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Town under the jurisdiction of Xishui County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province
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Qingquan Town, subordinate to Huanggang City, Hubei Province Xishui County , located in the middle of Xishui County, adjacent to Cai River Xima Town , bordering Dingsidang Town in the southeast and Dingsidang Town in the south Lanxi Town Connected, southwest and Bahe Town Border, northwest and bamboo tile Wanggang Town Adjacent, north and Guankou Town Adjacent, [2] The administrative area is 240.3 square kilometers, [3] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Qingquan Town was 197255. [3]
In the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1908), Qingquan Town was located in the middle of the county. [2] In 2001, it was removed from the township and became Qingquan Town. [2] As of June 2020, Qingquan Town has jurisdiction over 12 communities and 69 administrative villages; [4] The town people's government is located at No. 2 Baijia Street, Liwen Avenue. [2]
In 2019, Qingquan Town has 141 industrial enterprises, including 16 enterprises above designated size, and 480 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]
Chinese name
Administrative Region Category
Huanggang City, Hubei Province Xishui County
geographical position
Central Xishui County
240.3 km²
Area under jurisdiction
12 communities and 69 administrative villages
Government residence
No. 2 Baijia Street, Liwen Avenue
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and thirty-eight thousand and two hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
197255 (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

In the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1908), Qingquan Town was located in the middle of the county.
In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Qingquan Town was established.
In 1958, it belonged to October Commune.
In 1984, it belonged to Qingquan Town and Wangcheng District.
In 1987, it belonged to Qingquan Town, Maqiao Township, Yuyan Township and Sandian Township (6 villages).
In 2001, it was removed from the township and became Qingquan Town. [2]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Qingquan Town had jurisdiction over 14 neighborhood committees, including Xiansi'ao, Sikoutang, Guandi Temple, Lianhua Pool, Fengqi Mountain, Huping, October, Baiguoshu, Huancheng, Hutong, Qingyun, Daorenqiao, Yunkou, County Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Dongmenhe, October, Huancheng, Baiguoshu, Yangshugou, Hualiangting, Douzuigang, Tuqiaofan, Yutangjiao, Guanshan, Hongjiachong, Yaohu, Zhangaokou Jiaoling, Xinpu, Swan, Hedong Street, Zhangjiaping, Lingjiaotang, Luoqiao, Xiangpu River, Zhaipu, Xue'an, Haodi, Balu Mountain, Yueshan, Maqiao, Guanhu, Baoershi, Volcano, Mayuan, Xialiang, Longjing, Shizha, Wanghua, Hekou, Vase, Shenshan, Liyan, Fangtang, Santai Mountain, Xufan, Mafan, Yuanfan, Huayan, Yuyan, Taoshuwo, Qianjiahe There are 76 village committees in Zhengjiapu, Jinbaoshan, Chitupo, Jinbasin, Wangjiahe, Camelback Willow, Red Stone Roller, Pu Shuao, Heiluao, Huangao, Gongpu, Yanjiahe, Xiangbizui, Dishuiyan, Xiaoxianmiao, Daxianmiao, Wangjiayan, Jiulongzhai, Tianqiao, Youchong, Caipu, Zhulinpu, Guiqiao, Feihushan, Pagoda, Daoren Bridge, Hutong, Yunkou. [2]
By June 2020, Qingquan Town has jurisdiction over 12 communities and 69 administrative villages: Xiansiao Community, Sikoutang Community, Guandimiao Community, Lianhuachi Community, Fengqishan Community, Hujiaping Community, October Community, Baiguoshu Community, Huancheng Community, Hulong Community, Qingyun Community, Daorenqiao Community, Dongmenhe Village, Yangshugou Village, Hualiangting Village, Douzuigang Village, Tuqiaofan Village Yutangjiao Village, Guanshan Village, Hongchong Village, Yaohu Village, Zhangaokou Village, Jiaoling Village, Xinpu Village, Swan Village, Hedong Street Village, Zhangjiaping Village, Lingjiaotang Village, Luoqiao Village, Xiangpuhe Village, Zhaipu Village, Xue'an Village, Balushan Village, Yueshan Village, Maqiao Village, Guanhu Village, Baoershi Village, Volcano Village, Mayuan Village, Xialiang Village, Longjing Village, Shizha Village, Wanghuashan Village, Hekou Village Huaping Village, Shenshan Village, Liyan Village, Fangtang Village, Santaishan Village, Xufan Village, Mafan Village, Yuanfan Village, Huawan Village, Yuyan Village, Taoshuwo Village, Qianjiahe Village, Zhengpu Village, Jinbaoshan Village, Chitupo Village, Jinbasi Village, Wangjiahe Village, Tuobei Liu Village, Hongshigun Village, Pushu'ao Village, Heilu'ao Village, Huang'ao Village, Gongpu Village, Yanhe Village, Xiangbizui Village, Dishuiyan Village Xiaoxianmiao Village, Daxianmiao Village, Wangjiayan Village, Jiulongzhai Village, Tianqiao Village, Youchong Village, Caipu Village, Zhulinpu Village, Guiqiao Village, Feihushan Village, Baota Village; [4] The town people's government is located at No. 2 Baijia Street, Liwen Avenue. [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Qingquan Town is located in the middle of Xishui County, adjacent to Cai River Xima Town , bordering Dingsidang Town in the southeast and Dingsidang Town in the south Lanxi Town Connected, southwest and Bahe Town Border, northwest and bamboo tile Wanggang Town Adjacent, north and Guankou Town Adjacent, [2] The administrative area is 240.3 square kilometers. [3]

