cleaner production

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Clean production refers to the continuous application of comprehensive prevention environmental protection strategies to Production process And products in order to reduce the risk of harming human health and environmental safety. In essence, cleaner production is to take overall prevention measures for production process and products Environmental policy It is a production mode that can reduce or eliminate their possible harm to human beings and the environment, fully meet human needs and maximize social and economic benefits.
Chinese name
cleaner production
Foreign name
cleaner production
Production mode
Reduce risks to people and the environment


Sinopec Shengli Yellow River Drilling Promotes Clean Production
Cleaner production has different names in different development stages or countries, such as "waste reduction", "waste free process", "pollution prevention", etc. But its basic connotation is the same, that is, the product Production process , products and services adopt pollution prevention strategies to reduce Contaminants Generation of. [1]
United Nations Environment Programme Definition of the Center for Industrial and Environmental Planning (UNEP/PAC)
Based on various statements, the term "clean production" is used to describe the broad pollution prevention and control approach from raw materials, production process to product use, and the following definitions are given:
cleaner production
Clean production is a new and creative idea, which continuously applies the environmental strategy of overall prevention to the production process, products and services to increase Ecological efficiency And reduce human and environmental risks.
For the production process, it is required to save raw materials and energy, eliminate toxic raw materials, and reduce all waste Quantity and toxicity of; For products, it is required to reduce the adverse impact of the whole life cycle from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of products; For services, environmental factors are required to be included in the design and services provided.
U.S.A Definition of Environmental Protection Agency
In the United States, cleaner production is also called "pollution prevention" or "waste minimization". Waste minimization is the initial expression of cleaner production in the United States, which was later replaced by the word pollution prevention. The definition of pollution prevention in the United States is: "Pollution prevention is to reduce the amount of waste generated at the production site to the maximum extent possible, including through source reduction (source reduction refers to reducing any inflow or release into the environment before recycling, treatment and disposal Hazardous substances , quantity of pollutants or polluting components; Reduce the hazards to public health and environment related to these hazardous substances, pollutants or components) energy efficiency The two common source reduction methods of reusing input raw materials in production and reducing water consumption to make rational use of resources are changing products and improving processes (including equipment and technology updates, process and process updates, product restructuring and design updates, replacement of raw materials, and promoting scientific management, maintenance, training, or storage control of production). Pollution prevention does not include off-site recycling of waste, waste treatment, waste concentration or dilution, and reduction of its volume or harmful, toxic components from Environmental media Activity transferred to another environmental medium. "
Definition of China's Agenda 21
cleaner production
Clean production means that it can not only meet people's needs, but also reasonably use natural resources and energy protect the environment The practical production methods and measures of Resource-based And harmless, or eliminated in the production process. Harmless to human body and environment green product With the deepening of the sustainable development process, the production of.
To sum up, the definition of cleaner production includes two whole process controls: the whole production process and the whole product life cycle. For the production process, cleaner production includes saving raw materials and energy, avoiding toxic raw materials as much as possible and reducing their quantity and toxicity in the production process; For products, it is to minimize the impact on the environment from the acquisition of raw materials to the final disposal of products.
Adopt the overall preventive environmental strategy for the production process and products to reduce the possible harm to human beings and the environment; For the production process, cleaner production saves raw materials and energy, avoids toxic and harmful raw materials as much as possible, and reduces the quantity and toxicity of all emissions and wastes before leaving the production process; For products, life cycle analysis is used to minimize the impact on the environment from the acquisition of raw materials to the final treatment of products.


In essence, cleaner production is to take overall prevention measures for production process and products Environmental policy It is a production mode that can reduce or eliminate their possible harm to human beings and the environment, fully meet human needs and maximize social and economic benefits. Specific measures include: continuous improvement of design; Use clean energy and raw materials; Advanced Process technology And equipment; Improve management; Comprehensive utilization; Reduce pollution from the source and improve resource utilization efficiency; Reduce or avoid the generation and discharge of pollutants during production, service and product use. Clean production is an important means to implement sustainable development.
Origin of cleaner production [1]
1. Serious pollution and prominent environmental problems.
2. The effect of traditional end treatment is not ideal.
3. High consumption is one of the main reasons for serious industrial pollution.
4. Taking the path of sustainable development has become a necessary choice, and "clean production" is the best mode to implement the sustainable development strategy.
Clean production concept Mainly emphasize three key points
(1) Clean energy. Including the development of energy-saving technologies, the development and utilization of renewable energy as far as possible and rational utilization Conventional energy
(2) Clean production process. It includes not using or using as little as possible toxic and harmful raw materials and intermediate products. Recycle raw materials and intermediate products to improve management and efficiency.
(3) Cleaning products. This includes not harming human health and ecological environment Consider the manufacturing process of products and even the recycling after use as the leading factor to reduce the use of raw materials and energy.
Clean production is producer , consumers and society to maximize their interests
(1) It gives consideration and requirements to the whole process of industrial product production from design to use and final disposal from two aspects of resource conservation and environmental protection;
(2) It is required to consider the impact on the environment not only for production but also for services;
(3) It implements cost effective source reduction for industrial waste, and changes the traditional cost effective or single end control method;
(4) It can improve the production efficiency and economic benefits of enterprises. Compared with terminal processing, it has become a new thing welcomed by enterprises;
(5) It focuses on global environment The thorough protection of the, has brought for the human society to build a clean earth hope


