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Yushui District

District of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province
Yushui District, Jiangxi Province Xinyu City , on Jiangxi Province West of central part, east of Xinyu City, middle and lower reaches of Yuanhe River, east of it zhangshu Xingan County , Nanlian Xiajiang County Ji'an County , west Fenyi County , adjacent to the north Shanggao County Gao'an City [1] [4] With an area of 1775 square kilometers, it has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 10 towns and 6 townships. [2] [21] By the end of 2023, Yushui District will have 922400 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 78.18%. [20] [23]
Yushui District is the CPC Xinyu The seat of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, formerly Xinyu County, was established in the second year of Wubaoding (267). It was named Xinyu after the middle reaches of the Yuanhe River used to be called Yushui. In the first year of Tang Tianbao (742), Xinyu was renamed Xinyu County. In 1983, Yushui District was established within the jurisdiction of the original Xinyu County, which is a county-level administrative area under the jurisdiction of Xinyu City. [5] Yushui District has a subtropical humid climate with four distinct seasons, mild climate, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall, long frost free period, short severe winter, fertile land and nearly 50% forest coverage.
In 2022, Yushui District will achieve a regional GDP of 75.45 billion yuan, up 4.5% year on year. [20]
Chinese name
Yushui District
Foreign name
Yushui District
area number
three hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and two
Administrative Region Category
Municipal district
Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province
geographical position
East of Xinyu City Yuan He middle and lower reaches of a river
1775 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets, 10 towns, 6 townships [21]
Government residence
257 Baoshi Avenue [3]
Area Code
Postal Code
three hundred and thirty-eight thousand and twenty-five
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon humid climate
population size
922400 [20] [23] (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
Famous scenic spot
Fairy Lake Yangtiangang Forest Park Kongmu River Wetland Park
License plate code
Gan K
75.45 billion yuan [20] (2022)

Construction history

In Han Dynasty, it belonged to Yichun County, Yuzhang County. [5]
In the second year of Wu Baoding in the Three Kingdoms Period (267), Xinyu County was built. It was named after the middle reaches of Yuanhe River, which used to be called Yushui. The county governs Longchi Villa, which belongs to Ancheng County. [5]
In 589, the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in Sui Dynasty, the new Chongqing was withdrawn and entered Wuping. In the 11th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (591), Wu Ping entered Yichun and belonged to Hongzhou. In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (598), Yichun restored Xinyu County, which belonged to Yuanzhou.
In the first year of Tang Tianbao (742), the new Chongqing was changed into a new metaphor.
In the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), the Daoyin system was abolished and Xinyu County was directly under Jiangxi Province.
On July 2, 1956, Xinyu County was renamed Xinyu County. On September 30, 1960, Xinyu County was upgraded to a provincial city. In 1963, Xinyu City was removed from the city and restored to the county, belonging to Yichun.
On July 27, 1983, the State Council approved the cancellation of Xinyu County and the restoration of Xinyu City. [5] On October 14, 1983, the People's Government of Jiangxi Province approved the establishment of Yushui District within the jurisdiction of the original Xinyu County, under the jurisdiction of Xinyu City. [4]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 1983, Xinyu Town was abolished and a sub district office was established; Establish Zhouyu Town; Set up Huagushan Town.
In 1984, Liangshan Township was incorporated into Zhouyu Town.
On March 14, 1987, Nanying Township was established.
On December 10, 1988, Luofang Township, Shuibei Township, Shuixi Township and Yaowei Township were abolished, and Luofang Town, Shuibei Town, Shuixi Town and Yaowei Town were respectively established; The administrative area of the former Xiacun Township was under the jurisdiction of Huagushan Town and renamed Xiacun Town.
On June 21, 1995, Guanchao Township, Hexia Township and Zhushan Township were abolished and Guanchao Town, Hexia Town and Zhushan Town were established.
On April 7, 1998, Ouli Township was abolished and Ouli Town was established.
On August 27, 2001, the organizational system of Shatu Township was abolished and the Chengbei Sub district Office was established; Chengguan Sub district Office was renamed Chengnan Sub district Office.
On November 26, 2001, Nanying Township was abolished and put under the jurisdiction of Luofang Town.
On October 21, 2003, Beigang Township, Dongbian Township and Mahong Township were abolished. Beigang Township and Mahong Township were under the jurisdiction of Luofang Town and Shuixi Town respectively, and Dongbian Township was under the jurisdiction of Luofang Town and Shuixi Town respectively.
On January 19, 2005, the Reply of Xinyu City on Approving Yushui District to Adjust Chengbei Sub district Office to Two Sub district Offices (YFZ [2005] No. 4): 1. Separate part of the jurisdiction of Chengbei Sub district Office and set up Yuanhe Sub district Office. 2. After the adjustment, the Chengbei Sub district Office has jurisdiction over 8 administrative villages including Qiaobei, Laowuchang, Maojia, Futang, Duishang, Lingquan (except Xiaokou Village Group), Dongpi, Shengli and 12 neighborhood committees in Chengbei. The station remains unchanged; Yuanhe Sub district Office has jurisdiction over: Songqiao (including Xiaokou Village Group of Lingquan Administrative Village), Wangkeng, Wangcheng, Xiajia, Zhengjia five administrative villages, and the neighborhood committee of Xingang Steel in the future. To the west of the intersection of Wuyi Road and Qingping Road.
On December 7, 2022, Kongmujiang Street in Yushui District was inaugurated. [19]

