly known as the Rural Party, later known as the National Rural Party, it changed its current name in 1982. Its sphere of influence is mainly in rural areas, representing the interests of farmers. From 1996 to 2007, and from 2013 to 2022, it co ruled with the Liberal Party. The general election will be lost in May 2022. The current leader is David Littleproud.
Note: Other small parties include the Green Party, the Single National Party and the Australian Communist Party.


David Hurley: Governor. Born in August 1953 in New South Wales, Australia, graduated from the Royal Australian Military Academy. In 1993, he led the First Battalion of the Australian Army to Somalia to participate in peacekeeping operations. In 2011, he served as commander of the Australian Defense Force. In 2014, he retired and became Governor of New South Wales. In July 2019, he became the 27th federal governor of Australia.
Anthony Albanese
Anthony Albanese: Prime Minister. Born in 1963 in Sydney, Australia, Bachelor of Economics, University of Sydney. In 1996, he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia. Since 1998, he has successively served as the Labor Party's spokesman for employment and training, environment, water resources and other affairs. Since 2007, he has served as the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of the Labor Party Government, the Minister of Regional Development and Local Government Affairs, and the leader of the Labor Party's House of Representatives. Vice Premier in 2013. In 2019, he became the leader of the Labor Party. In May 2022, he will become Prime Minister. [1]




Australia is an industrialized country with developed agriculture and animal husbandry and rich natural resources. It is rich in sheep, cattle, wheat and sugar. It is also an important producer and exporter of mineral products in the world. Agriculture, animal husbandry and mining are Australia's traditional industries, manufacturing and high-tech industries have developed rapidly, and service industry has become the leading industry of the national economy. Since the 1970s, a series of economic reforms have been carried out to vigorously develop foreign trade, and the economy has maintained rapid growth. From 1991 to 2019, the economy maintained positive growth for 28 consecutive years. [1]
Main economic data of Australia
gross domestic product
US $1.67 trillion. (2022)
economic growth rate
3.6%。 (2022)
GDP per capita
About 65000 dollars. (2022)
Australian dollar (1 Australian dollar ≈ US $0.67, July 2023).
unemployment rate
3.5% (March 2023).
foreign exchange reserve
A $38.7 billion (December 2022). [5]


Australia is dominated by manufacturing, construction and mining. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, the output value of manufacturing industry is AUD107.38 billion, that of construction industry is AUD130.79 billion, and that of mining industry is AUD216.11 billion.
Australia's manufacturing industry has developed well, and Australia's shipbuilding industry is one of the most important industries in the Australian economy; Australia is considered to be a leader in the construction of high-speed and type ships. Australia has an international market share of about 30% in the aluminum shipbuilding industry, and has a strong information and technology industry in the entire Asia Pacific region. Whether it is traditional manufacturing or high-tech industry, Australia's industrialization level is the world leader.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

Australia has developed agriculture and animal husbandry national economy China occupies an important position and is the world's largest exporter of wool and beef. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, the output value of Australia's agriculture and animal husbandry will be AUD314.46 billion. The main crops are wheat, barley, cotton, sorghum, etc. The main livestock products are beef, milk, mutton, wool, poultry, etc.
Surrounded by the sea, Australia is rich in natural resources and has a good ecological environment. Its land area is 7.692 million square kilometers, but its population is only about 26 million. The whole territory is low and flat, and the grassland is vast. It is the country with the largest natural grassland area in the world. Farming and animal husbandry land accounts for more than 60% of the land area, of which the grassland area accounts for 12.4% of the total grassland area in the world.
Affected by rainfall, Australia is divided into three distinct farming and animal husbandry areas:
One is intensive agricultural area, also called high rainfall zone. Its range extends from the northern coast of Queensland to the southeast corner of South Australia, as well as the southwest of Western Australia and Tasmania, with abundant rainfall, which is suitable for the development of planting and dairy industry;
The second is the wheat and sheep area, which extends from the central part of Queensland to the south, passing through the slopes of New South Wales to the agricultural areas in northern Victoria and South Australia. It is a transition area from semi-arid to humid climate, with an annual precipitation of 400~600mm, mainly for dry farming. Most farms operate wheat, sheep and beef cattle industries.
The third is animal husbandry and grassland areas, including most areas of Western Australia and South Australia, western New South Wales and southern Queensland, with annual precipitation less than 400mm. The area of this area is the largest, 360 million hectares, but the climate is dry, the vegetation is scarce, the cattle industry is the main business, and the management is extensive. [13]
Beef cattle industry
Australian beef cattle industry
Beef cattle industry is the largest leading industry in Australia's agriculture. Australia's beef cattle are mainly produced in Queensland, New South Wales and other regions with abundant rainfall in the southeast. The beef cattle stock in the two states accounts for 61.8% of the country's total; The local beef cattle breeds are mainly Heiford, Angus, Brahman, etc. The breeding method is mainly natural grassland grazing, and the beef cattle fattening stage is supplemented with refined feed mainly made of barley, wheat, oats, etc. Australian beef cattle slaughtering and processing is highly concentrated, and the annual slaughtering volume of the top three processing enterprises accounts for more than 40% of the national total. The beef cattle slaughtering adopts a grading system, and the product added value is high.
Australia's beef cattle industry is an export-oriented industry. Beef is the agricultural product with the largest export volume, and more than 70% is used for export. It is the second largest beef exporter in the world. The main export countries and regions are the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, Indonesia and the European Union; The main export countries and regions of live cattle are Indonesia, the Middle East, China and Russia. [13]
Dairy industry
Australian dairy farms
Dairy industry is the second largest industry in Australia's agriculture. Dairy farming in Australia is mainly based on natural grassland grazing, and it is implemented in accordance with the regulation that no more than 4.3 cows are raised per hectare of land. The farming area is concentrated in the temperate zone in the southeast, of which Victoria has the highest number on hand, accounting for 67% of the national total. The milk produced is mainly used for fresh milk consumption, production of skimmed milk powder, production of cheese, production of whole milk powder, and production of other dairy products.
Australia's dairy exports rank fourth in the world after New Zealand, the European Union and the United States, accounting for about 7% of global dairy trade. The export products are cheese, skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder and fresh milk. Among them, cheese is mainly exported to Japan, skim milk powder is mainly exported to Indonesia, China and Malaysia, and whole milk powder is mainly exported to China. [13]
Sheep farming
Australian sheep industry
Sheep farming is a traditional animal husbandry industry in Australia. Wool was the second largest export agricultural product after wheat in the 1980s. With the adjustment of the agricultural structure of the country, the export volume of wool has retreated to the second place. Sheep breeding in Australia is all natural grassland grazing, mainly concentrated in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia, with the sheep stock in the four states accounting for 93.7% of the country. [13]


Australia is a big maritime country in the southern hemisphere, rich in fishery resources, with an exclusive economic zone of 10 million square kilometers and the third largest fishing area in the world. There are more than 3000 kinds of marine and freshwater fish, as well as more than 3000 kinds of crustaceans and mollusks, of which about 600 have been commercially fished. The Australian federal government strictly controls the number of fishing vessels, and implemented structural adjustment in 2005, gradually buying back and reducing fishing vessels. There are only more than 300 operating fishing vessels in the waters 3 nautical miles away from the federal jurisdiction. The main fishing species include: wild abalone, lobster, prawn, tuna, etc; The main cultivated species include salmon, sea cucumber, oyster, etc. [13]


