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Qingchuan River

Rivers in central Korea
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North Korea Middle river, originating from Hamhung The Diyuling Mountains, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) to the northwest, flows to the southwest, and the whole journey is about 200 kilometers (125 miles). The basin is a fertile agricultural plain Xichuan , courts and Anzhou And other cities in Xin'an Prefecture It flows into the West Korean Gulf 24 kilometers (15 miles) to the west.
Chinese name
Qingchuan River
Foreign name
River Introduction
Ch'ongch'on River ( North Korea Ch'ongch'ongang)
River in the northwest of North Korea. It originates from the southern foot of the west of Langlin Mountain, flows south by west, and the downstream is the boundary between Ping'an South Road and Ping'an North Road. The total length is 212.8 kilometers, and the drainage area is 9778 square kilometers. It joins the Jiulong River and flows into the West Korean Gulf. The upstream is steep and the downstream is Bochuan Plain. Large amount of water is conducive to irrigation of farmland. One of the major industrial and agricultural zones in North Korea. It can be navigable for 152 kilometers upstream from the estuary.
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