Zoning Details

By December 2022, Yushui District has jurisdiction over 5 streets, 10 towns and 6 townships: Chengnan Street Chengbei Street Yuanhe Street Xingang Street Kongmujiang Street Shuibei Town Xiacun Town Liangshan Town Luofang Town Yaoxu Town Zhushan Town Hexia Town Guanchao Town Ouli Town Shuixi Town Hushan Township Renhe Township Jieshui Township Nan'an Township Xinxi Township Jiulongshan Township [21] The District People's Government is located at 257 Baoshi Avenue. [3]

geographical environment


Location context

Yushui District is located in the west of central Jiangxi Province, the east of Xinyu City, the middle and lower reaches of Yuanhe River, and the location of Xinyu City. Eastern boundary zhangshu Xingan County , Nanlian Xiajiang County Ji'an County , west Fenyi County , adjacent to the north Shanggao County Gao'an City 160 kilometers away from Nanchang, the provincial capital. It spans 27 ° 50 'north latitude and 114 ° 58' east longitude. The total area of the district is 1775 square kilometers. [2]
Yushui District

topographic features

Yushui District is a hilly area with Yuanhe River running through it. The terrain is high from north to south, low and flat in the middle, and gradually inclines from the periphery to the middle. Baiyun Peak, the highest peak in the territory, is located in the Mengshan Mountains of Renhe Township, 1004.2 meters above sea level; The lowest point, Jiangzikou, is located in Longweizhou Village, Xinxi Township, 29 meters above sea level. [1]


Yuan Shui'an
Yushui District has four distinct seasons, mild climate, abundant sunshine, abundant rainfall, beautiful mountains and rivers, fertile land, nearly 50% forest coverage, long frost free period, short cold winter, annual average temperature of 17.8 ℃, and annual precipitation of 1550mm. [1]

natural resources


Biological resources

Yushui District is suitable for the growth of a variety of crops, mainly rich in rice, cotton, camellia, peanuts, sesame, citrus, tea, etc. There are a wide variety of animals and plants in the Fairy Lake Scenic Area. The forest coverage rate reaches 95%, with a total of 220 species, 765 genera and more than 3000 species, accounting for 62.3% of the total families in China, and 76 species of birds and animals. [1]

mineral resources

New look of Yushui District
The mineral resources in Yushui District mainly include more than 30 kinds of coal, iron, gold, copper, manganese, tungsten, limestone, wollastonite, marble, quartzite, porcelain clay, etc. Among them, the reserves of iron ore, wollastonite and marble occupy a certain position, and the reserves of wollastonite rank second in the country. [1]


By the end of 2023, Yushui District has 922400 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 78.18%. [20] [23]




In 2022, Yushui District will achieve a regional GDP of 75.45 billion yuan, up 4.5% year on year; Among them, the primary industry completed 3.701 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%, the secondary industry completed 33.756 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4%, and the tertiary industry completed 37.993 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5%. The structure of tertiary industry was adjusted from 5.03:45.03:49.94 to 4.9:44.74:50.36. The non-public economy bucked the trend and achieved an added value of 42.337 billion yuan, an increase of 6% over 2021, accounting for 56.1% of GDP. [20]
In 2022, the tax revenue of Yushui District will reach 4.64 billion yuan, accounting for 90.98% of the fiscal revenue, down 1.9% year on year. General public budget revenue reached 2.074 billion yuan, down 8.2% year on year. [20]
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets (excluding farmers) in Yushui District will increase by 8.8% over 2021. By industry, the investment in the primary industry increased by 92.5%; Investment in the secondary industry dropped by 10.8%; Investment in the tertiary industry increased by 55.9%. From the perspective of investors, the investment in state-owned economy increased by 19.8%; Investment in non-state-owned economy increased by 6.7%, of which private investment increased by 4.1%. [20]
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Yushui District will be 49000 yuan, an increase of 4.1%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 24200 yuan, up 5.7%. [20]

