
Chinese characters
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Chao, a first-class Chinese character [7] , read as tide (ch á o), the radical is San, the original meaning: the rise and fall of sea water. [3] [6]
Chinese name
cháo [3]
Five strokes
Cang Jie
ejjb [3]
Zheng Ma
veeq [3]
Word level
Level I (No. 3292) [5]
Flat water rhyme
Two low voices [4]
Foreign name
Order number
four hundred and forty-one trillion and one hundred and twenty-two billion five hundred and eleven million one hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and eleven
Four-Corner System
thirty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty [3]
Unified code
Basic area U+6F6E [3]
National Phonetic Alphabet
ㄔㄠˊ [3]
Total strokes
External strokes
Variant character
Tao, 𣶃 [3]

Modern interpretation

Basic meaning
1. The phenomenon that the sea water rises and falls regularly due to the gravity of the sun and the moon: tide. tide. tide. ebb. spring tide. trend. The tide is surging.
2. Like the surging tide: ideological trend. upsurge. New trends. Flush. Damp heat. be full of excitement. [6]
3. Humidity: moisture. get damp. Wet.
4. Dialect, low technology: handicraft tide. [1]
Basic meaning
◎ Tide
(1) (Pictophoney. From water to sound. Original meaning: fluctuation of sea water)
(2) Same as the original meaning [tie] [6]
Tide, water worship in the sea—— Shuowen
Niunv is the tide of the river—— Spring and Autumn · Yuanmingbao
The water comes in the morning and the tide rises—— "Beginner's Record Volume Six Rivers"
There are hundreds of boats stolen from the river, and they took the tide to enter the mainland—— Qing Dynasty, Shao Changheng, Historical Biography of Yan Dian
(3) Another example: spring tide, neap tide; Low tide; the ebb tide; ebb
(4) It refers to the ups and downs of large-scale social changes or sports development; a labour strike; School tide; Undercurrent; Ideological trend; A raging tide
(5) Hot or cold weather that changes in temperature or lasts for a period of time [wave]. Such as: cold wave; upsurge
(6) Slightly wet, moisture [damp]. For example: moisture-proof; Tidal return; Moisture; The match is damp
Part of speech change
◎ Tide
[be suffused with]. For example, the tide surface ([a certain color] rises above); Flush [6]
◎ Tide
(1) Prescription: poor quality [low]. Such as: tidal silver (silver that has been recycled or of poor quality); Tidal gold
(2) [inferior] with low technology. Such as: handicraft trend
Common phrases
Red tide, deliquescence, tide, tide, moisture, humidity, tide, tide level, tide, flood, tide rise and fall [6]

Interpretation of Ancient Books

Tang rhyme 》Direct telecut《 Alliteration 》《 Yunhui 》Chi, Yao and Chao. "Shuowen" The water court worships the sea. Wang Chong Lun Heng The water is the blood of the earth, and the tide follows the advance and retreat of qi. The Primary Anthology 》The water comes in the morning and the tide rises. The emperor is very experienced 》The tide is the breath of the earth. As the moon rises and falls, the tide rises in the morning and the tide rises in the evening.
also State name. Guang Yu Ji 》Bennanhai Jieyang Land: Chaozhou in Sui Dynasty and Chaozhou in Tang Dynasty Chaoyang , stated as Chaozhou Prefecture
also Wait for tide, chicken name. Narration of Differences Chickens waiting for tide On the tide, there is sound.
also Looking at the tide, the name of fish was introduced in Linhai County. Shuowen is the original work. [2]

Dialect collection

Cantonese :ciu4
◎ Chaoshan dialect: [Chaozhou] di ê 5[ Shantou , Jieyang] dio5