The financial year is from July 1 to June 30 of the next year. In the 2018/2019 fiscal year, the government fiscal deficit was significantly reduced to A $690 million, the economic growth rate was 1.9%, and the inflation rate was 1.7%. The fiscal deficit in fiscal year 2021/2022 is AUD106.6 billion, accounting for 5% of GDP.
The financial industry is mature and well regulated. It has the fifth largest financial system and capital market in the world. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is the central bank. National Bank, Federal Bank, Western Pacific Bank and ANZ Bank are the four major banks, with total assets accounting for more than 50% of all bank assets. The financial regulatory framework consists of three independent institutions, namely, APRA, ASIC and RBA.
Financial supervision system
Since July 1, 1998, Australia has implemented a new financial supervision system. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), the Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) are responsible for different levels of financial supervision responsibilities. As members of the Financial Regulatory Council (CFR), the heads of the above three institutions and the treasury ministers communicate and coordinate with each other to jointly maintain the efficiency, competitiveness and stability of the financial system.
(1) The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is the central bank of Australia. The Reserve Bank Act 1959 authorizes the Reserve Bank of Australia to: promote the stability of the Australian dollar exchange rate; Maintaining full employment; Economic prosperity and the well-being of the Australian people. The Reserve Bank of Australia fulfills the above responsibilities by formulating and implementing monetary policies, maintaining the stability of the financial system and the efficiency of the payment system, and managing gold and foreign exchange reserves.
(2) The Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Prudential Regulation Authority, carries out prudential supervision on Australia's banking, securities, insurance, investment, trust and other business activities, and is responsible for issuing business licenses to prevent financial risks.
(3) The Securities and Investment Committee (ASIC), which is responsible for supervising the operation of financial institutions, and its specific responsibilities include: providing information about pension insurance, funds, stocks, corporate securities, derivatives, and insurance services; Disclose the financial status of the operating institution; Standardizing market behavior; Prevent artificial manipulation, fraud and unfair competition; Maintain market integrity; Effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers; Ensure that small and medium-sized investors can obtain sufficient and accurate information; In addition, when investors' rights and interests are unfairly treated and suffer losses, they shall be compensated through appropriate channels. [5]
Australia's banking industry is highly concentrated, and large companies have a strong monopoly position in the market. It has always been known for its strong profitability and steady operation.
The electronic service facilities of Australian financial institutions are relatively advanced, and most bank transactions can be realized through automated teller machines, electronic transfer terminals at outlets, telephone banking and online banking. According to an earlier report issued by Standard&Poor's, the number of bad debts in Australia has been decreasing due to the rising profits of the banking industry. Australia is one of the 86 countries with the lowest risk among the countries receiving banking risk assessment. The electronic service facilities of Australian financial institutions are relatively advanced. Most bank transactions can be realized through automated teller machines, electronic transfer terminals at outlets, telephone banking and online banking. Less than 20% of business is completed through banks in local branches.
Australia's banking industry is listed as one of the five safest banks in the world, behind Switzerland, and at the same level as the banking industry in Canada, Germany and Hong Kong, China. [5]
Major banks
Major commercial banks in Australia's banking industry include ANZ, CBA, NAB and WBC. These four banks are the four pillars of Australia's banking system, which are highly monopolistic. In addition to deposit and loan business, they also carry out a variety of comprehensive financial services, such as life insurance, pension management, asset management and wealth management consulting. The assets of the four major banks account for about 80% of the total assets of the banking industry in Australia, while the assets of more than 160 other authorized deposit institutions (ADIs) account for only about 10%, and about 10% are owned by foreign banks. More than 20 of the top 25 Forbes banks have settled in Australia. [5]
1. National Australia Bank Ltd., the largest commercial bank in Australia, was founded in 1858. It was incorporated in 1893 and became a limited company in 1984. In 2021, the total assets will be 925 billion Australian dollars, employing about 32000 employees. Philip Chronican, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Ross McEwan, CEO.
2. Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Australia's second largest commercial bank and the bank with the largest number of customers. It was founded in 1912. In 2021, the total assets will be AUD1.092 trillion and 49000 employees will be employed. Catherine Livingstone, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Matt Comyn, CEO.
3. Westpac Banking Corporation: Australia's oldest bank. The former Bank of New South Wales was founded in 1817 and renamed in 1982. In 2021, the total assets will be about AUD935 billion, employing about 40000 people. John McFarlane, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Peter King, CEO.
4. ANZ BANK, one of Australia's major commercial banks, was founded in 1835. In 2021, the total assets will be 979 billion Australian dollars and 40000 employees will be employed. David Gonski, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Shayne Elliott, CEO.
Australia's insurance industry is developed and highly reviewed and supervised by governments at all levels and industry institutions. Australia's insurance market is also a highly monopolized market, and major insurance companies often expand through mergers and acquisitions. According to the classification of insurance objects, insurance in Australia is divided into three parts: general insurance, life insurance and private medical insurance.
The common insurance giants in Australia are Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Suncorp Group, QBE and overseas insurance giant Allianz. According to incomplete statistics, the premium GWP (Gross Written Premium) collected by these four companies accounts for more than 80% of the total Australian general insurance industry. [5]
Chinese funded financial institutions
The main business types of Chinese financial institutions include international settlement, foreign exchange, trade financing, syndicated loans, derivatives, etc. Among them, Bank of China is the only Chinese bank holding a comprehensive banking license to provide corporate and personal financial services in Australia.
Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank and Everbright Bank have branches in Australia, China UnionPay has offices in Australia, and China Development Bank and CITIC Bank have representative offices in Australia. [5]
stock market
The Australian securities market is relatively mature, Australian Stock Exchange (referred to as ASX), the world's fifth largest equity market, has about 2200 enterprises listed on ASX, with a total circulation market value of nearly $2 trillion. The credibility and efficiency of ASX have been recognized by the international market.
Listing in Australia takes a short time. If the listing application materials meet the listing conditions, it only takes a few weeks from the company's submission of the listing application to its approval. The cost of listing in ASX is low, generally accounting for only 5%~10% of the financing amount. There are more than 100 securities companies in Australia, engaged in securities brokerage and investment banking, and more than 1000 fund management companies invest in the securities market [5]
stock market
The Australian stock market is developed and operated by the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). The three traditional major stock indexes include the All Ordinaries, All Industries and All Resources. Since April 2000, the major stock indexes of the Australian stock exchange market have taken Standard&Poor's (S&P) as the benchmark. The main stock indexes include S&P/ASX300, S&P/ASX200, S&P/ASX100, S&P/ASX50 and S&P/ASX20, of which S&P/ASX200 represents 82% of the market share of the local market (March 2017), and is considered to be the most important indicator to measure the operation of the Australian stock market.
exchange control
Australia's foreign exchange transactions are basically unrestricted and tax-free. Non residents can open or use accounts freely, and their funds can be freely remitted back to their home countries. They can open foreign exchange accounts, but foreign exchange transactions in Australia must be handled by designated foreign exchange brokers. Interest bearing investment projects of foreign governments and financial institutions shall be subject to separate provisions. External payments can be settled in Australian dollars or other major currencies. Except for transactions with Iraq and other countries, non trade foreign exchange payments are not restricted.
Tourists can take out Australian dollars or foreign currencies purchased from designated foreign exchange brokers, and non resident tourists can also take out any amount of foreign currencies obtained in Australia without restrictions. However, according to Australia's Financial Transaction Reporting Act 1988, anyone who brings in or brings out Australian cash of more than 10000 Australian dollars or foreign currency equivalent must report; The declaration form can be applied for at the customs of ports and airports, or downloaded from the website of the Australian Federal Government. [5]
Credit card use
Card use in Australia is the most widely used means of payment for Australian consumers. Businesses are allowed to charge 1% to 4% of the transaction amount for card service when accepting credit cards to pay. Credit cards, MasterCard and Visa cards issued by Australian banks can be used.
Australia's major banks have branches in major cities and towns. Most shopping malls have automatic teller machines (ATMs), which can withdraw money 24 hours a day. All department stores, supermarkets and specialty stores have electronic transfer terminals (EFTPOS), which can purchase goods and withdraw cash.
UnionPay cards, MASTER cards and VISA cards issued in China can be used in some banks and businesses in Australia. [5]


The Australian Dollar is the legal tender of the Commonwealth of Australia and the fifth largest currency in circulation in the world. It is issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia. There are notes of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan in circulation in Australia, as well as 5, 10, 20, 50 cents, 1 Australian dollar, 2 Australian dollar coins, and 1 Australian dollar coins equal to 100 cents. Australia is the first country in the world to have a complete set of plastic banknotes in circulation.
There is no official exchange rate for the Australian dollar. The Reserve Bank of Australia observes and publishes the guiding exchange rate for the Australian dollar based on the market at 4 p.m. every day. [5]
On December 5, 2022, 1 Australian dollar will be about 0.6820 dollars, 0.6456 euros, 92.018 yen and 4.7495 yuan.

tax revenue

Australia implements a tax sharing system, which is divided into central tax revenue and local tax revenue. The main taxes collected by the federal government include: personal income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, welfare insurance tax, customs duty, consumption tax, etc. The main taxes collected by the state governments are: payroll tax, stamp tax, financial institution tax, land tax, debt tax and transaction tax on some business transactions. Any resident with income in Australia needs a Tax Identification Number (TFN). [5]

Service industry

The service industry is the most important and fastest growing sector of the Australian economy. After more than 30 years of economic restructuring, it has become a pillar industry of the national economy. In fiscal year 2018/2019, the output value of the service industry was $1.33 trillion, accounting for 68% of Australia's GDP. The five industries with the highest output value in the service industry were financial insurance, medical and community services, professional technology services, public management and security services, and education and training services. Australia is one of the largest and most developed financial service markets in the Asia Pacific region. In the 2018/2019 fiscal year, the output value of the financial industry was AUD169.44 billion, and the contribution of the financial services industry to the GDP of Australia was about 8.7%. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, Australia's service trade exports totaled A $61.07 billion. [5]


Tourism is an important sector of the Australian economy. In 2022, there will be 2.208 million foreign tourists to Australia, up 1197% year on year. The main source countries of tourists are China, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. Abundant tourism resources, famous tourist cities and attractions include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Gold Coast, Darwin, the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock( uluru )Etc.

foreign trade

Australia relies heavily on international trade. Australia's major trading partners are China, the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Singapore, India, New Zealand, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, Australia's export volume is AUD519.2 billion, and its import volume is AUD398.1 billion.
Import and export of goods and services trade in recent years (unit: AUD100 million)
particular year
four thousand seven hundred and two
four thousand seven hundred and fifty-two
five thousand one hundred and ninety-two
five thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight
Import volume
four thousand two hundred and fourteen
three thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
three thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
four thousand four hundred and fifty-nine
Adverse surplus
four hundred and eighty-eight
seven hundred and seventy-three
one thousand two hundred and ten
one thousand four hundred and seventy-nine
reference material:
Australia's main export commodities are iron ore, coal, education and travel services, gold, crude oil, natural gas, wheat, bauxite, copper, beef, copper, wool products, etc. The main import commodities are crude oil, motorcycles, refined oil, aviation equipment, drugs, communication equipment, computers, buses, trucks, gold, etc.

outbound investment

Since the 1980s, Australia's overseas investment has continued to grow. By the end of 2021, Australia's overseas investment had amounted to $3.3 trillion. The main investment objects are the United States ($1.1 trillion), the United Kingdom ($538 billion), Japan ($128.4 billion), New Zealand ($113.3 billion), Canada ($95.1 billion), the Cayman Islands ($94.2 billion), Germany ($77.4 billion), etc.

Foreign investment

Australia welcomes foreign investment and is one of the major destinations for foreign investment in the world; At the same time, Australian companies are also relatively active in overseas investment. Australia has maintained its status as a net capital importer for a long time and expects to promote domestic resource development and resource product export by introducing foreign funds.

foreign aid

Australia's foreign aid is mainly concentrated in Papua New Guinea and other South Pacific island countries and Southeast Asian countries. In the 2020/2021 fiscal year, Australia's foreign aid volume is $4.48 billion, accounting for 0.22% of Australia's GDP.


Australian culture is famous for its diversity. Indigenous paintings and music, western traditions and modern art, and Asia Pacific culture have exerted a subtle influence on Australia. Australian films often win awards at the World Film Festival, and send a large number of outstanding talents to Hollywood. Sydney Opera House is a world famous high-end art palace. Patrick White, a great master of modernist literature, has greatly promoted the internationalization of Australian literature.
Australians also love art. The number of people who visit galleries or watch art performances is about twice as many as the number who watch football matches. Every year, about 70% of Australians queue up to watch movies, 25% watch at least one opera every year, and 20% often visit galleries; Nationals spend about A $1 billion on books every year. [5]


The official language of Australia is English. In addition to English, the more popular languages are Mandarin, Italian, Greek, Cantonese and Arabic.
According to the 2016 Australian census data, English is the most widely used language, followed by Mandarin and Arabic, Cantonese and Vietnamese, followed by Italian. About 7 million people use a language other than English at home. [5]


Freedom of religious belief in Australia. The largest religious groups are Catholicism, Episcopal Church and other Christian sects, while non Christian religions mainly include Buddhism and Islam. According to the 2016 census, about 52.1% of the residents believe in Christianity, 2.6% believe in Islam, 2.4% believe in Buddhism, and 30.1% have no religious beliefs. [5]


