deep space

[shēn kōng]
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Deep space, word, pronounced "sh ō n k ō ng",
Space far beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere, including space beyond the solar system.
2. The distance from the earth is about 2 × 10 ^ 6 km or more. [1]
Chinese name
deep space
Phonetic transcription
shēn kōng
Space technology terminology
Deep Space People Are Wu Sangui

Basic interpretation

[Words]: Deep Space
[Phonics]: sh ō n k ō ng
Space technology terminology
1. Space far beyond the limits of the Earth's atmosphere, including space beyond the solar system.
2. The distance from the earth is about 2 × 10 ^ 6 km or more.

Another meaning of deep space

Deep emptiness( Property market equity market etc. investment market )People who ignore the economic operating environment and market rules, and take short view as the purpose of irrational short view, which means stubborn short view and even empty talk. The term "deep space" was first used by writers Three cups He proposed that his essay "Essay is also crazy" included a single article in 2008 - "Deep Space People Are Wu Sangui". It says: "There are Extreme right Members, there are dark green groups in Taiwan, and those extremists who, regardless of cost and consequences, empty China's property market and even China's economy... "