topographic features

Qingquan Town is located in a semi hilly and semi plain area. The terrain inclines from northeast to southwest and is dominated by hills and mounds. The highest peak in Qingquan Town is located in Feihu Mountain, 313 meters above sea level, and the lowest point is located in Shitouzui Lake, Yuanfan Village, 27 meters above sea level. [2]


Qingquan Town has a subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by four distinct seasons, variable temperature and humidity in spring, hot and rainy summer, cool and dry autumn, and low humidity and little rain in winter. The annual average temperature is 18 ℃, the annual average frost free period is 270 days, and the annual average precipitation is 1450mm. [2]


Xishui River in Qingquan Town enters from Hualiangting Village in the northeast, flows 17.5 kilometers southwest, and leaves Mafan Village. [2]

natural resources

Mineral resources in Qingquan Town: underground mineral resources mainly include granite, marble, etc. The reserve of yellow sand is 50 million tons. [2]
In 2011, Qingquan Town had 76000 mu of arable land, 0.3 mu per capita. [2]

natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Qingquan Town include flood and drought, which occur once a year. The most serious drought occurred in 2011, causing 14055 people and more than 670 large livestock to have difficulty in drinking water, 74640 mu of cultivated land failed to receive, and the direct economic loss exceeded 15 million yuan. [2]


By the end of 2011, Qingquan Town had a total population of 228600, including 28859 in the Economic Development Zone; There are 99700 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 43.6%. There are also 48000 floating population. Of the total population, 118100 are men, accounting for 51.6%; 110500 women, accounting for 48.4%. Among the total population, the Han nationality is the dominant, accounting for 228600 people, accounting for 99.96%. The population density is 874 people per square kilometer. [2]
By the end of 2017, the permanent population of Qingquan Town was 196516. [1]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Qingquan Town was 197255. [3]
 Scenery of Qingquan Town Scenery of Qingquan Town Scenery of Qingquan Town




In 2011, the total financial revenue of Qingquan Town was 42.45 million yuan, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year. The local fiscal revenue was 42.45 million yuan, up 10.7% over the previous year. From the perspective of major taxes, business tax was 32 million yuan, value-added tax was 19 million yuan, and corporate income tax was 26 million yuan. [2]
In 2019, Qingquan Town has 141 industrial enterprises, including 16 enterprises above designated size, and 480 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]


In 2011, Qingquan Town mainly planted rice, rape, cotton and vegetables in agriculture, with a total agricultural output value of 1.25 billion yuan. The agricultural added value accounted for 18% of the total output value of the town. The grain production was 66000 tons, 290 kg per capita, including 49000 tons of rice and 16000 tons of wheat; The cotton planting area is 26000 mu, with an output of 6272 tons; 11000 mu of vegetables and fruit melons are planted with an output of 37000 tons, including 34000 tons of vegetables and 2800 tons of fruit melons. Livestock husbandry is dominated by raising pigs and chickens, with 140000 pigs raised and 63000 on hand at the end of the year; The number of poultry raised was 6.35 million, and 2.73 million were listed. [2]


In 2011, Qingquan Town's industry was dominated by building materials, medicine and ceramic products, with a total industrial output value of 4 billion yuan, an increase of 38% over the previous year. The industrial added value accounted for 65% of the town's regional GDP. It has 88 county-level enterprises, 77000 employees, and achieved a total industrial output value of 3.48 billion yuan, an increase of 30% over the previous year. [2]

Commerce and trade

At the end of 2011, Qingquan Town had 4567 commercial outlets, 41000 employees, and the total sales of social goods reached 3.11 billion yuan, an increase of 25% over the previous year; The trade turnover of urban and rural fairs was 340 million yuan, up 8.2% over the previous year. [2]


At the end of 2011, the balance of various deposits of various financial institutions in Qingquan Town was 490 million yuan, up 14% over the previous year, and the balance of various loans was 200 million yuan, up 8.9% over the previous year. [2]