Australia is a multi-ethnic country with multi-cultural customs, but its daily etiquette and lifestyle are still dominated by Western style.
1、 Australians do not make loud noises in public. Australians are informal and friendly, and can offer help if necessary. Be polite, don't make noise in public places, and be in good order when queuing up; When meeting, it is polite to shake hands. Ladies are invited to enter and exit the door first. Ladies usually stand up to show politeness. Australians are very easygoing. They like to shake hands warmly when meeting each other. They are well known for each other. Australians have a strong sense of time, and soon after work, people are empty.
2、 When visiting friends, you usually call them first and arrive on time. You can bring small gifts such as flowers or wine to the host. When invited to a banquet or activity, pay attention to the clothing matching.
3、 Australians are equal and do not command others. Tips are not popular. If the service personnel provide additional services, they can give appropriate tips, which should not be too much.
4、 Australian consumers pay attention to the protection of wildlife. Many people do not like products made from protected animal skins, such as snake skin, crocodile skin bags and shoes. [5]
Australian aboriginal customs
Australian aborigines are composed of aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, and they are distributed in most parts of Australia, especially in Northern Territory, Western Australia and western New State. Indigenous people have diverse cultural beliefs, indigenous languages and customs, respect the environment on which they live, and protect traditional cultural heritage such as rock carvings and handicrafts.
1、 Prepare well in advance. When visiting the aboriginal areas, you should do enough homework in advance, fully understand the culture and customs of the destination aborigines, pay attention to respecting the community owners and community values, and realize the importance of tradition, family, and land to the aborigines.   
2、 Obtain prior permission. Please pay attention to the "No Entry" sign. Prior to visiting indigenous communities, permission or invitation from indigenous people should be obtained. Otherwise, do not enter the aboriginal protection area or residence rashly.   
3、 Protect the natural environment. Do not move rocks in aboriginal lands or waters without permission. Do not trample on ant nests, rocks, break branches or carve or write on trees.   
4、 Respect taboo restrictions. The aboriginal funeral or memorial ceremony is a privacy sensitive matter, and it is usually taboo to mention the name of the deceased. Please note that fishing is prohibited in some areas; In some areas, only men or women are allowed to visit; It is forbidden to carry or drink alcohol in some areas. Some cultural customs are not open to everyone, so please avoid touching sensitive topics directly.   
5、 Respect social etiquette. The arrangements of indigenous people should be respected when working with them. Some aborigines may not have high cultural level, and English is only a second or third language. Some aborigines avoid eye contact and avoid looking directly is considered to respect the elderly. Pointing may be considered impolite. Some communities have dress requirements for visitors. In case of uncertainty, short skirts or shorts should be avoided.   
6、 Permission is required for taking photos. The consent of the aborigines shall be obtained when taking photos. Please note that some places or objects are not allowed to be photographed. If the photos or images are used for publishing or commercial purposes, they must be informed in advance of the person being photographed and obtain their permission. Do not take photos while climbing.   
7、 Be aware of differences in conditions. The remote areas where the aborigines are located may have a long journey, poor road conditions, poor mobile communication, and different accommodation, sanitation and public security conditions from those in metropolises. The rescue conditions are limited. Please be sure to make preparations for possible situations before leaving, including informing relatives and friends of the journey and return time in advance.


Australians have the following characteristics in diet:
Attention: The dishes should be less in quantity and better in quality, and pay attention to the color of dishes.
Taste: generally not too salty, but sweet and sour.
Food: Australian food is mainly British Western food, and seafood is more popular at Christmas. The diet is mainly British Western food, and likes to drink milk, beef, pork, etc. The staple food is noodles, especially Chinese style clear soup dumplings. As a non-staple food, I like chicken, duck, pigeon, fish, seafood, beef, pork, eggs, etc; Also like bean sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cauliflower and other fresh vegetables; The condiments like tomato sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, sauce, ginger, pepper, etc.
Preparation: Prefer dishes made by frying, frying, frying, roasting and other cooking methods.
Recipe: I really appreciate ham, fried prawns, fried beef tenderloin, Beijing roast duck, fried prawns, roast chicken, grilled fish, tomato beef, crispy chicken, sweet and sour fish, fried assorted dishes and other flavor dishes.
Shuijiu: like to drink beer and wine, and the annual per capita alcohol consumption is not more than 30 liters. You can bring your own liquor to restaurants or bars; He is very interested in coffee in drinks, and also likes to drink black tea and scented tea.
Fruit: I like litchi, apple, loquat, grape, watermelon and pear; Dried fruits like peanuts, etc. [15]


Australian films have global influence. Before the Second World War, Australia began to make films, including some excellent works. After World War II, the Australian film industry was at a standstill. Until the 1970s, the ruling party government headed by Whitland, the leader of the Labor Party, established the Australian Film Development Company, which was later renamed Australian Film Commission (AFC)。 The Film Commission has set up the Australian Film Board, the government's own film production agency, to shoot a large number of films, becoming the first round of film production craze in Australian history. Philip Adams, a newspaper columnist and advertising magnate, was one of the celebrities who actively participated in the film craze at that time.
Australian filmmakers and directors have won an indisputable position in the global film industry with their unique style, and have had a strong impact on Hollywood. Many Hollywood blockbusters have indicated that they need Australian actors to play a leading role. Australian filmmakers traveling to the United States are therefore known as the "Eucalyptus Leaf Gang" in Hollywood, including many filmmakers, directors and actors who are active in Hollywood today. Famous directors Baz Luhrmann , Alex Proyas George Miller and Wenziren Famous actors include Russell Crowe Nicole Kidman Kate Blanchett Hugh Jackman and Guy Pierce Wait, Heath Ledger, Sam Worthington.


1973 The Australian government set up the Literary Committee of the Arts Council, and literature began to develop vigorously. Local literary creation has a certain international influence. For example, Marcus Clark 1874 Create "Life imprisonment". In the late 19th century, Australian jungle poets began to walk out of the shadow of British traditional culture in order to seek more "Australian" sense of belonging. Since the 1920s, excellent Australian literary works have included Kunaldo, Capricornia and Poor Guy, My Hometown.


Australians love outdoor life, such as climbing the Sydney Bridge and enjoying the magnificent scenery of Sydney Harbor 360 degrees. Swimming with dolphins, visiting Penguin Paradise, coming to Australia to see wild animals, walking on camels, riding horses, exploring, all kinds of exciting activities are available.
Australians have both westerners' cheerful and oriental's reserved. They have a wide range of interests and like sports, such as surfing Sailboard horse racing go fishing grounder Australian Football (Australian Rules football, commonly known as football) Cricket rugby Netball And swimming.


Australian specialties include Australian Treasure (Australian specialty gem), sheepskin, cowhide, sheep oil, wine, red wine, white wine, animal toys, aboriginal art works, art paintings, etc.
Australian wool wool and sweaters have a wide range of colors and moderate prices. Especially the leather jacket or leather jacket made of sheepskin is soft, comfortable and warm. Wool blankets, wool, are also popular with tourists from colder countries.
The Australian treasure produced in Akil, Western Australia, has many colors, including yellow white, brown, green, blue, red and purple. Akil's pink gemstones are famous around the world and are expensive.
Australia's handicrafts mainly include artistic ceramics, woven products, glass works of art, leather products, jewelry, etc. In many handicraft shops, there are wooden or metal models of Sydney Opera House, kangaroos, koalas and emus, which are very memorable.
Australian aboriginal handicrafts epitomize the history and culture of aborigines in Australia for tens of thousands of years. These handicrafts include fliers, bark paintings, cloth paintings, wood carvings, wood wind instruments, etc., which are easy to buy in tourist shops in major Australian cities.


The Governor General of Australia is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The Ministry of National Defense is the administrative body of the military. The National Defense Commission is the highest decision-making body of the three armed forces, and the chairman is held by the Minister of National Defense. The Commander of the National Defence Force is the Chief Military Adviser to the Minister of Defence. Current Commander of the National Defense Forces Angus Campbell (Angus Campbell) General.
Australia has a voluntary military service system. The National Defense Force is composed of the army, navy and air force. By 2021, there will be a total of 84800 people in Australia's national defense system, including 60200 people in active service and 24500 people in reserve service. In the conventional army, there are 29600 soldiers in the army, which is divided into three headquarters: Headquarters 1st Division, Forces Command and Special Operations Command; The Navy has 15200 people, and is organized into two headquarters, namely, fleet and strategy, with 14 major naval bases under its jurisdiction; The Air Force has 14400 people, 11 major air bases under its jurisdiction, and is equipped with F/A-18, F-111, AP-3C and other aircraft.
National defense budget in recent years
particular year
Defense budget (100 million US dollars)
two hundred and sixty-five
three hundred and twenty-eight
four hundred and seventeen
four hundred and forty-six
% of GDP
one point nine
two point one
two point one
four point four
reference material:
On March 10, 2022, Australian Prime Minister Morrison and Defense Minister Darden jointly issued a media statement announcing the expansion plan. According to the plan, by 2040, the number of national defense personnel will increase by about 30% to about 80000, with a budget of 38 billion Australian dollars (about 174.8 billion yuan). This is Australia's largest military expansion in nearly 40 years. [3]




Australian railways have a history of more than 160 years. The total length of national railways is 33000 kilometers. Mainly electrified railways, the north-south trunk line has been connected since 2004, becoming the main artery connecting the north and south ends of Australia.
The government privatized some freight and passenger railway operators, such as Sydney Perth, Sydney Melbourne and Adelaide Ellis Spring. In addition, private railways also include iron ore transport services in Western Australia, sugarcane field railway in Queensland and a few mining railways.
In 2017, the Australian federal government budget proposed a long-term railway project investment of 20 billion Australian dollars, including the national railway plan of 10 billion Australian dollars and the Brisbane Melbourne railway project of 8.4 billion Australian dollars. [5]
In the fiscal year 2020/2021, the railway system will transport 420.6 billion tons of goods and 680 million passengers.


According to the Australian Infrastructure Statistical Annual Report 2020 issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications of Australia, the total length of roads in Australia is about 877600 kilometers.
The construction and maintenance of Australian roads are undertaken by state and local governments, and the federal government gives actual investment to major interstate roads.
Except for Sydney Harbour Bridge and a few expressways in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, other expressways usually do not charge tolls.
Road transport is the main means for Australia's non bulk goods to circulate in China, and about 80% of the goods are transported by road every year. In Australia, a batch of road trains with a maximum load of 200 tons are used for the transportation of lead and zinc mines, and the speed can reach 110 kilometers per hour. [5]
In 2021, the total number of registered motor vehicles in Australia will be about 20140000, with passenger cars accounting for 74.7%. Among them, 73.6% are gasoline powered vehicles and 24.4% are diesel powered vehicles.

water transport

Australia's coastline is 36700 kilometers long, and international shipping is developed. Nearly 80% of exports and more than 70% of imports are transported by sea. The inland water transport mileage of Australia is about 2000 kilometers, with more than 100 ports, 109 merchant fleets and a loading capacity of 3.34 million tons.
The annual average volume of international water transport cargo in Australia is more than 1 billion tons. In the 2015/16 fiscal year, the loading volume reached 1.446 billion tons and the unloading volume reached 150 million tons, mainly including iron ore, coal, liquefied natural gas, grain and other bulk commodities.
In FY 2017/18, five major container terminals handled 8.1 million TEUs. The main ports are Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin, Dampier, Bern, Davenport, Townsville, etc. [5]

air transport

Australia is the eighth largest aviation market in the world. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, 394000 domestic flights will be operated and 24.98 million domestic passengers will be transported. Melbourne Sydney, Brisbane Sydney and Brisbane Melbourne routes are the three most important domestic routes. The major domestic airlines are Qantas and Jetstar. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, 45000 international flights will be operated and 1.123 million international passengers will be transported.
There are 480 licensed airports and 349 runways in Australia and its overseas territories. Australia has 12 international airports that provide services for international airlines. 60 airlines operate international routes. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth are the international airports with an annual passenger flow of more than 10 million. Sydney Airport is the largest international airport, accounting for 50% of Australia's international passenger traffic. The aviation business is mainly led by Qantas and Virgin Australia.
Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Haikou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other cities in China have flights to Australia. Air China, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, HNA and Sichuan Airlines have offices in Australia. [5]



science and technology

Australia has a relatively advanced level of science and technology, many world-class universities and scientific research institutions, a relatively complete science and technology management system and policy framework, governments at all levels develop various key science and technology plans, and systematically evaluate science and technology performance.
Australia has strong advantages in basic and applied research in agriculture, biotechnology, astronomy, medicine, geology, mining, oceanography and other fields, and has made remarkable scientific and technological achievements in the world. There are 16 Nobel Prize winners, 13 of whom belong to the natural science category.
The famous inventions of Australian scientists include: ultrasonic imaging technology for examining pregnant women; Penicillin, a western medicine that has saved countless lives; The black box of the flight safety recorder that is commonly used in the world today; Bionic ear for deaf mute patients; Electrically powered cardiac pacemaker; Vaccine to prevent female cervical cancer; Contact lenses for myopia patients; WiFi technology, etc. In the field of agricultural technology, Australia has cultivated Merino sheep with the best wool quality in the world.
Australia has experimented with the circulation of plastic banknotes since 1988, and is the first country in the world to print and circulate plastic banknotes (polymer banknotes). The feel of Australian dollar notes is like a mixture of plastic and paper, with a high degree of anti-counterfeiting. Even if burned, they are only deformed but not damaged, and the average circulation life is five times longer than traditional notes. Australia's technical expertise in plastic banknotes enables it to print banknotes for more than 20 countries and regions in the world. [5]