cleaner production
The emergence of cleaner production is a historical necessity of the rapid development of human industrial production. It is a new thing in the rapid development Industrial production The negative effect of the pollution that is harmful to the natural ecology of human beings is gradually recognized. [1]
In the 1960s and early 1970s, the developed countries ignored industrial pollution Caused by environmental pollution The problem is becoming increasingly serious. Public nuisance events Continuous occurrence, such as the Minamata disease event in Japan, has caused great harm to human health, seriously damaged the ecological environment, and caused strong social reaction. environmental problems It has gradually aroused great concern of governments around the world, and has taken corresponding environmental protection measures and countermeasures. For example, increasing investment in environmental protection, building pollution control and treatment facilities, formulating pollutant discharge standards, and implementing Environmental legislation So as to control and improve the environmental pollution problem, and has made certain achievements.
However, through more than ten years of practice, it is found that this method, which only focuses on the control of sewage outlets (ends) and makes the discharged pollutants meet the discharge standards, has not fundamentally solved the industrial pollution problem, although it has played a certain role in a certain period of time or in local areas. The reason is that:
First, with the development of production and the continuous increase of product varieties environmental consciousness With the improvement of, more and more kinds of pollutants discharged from industrial production are detected, and the emission standards for regulated pollutants (especially toxic and harmful pollutants) are becoming more and more strict, so the requirements for pollution treatment and control are becoming higher and higher. In order to meet the emission requirements, enterprises need to spend a lot of money, which greatly increases the treatment costs. Even so, Some requirements are difficult to meet.
Second, due to the limited pollution control technology, it is virtually difficult to completely eliminate pollution. Because the general way to control pollution at the end is to conduct necessary pretreatment first, and then conduct biochemical treatment before discharge. Some pollutants are non biodegradable pollutants, which are only diluted and discharged, not only polluting the environment, but also causing secondary pollution if some are not properly treated; Some treatments just transfer pollutants, waste gas into waste water, and waste water into waste water Waste residue , waste residue is piled up and buried, polluting soil and groundwater, forming a vicious circle and destroying ecological environment
Third, focusing only on the end treatment method, it not only requires investment, but also makes some recoverable resources (including unreacted raw materials) lose without effective recycling, resulting in higher consumption of raw materials, increased product costs, and decreased economic benefits, thus affecting the enthusiasm and initiative of enterprises in pollution control.
cleaner production
Fourth, practice has proved that prevention is better than governance. according to Japan Environment Agency According to the 1991 report, economically, it is more economical to take preventive measures before pollution than to take measures after pollution. For example, in Japan Sulfur oxide As far as air pollution is concerned, the amount of damage caused by not taking countermeasures after discharge is 10 times of the cost of preventing such harm. In terms of Minamata disease, the calculated result is 100 times. It can be seen that the difference between the two is extremely wide.
According to the US EPA statistics, the US is used for air, water, soil, etc Environmental media The total cost of pollution control (including investment and operation costs) was $26 billion (1% of GNP) in 1972, soared to $85 billion in 1987, and reached $120 billion (2.8% of GNP) at the end of the 1980s. as DuPont The treatment cost per pound of waste increases at the rate of 20-30% per year, and burning a barrel of hazardous waste may cost 300-1500 dollars. Even such a high economic cost still fails to meet the expected Pollution control objectives , and the end treatment is economically overburdened.
Therefore, through the practice of pollution control, developed countries have gradually realized that the prevention and control of industrial pollution can not only rely on the control of pollution at the outlet (end) of the sewage. To fundamentally solve the problem of industrial pollution, we must "put prevention first", eliminate pollutants in the production process, and implement the whole process control of industrial production. Since the late 1970s, many governments and major enterprise groups (companies) in developed countries have studied, developed and adopted clean processes, opened up new ways of pollution prevention, and taken the implementation of cleaner production as a strategic measure for coordinated economic and environmental development.
1. Wastewater: various indicators of industrial wastewater, domestic sewage and drinking water;
2. Waste gas: organic waste gas, soldering waste gas, boiler waste gas alternator Tail gas, kitchen oil smoke, kitchen fire smoke, all kinds of furnace, cellar tail gas and all kinds of process dust;
3. Noise: generator room, air compressor room, boundary noise, etc.

