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Xitang Village

Si Du Xiang Xia Zhi Cun, Guidong County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province
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Xitang Village, a village under the jurisdiction of Sidu Township, Guidong County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, is located in Sidu Township In the central area, less than 1km away from the township government, there are 5 resident groups, 210 households and 810 people in the village.
Chinese name
Xitang Village
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Sidu Township Central section
population size
810 persons
The cultivated land area is 560 mu, including 486 mu of paddy field. The planting industry is dominated by rice planting, and the breeding industry is dominated by raising livestock and pigs. The village has 460 male and female labor forces, including 180 migrant workers. In 2010, the per capita net income was 1310 yuan.
Xitang Village Sub branch has 4 members from the two committees. In 2007, it was designated as a demonstration village for building a new countryside by the county committee. In recent years, the farmland infrastructure has been improved, and the area of water conservation and good farmland accounts for 80%. Industrial Development In 2008, 218 mu of high standard camellia oleifera was transformed. Besides rice, the planting industry mainly focuses on vegetables and peppercorns. [1]