State governments are primarily responsible for education. Each state has its own Ministry of Education, which is in charge of its own universities, middle schools, primary schools and technical education colleges. The federal government is responsible for providing funds for universities and colleges of higher education throughout Australia, and formulating and coordinating education policies. There are two kinds of schools, public and private, including preschool education, primary and secondary education and higher education. The 13 year school system from preschool education to senior high school is implemented, and compulsory education must be received before the age of 16. Pay attention to and widely implement vocational education. In 2021, there will be 6256 primary schools, 1442 secondary schools, 1374 primary and secondary schools, and 509 special schools in Australia. There are about 304000 teachers and staff in primary and secondary schools. In 2022, there will be 40 public universities, 2 international universities and 1 private university in Australia. Famous colleges and universities include Australian National University, Monash University, Adelaide University, Melbourne University, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, etc.
According to the QS World University Rankings in 2021, there are 7 universities in Australia ranking in the top 100 in the world, and Australian National University ranking 31st in the world. There are 40 public universities, 2 international universities and 1 private university in Australia. Well known colleges and universities Australian National University Monash University, Adelaide University, Melbourne University, University of New South Wales University of Queensland University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, etc.
Education is Australia's third largest export industry, second only to coal and iron ore exports, and is the largest pillar industry in Australia's service industry exports. According to the statistics of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment of Australia, as of April 2021, there are about 520000 registered international students. From the perspective of source countries of international students, China has become the largest source country for 20 consecutive years since 2001. By December 2019, Chinese students in Australia accounted for 29% of the total number of international students, followed by India (17%), Nepal (8%), Vietnam (4%) and Malaysia (3%). [5]

medical care

All permanent residents are entitled to Australia's national health care treatment, which is funded from government tax revenue. According to the Australian National Health Insurance Plan, residents enjoy most free medical services. The state pays for outpatient services and for surgery and hospitalization (including medicine and diet) in public hospitals.
There are 695 public hospitals in Australia, with beds accounting for about two-thirds of all hospitals. The total recurrent expenditure of public hospital services is $67 billion. 365000 full-time employees are employed to provide public hospital services. 2.6 public hospital beds per 1000 people. In 2021, there will be about 38300 general practitioners in Australia, and about 58.1% of them will participate in various private medical insurance.
Physicians, hospitals and the government implement unified billing. The government subsidizes various expenses. For example, most of the costs for low-income people to buy prescription drugs are subsidized by the government. The Australian government encourages private medical insurance to expand the scope of social services. According to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, by 2021, more than half of the people will have purchased private medical insurance. [5]


Australia is a big country in sports, and sports are quite popular. In the international sports arena, Australia's cricket, hockey, basketball, rugby and league style rugby have the first-class level; Cycling, rowing and swimming are also among the best in the world. Other popular sports in China include Australian football, football, horse racing, motor racing, tennis, basketball, golf and track and field.
Australia has hosted two Summer Olympic Games, the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games and the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Australia's number of medals at the Olympic Games has long ranked among the top five in the world. Swimming and track and field events usually bring many medals. In addition, Australia is one of the holy places of global tennis, and the Australian Open, one of the four grand slams, is held in Melbourne every January. Melbourne's Abel Park is the first race stop of Formula One (F1) every year. Australia's water sports are very powerful. It has achieved good results in the Olympic Games for a long time and is known as the "lion on water".
Australian Rules Football is unique to Australia, and the matches held by the Australian Football League (AFL) are very popular. Nowadays, soccer is also rapidly popularized, and A-League soccer league has been established. The Australian National Football Team has become one of the most popular collective sports teams in Australia. It joined the Asian Football Association in 2006 and performed well in the 2006 World Cup. After reaching the last 16, it lost to the Italian National Football Team, which later won the world championship, In 2009, the team reached the final stage of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa again with eight unbeaten matches in the top ten of the World Cup qualifiers, but was still eliminated in the first lap.
Australia is a big tennis country. There are many tennis superstars who have won Grand Slam events, such as Rod Laver Patrick Rafter Leiden Hewitt Alicia Molik Samantha Stosur Margaret Court John Newcombe Etc.
Sports clubs in Australia are scattered all over the country, and some sports clubs in high schools and universities have produced the majority of sports elites for the country. In this respect, Australia is similar to the United States, a sports power. The Australian Open (Australian Open for short) is one of the four grand slam tennis events. The competition is usually held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, in the last two weeks of January every year. It is the first of the four grand slams held every year.
The Australian Open was founded in 1905 and has a history of more than 100 years. However, compared with the other three Grand Slam events, the Australian Open is still the youngest. At the beginning of the competition, the competition was named "Australasian Championships"; In 1969, the competition entered the "Open Era". Since 1988, the competition has been held on the outdoor hard earth court of Melbourne Park.
The competition includes men's singles and doubles, women's singles and doubles and mixed doubles. The men's singles championship trophy is the Norman Brookes ChallengeCup, and the women's singles championship trophy is the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup.
Ian James Thorpe is an Australian swimming superstar who has won five Olympic gold medals, the highest record in Australia so far.

People's livelihood

Australia It is a high welfare country with a wide range of welfare, mainly including unemployment benefits, veterans' and family members' benefits, disability benefits, pensions and family subsidies. All permanent residents enjoy Australia's national medical treatment and health care, and their capital comes from government tax revenue. As of May 2022, the per capita weekly wage of full-time adult employees is $1770. Australia has developed medical and health services. In 2021, there will be about 38300 general practitioners in Australia, and about 58.1% of them will participate in various private medical insurance. [5]


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in November 2020, the income of Australian adult employees was A $1767.2 per week, an increase of 2.7% over the same period of the previous year. Among them, the income of female employees was $1582/week, up 3.5% year on year; The income of male employees was 1882.8 yuan/week, an increase of 2.4% year on year.
The three industries with the highest wages in Australia are mining, information media and telecommunications, and financial and insurance services, with the weekly full time wages of 2633, 2034, and 2032 Australian dollars respectively.
The three industries with the lowest wages in Australia are catering and accommodation services, retail, arts and entertainment services, with a full-time weekly salary of $1161, $1289 and $1464 respectively.
The weekly full-time salary in other industries is between $1540 and $2001. The minimum weekly salary in Australia is $772.6 and the minimum hourly salary is $20.33. [5]


There are four major newspaper groups in Australia: The Herald and Time Magazine Group, Murdoch News, Fairfax and Parker News Joint Holdings. Among them, Murdoch News has the fastest development. In recent years, it has also bought the British Times and the American New York Post, becoming an international newspaper group. The main newspapers and periodicals are: The Australian, with a circulation of about 5.2 million; The Sydney Morning Herald, with a circulation of about 8.4 million; Century News, with a circulation of about 6.1 million; The Financial Review, with a circulation of about 3.4 million; Canberra Times has a circulation of about 580000 copies. There are more than 1400 journals in Australia, and Australian Women's Weekly is the largest publication with a circulation of more than 1.29 million. The Weekly Bulletin (founded in 1880) is one of the oldest publications. The Associated Press of Australia (AAP) is the largest news agency in Australia, headquartered in Sydney, and has been associated with Reuters since 1964.
There are three radio and television regulatory agencies in Australia.
(1) Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): There are four radio networks that broadcast non-commercial radio and television programs nationwide through production and transmission equipment in state and regional capitals, and provide satellite services for remote areas; Radio Australia and Australian Television International broadcast overseas. The annual budget is largely allocated by the Federal Parliament.
(2) Australian Communications and Media Authority: manage telecommunications, Internet, commercial radio and community broadcasting, charge fees and issue licenses. There are 550 commercial radio stations and 460 commercial television stations in China.
(3) Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) of Australia: in charge of SBS TV station and SBS radio station, funded by the federal government. SBS TV is a multicultural TV station. It started working on United Nations Day on October 24, 1980. Except for news, sports and some documentaries broadcast in English, other programs are broadcast in the languages of Australian immigrants with English subtitles, providing media channels for people with non English backgrounds to understand the world.

signal communication

The penetration rate of personal computers, the Internet, mobile phones and e-commerce in Australia is among the highest in the world. Telstra, a telecom company, is a state-owned basic telecom operator. Its communication network has three main parts, namely, land communication, mobile communication and satellite communication. The National Broadband Network (NBN) under construction in Australia has connected 3.91 million households and business sites. [5]
Telstra, the largest telecommunications company in Australia, was founded in 1901 and became a limited company in 1991. The Australian government sold the shares of the company in 1997, 1999 and 2006, and gradually privatized it. The Australian government holds 17% of the shares. In 2021, the operating revenue will be AUD21.56 billion, and the net profit will be AUD1.9 billion.
The mobile phone network in Australia is in the GSM format, which is similar to that in China“ Global Communication ”Compatible. Mobile phone signals cover 99% of Australia's population, but only 25% of the country. Telstra, Optus and Vodafone all claim that their services can cover more than 95% of the population, but in fact, the signal may be poor in remote areas, even in some parts of large cities. [7]


In 2020, Australia will generate 265 megawatt hours (TWh) of electricity, basically the same as the previous year. Coal power is still the main power generation mode, accounting for 54% of the total power generation. Natural gas accounts for 20% of power generation, and renewable energy accounts for 24% of power generation, up from 21% last year. The former Australia has 21 coal-fired power stations; More than 120 hydropower stations; There are 101 wind farms with a total installed capacity of 6279 MW, and the wind power installed capacity under construction is 21845 MW.
The Australian National Power Market operates the longest power connection system in the world, meeting the power demand of 19 million users, and the annual electricity trading volume exceeds AUD11 billion. More than 300 registered power plants sell electric energy to the Australian National Power Market on spot. Among them, in Queensland and Tasmania, the installed capacity of government owned companies accounts for a large proportion, while in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, the installed capacity of private enterprises accounts for a large proportion. [5]
The Australian standard voltage is 230 V (+10% and - 6% errors are allowed), 50 Hz, and the plug standard is Type I. [7]

public security

The overall security situation in Australia is good, and social security problems are mainly concentrated in big cities, which are clustered according to economic status. Obviously, social security in some regions is slightly poor. In the past, Australians legally owned guns, which were used for hunting, wildlife control, target shooting, etc. In the past 20 years, a series of mass destruction cases have aroused public concern. As a result, the state and federal governments have jointly enacted stricter gun control laws.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in June 2020, the total number of criminals serving sentences in Australia was 41060, down 5% year on year, and the number of prisoners per 100000 people was 202, down 7% year on year. The high incidence cases mainly include intentional injury cases, drug-related cases and sexual crimes. [5]