development history

The origin of cleaner production came from the pollution prevention audit of the American chemical industry in 1960. The emergence of the concept of "clean production" can be traced back to 1976. In that year, the European Community held the "International Seminar on Waste free Process and Waste free Production" in Paris, at which the idea of "eliminating the root causes of pollution" was put forward; In April 1979, the Council of the European Community announced the implementation of the cleaner production policy; In 1984, 1985 and 1987, the EC Environmental Affairs Committee allocated funds for three times to support the establishment of cleaner production demonstration projects. [1]
cleaner production
Since 1989, when the United Nations began to promote cleaner production worldwide, eight countries have established cleaner production centers in the world, which has promoted the continuous expansion of cleaner production in all countries in depth and breadth. In May 1989, the Industrial and Environmental Planning Activity Center (UNEP IE/PAC) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP IE/PAC) formulated the Cleaner Production Plan in accordance with the resolution of the UNEP Council meeting to promote cleaner production worldwide. One of the main contents of the plan is to set up two types of working groups: one is the cleaner production working group in the industries of leather making, paper making, textile, metal surface processing, etc; The other is to set up working groups on cleaner production policies and strategies, data networks, education and other businesses. The plan also emphasizes the need to target politicians, industry and academia to raise their awareness of cleaner production, educate the public and promote cleaner production. Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992“ United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ”Yes, passed《 Agenda 21 》, calling on industry to improve energy efficiency, develop clean technology, update and replace products and raw materials harmful to the environment, and promote sustainable industrial development. The Chinese government also responded positively by proposing“ China’s Agenda 21 ”And listed cleaner production as one of the "key projects".
Since 1990, the United Nations Environment Programme has Canterbury , Paris Warsaw Oxford Seoul Montreal and other places held six international advanced seminars on cleaner production. In October 1998, at the Fifth International Advanced Seminar on Cleaner Production in Seoul, South Korea, the International Cleaner Production Declaration was issued. 64 signatories, including ministers and other senior representatives of 13 countries and 9 company leaders, signed the Declaration. Representatives of international institutions, chambers of commerce, academic institutions and professional associations also participated in the conference. The main purpose of the International Declaration on Cleaner Production is to improve the understanding of key decision-makers in the public and private sectors on cleaner production strategy and the image of the strategy among them. It will also stimulate a broader demand for cleaner production advisory services. International Declaration on Cleaner Production Environmental management Strategic cleaner production open commitment.
cleaner production
In the early 1990s, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) took different measures in many countries to encourage the adoption of Clean production technology For example, in West Germany, factories that invest 70% in clean processes can apply for tax reduction. In the UK, preferential tax policies lead to Wind power generation Reasons for growth. Since 1995, the governments of OECD countries have begun to focus their environmental strategies on products rather than processes, which is the starting point for the introduction of Life cycle analysis To determine which stage in the product life cycle (including manufacturing, transportation, use and disposal) is likely to reduce or replace the input of raw materials and eliminate pollutants and waste at the lowest cost. This strategy stimulates and guides producers and manufacturers as well as government policy makers to find more imaginative ways to achieve cleaner production and products.
USA, Australia, Netherlands Denmark Other developed countries have made remarkable achievements in cleaner production legislation, organization construction, scientific research, information exchange, demonstration projects and promotion. Especially after entering the 21st century, the cleaner production policies of developed countries have two important trends: one is that the focus gradually shifts from cleaner production technology to the entire life cycle of cleaner products; The second is to change the priority of large enterprises in obtaining financial support and other types of industrial support to more emphasis on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out cleaner production, including providing financial subsidies, project support, technical services and information and other measures.

basic content



The definition of cleaner production includes two cleaner process controls: the whole production process and the whole product cycle process.
For the production process, cleaner production includes saving raw materials and energy, eliminating toxic and harmful raw materials, and minimizing the emissions and toxicity of all emissions and wastes before leaving the production process. For products, cleaner production aims to reduce the impact on human beings and the environment from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of products throughout the life cycle of products.
The difference between the thinking method of cleaner production and the previous one is that in the past, when considering the impact on the environment, we focused on how to deal with pollutants after they were generated to reduce the harm to the environment, while cleaner production requires that pollutants be eliminated before they are generated.