primary industry

In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Yushui District will be 6.247 billion yuan, an increase of 5.58% over 2021. The grain planting area is 52800 hectares, 10 hectares more than that in 2021. Among them, grain planting area was 48100 hectares, down 3%; The bean planting area is 2019 hectares, increasing by 39.7%; The potato planting area was 2721 hectares, an increase of 52.4%. The oil planting area was 73300 mu, down 3.6%. The vegetable planting area was 71500 mu, down 8.3%. The cotton planting area was 4392 mu, up 9.2%. [20]
In 2022, the total grain output of Yushui District will be 285300 tons, down 1.3% from 2021. Among them, 112500 tons of early rice, up 1.9%; 28500 tons of medium rice and one crop of late rice, down 50.4%; The second crop of late rice was 132600 tons, up 14.5%. [20]
In 2022, Yushui District's oil production will be 10200 tons, down 5.4% from 2021. Among them, 6120 tons of peanuts, down 8.7%; 3753 tons of rapeseed, down 1.3%. The cotton output was 492 tons, up 4.5%. The tea output was 275 tons, down 8.6%. The fruit output was 66500 tons, down 0.9%. Among them, the output of citrus was 62300 tons, down 1%. The vegetable output was 88800 tons, down 10.1%. [20]
In 2022, the total meat output of Yushui District will be 46119 tons, an increase of 20% over 2021. Among them, the output of pork was 41376 tons, up 20.8%; The beef output was 2817 tons, up 10.8%; The mutton output was 149.8 tons, up 108.1%. The output of eggs was 2776.6 tons, an increase of 154.7%. The output of aquatic products was 23425 tons, up 4.1%. [20]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the total industrial added value of Yushui District will be 26.618 billion yuan, an increase of 4.6% over 2021, and accounting for 35.28% of the total GDP of the district. [20]
In 2022, the added value of industries above designated size in Yushui District will increase by 5.6% over 2021. In the whole year, industrial enterprises above designated size (including those under the authority of Xingang) in the district achieved an operating income of 95.2 billion yuan, down 3.3%; and profits and taxes of 2.89 billion yuan, down 62.4%. The district level (excluding Xingang) realized an operating revenue of 37.2 billion yuan, down 6.1%; Profits and taxes reached 1.3 billion yuan, down 37%. [20]
In 2022, Jiangxi Xinyu Yuanhe Economic Development Zone There are 121 industrial enterprises above designated size, with 20456 employees. The industrial added value of the park increased by 8.8%; Operating revenue was 8.98 billion yuan, up 0.7%; Profits and taxes reached 270 million yuan, with a growth rate of - 44%. [20]
In 2022, the added value of the construction industry in Yushui District will be 7.272 billion yuan, an increase of 4.6%, accounting for 10.37% of the GDP. The total output value of qualified construction enterprises in the district reached 13.14 billion yuan, an increase of 27%. Among them, the output value of construction projects was 11.56 billion yuan, up 26.8%, accounting for 88% of the total output value of the construction industry; The output value of installation projects was 597 million yuan, down 10.5%, accounting for 4.5% of the total output value of the construction industry. [20]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, Yushui District will invest 880 million yuan in real estate development, an increase of 45.2% over 2021. Among them, residential investment was 680 million yuan, up 51.5%; The investment in commercial housing was 110 million yuan, up 59.6%. The completed commercial housing area was 41000 square meters, down 91.7%; The sales area of commercial housing was 469000 square meters, up 32.1%; The sales of commercial housing reached 3.34 billion yuan, up 27.5%. [20]
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Yushui District will be 26.184 billion yuan, an increase of 5.7% over 2021. [20]
In 2022, the total import and export volume of Yushui District will be 8.476 billion yuan (including Xingang), a year-on-year decrease of 17.33% over 2021. Import was 6.758 billion yuan, down 18.48% year on year. The actual use of foreign direct investment was US $186.3 million, an increase of 9.3% over 2021. The actually utilized project funds above 20 million yuan from outside the province reached 22.644 billion yuan, up 9.1%. [20]