Australia has a vast territory, and its geographical and climatic conditions are quite different. Forest fires, floods, storms, landslides and other natural disasters often occur. Please pay attention to the disaster warning issued by the local government and the warning tips issued by the website of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Australia, pay attention to the media reports, and reasonably arrange the travel plan. If the local government decides to take disaster emergency measures, please go to the place of refuge according to the guidance and obey the arrangement. [7]
Atrocious weather
1. Tropical storm. From November to April each year, it mainly occurs in most parts of Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia.
2. Extreme high temperature. Extreme high temperature weather may occur everywhere in summer.
3. Drought. The last drought occurred in the eastern and southern regions between 2002 and 2007.
4. Ultraviolet rays. In Australia, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is high throughout the year (especially from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day), which can cause sunburn or dehydration. It is recommended to take sunscreen and hat protection measures when going out. [7]
Flood and fire
1. Flood. Heavy rainfall caused by tropical storms is prone to flooding. Most of the floods occurred in Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales.
2. Fire. Jungle fires usually occur in the summer from November to February, which may affect houses, roads, railways, telecommunications and other infrastructure, and even threaten lives. [7]
Animal attack
Australian animals may have different habits from other continental animals. Animals such as box jellyfish, freshwater crocodiles, saltwater crocodiles, sharks, toxic insects (such as red backed spiders, funnel spiders) and inland venomous snakes are aggressive and deadly.
Do not expel animals or throw food or other objects without authorization. Do not hunt or fish, nor collect plants or shellfish until it is determined whether a permit is required. [7]

housing price

In March 2021, the stock value of Australian real estate will reach AUD8.3 trillion, and the average house price will be AUD779000/set.
The three regions with the highest house price are New South Wales, Victoria and the Leader Land, with the average house price of 101.1, 835 and 810000 euros/set; The three regions with the lowest housing prices are Northern Territory, South Australia and Tasmania, with an average housing price of $480000, $524000 and $528000 respectively; In addition, Queensland and Western Australia are respectively $586000 and $583000 per set. [5]

International Relations


foreign policy

On the basis of three traditional foreign policies, namely, consolidating the Australia US alliance, playing the role of the United Nations and expanding ties with Asia, Australia has actively participated in global and regional hot issues to enhance its international influence, and has made efforts to promote "active and creative diplomacy of medium power". Sign and approve Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP)、 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)。