Posts and telecommunications

In 2011, the annual postal business income of Qingquan Town was 8.4 million yuan, of which the net postal income was 3.36 million yuan; The annual telecom business income was 11.2 million yuan. [2]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 17 kindergartens in Qingquan Town, with 3587 children and 135 full-time teachers; There are 21 primary schools with 5203 students and 462 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There are 6 junior middle schools, 8880 students and 398 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior middle schools, the enrollment rate from primary school to junior high school, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education are all 100%. The education funds in the financial budget are 84.93 million yuan, an increase of 17% over the previous year. The budgetary education expenditure accounted for 12% of the fiscal expenditure, up 3% over the previous year. [2]

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Qingquan Town had 1 cultural station, 58 rural cultural centers, 5 school stadiums and 1800 bleachers. 80% of the communities and 30% of the villages have installed sports equipment, and 4.6% of the permanent residents often participate in sports activities. [2]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, there were 57 medical and health institutions at all levels and all types in Qingquan Town; 286 sickbeds, 1.25 medical beds for every 1000 people, and the total value of fixed assets is 170 million yuan. There are 402 professional health personnel, including 126 licensed doctors, 65 licensed assistant doctors, 184 registered nurses, and 161000 medical institutions have completed diagnosis and treatment. All villagers participate in the new rural cooperative medical care, with a participation rate of 100%. [2]

social security

In 2011, there were 600 urban minimum living security households in Qingquan Town, with a population of 10443, and the expenditure was 15.65 million yuan, an increase of 32% over the previous year. The monthly per capita income was 124.8 yuan, an increase of 12% over the previous year; 173 people received medical assistance and 3047 people received assistance from civil affairs departments to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 498000 yuan, an increase of 35.6% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 2868, with 5344 people. The expenditure was 4.31 million yuan, an increase of 48% over the previous year, and the monthly per capita was 67 yuan, an increase of 30% over the previous year. 1768 people were entitled to various types of state pension and subsidies, and 3.72 million yuan was spent on pension business expenses, up 13% over the previous year. There are 4 rural welfare homes, and 309 rural five guarantees are adopted. [2]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, there were 5 postal agencies in Qingquan Town. 44000 newspapers and periodicals were subscribed. 16 telecommunication service outlets. [2]


At the end of 2011, the Beijing Jiulong Railway in Qingquan Town ran through the whole territory. The provincial highways Huangbiao, Luolan, Zhongda and other three trunk highways met in the territory, with one railway passenger station, one freight station and two highway passenger stations. [2]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

Qingquan Town is named after Qingquan Temple in the territory. [2]

cultural relics and historic sites

  • overview
Qingquan Town has Qingquan Temple, Wen Yiduo Memorial Hall, Confucian Temple, etc.
  • Qingquan Temple
Qingquan Temple It was first built in the Tang Dynasty. According to the records of Xishui County Annals, "Qingquan Temple is located in the two miles east of Yidong. In the sixth year of Zhenyuan's reign in the Tang Dynasty (790), the well was dug, which was cold and sweet, so it is a famous temple." In front of the temple, there is the Xihe River flowing from east to west. Qingquan Temple was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in the late Qing Dynasty. After the War of Resistance against Japan, Qingquan Temple was gradually neglected and once became Xishui Simple Normal School. It was later destroyed in 1967 during the Cultural Revolution.
  • Wen Yiduo Memorial Hall
Wen Yiduo Memorial Hall is located on the site of Qingquan Temple. The main project is a courtyard style antique building group.
Wen Yiduo Memorial Hall
Confucian Temple is also called School Palace, Confucian Temple and Confucianism. The Confucian Temple in Xishui County, located in Yanhe Street, Qingquan Town, adjacent to the Nanmen River in Xishui in the south and the Confucian Lane in the north, covers an area of 3500 square meters. It was first built in the Northern Song Dynasty and destroyed by the army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. It was rebuilt on the old site in the seventh year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1374), and later went through construction and expansion in generations. On the north-south central axis, the buildings of the Confucian Temple were originally Lingxing Gate, Halberd Gate, Dacheng Hall, Chongsheng Temple, and on both sides of the central axis were Zhongxiao Temple, Minghuan Temple, Jielie Temple, Xiangxian Temple, Zujing Pavilion, Minglun Temple and other buildings. There are Lingxing Gate, Dacheng Hall, Chongsheng Temple and Zunjin Pavilion. The Dacheng Hall with double eaves resting on the top of the mountain is the main building of the Confucian Temple. It is three rooms wide and three rooms deep. It is built on a 1m high platform.
Xishui County Museum Located in the Confucian Temple, it has a cultural relics exhibition room, ancient calligraphy and painting, ancient porcelain art and other exhibition halls, and has collected more than 40000 precious historical relics such as ancient books, thread bound books, tablet stickers, gold and stone seals.