According to the requirements of sustainable economic development on resources and environment, cleaner production seeks to achieve two goals:
(1) Via Comprehensive utilization of resources , substitution of scarce resources, Secondary energy And energy conservation, consumption reduction, water conservation, rational use of natural resources, slow down the depletion of resources.
(2) Reduce the discharge of waste and pollutants, promote the integration of the production and consumption process of industrial products with the environment, and reduce the risks of industrial activities to human beings and the environment.

Micro measures

1、 Implement green product design
Enterprises implement cleaner production. In the process of product design, first, consider environmental protection, reduce resource consumption, and achieve sustainable development strategy; Second, consider commercial interests, reduce costs, reduce potential liability risks, and improve competitiveness. The specific method is to pay attention to future Is modifiable, easy to upgrade, and can produce basic design of several products, which can reduce solid waste Substantial opportunities for pollution. The product design should achieve the goal that only some parts need to be redesigned to update the product, so as to reduce solid waste. In product design, less materials or more energy-saving ingredients should also be considered in production, and non-toxic, low toxic and less polluting raw and auxiliary materials should be preferentially selected to replace the original raw and auxiliary materials with greater toxicity, so as to prevent the harm of raw materials and products to human beings and the environment.
2、 Implement the whole production process control
Clean production process requires enterprises to adopt waste less and waste free production Process technology And efficient production equipment; Try to use less toxic and harmful raw materials; Reduce various risk factors and toxic and harmful intermediate products in the production process; Simple and reliable operation and control; Establish good hygiene practices (GMP) Hygienic Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP); Organize material recycling; Establish a total quality management system (TQMS); Optimize production organization; Carry out necessary pollution control to realize clean and efficient utilization and production.
3、 Implement material optimization management
Material optimization management is an important link for enterprises to implement cleaner production. Selecting materials, evaluating chemical use and estimating life cycle are important aspects that can improve material management. When enterprises implement cleaner production, they should pay attention to reusability and recyclability when selecting materials. Materials with reusability and recyclability can be improved by environmental quality And reduce costs to obtain economic and environmental benefits; Implement reasonable closed-loop flow of materials, mainly including the flow of materials in the recycling process of raw materials and products, the flow of materials in the use process of products and the flow of materials in the manufacturing process of products.
The processing cycle of raw materials is generated in the flow process from natural resources to finished materials, as well as in the process of mining and processing waste A closed process consisting of recycling. The material flow in the product manufacturing process is the flow process of materials in the whole manufacturing system, and the recycling process of waste generated in this process. Each link of the manufacturing process directly or indirectly affects the consumption of materials. The material flow in the product use process is the process of product use, repair, maintenance and service, and the recycling of waste generated in these processes within the product life cycle. The material flow in the product recycling process is the processing process after the product is used, which mainly includes reusable parts, renewable parts, and non renewable waste. In the four links of material consumption, waste should be reduced Resource-based And harmless, or eliminated Production process In the process of production, it is not only necessary to realize no pollution or non pollution in the production process, but also to produce products without pollution.

