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Wet sea

The annular sea on the front of the moon
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Shihai is a small annular sea located in the front of the moon, spanning about 389 kilometers. It used to be an ancient impact basin, which was later flooded and filled with volcanic lava.
Chinese name
Wet sea
be located Moon Small annular lunar sea on the front
389 km
shī hǎi
geographical position
In the wet sea, the surrounding mountains mark the edge of the impact basin, but in some parts the volcanic lava overflows the edge of the basin, and from the northwest overflows the Oceanus Procellarum in the south.
stay Apollo Project The wet sea has not been sampled in China, so its exact age cannot be determined. However, the geological mapping shows that its age should be between the Rainfall Sea and the Nectaris Basin, about 3.9 ± 500 million years.