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Panjiakou Underwater Great Wall

Buildings in Qianxi County, Hebei Province
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Panjiakou underwater Great Wall is submerged into the reservoir along the ridge, and the exposed part of the water is the top of the submerged Great Wall.
Chinese name
Panjiakou Underwater Great Wall
Foreign name
Thewaterof the Great Wall
North of Qianxi County, Hebei Province
Operation time
Panjiakou, called Lulongsai in ancient times, is located in the north of Qianxi County, Hebei Province, and has been a place of great importance since ancient times. During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, it began to set up a pass at Panjiakou, which is located in the north of the current site. In the 41st year of Jiajing (1562), Xinguan Pass was built at this site and a castle was built. The pass is two feet high and has a circumference of 219 feet. It has two gates in the southwest and was once guarded by a thousand generals. In October 1975, the state began to build the Luan River Diversion Project - Panjiakou Reservoir. At the end of 1984, the reservoir was completed and the Panjiakou Great Wall was submerged, forming a unique underwater Great Wall. [1]