Main significance

The significance and necessity of promoting cleaner production Cleaner production is a new creative concept, which continuously applies the environmental strategy of overall prevention to the production process, products and services, so as to increase ecological efficiency and reduce human and environmental risks. Clean production is a change of environmental protection strategy from passive response to initiative. Since the 1980s, with the rapid development of economic construction, global environmental pollution and ecological destruction have become increasingly serious. The shortage of resources and energy has restricted economic development. People have also gradually realized that the environmental benefits achieved by only relying on the development of effective pollution control technologies to carry out end treatment of the generated pollution are very limited. For example, it may be more effective to care about the impact of products and production processes on the environment, and to eliminate pollution by improving production processes and strengthening management. Therefore, the concept and practice of cleaner production have also emerged, and it has been rapidly promoted worldwide with its strong vitality.
First, cleaner production reflects the environmental strategy of prevention first. The traditional end treatment is out of touch with the production process. Pollution first, then treatment, which is the path that developed countries have gone through; The requirements of cleaner production start from product design to the selection of raw materials, process routes and equipment, as well as waste utilization and operation management. Through continuous strengthening of management and technological progress, the utilization rate of resources is improved, and the generation of pollutants is reduced or even eliminated, which reflects the idea of prevention first.
Secondly, cleaner production reflects an intensive growth mode. Clean production requires changing the traditional extensive economic development model at the expense of the environment and taking the road of connotation development. To achieve this goal, enterprises must vigorously adjust the product structure, innovate the production process, optimize the production process, improve the level of technical equipment, strengthen scientific management, improve the quality of personnel, achieve energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution reduction, efficiency increase, reasonably and efficiently allocate resources, and maximize resource utilization.
Third, cleaner production reflects the unity of environmental benefits and economic benefits. The traditional end of pipe treatment is characterized by high investment, high operation cost and difficult treatment. It has only environmental benefits and no economic benefits; The final result of cleaner production is that the level of enterprise management and production technology has been improved, resources have been fully utilized, and the environment has been fundamentally improved. The biggest difference between cleaner production and traditional end treatment is that it has found a combination of environmental benefits and economic benefits, which can mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to prevent and control industrial pollution.

Production steps

cleaner production
1. Planning and organization
2. Pre audit
3. Review
4. Scheme generation and screening
5. Feasibility analysis
6. Implementation of the scheme
7. Continuous clean production


Cleaner production is a systematic project
To implement cleaner production, enterprises need to establish an organization necessary for pollution prevention and resource protection, define responsibilities, make scientific plans, and formulate development strategies, policies and regulations. It is a systematic project including product design, energy and raw material renewal and replacement, development of less waste and no waste clean process, disposal of discharged pollutants and material circulation.
Focus on prevention and effectiveness
Clean production is to comprehensively prevent the pollution generated in the production process of products, focusing on prevention, and reducing and recycling the pollutants far away. Minimize waste and effectively prevent the generation of pollutants.
Good economy
Under the premise of reliable technology, implement the plan of cleaner production and pollution prevention, conduct social, economic and environmental benefit analysis, optimize the operation of the production system, and ensure that the products have the best quality and price.
Adapt to enterprise development
Clean production combines the product characteristics and process production requirements of the enterprise to make its purpose meet the needs of enterprise production, operation and development. The environmental protection work should consider the requirements of different economic development stages and the supporting capacity of the enterprise economy. In this way, cleaner production not only promotes the development of enterprise production, but also protects the ecological environment and natural resources.
Waste recycling and establishment of production closed loop
The conversion of materials in industrial production cannot reach 100%. During the production process, the transmission of workpieces and materials, volatilization and precipitation of materials during heating reaction, improper operation, leakage of equipment and other reasons; It will always cause material loss. The "three wastes" in industrial production are essentially raw materials, intermediates, by-products and waste products lost in the production process. Especially in China's pesticide and dye industries, the utilization rate of main raw materials is generally only 30-40%, and the rest are discharged into the environment in the form of "three wastes". Therefore, the effective treatment and recycling of waste can create wealth and reduce pollution.
Develop environmental protection technology and do well in end treatment
In order to achieve cleaner production, necessary end treatment should be included in the whole process control, making it a final means of pollution prevention after taking other measures. This end treatment in the plant is often a pretreatment measure before centralized treatment. In this case, its goal is no longer to meet the emission standards, but only to treat to the extent that the centralized treatment facilities can accept. Therefore, some new requirements need to be put forward for the production process.
In order to achieve effective end treatment, efforts must be made to develop some practical environmental protection technologies that are advanced in technology, good in treatment effect, small in floor area, low in investment, quick in effect, recyclable of useful substances, and conducive to the organization of material recycling. Since the mid-1980s, China has developed many successful practical technologies for environmental protection. For example, fly ash treatment and comprehensive utilization technology, steel slag treatment and comprehensive utilization technology, benzene series organic gas catalytic purification technology, chlor alkali method to treat cyanide containing wastewater, etc. However, there are still many environmental problems in China that have not yet been completely solved, such as the desulfurization technology for treating sulfur dioxide containing waste gas, the treatment and recovery of alkali from papermaking black liquor, the treatment and recovery of naphthalene series, anthracene series and quinone series fuel intermediate production wastewater, the treatment technology of automobile exhaust, the treatment and comprehensive utilization technology of high concentration organic waste liquid, etc. Therefore, it is still necessary to rely on scientific and technological research results and continue to work hard to develop the best practical technology to make terminal treatment more effective and truly play a "check" role in pollution control.