Gan Yue Expressway Shanghai Kunming Expressway , Daguang Expressway transit, of which Jiangxi Guangdong Expressway is 20.8 kilometers long, two-way four lane, with one exit in Nan'an; Shanghai Kunming Expressway is 29.1 kilometers long, two-way four lane, with two exits, Xinyu and Luofang; The length of Daguang Expressway is 22 kilometers, two-way four lane, with two exits, namely, Fairy Lake and Jiulong Mountain. [1]
In 2022, Yushui District will have 2417 kilometers of classified roads and 9.483 million passenger traffic. [20]


Xinyu North Station
Within Yushui District zhejiang-jiangxi railway Trans east and west, east and Beijing Kowloon Railway Adjacent to it, Shanghai (Gaoxin) Xinyu Railway and Xinyu Zhouyu Railway stretch from north to south. [10]


Current leaders
District Party Secretary
District head

social undertakings



In 2022, the primary and secondary schools in Yushui District will enroll 7039 students and graduate 8924 students. There are 36101 students in school. At present, there are 2798 full-time teachers in primary and secondary schools, including 20 graduate students, 1952 undergraduate graduates, 814 junior college graduates and 12 high school graduates. There are 160 kindergartens, with 24894 people, 2961 teaching staff and 1647 full-time teachers. [20]

Culture, radio and television

By the end of 2022, Yushui District will have 1 district level cultural center and 1 library, 17 township cultural stations, and 183 village group cultural rooms. The average weekly broadcast time of cable TV in the region is 105 hours. [20]

medical and health work

By the end of 2022, Yushui District has 460 medical and health institutions (including village clinics). Among them, there are 12 hospitals and health centers, 5 community health service centers, 1 maternal and child health center (station), and 442 other institutions. 1709 health technicians. Among them, there are 398 licensed doctors and licensed assistant doctors, 908 registered nurses, and 646 beds in hospitals and health centers. [20]

social security

In 2022, there will be 6495 urban jobs and 5153 rural labor transfer jobs in Yushui District. We implemented 10 measures to ensure the main body and promote employment, granted 3.035 million yuan of post stabilization subsidies to 798 enterprises, increased 200 million yuan of business guarantee loans, an increase of 35.1%, supported and driven 4049 entrepreneurial jobs, and developed 978 public welfare jobs. 473000 urban and rural residents participated in medical insurance, accounting for 95% of the total; 216000 people participated in old-age insurance, exceeding the livelihood indicators, and 74% of the social security electronic "one card" application rate. The subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents will be increased by 7.8% and 16.5%, and the special poverty allowances will be increased by 8.5% and 16.4%. 27 private elderly care institutions were managed in a standardized manner, and 359 urban and rural home care homes were reduced in cost and improved in quality. [20]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

Yushui District is named after the middle reaches of the Yuanhe River, which used to be called Yushui. [5]

cultural relics and historic sites

  • Kuixin pavilion
Kuixin pavilion
Kuixing Pavilion is located in the Tiger View Mountain in the south of Xinyu City and near the Confucius Temple in the northwest. Founded in the Jiading period of the Southern Song Dynasty (1208-1224), it was initially named "Picking Celery Pavilion" and renamed "Japanese Pavilion". It was renamed "Wenchang Pavilion" when it was rebuilt in the 10th year of Kangxi's reign (1671). In the 10th year of Tongzhi's reign (1871) of the Qing Dynasty, the county magistrate Xiang'an led the whole county to donate money to rebuild it according to its original appearance and renamed "Kuixing Pavilion". [2]
  • Yingzhou Academy
Yingzhou Academy is located in the southwest of Hukan Mountain in the south of the city, with Yuan River in front, Minglun Hall in the east, and brick and wood structure from north to south. Academies are part of the Kuixing Pavilion, Confucius Temple and other ancient architectural groups. [2]
  • Master Hall
The Confucius Hall, located at the Liangjia Family in Chengtan, Xiacun Town, was built in the early Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It was named after the Confucius Hall written by Liang Yin's student, the prime minister Jin Youzi. In the third year of Longqing (1569) and the seventh year of Qianlong (1742) of the Qing Dynasty, the government donated money for repair. [2]
  • Former Site of Luofang Conference
The former site of Luofang Conference is located in Chenjianao, 2 kilometers southeast of Luofang Town, Yushui District, in the style of modern southern ordinary shops, with three rooms, one hall and two back rooms. The middle hall is divided into front and back rooms. The front room is the meeting site of that year, the rear room is the residence of the guards, the left side is Mao Zedong's living room and the right side is Zhou Yili's living room, with an area of 201.47 square meters and a ridge height of 6.75 meters, which is in good condition. [2]
List of Key Cultural Relics Protection Units in Yushui District
Name of cultural relics protection unit
Protection level
reference material
Dijin Hall
The fourth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient Architectural Buildings
Rongquan Bridge
The fifth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient Architectural Buildings
Qipanshan Site
The fifth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient ruins
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient ruins
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient ruins
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient Architectural Buildings
Yu Qingtang
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Ancient Architectural Buildings
Fu Baoshi's Former Residence
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times
Yangtiangang Battlefield Site of Northern Expedition Army
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times
Former Site of Shanghai Working Women's Field Service Corps
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times
Site of CPC Huaqiao Party Branch
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times
Former Site of Xiabao Peasant Riot
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times
Former Site of the General Headquarters of the 19th Army Group of the Chinese Army at the Battle of Zhou Jia Shanggao in Yushui
The sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangxi Province
Important historical sites in modern times