external relations

Relations with China
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia on December 21, 1972, bilateral relations have developed smoothly. Leaders of the two countries have maintained regular contacts and exchanges of visits. The exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia in the fields of culture, education, sports, science and technology continue to develop. In the 1970s and 1980s, China and Australia successively signed agreements on scientific and technological cooperation, cultural cooperation, aviation and educational exchanges. China Australia military exchanges began in 1978. In 1982, China and Australia exchanged military officers. In the 1990s, the military exchanges between China and Australia gradually increased. [14]
China and Australia have no historical problems, let alone conflicts of core interests. On the contrary, the two countries have similar demands and propositions in major areas such as seeking their own economic development, people's well-being, regional peace and stability, and global governance. With the care of farsighted political leaders and people of the two countries, China Australia relations have flourished at the beginning of the new century. In 2013, the two countries announced to work together to build a strategic partnership, which was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership a year later.
Regrettably, since the end of 2015, Australian leaders have deviated from their original intention and insisted on following the United States to curb China, which has led to a sharp deterioration of China Australia relations and a sharp decline in mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation. The Australian government basically blocked Chinese investment on the grounds of national security. China's annual investment in Australia plummeted from a peak of 16 billion Australian dollars to 2.5 billion Australian dollars in 2020 and 760 million Australian dollars in 2021. Australia not only took the lead in Western countries in prohibiting Huawei from participating in 5G construction, but even launched a "spy hunt" campaign of "McCarthy terrorism", which ridiculously accused Chinese students of being "spies", causing the number of Chinese students studying in Australia to drop to the lowest level in history. The malicious poisoning of China Australia relations by the Australian government and some politicians has not only caused property and emotional damage to Chinese enterprises and people, but also caused a sharp drop in Australia's per capita GDP.
The fundamental reason for the ups and downs of China Australia relations in the post cold war era is not the appearance of "disputes" between the two countries, but whether Australia is sincere in maintaining the stable development of mutually beneficial cooperative relations between the two countries. If sincerity is lacking, politicians can find excuses at will to maliciously damage China Australia relations. An insincere expedient may bring short-term benefits and help political parties and politicians tide over difficulties, but it will seriously damage the hard won trust between the two countries, especially the people of the two countries, and make the future development of bilateral relations more bumpy. [16]
According to Chinese statistics, the total bilateral trade between China and Australia in 2022 will be 220.9 billion US dollars, down 3.9% year on year. Among them, China's exports to Australia reached 78.8 billion US dollars, up 19.0% year on year, and Australia's exports to China reached 142.1 billion US dollars, down 13.1% year on year. Australia is China's eighth largest trading partner. China is Australia's largest trading partner, export market and source of imports. China's main exports to Australia include electromechanical products, computers, clothing, textiles, shoes, bags, toys, etc; Iron ore, coal, alumina, copper ore, wool and barley are mainly imported from Australia.
From January to September 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Australia will reach US $171.54 billion, up 3.4% year on year, including US $116.95 billion of imports from Australia, up 8.1% year on year, and US $54.59 billion of exports, down 5.5% year on year.
China has opened 13 Confucius Institutes and 54 Confucius Classrooms in Australia. Chinese students are the largest group of overseas students in Australia. As of December 2022, there are 172598 Chinese students studying in Australia, accounting for about 25% of all international students in Australia. Before the outbreak, China was Australia's largest source of tourists. In August 2023, China will resume national travel agencies and online tourism enterprises to operate group tourism related businesses to Australia. By the end of 2020, the two countries have established 113 pairs of sister provinces, states and cities.
Relations with the United States
Australia and the United States established diplomatic relations on March 6, 1940. Australia and the United States formed an alliance after Australia, New Zealand (Zealand) and the United States signed the Australia New America Security Treaty in 1951. After the September 11 incident, Australia launched the Australia New Zealand US Security Treaty and sent troops to participate in the US war against Afghanistan and Iraq. In recent years, Australian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Defense Minister have visited the United States many times. In June 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited the United States. In August, US Secretary of State Kerry and Defense Minister Hagel visited Australia and held the 28th annual dual ministerial meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Bishop and Defense Minister Johnston. In November, US President Barack Obama visited Australia and attended the G20 Summit. In January 2015, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited the United States. In October, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in the United States. In November, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull met with US President Barack Obama during the APEC Informal Leaders' Meeting. In January 2016, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited the United States. In July, US Vice President Biden visited Australia. In July and September, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited the United States. In January, February, May, July and September 2017, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited the United States. In April, US Vice President Burns visited Australia. In May, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited the United States. In June, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in Australia. In January 2018, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited the United States. In February, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited the United States. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne met with US Secretary of State Pompeo during the 73rd general debate of the United Nations in New York. In January 2019, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited the United States. In August, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in Australia. In September, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited the United States. In March 2020, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited the United States. In July, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in the United States. In March 2021, Australian Prime Minister Morrison attended the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" Leaders' Video Summit. In May, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited the United States. In January 2021, Australian Foreign Minister Payne spoke with US Secretary of State Bulin. In February, Australian Prime Minister Morrison spoke with US President Biden. In March, Australian President Morrison spoke with US Vice President Harris. In the same month, Australian Prime Minister Morrison attended the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" Leaders' Video Summit. In May, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited the United States. In September, the Australia US Foreign and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in the US. In the same month, Australian Prime Minister Morrison attended the leaders' summit of the US Japan India Australia "quadrilateral mechanism". In September, the leaders of the United States, Britain and Australia held talks and announced the establishment of the United States, Britain and Australia Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS). In November, Australian Foreign Minister Payne spoke with US Secretary of State Bulin. In December, Australian Foreign Minister Penn met with US Secretary of State William Blinken during the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Liverpool. In May 2022, Australian Prime Minister Albanese attended the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" Summit. Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian met with US Secretary of State Lincoln in Japan. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian talked with US Secretary of State Bulin. In July, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Marcus visited the United States. In September, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited the United States. In December, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in the United States. In March 2023, the United States, Britain and Australia announced the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation plan. In July, the Australia US Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers' Consultation was held in Australia. In October, Australian Prime Minister Albanese visited the United States.
Australia and the United States have close economic and trade relations. In May 2004, Australia and the United States officially signed the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). The agreement entered into force in January 2005. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and the United States is 76.5 billion Australian dollars. The United States is Australia's second largest trading partner.
Relations with New Zealand
New Zealand is an ally of Australia. The leaders of the two countries have a semi annual regular exchange of visits mechanism, and security and economic and trade relations are close. In March 1983, Australia and New Zealand signed the Agreement on Further Closer Economic Relations (CER). In 1990, the Australia New Zealand Free Trade Zone was established. In March 2009, the new Prime Minister John Key visited Australia. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Smith visited Singapore. In August, the new Prime Minister John Key visited Australia. In the same month, Australia and Singapore held the annual ministerial meeting of "Closer Economic Relations" (CER). In February 2010, the new Foreign Minister Macalli visited Australia. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd held a ministerial dialogue with the new Foreign Minister Macaulay. In February 2011, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Singapore. In June, the new Prime Minister John Key visited Australia. In March 2012, Australian Foreign Minister Carl visited Singapore. In July, the new Prime Minister John Key visited Australia. In February 2013, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Singapore. In February 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Singapore. In February 2015, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Singapore and Foreign Minister Bishop visited Singapore. In April, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Singapore again. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Singapore. In October, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Singapore. In October 2016, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Singapore. In February 2017, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Singapore. In November, new Prime Minister Adene visited Australia. In March 2018, the new Prime Minister Adene visited Australia and held the annual meeting between the leaders of the two countries. In February 2019, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Singapore. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Payne paid a visit to Singapore. In July 2019, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Singapore. In the same month, New Zealand Prime Minister Adene visited Australia. In October, New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Peters visited Australia to participate in the Australia New Zealand Foreign Ministers' Consultation. In December, Australian Foreign Minister Payne paid a visit to Singapore. In February 2020, the new Prime Minister Adene visited Australia. In December, the new Foreign Minister Mahuta held a video consultation with Australian Foreign Minister Payne. In April 2021, Australian Foreign Minister Payne paid a visit to Singapore. In May, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Singapore. In November, the new Foreign Minister Mahuta visited Australia. In May 2022, Australian Prime Minister Albanese talked with new Prime Minister Adene on the phone. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Singapore. In July, new Prime Minister Adene visited Australia and held the annual meeting between the leaders of the two countries. In December, New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta visited Australia. In February 2023, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins visited Australia. In April, Australian Defense Minister Mars met with New Zealand Defense Minister Little in Jilong. In July, Australian Prime Minister Albanese visited Singapore.
In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume of Australia and New Zealand is $25.5 billion.
Relations with the EU and the UK
Australia has traditional economic, security and cultural ties with the EU. The EU is Australia's important trade partner, the largest source of investment and the second largest destination of investment. EU investment in Australia accounts for one third of Australia's total foreign investment, and one fourth of Australia's foreign investment is in Europe. In April 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited the EU and reached consensus with EU President Barroso on the establishment of the Australia Europe partnership framework. In the same month, Lu visited Britain and met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy during the NATO Summit. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Smith visited the UK. In May 2011, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited Finland and Norway. In September, French Foreign Minister Juppe visited Australia, and European Commission President Barroso visited Australia. In October, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband visited Australia. In November, Australian Prime Minister Gillard went to Cannes, France, to attend the G20 Summit. In April 2012, Australian Foreign Minister Carl visited Britain, Belgium, Malta and Turkey. In November, Britain's Prince Charles and his wife visited Australia. In April 2014, Britain's Prince William and his wife visited Australia. In November, French President Hollande, British Prime Minister Cameron and German Chancellor Merkel went to Australia to attend the G20 Summit. In January 2015, the King of Norway visited Australia. In April, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited France, and Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited France, Germany and Belgium. In April, Prince Harry of Britain visited Australia. In July, the Prince of Wales visited Australia. In November, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Germany and went to Turkey to attend the G20 Summit. In December, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to France to attend the Climate Change Conference. In September 2016, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Germany and held a meeting between Australian and German foreign ministers and defense ministers. In November, the Dutch King William Alexander and his wife visited Australia. In February 2017, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Britain and Ireland. In April, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Estonia. In July, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Germany to attend the G20 Summit and visited France and Britain. In the same month, the Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of Australia, the UK and Australia held the 9th dual ministerial meeting in Australia. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Croatia. In August, Croatian President Kitarovic visited Australia. In the same month, Australia and the EU signed a framework agreement to deepen cooperation. In October, Irish President Higgins visited Australia. In April 2018, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Britain, Germany, Belgium and France. In May, French President Malone visited Australia. In October, Prince Harry and his wife visited Australia. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne went to Brussels to attend the 12th Asia Europe Summit. In February 2019, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited France and Britain. In June, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited the UK. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Britain. In May, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Britain and Switzerland. In June 2021, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited the UK. In August 2022, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Marcus visited Britain and France. In February 2023, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Marcus and Australia's Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited France and the United Kingdom, and held a meeting of Australia France, Australia Britain foreign ministers and defense ministers. In May 2023, Australian Prime Minister Albanese attended the coronation ceremony of British King Charles III.
In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and the EU is 97 billion Australian dollars. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and the United Kingdom is $22.02 billion.
On March 20, 2024, Australia and the United Kingdom signed a new defense and security cooperation agreement in Canberra. [29]
Relations with Russia
In June 2006, Australia and Russia signed a bilateral agreement on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 2007, Russian President Putin visited Australia and attended the APEC Leaders Summit, which was the first time that a Russian head of state visited Australia. During this period, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement on the use of nuclear energy. In February 2012, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Australia. In September 2013, Australian Foreign Minister Carl attended the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, on behalf of the Australian government. In November 2014, Russian President Putin attended the G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia. In November 2015, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull and Russian President Putin had a brief talk during the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey. In 2022, Australia will impose sanctions on relevant Russian individuals and entities, and provide assistance to Ukraine with weapons and equipment. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and Russia is $1.76 billion.
Relations with Japan
Since 1996, Australia and Japan have started their annual summit meeting and established an annual consultation mechanism of "politics and military". In March 2006, during the visit of Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso to Australia, the two countries announced the establishment of a "comprehensive strategic relationship" and agreed to hold a meeting of foreign ministers, a policy dialogue at the level of deputy foreign ministers and a strategic consultation at the level of senior officials each year. In January 2013, Japanese Foreign Minister Wenxiong Kishida visited Australia. In October 2013, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Japan. In April 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Japan. In June, the foreign ministers and defense ministers of Australia and Japan held the fifth annual bilateral ministerial consultation on June. In July 2014, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Australia. In November, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Australia and attended the G20 Summit. In May 2015, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Japan. In November, the foreign ministers and defense ministers of Australia and Japan held the sixth annual consultation of two ministers in Australia. In December, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Japan. In January 2017, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Australia. In April, the foreign ministers and defense ministers of Australia and Japan held the seventh annual consultation of two ministers on April. In January 2018, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Japan. In June 2019, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Japan. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Japan. In July 2020, Australian Prime Minister Morrison held a video conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne went to Japan to attend the second foreign ministers' meeting of the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism". In June 2021, the foreign ministers and defense ministers of Australia and Japan held the 9th dual ministerial meeting. In September, Australian Prime Minister Morrison met with Japanese Prime Minister Kan Yiwei during his attendance at the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" Leaders Summit in Washington. In November, Australian Prime Minister Morrison met with Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida during his attendance at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26). In May 2022, Australian Prime Minister Albanese went to Japan to attend the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" Summit, and met with Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida. In October, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida visited Australia. In December, the consultation between Australia and Japan's foreign and defense ministers was held in Japan. In May 2023, the leaders' summit of the US Japan India Australia "Four sided Mechanism" was held in Hiroshima, Japan. In June, Japan participated in the joint military exercise of "body protecting sabre" held by Australia. In August, the Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) signed by the defense departments of Australia and Japan came into force. In October, the Australia Japan Economic Ministers' Dialogue was held in Australia.
Relations with North Korea and South Korea
Australia and North Korea established diplomatic relations in 1974 and broke off the following year. Resubmitted in May 2000. In May and November 2010, after the Cheonan incident and the Yeonpyeong Island shelling incident, Australia not only implemented the United Nations sanctions against the DPRK, but also implemented unilateral sanctions such as delaying aid to the DPRK. After the death of Kim Jong Il, Australia called on the DPRK to remain calm and restrained, act in a way consistent with the interests of its own people, and maintain constructive contacts with the international community. In December 2012, after the DPRK launched a satellite, Australia issued a statement condemning the DPRK. After the DPRK's nuclear test in February 2013, Australia supported and implemented the sanctions against the DPRK decided by UN Security Council resolutions 2094 and 2270. In recent years, Australia has supported and implemented the sanctions against North Korea decided by previous resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
