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Deep vein

A tube that directs blood back to the heart
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The deep vein, also known as concomitant vein, is a conduit for guiding blood back to the heart, located deep in the deep fascia.
Chinese name
Deep vein
It's a conduit that leads blood back to the heart
Located on the deep side of deep fascia

brief introduction

The veins of the human body are the pipes that guide blood back to the heart, blood circulation Can be divided into Pulmonary circulation and Systemic circulation Among them, systemic circulation veins can be divided into shallow and deep ones.
Schematic diagram of circulating system


Deep vein is also called concomitant vein.


Same name as artery Accompanying, the journey is the same as the artery of the same name. The scope of storage and drainage is roughly the same as that of the artery of the same name.
Deep vein in front of forearm

Differentiation from superficial vein

Superficial vein: the superficial vein is located in the subcutaneous superficial fascia. Also called subcutaneous vein. The superficial vein is not accompanied by the artery, and finally flows into the deep vein.
Deep vein: located on the deep side of deep fascia.