Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

Large comprehensive daily
zero Useful+1
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily is affiliated to Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee Organ newspaper Is a large-scale comprehensive daily newspaper focusing on political, economic and cultural reports. Founded on May 24, 1982 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Authoritative media and the largest newspaper. It is known as "the first newspaper of China's reform and opening up". It has been awarded the titles of "China's Top Ten Innovative Media", "China's Top Ten Leading Newspapers", "National Top Ten Urban Party Newspapers", "Media China's Top Ten Party Newspapers of the Year", "Excellent Brand Influencing China's Party Newspapers", etc. [3-4]
In March 2018, it won the third National "Top 100 Newspapers". [1]
Chinese name
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
Start date
May 24, 1982
Publication cycle
Domestic serial number
Sending code
2 yuan
Main columns
News page, social news page

Journal running history

Shenzhen Special Zone Daily was founded on May 24, 1982 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Authoritative media and the largest newspaper.
In May 1992, on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the founding of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, Comrade Jiang Zemin wrote an inscription for it: "The window of reform and opening up". [5]
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, November 1, 1999 newspaper group Officially listed.
Only 19 years after its founding, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily has grown rapidly into a large comprehensive city daily covering all large and medium-sized cities and over 98% of counties in the country, with more than 40 pages of sunrise facing color, with a daily circulation of up to 450000 copies, occupying the position of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
In the 21st century, Shenzhen Special Zone Newspaper, with a market-oriented attitude, is determined to reform, actively participate in the competition in the media industry, and constantly improve its competitiveness and strength. On August 1, 2001, Shenzhen Special Zone Newspaper Group launched Sunshine Media《 Crystal newspaper 》。 In January 2002, the circulation of Crystal Newspaper, which was founded only five months ago, broke through 500000 at one fell swoop, becoming one of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Shenzhen and rapidly becoming a new newspaper in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone mainstream media , created News History Another miracle on.
Today, Shenzhen Special Zone News has developed into a wholly-owned owner of Crystal News and Shenzhen Youth Daily《 Shenzhen Weekly 》And other sub newspapers and sponsors《 Shenzhen Auto Guide 》And other newspapers and periodicals, participate in shares and fully operate《 Hong Kong Business Daily 》Of Diversified operation . Powerful modernization Newspaper Group.
In the South of the 21st Century China Sea Shenzhen Special Zone Newspaper Group, the news carrier, is sailing to a sunny tomorrow.
On August 25, 2010, Shenzhen Special Zone News, a 100 page full-color newspaper, appeared.

Layout composition

As a large comprehensive daily newspaper, the Shenzhen Special Zone News currently includes: important news, comments, metropolis news China News , international news, humanistic world, vision, reading weekly, theory weekly, etc, Layout structure Clear and complete. The acquisition and compilation department is composed of Chief Editor's Office Metropolitan News Editorial Department, China Department of Public Information International News Department, Current Review Theory Department, Financial Editorial Department, Sports News Department, Culture and Education News Department, Political News Department, Legal News Department economic news Ministry of Public Information, Ministry of Public Information, Ministry of Emergency News, Regional News Department, Photography Department and other departments.
By 2021, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone had 344 cadres and employees, including 226 employees. 294 people have bachelor's degree or above, accounting for 85.46% of the total. Won the title of chief and deputy Senior professional title 33 people, accounting for 9.59% of the total number of personnel. [3-4]

Publishing information

Commodity category : Newspapers
Publication cycle: Daily
Unit price: 2.00
Sending code : 45-20
Start date: 1982
Publication date: every day
Publication cycle: Daily
Newspaper format: folio 16-40
Distribution method: Post Office
Circulation: 500000 volumes/issue
Published in: Guangdong Province

Main columns

News page, social news page, financial news page, cultural and entertainment page [2]

