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tidal friction

Tides flow over the seafloor, generate heat through friction, and dissipate energy
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Tidal friction: Tidal current flows on the sea bottom and generates heat through friction, which dissipates energy. The loss of this energy has a braking effect on the earth's rotation, and makes the days (rotation period) longer and longer. Will the loss of energy bring other consequences? When there is no external force moment, the angular momentum of a system will not change. There is no external torque on the earth and moon system, but the angular momentum of the earth is decreasing. So how does the total angular momentum change? Will the time of a day on the earth continue to grow? What will happen to the apparent motion of the moon? Influence on the moon: Some people predict that the moon will leave the earth and fly into space one day.
Chinese name
tidal friction
Tides flow over the seafloor, generate heat through friction, and dissipate energy