famous scenery

  • Mengshan Scenic Area
Mengshan is located in the middle of Jiangxi Province, across Yushui, Fenyi and Shanggao, 35 kilometers away from Xinyu City. Mengshan Mountain runs from north to south, "with a powerful momentum of thousands of feet and hundreds of miles". Strange caves and rocks are hidden among the mountains; The vines and mosses are spread among the streams, rocks, valleys and gullies; Springs and waterfalls walk, fog erodes the rosy clouds, "stars are separated from water, and images are taken from mists". The cultural and natural landscape is unique.
Baiyun Peak, the main peak of Mount Meng, also known as Baiyun Ridge and Baiyuno, is the highest peak of Mount Meng with an altitude of 1004m. In spring and summer, clouds and mists are swirling around the mountain. It rains heavily on the mountainside, and the mountains are clear. It's like entering a fairyland.
In the southeast of Mengshan Mountain, the sky buoy is like a towering beacon in the sea of clouds. There is an ancient cave named "Lotus Cave" between the peaks. There are natural stone statues, stone Buddha, stone Avalokitesvara and exquisite stones with the color of lotus flowers in the cave. [2]
  • Fairy Lake Scenic Area
Fairy Lake Scenic Area
Fairy Lake Scenic Area It is located 16 kilometers southwest of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province. It is a lake type scenic spot with rich aquatic swimming resources and relatively successful development in Jiangxi Province. The total area of the scenic spot is 298 square kilometers, including 50 square kilometers of water area, and 99 islands scattered in the lake. In May 2002, Jiangxi Fairy Lake Scenic Spot was listed in the fourth batch of national scenic spots approved by the State Council. [2]

Honorary title

In December 2019, Yushui District won the honorary title of "Jiangxi Small Reservoir Management System Reform Demonstration Zone". [12]
On January 2, 2020, Jiangxi Provincial Water Resources Department awarded the honorary title of "2019 Jiangxi County Water Saving Society Construction Standard Area" [13] Yushui District has been listed in the fourth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that have basically realized the mechanization of the whole production of major crops. [14] In June, it was rated as the second class advanced county for high-quality industrial development in the province in 2019. [5] [15] In August of the same year, it was rated as the model area of double support in Jiangxi Province. [6] On November 25, it was selected into the list of the third batch of counties (districts) meeting the standard of water-saving society construction. [7] On December 2, it was rated as "Model Area of Double Support in Jiangxi Province".
On January 18, 2021, it won the honorary title of "2018-2020 National Advanced Unit of Family Planning Quality Service". [8] In April, it was selected into the second batch of "green prevention and control demonstration counties" of national crop pests and diseases Single. [9] In December, it was identified as the second batch of model counties to deepen the management system reform of small reservoirs. [11]
In November 2023, it was selected into the "Top 100 National Comprehensive Strength Districts in 2023" of China's Small and Medium Cities Development Index, ranking 80. [22]
In November 2023, it was identified as the national demonstration county of "four good rural roads" in 2022. [24]
In January 2024, it was selected as the "National Demonstration County (City, District) of Medical and Nursing Integration". [25]