feature analysis

■ Newspapers Arrival rate analysis
From the scale of readers that can be covered in different periods, Shenzhen Special Zone News can cover 54.6% of Shenzhen residents aged 15-64 every week, 68% of Shenzhen residents every month, 75% of Shenzhen residents every quarter, and 76.9% of Shenzhen residents every year. If converted into Population size The Shenzhen Special Zone News can reach 1.534 million residents in all districts of Shenzhen aged 15-64 every week, 1.91 million people every month, 2.106 million people every quarter and 2.161 million people every year.
■ Analysis of exclusive/overlapping readers of newspapers
And《 Nanfang Metropolis Daily 》In comparison, 76.4% of the readers of the first issue of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily are exclusive readers, that is, they read only Shenzhen Special Zone Daily and do not read Southern Metropolis Daily.
■ Readers' reading sources
In the unit subscription market, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily has unique advantages. Compared with other newspapers, the reader group of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily is relatively stable, and readers are more likely to read advertisements continuously.
Note: The reading sources of newspapers can be divided into five categories, namely family subscription newsstand Purchase, unit subscription, free reading and other sources. According to the five reading sources, readers can be divided into two types: basic readers (including readers who subscribe to the home and buy from newsstands) and pass readers (including readers from free gifts, corporate subscriptions and other sources). Basic readers consume newspapers at their own expense, and their reading Initiative With high reading depth, the possibility of contacting advertisements will increase accordingly.
■ Readers loyalty
The reader loyalty of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily is 89.2%, of which 53.7% are highly loyal readers and 35.6% are moderately loyal readers.
Note: Regular reading (refers to reading at least three times for four consecutive publications), relatively frequent reading (refers to reading at least once for four consecutive publications) and occasional reading. Here they call regular readers hard core Loyal, regular readers soft core Loyal, and occasional readers Switcher.
■ Readers' reading time
The readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily read newspapers for 46 minutes every day, of which 82.3% read newspapers Reading time In half an hour or more.
■ Readers' reading preferences
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
Readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily often read news and various practical information, especially real estate/car/home decoration/recruitment Tendentiousness Look, readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Attention Both are high.
Among the readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, 59.5% are men and 40.5% are women. Compared with the general population of Shenzhen residents, the readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily are more male oriented.
■ Readers Age composition
Readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily average age It is 32 years old, of which 64.3% are social elite readers aged 25-44.
27.5% of the readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily have college degree or above. from TGI index It can be seen that highly educated readers are more likely to read Shenzhen Special Zone Daily.
■ Readers' industry distribution
In terms of the distribution of work fields, the readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily are located in the state organs/party and government organs/ Social groups , education/culture/art, society/ Personal service industry , finance/insurance, post and telecommunications/ Communication industry , Real estate/ Leasing industry Manufacturing( heavy industry )The construction industry and the media have a strong tendency.
■ Position status of readers
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
From the position of newspaper readers, readers of Shenzhen Special Zone News tend to be leaders of party and government organs/associations/public institutions, middle and senior professional technicians, and managers of enterprises/companies.
Reader work status
81.9% of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily readers have fixed jobs; Fixed occupancy in Shenzhen Working groups 28.5%. This means that readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily have relatively stable economic strength and Consumption capacity
■ Readers social stratum distribution
Compared with Shenzhen residents as a whole, the readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily tend to be in the first and second class.
■ Monthly income of readers
The average monthly income of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily readers was 2935 yuan, higher than that of the general residents (2689 yuan). 30.9% of them have personal monthly income of more than 3000 yuan.
■ Monthly income of readers' families
The average monthly household income of readers of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily is 4851 yuan, higher than 4562 yuan of the total residents.
(Note: above data sources In the new generation of market monitoring institutions.)

Brand value

In June 2006, the 2006 (third session) was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing World brand At the conference, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily paid 3.95 billion yuan Brand value , ranked 152 in the ranking list of China's 500 Most Valuable Brands, up 16 places from 168 in 2005; September 2006, by World Brand Lab Prepared and published by Mondale magazine in Chinese version in 2006《 Top 500 Asian brands 》The ranking list was announced. With its strong influence, Shenzhen Special Zone News ranked 183rd among Asian brands, 11th among Asian media, and 5th among the national shortlisted media
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
On May 24, 1982, the Shenzhen Special Zone News was launched. Through the efforts of generations of special zone reporters, the Shenzhen Special Zone News has become a towering tree in the newspaper world and has written one brilliant chapter after another!
Mainstream media: authoritative reporting with far-reaching influence
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC Organ newspaper It is a large-scale comprehensive daily newspaper focusing on current affairs, economy, society, culture and people's livelihood. The newly revised Shenzhen Special Zone News in April 2013 has more authoritative information, richer content, more distinctive features, more fresh news and closer services.
Today, Shenzhen Special Zone News is popular all over the country. The revised Shenzhen Special Zone Daily has gradually become a more mature, richer, more fashionable, more readable and more inspiring party newspaper. The Shenzhen Special Zone Daily is taking a new era New stage With the pursuit and dream of all the reporters in the special zone, we are making great strides towards the goal of "building a big newspaper with nationwide influence and the best looking party newspaper in the country".
As the organ newspaper of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the most influential authoritative newspaper in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily publishes more than 40-60 pages of folios every day, with a circulation of more than 400000 copies Pearl River Delta Economically developed areas and Hong Kong and Macao The region has more than one million readers, many of whom are high-end readers.
Brand media: the brand value is 3.95 billion yuan.
along with Information globalization China's media industry has gradually entered Brand competition The era of. Shenzhen Special Zone Daily also pays great attention to Brand management And fruitful.
On June 16, 2006, at the 2006 (Third) World Brand Conference held in the Great Hall of the People, the World Brand Lab and World Manager Weekly jointly released the 2006 ranking of China's 500 Most Valuable Brands. The brand value of Shenzhen Special Zone News is 3.95 billion yuan, ranking No. 152 in the ranking list. More importantly, compared with 2005, the ranking of Shenzhen Special Zone News jumped from 168 to 152, and the brand value also rose from 3.69 billion yuan to 3.95 billion yuan.
Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
On September 14, 2006, the 2006 Top 500 Asian Brands list compiled by the World Brand Lab and published in the Chinese version of Mondale magazine was released. Shenzhen Special Zone News ranked 183rd among Asian brands, 11th among Asian media, and 5th among national shortlisted media by virtue of its powerful influence.

Honors won

June 26, 2012, by World Brand Lab The Shenzhen Special Zone News ranked 151 on the ninth ranking list of China's 500 Most Valuable Brands released in Beijing in 2012 with a brand value of 9936 million yuan.
In November 2021, Guangdong Journalists Association Guangdong Provincial Journalism Association announced the year 2020 Guangdong News Award selection results. Shenzhen Press Group A total of 25 works won prizes, including 2 first prizes, 9 second prizes, 13 third prizes and 1 good news title. [3]