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To clarify one's dignity

The fourth son of Korea Suzong
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Cheng Yan, a Buddhist monk. by Korea Suzong Fourth. The first name is clear, and the last name is clear Song Huizong The taboo was changed to Chengyan.
Chinese name
To clarify one's dignity
date of birth
Date of death
Posthumous title
In the third year of Emperor Suzong's reign (1098) Yitian The door, the next year hair, received the full precepts. Later, Chongguang Temple was settled. For ten years of Suzong, it was given the title of "Fu Shi". In the Ruizong Dynasty, he lived in Hongyuan, Kaitai, Guixin and other temples, and later was granted the imperial edict to live in Xingwang Temple. Renzong was the leader of the five religions and was granted preferential treatment by the imperial edicts. In the 19th year of Renzong's reign, he felt sick and died. He lived 52 years. When Ren Zong heard of his obituary, he mourned the abolition of the imperial court for three days and was awarded the title of national teacher, and was buried in Beiyuan, Leshan Village, Chengtian Mansion. Its epitaph and sarcophagus were excavated and hidden in Tokyo national museum