In May 2000, Australia and the Republic of Korea announced the establishment of an annual meeting mechanism for foreign ministers and trade ministers. In July 2003, Australian Prime Minister Howard visited South Korea. In December 2006, ROK President Roh Moo hyun visited Australia. In March 2009, South Korean President Lee Myung bak visited Australia. In April 2011, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited South Korea. In December, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan visited Australia. In October 2013, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited South Korea. In April 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited South Korea, during which the two sides signed the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). In May 2015, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited South Korea. In September, the meeting between the Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of Australia and the ROK was held in Sydney. In August 2016, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull and South Korean President Park Geun hye met during the Laos East Asia Summit. In February 2017, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited South Korea. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop and Defense Minister Payne held the annual meeting of Australian and South Korean foreign ministers and defense ministers in Seoul with Korean Foreign Minister Kang Jinghe and Defense Minister Song Yongwu. In November 2019, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited South Korea. In December, the meeting between the Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of Australia and the ROK was held in Sydney. In December 2021, South Korean President Wen Zaiyin paid a state visit to Australia. In the same month, the meeting between the Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of Australia and the ROK was held in Sydney. In August 2022, the meeting of the Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers of Australia and the ROK was held in Canberra. In October, the first Australia South Korea Trade Ministers' Meeting was held in Seoul. In May 2023, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Marcus met with South Korean President Yoon Seok Yuet in Seoul. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and South Korea is $68.7 billion. South Korea is Australia's fourth largest trading partner.
Relations with other ASEAN countries
Australia formally established a dialogue partnership with ASEAN in 1974, and has signed bilateral or multilateral security and defense treaties with major ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. After the Bali bombing, Australia strengthened counter-terrorism cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, signed anti-terrorism agreements with Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, and hosted a regional anti-terrorism conference with Indonesia.
In 2005, Australia joined the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. In October 2006, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen visited Australia. In November, Australian Prime Minister Howard attended the 14th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held in Hanoi, Vietnam, and paid a visit to Vietnam after the meeting. At the end of the same month, Australian Prime Minister Howard visited Malaysia. In August 2007, Australian Governor Geoffrey visited Malaysia and attended the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Malaysia's independence. In October 2009, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd attended the fourth East Asia Summit in Thailand. In January 2010, the ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement came into force. In October, Australian Prime Minister Gillard attended the fifth East Asia Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. In May 2011, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited Thailand, Myanmar in June, and Indonesia and Timor Leste in July. In October, Australia announced that it would provide humanitarian assistance worth A $5.15 million to flood stricken countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines. In November, Australian Prime Minister Gillard attended the sixth East Asia Summit held in Bali, Indonesia. In March 2012, Australian Foreign Minister Carl visited Cambodia, Vietnam and Singapore. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Carl visited Myanmar. In November, Australian Prime Minister Gillard attended the seventh East Asia Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In October 2013, Australian Prime Minister Abbott attended the 8th East Asia Summit held in Brunei Begawan. In October 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott attended the 9th East Asia Summit held in Naypyidaw, Myanmar. In March 2015, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung visited Australia, and the two sides decided to strengthen the comprehensive partnership. In May, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Thailand and Singapore. In July, Prime Minister Abbott visited Singapore. In November, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Manila, Philippines, to attend the 23rd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, and to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to attend the 10th East Asia Summit. In March 2016, Australia and Singapore held the 9th Ministerial Committee in Sydney. In September 2016, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Hanoi, Laos to attend the East Asia Summit. In October, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore visited Australia. In November, Australia and Vietnam signed a bilateral action plan aimed at deepening the comprehensive partnership between the two sides. In March 2017, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. In June, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Singapore and attended the Shangri La Dialogue. In August, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Thailand and attended a series of foreign ministers' meetings on East Asia cooperation in Manila, Philippines; In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop, Minister of Defense Penn and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment Joe Bo went to Singapore to hold the 10th Australia New Zealand (Gabon) Ministerial Committee; In November, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Vietnam to attend the 25th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Informal Leaders' Meeting, and to Manila, Philippines to attend the East Asia Summit. In March 2018, the ASEAN Australia Special Summit was held in Sydney. In May, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Vietnam. In November, Australian Prime Minister Morrison went to Singapore to attend the East Asia Summit. In December, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Myanmar and Indonesia. In January 2019, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Thailand and India. In June, Australian Prime Minister Morrison and Foreign Minister Payne visited Singapore. Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Vietnam. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Payne went to Bangkok, Thailand, to attend a series of foreign ministers' meetings on East Asia cooperation. In August, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Vietnam. In November, Australian Prime Minister Morrison went to Bangkok, Thailand, to attend the East Asia Summit. In February 2020, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Brunei. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Singapore. In June 2021, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Singapore. In June 2022, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Vietnam and Malaysia. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Singapore. In September, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Timor Leste. In the same month, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pei Qingshan visited Australia. In February 2023, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Malaysia. In May, Australian Trade Minister Farrell visited Vietnam and the Philippines.
Australia's economic and trade relations with ASEAN have developed well and signed the Agreement on Close Economic Partnership. In March 2003, Australia and Singapore officially signed a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). In July 2004, Australia and Thailand officially signed a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). In November 2022, the negotiations on the upgrade of the Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) between ASEAN and Australia and New Zealand were completed. In August, Australia signed the Protocol to the Second Amendment to the ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA). In the fiscal year 2020/2021, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and ASEAN is AUD127.1 billion.
Prime Minister of Australia on March 7, 2024 local time Anthony Albanese With the Prime Minister of the Vietnamese Government Fan Mingzheng A press conference was held to announce the establishment of Vietnam Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. According to the statement, the upgrading of Vietnam Australia relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership aims to promote extensive, substantive and effective cooperation between the two countries in climate change, energy transformation, digital transformation, innovation and creativity, trade and investment, agriculture, national defense, education and training and other fields. [28]
Relations with Pacific island countries
Australia believes that it is in its interests to maintain stability in the South Pacific region and promote the economic development of island countries. In July 2003, at the request of the Solomon Islands government, Australia, New Zealand and some South Pacific countries conducted a joint military intervention in Solomon. In December 2003, it signed a package of assistance programs with PNG to assist the PNG government in regulating the economy and public security. In February 2004, a memorandum of understanding was signed with Nauru to help it extricate itself from the crisis. Australia also put forward the idea of "joint regional management" to promote the establishment of joint routes in the South Pacific region and the establishment of regional police training centers. In the same year, United New Zealand launched the "Pacific Plan" aimed at achieving regional peace, harmony, security and prosperity. After the riots in Solomon Islands and Timor Leste in April and May 2006 respectively, countries in the United Australia region sent troops and police to the two countries to stabilize the situation. In December, a coup occurred in Fiji, and Australia, New Zealand and other countries imposed sanctions on Fiji. At the end of 2007, after taking office, the Australian Labor Party government said that it would increase its assistance to island countries, invest 1 billion Australian dollars to implement the "South Pacific Partnership Plan", set up the "South Pacific Civil and Military Partnership Center", actively repair relations with Solomon, PNG and other island countries, and reiterate its commitment to strengthening the Regional Assistance Mission (RAMSI) and security for Timor Leste. In August 2009, the 40th Pacific Islands Forum Summit was held in Cairns, Australia, and the Cairns Compact was adopted. In August 2010, Australian Prime Minister Gillard attended the 41st Pacific Island Countries Forum Summit held in Vanuatu. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited PNG, and Prime Minister O'Neill of PNG visited Australia. In March 2012, Australian Governor Bryce went to Tonga to attend the funeral of King Tupu V of Tonga, and visited 8 Pacific island countries including Samoa, Tuvalu and Kiribati. In August, Australian Prime Minister Gillard went to Rarotonga, Cook Islands, to attend the 43rd Pacific Islands Forum Summit, and announced that Australia would allocate 320 million Australian dollars in 10 years to help Pacific island countries promote gender equality. In March 2013, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Papua New Guinea, and the two countries issued the Joint Statement on Australia New Partnership in Papua New Guinea. In November 2014, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited PNG. In January 2015, PNG Prime Minister O'Neill visited Australia. In March, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tonga. In March 2016, the 24th Australia PNG Ministerial Conference was held in Canberra. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Fiji. In September, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Micronesia to attend the 47th Pacific Island Countries Forum Summit. In March 2017, the 25th Australia PNG Ministerial Conference was held in PNG. In April, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited PNG. In June, Governor Kosgrove of Australia went to Vanuatu to attend the funeral of President Vanuatu. In August, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare visited Australia. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop went to Fiji to attend the second Pacific Island Countries Forum Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In September, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Samoa to attend the 48th Pacific Island Countries Forum Summit. In April 2018, the 26th Australia PNG Ministerial Conference was held in Brisbane. In June, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands. In the same month, Prime Minister Honipwella of Solomon Islands and Prime Minister Salvi of Vanuatu visited Australia. In September, Australian Foreign Minister Payne went to Nauru to participate in the 49th Pacific Island Countries Forum. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Papua New Guinea. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Payne went to Papua New Guinea to attend the APEC Ministerial Conference. In the same month, Australian Prime Minister Morrison went to Papua New Guinea to attend the 26th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. In January 2019, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Fiji and Vanuatu. In June, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Solomon Islands. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Fiji, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited the Cook Islands and attended the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Pacific Island Countries Forum in Fiji. In the same month, Prime Minister Marape of Papua New Guinea visited Australia. In August, Australian Prime Minister Morrison went to Tuvalu to attend the 50th Pacific Island Countries Forum Leaders' Meeting. In October, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In the same month, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Fiji. In February 2021, Australian Prime Minister Morrison participated in the special meeting of Pacific island leaders by video. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Payne attended the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum by video. In August, Australian Prime Minister Morrison attended the Pacific Islands Forum leaders' video conference. In June 2022, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian will visit Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Solomon Islands. In July, Australian Prime Minister Albanese went to Fiji to attend the 51st Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting, and Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian attended the Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In August, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited PNG. In October, Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Maris visited PNG. In the same month, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Cook Islands and Niue. In May 2023, Australia's Minister for International Development and the Pacific Conroy went to Papua New Guinea to attend the United States Pacific Island Dialogue.
Relations with Middle East countries
Pay attention to the security issues in the Middle East and send troops to participate in the Gulf War and the Iraq War. Greece and Afghanistan ended the conflict by peaceful means. Oppose Iran's development of nuclear weapons. After the Labour government came to power, Australia withdrew more than 500 combat troops from Iraq in June 2008. In March 2009, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki visited Australia. In July, the Australian troops in Iraq completed their military mission in Iraq, and all but 80 remained in Iraq to take charge of the security of the Australian Embassy. In May 2008, Australian Governor Geoffrey visited Israel. In June, Foreign Minister Smith visited the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. From February to March 2011, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited South Africa, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and other countries. In November, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Afghanistan and attended the inauguration ceremony of the Australian Embassy in Afghanistan. In June 2012, Australian Foreign Minister Carl visited Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Libya and other countries. In January 2015, Iraqi Foreign Minister Jaafari visited Australia. In January 2016, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Afghanistan and Iraq and expressed condolences to Australian soldiers in Iraq. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Qatar. In the same month, King Abdullah II of Jordan visited Australia. In February 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Australia, becoming the first Israeli Prime Minister to visit Australia. In October, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Israel. In December 2018, the Australian government recognized West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but decided not to move the Australian embassy to Israel to West Jerusalem for the time being.
Australia attaches great importance to the market potential in the Middle East and actively promotes the export of agricultural and livestock products and finished products to the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are Australia's main trading partners in the Middle East.
Relations with Latin American countries
In recent years, we have actively strengthened exchanges and cooperation with Latin American countries in political, economic, trade, people to people and cultural fields, and coordination in multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the G20. From 2008 to 2009, Australian Foreign Minister Smith visited Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, and the foreign ministers of Chile, Brazil and Colombia visited Australia. In 2009, Australia signed memorandums of understanding on political cooperation with Mexico, Chile, Cuba and other three countries. In the same year, the Free Trade Agreement with Chile came into force. In November of the same year, a memorandum of understanding was signed with 15 member States of the Caribbean Community. In December 2010, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd attended the leaders' meeting of the Southern Common Market held in Brazil and delivered a speech, announcing that he would provide 100 million Australian dollars in development assistance to Latin America in four years. In June 2012, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Brazil to attend the "Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development" and meet with Brazilian President Rousseff. In December 2014, Australian Trade Minister Rob visited Brazil, Peru and Chile. In June 2015, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Chile, Peru and Brazil. In November 2016, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull went to Peru to attend the 24th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. In late June and early July 2017, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Grenada and Panama. In November, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull met with Peruvian Prime Minister Kuczynski during his attendance at the 25th APEC Leaders' Meeting in Danang, Vietnam, and the two countries signed a free trade agreement. In November 2018, Australian Prime Minister Morrison attended the 13th G20 Summit in Argentina. In October 2021, Dan Tehan, Minister of Trade and Tourism of Australia, met with Santiago Cafiero, Chief Minister of Argentina, and Los Franza, Foreign Minister of Brazil respectively.
Relations with Indonesia
In April 2005, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Australia and signed a framework agreement on comprehensive development of bilateral partnership with Australia. In June 2006, Australian Prime Minister Howard visited Indonesia. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Donald visited Indonesia and signed the Australia Indonesia Security Cooperation Framework Agreement with Indonesian Foreign Minister Verayuda. In June 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Indonesia. In July 2009, Australian Foreign Minister Smith visited Indonesia. In October, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Indonesia. In March 2010, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Australia. In November, Australian Prime Minister Gillard visited Indonesia. In February 2011, Indonesian Foreign Minister Natalegawa visited Australia. In November, the first annual Australia Indonesia Summit was held in Bali, Indonesia. In March 2012, the first Australia Indonesia Foreign and Defense Ministers' Meeting was held in Australia. In July, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Darwin, Australia, held the Australia India Leaders Summit with Gillard, and issued a joint communiqu é reaffirming the "comprehensive strategic partnership" between the two countries. In October 2013, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Indonesia and attended the APEC Leaders' Informal Meeting held in Bali, Indonesia. In June 2014, Australian Prime Minister Abbott visited Indonesia. In August 2014, when Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Indonesia, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on resuming intelligence and military cooperation between the two countries. In November 2015, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull visited Indonesia. In December, the dual ministerial meeting of Australian and Indonesian foreign ministers and defense ministers was held in Australia. In March 2016, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Indonesia. In October, the dual ministerial meeting of Australian and Indonesian foreign ministers and defense ministers was held in Indonesia. In February 2017, President Joko of Indonesia visited Australia. In March, Australian Prime Minister Turnbull and Foreign Minister Bishop went to Indonesia to attend the Indian Ocean Rim Alliance Summit and the Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In August 2018, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Indonesia. In the same month, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Indonesia. In October 2019, Australian Prime Minister Morrison went to Indonesia to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Joko. In December, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Indonesia and attended the meeting of dual ministers of foreign ministers and defense ministers of Australia and Indonesia. In February 2020, President Joko of Indonesia visited Australia. In July, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Indonesia and Australia (IA-CEPA) came into force. In September 2021, the meeting of Australia Indonesia Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers was held in Indonesia. In November, Australian Foreign Minister Payne visited Indonesia. In June 2022, Australian Prime Minister Albanese visited Indonesia, and Australia India (Nigeria) issued a joint statement. In July, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Indonesia to attend the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In October, the Presidents of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia attended the G20 Speaker Summit held in Jakarta. In November, Australian Prime Minister Albanese attended the G20 Leaders' Summit and G20 Business Summit held in Bali. In July 2023, Indonesian President Victor visited Australia. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, the bilateral trade volume between Australia and Indonesia is $18.3 billion, and Indonesia is Australia's 13th largest trading partner. Indonesia is also one of Australia's major recipients of development assistance. In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, Australia will provide Indonesia with about A $299 million in official development assistance.




The vast territory makes Australia rich in tourism resources, from tropical rainforests in the north to desert landforms in the central and western regions, to urban scenery and sunny beaches in the southeast coast. Among them, the coastal scenery of Australia is the most attractive place for tourists, and there are seascapes and beaches in coastal areas all over the country. Whether in the eastern Pacific Ocean or the western Indian Ocean; Whether it's the urban seaside scenery of Sydney and Melbourne, the sunny beach of the Gold Coast, or the seascape of Ocean Road, it's the best place to travel in Australia.
Australian Tourist Attractions
Gold Coast
Great Barrier Reef
Kangaroo Island
Blue Mountains
Dane Tree Rainforest
Great Ocean Road
Scenic area
Cradle Mountain - Lake St. Clair National Park

Main attractions

Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House It is a landmark building in Australia, one of the most distinctive buildings in the 20th century, and also a world famous performing arts center. Located in the north of Sydney downtown, it is a shell shaped roof, and below it is a water complex combining a theater and a hall. The internal architectural structure of the Opera House is modeled after the Mayan culture and the Aztec Temple. The appearance is like a white sail that is about to sail out into the sea, which is interesting to the surrounding scenery.
The Concert Hall is the largest hall of Sydney Opera House, which can accommodate 2679 audiences. It is usually used to hold symphony, chamber music, opera, dance, chorus, pop music, jazz and other performances. The most special feature of this concert hall is the big pipe organ designed and built by Ronald Sharp in front of the concert hall. It is known as the world's largest mechanical wood link organ, composed of 10500 air ducts. In addition, the building materials of the entire concert hall are Australian wood, which truly presents the style of Australia.
Great Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. It stretches more than 2000 kilometers along the coastline of Queensland, covering an area of about 35000000 hectares. It is home to many marine wildlife, including more than 1500 colorful tropical fishes, 4000 molluscs, 400 sponges and 300 hard corals.
The islands and sandbars of the Great Barrier Reef support hundreds of bird species, including reef herons, osprey, warship birds and sea eagles. Reef also has important cultural significance. There are many archaeological sites of aborigines or Torres Strait Islanders. Some famous examples include Lizard Islands and Hinchinbrook Islands, which are home to some wonderful rock paintings. [17]
Twelve Apostles Rock
Twelve Apostles Rock
Twelve Apostles Rock (Twelve Apostles) is located about 220 kilometers away from the southwest of Melbourne. It is a famous landmark of Dayang Road in Australia. Dayang Road, known as "the most beautiful coastal road in the world", is close to the southern coast of Victoria, with a length of about 320 kilometers. It was built by the Australian government for the soldiers who died in the First World War.
The Twelve Apostles Rock is located on the coastline of Campbell Harbor National Park, Dayang Road. There are 12 rock fragments formed by the weathering of limestone, sandstone and fossils with a history of tens of millions of years. The independent reefs standing in the blue sea have different shapes. Because their number and shape are similar to Jesus' Twelve Apostles, they are nicknamed "Twelve Apostles Rock". [18]
sydney harbour bridge
sydney harbour bridge
Sydney Harbour Bridge is located on the west side of Sydney Opera House. It is a landmark bridge and landmark building in Sydney, and is as famous as Sydney Opera House. Sydney Harbor Bridge is a single span arch bridge, once known as the world's first single span arch bridge. It is a representative building in early Sydney, towering, handsome and magnificent.
Climbing the Sydney Bridge has become the most popular tourist project in Sydney, which is the only bridge in the world that allows tourists to climb to the top of the arch bridge. You can also choose to visit the bridge tower observatory and the Sydney Harbour Bridge Tourist Center, where there are exhibitions and high-definition movies to tell the story of the Harbour Bridge. [24]
Uluru Giant Rock
Uluru Giant Rock
Ayers Rock (English Ayers Rock), also known as Ayers Rock and Uluru Rock (Australian Aboriginal language), these three names are the official names of the rock in Australia. The surrounding area of rock foundation is about 9 kilometers long, 867 meters above sea level, 335 meters above the ground, and about 3000 meters long. It is located in the Northern Territory of Australia, in the center of the entire Australian continent, protruding in the desolate flat desert.
Ayers rock is oval. Trenches appear on the lower slope due to the erosion of weaker rock layers, while on the top there are ditches and depressions washed out by the flood caused by rare rainstorm. This boulder is one of the tor (isolated huge weathered rock), which is the largest independent rock in the world. The rock mass is composed of feldspathic sandstone, which can change color with different sun exposure angles. The rock is the most amazing at sunset, and the sunset makes it appear flame like orange red.
Darling Port
Darling Port
Darling Harbor, located in the west of Sydney CBD, is a shining pearl in the city center of Sydney. Night and day feel totally different. Every Saturday night there will be music and fireworks performances to enjoy the beauty of the romantic harbor surrounded by numerous tall buildings. There are many high-end western restaurants, bars and dessert shops nearby. There are also some exhibition halls, amusement facilities, etc. near Darling Port, which is a comprehensive area to meet your various needs.
Bondi Beach
Bondi Beach
Bondi Beach is a famous beach in Sydney, where you can have a variety of marine entertainment activities and learn about the place where local people enjoy life. It is not suitable for swimming because of the big waves. Most tourists surf or lie in the sun on the beach. From the annual "City Beach" long-distance run to the "Wind Festival" Kite Festival, there are a lot of local and international events throughout the year. Along the cliff view road from Bondi to Kuji, you can have a drink in the cafe or taste a fresh milk ice cream in Bondi Pavilion. People like to have picnics on the beach, eat fish and chips, or sit down and eat freely from Campbell Park and the busy cafes and bars overlooking the beach in the neighborhood. [23]
White Paradise Beach
White Paradise Beach
Located in the east of Whitsunday Island, Whitehaven Beach is known as "the most beautiful beach in Australia" and "the most environmentally friendly and cleanest beach in the world". The whole beach stretches for 7 kilometers, all white, composed of pure silica fine sand with white, fine and soft sand. The white sand beach, the mangroves on the coast and the blue sea water reflect each other, forming a beautiful and pure scenery. In order to protect the ecological environment of the island, there are no hotels, restaurants and residents here.
Royal Botanic Gardens
Royal Botanic Gardens
The Royal Botanic Gardens was established in 1816 under the auspices of Governor Macquarie at that time. Covering an area of 24 hectares, it was the first farm in Australia. It was close to the Sydney Opera House and the central business district, separated from the Sydney Opera House by a narrow bay. Thanks to its unique geographical location, the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney has become a must visit place for tourists. The Sydney Royal Botanical Garden was the first farm in Australia, close to the Sydney Opera House and the central business district, and only separated from the Sydney Opera House by a narrow bay. Its unique geographical location makes it a must visit place for tourists. Madame Macaulay's stone chair at the north end of the Botanical Garden is the best place to overlook Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. The park is open, with large lawns and many rest chairs; The municipal government is also located in the botanical garden, which can be visited at ordinary times. [21]
Blue Mountains National Park
Blue Mountains National Park
The Blue Mountain National Park belongs to the Big Blue Mountain area. There are seven national parks in this area, which were listed as a natural world heritage in 2000. There are large areas of primitive jungle and subtropical rainforest in the park, among which the eucalyptus tree is the most famous. It has magnificent natural scenery. Due to the large scenic area, tourists usually take sightseeing shuttle bus or self drive. The scenery of each season is different. Cherry blossom, peach blossom and begonia can be seen in spring, and maple leaf, birch and larch can be seen in autumn.
Nan'an Park
Nan'an Park
The South Bank Park is located on the south bank of the Brisbane River. It is a belt shaped hydrophilic park built along the river, facing the CBD across the bank. It was the place where the 1988 World Expo was held, and now the only site left in the park is the Nepal Pavilion. In this 16 hectare park, there are artificial beaches, ferris wheels and amusement parks, all covered with green vegetation. Locals like to come here for picnics and enjoy life in leisure time. There will be a small market in the park on Saturday.
The South Bank Park is the first choice to visit Brisbane and the best place to enjoy Brisbane's subtropical climate. From the Kodak artificial beach with clear water quality to the forest lined grassland in the green garden, the scenery changes from step to step, which is very beautiful. There are many trees in the park, green is pleasing to the eye, calm is relaxed, and carefree is what you understand. When tourists come here, they can relax, slow down, take a walk along the riverside, or enjoy the cool under the shade of trees to enjoy the bright sunshine; Or leisurely stroll along the boulevard with his wife and children, or watch street performances in the square, or go to the cinema to see a movie with a large screen, or walk a skateboard alone, practice long-distance running, and ride a bicycle through the forest; Or take a quiet afternoon to sail between Chinatown and the South Bank Park by taking Queen Kukabura yacht or canoe powered by steam propeller. While visiting the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Brisbane River winding through the city, enjoy the garden scenery, and enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner on the yacht. [20]
Story Bridge
Story Bridge
Story Bridge is the most famous bridge in Brisbane, Australia. 96% of its construction materials are from Australia, and it is one of the two handmade bridges in the world. Story Bridge is the second open bridge that can be climbed in Australia, so the bridge climbing activity at Story Bridge is an unmissable project for viewing the panoramic view of Brisbane. The whole journey lasted two and a half hours. The commander led the tourists to climb the story bridge 80 meters high from the river. At the top of the bridge, they could enjoy the view of Brisbane 360 degrees without hindrance. [22]
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Longbo Koala Zoo is one of the top ten zoos in the world and the earliest professional koala conservation area. There are koalas everywhere here. In addition to those sleeping in the trees, there are also live koalas on the ground. If you like close contact, there is also a charging photo service for holding koalas ($25 per person, and $30 photo package) and feeding koalas ($2 per person). In addition to the charming koala, there are kangaroos, Australian wild dogs, owls and other unique Australian animals to watch. Every afternoon, there is also an Australian wool shearing performance. [19]
Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island, the third largest natural island in Australia, is only 15 kilometers away from the mainland of South Australia. Its area is as large as eight Singapore. Because it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Kangaroo Island seems to be a paradise. At the earliest time, explorers once thought that the Kangaroo Island was uninhabited. It was only later that people found stone tools and aboriginal camps on the Kangaroo Island that they found that at least 10000 years ago, there were people on the island. Today's Kangaroo Island still maintains its pure and natural style. It was once rated as "the first island in the Asia Pacific" by National Geographic magazine. Kangaroo Island's long coastline, towering cliffs and magnificent natural wonders are enough for nature loving tourists to explore; And Australia's unique wild animals, such as kangaroos, wild koalas, sand kangaroos, penguins, sea lions, seals, etc., can get along closely with humans here, so Kangaroo Island is vividly called "zoo without fence".
Main towns of Kangaroo Island: Kingscote, Penneshaw, Parnadana and American River.