freshwater fish

[dàn shuǐ yú]
Fish living in fresh water with salinity of 3 ‰
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generalized In other words, it means being able to live in salinity Of three thousandths of fresh water fish It can be called freshwater fish. narrow sense In other words, it refers to fish that have only "juvenile stage" or "adult stage" in some stages of their life history, or must spend their whole life in freshwater. There are about 26000 kinds of known fish in the world, and about 8600 kinds of freshwater fish. There are nearly 3000 species of fish in China, including more than 1000 species of freshwater fish.
There are more than 26000 known fish species in the world vertebrate The largest category in vertebrates, accounting for 48.1% of the total vertebrates. Most of them live in the sea, and there are about 8600 kinds of freshwater fish. There are nearly 3000 species of fish in China, including more than 1000 species of freshwater fish.
Chinese name
freshwater fish
1050 kinds
Fish fin, etc


Fish living in waters with salinity below 0.05%. It is generally divided into two categories: primary and secondary. There are more than 30 orders and more than 8400 species of freshwater fish in the world, including 11 orders and more than 4050 species of native freshwater fish. There are 13 orders and more than 850 kinds of freshwater fish in China. Cypriniformes (more than 2420 species) Siluriformes (more than 2210 species), Lipocyprinidae (more than 1330 species). There are more Cypriniformes (about 600 species) and Siluriformes (more than 80 species) in China. [1]


Classification based on the concentration of salt in water
The most commonly used classification Primary freshwater fish
Fish that can only live in fresh water all their lives. It accounts for 33.1% of the total global fish species, about 8600 species.
For example: catfish Arhat
Secondary freshwater fish
Living in fresh water for most of his life, occasionally moving or inhabiting Brackish water Fish in the sea. It accounts for 8.1% of the total global fish species, about 2100 species.
For example: tilapia Big belly fish
Peripheral freshwater fish
Fish inhabiting in sea water or brackish water, whose life history will also live in fresh water, or live in brackish water. include Anadromous fish Marine fishes And accidental entry river Living Marine fish It accounts for 0.6% of the total global fish species, about 160 species.
For example: Snake eel Oxtail fish
Classification by migration
Fish that live in fresh water all their lives without migration.
No migration Pure light water fish
For example: catfish Arhat
In his career history, he lived in fresh water, ocean and other waters with different salinity for a certain period of time. include Anadromous fish Marine fishes
Terrestrial migratory fish isolated from the sea by geography.
It can also be divided into two categories: Migratory fish in freshwater area River and sea migratory fish
Migratory fish in freshwater area
In the life history of freshwater fish, including migration, they are carried out in freshwater.
River and sea migratory fish
In its life history, it will pass through habitats with different salinity. The junction of rivers and seas is the only way for them to migrate.
For example: Japanese bald shark
Estuarine fish
All fish living in the brackish water intersection area and sea water.
For example: Brown Bostrichthys argus
According to the classification of freshwater fish in China
Mollusc fish
Lower fish
The bones are all cartilage, the scales are small shield scales, and there are spiral flaps in the intestine.
The skeletal system is cartilaginous, the original scales are rhomboid bone, the caudal fin is crooked, and there are spiral flaps in the intestine.
The most common, abundant and prosperous fish in modern times.
Of the 1050 freshwater fishes in China, except for a few 13 species, the rest are all bony fishes.


Fish fin
The fins are the necessary tools for fish to swim. There are five kinds of fins: pectoral fin, pelvic fin, dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin.
Thoracic and ventral fins - help change direction and stop swimming to maintain balance. Some will be very special:
mudskipper The pectoral fin can support the body and even walk like a foot.
Dorsal fin Hip fin - maintain balance and reduce resistance.
Tail fin - generates forward power

Body color

Most freshwater fishes have special colors and stripes, or the body color is consistent with the surrounding environment, so they can hide themselves or confuse the enemy and prey to protect themselves or sneak attack prey. shallow water In the middle, the body color of the fish is usually blue and green on the back, and the belly is Light white These colors are called extinction colors. When you look at the bottom of the water, you think it is the sky. When you look down, you feel it is sea water. In deep water, your body color is very gloomy, often called Crimson , black, etc.
Protective color
Fish like to swim in groups on the water
The stripes on the fish body often have longitudinal stripes. When swimming, it looks faster than it actually is.
For example: Zebrafish
The stripes of fish living in water plants and rivers are mostly dark black stripes, which can protect the color.
For example: Taiwan stone
Fish living in caves
Normally none Pigment cell The fish is flesh colored.
For example: Mexican blind fish
Evening fish
Most fish are gray or black, and a few are red.
For example: Pinus densiflora ball
Fish during spawning
The body color of some male fish becomes bright, which is called "marriage color" (few marine fish have marriage color).
For example: Thick headed pike
Adult fish
The body color of adults is different from that of children.
For example: formosan landlocked salmon (When I was young, there were obvious stripes that were protective colors. When I was an adult, my back turned bluish black, my abdomen was light white, and there were about nine oval blue spots.).


To survive, freshwater fish must hunt and defend against enemies. Not all fish have such organs.
Attract small fish. When attracting enough small fish, suddenly inhale into the mouth.
Protect yourself from being eaten by natural enemies.
Bone plate
The skin between the plates of this kind of fish bones is covered with granular small protrusions, which are extremely rough. There are obvious small spines on the back of the head in the larva.
long beak
Feeding on fish, you can catch benthic fish with a long beak
Most evolved from pectoral fins.
The fish can absorb the rocks, seaweed and the bottom of the boat calmly.
Generating organ
It can release current and has the following functions:
Corona the fish and eat it.
Protect yourself and generate electricity in case of danger.
Contact peers.
Identify the surroundings.
For example: electric eel
Poison thorn and poison gland
The poison gland can usually be found at the base of the poison thorn.
It can effectively defend itself. Once stabbed, the glandular tube will break and the venom will enter the wound.


Freshwater fish are mostly herbivorous and omnivorous, but there is also a small amount of carnivorous.
Upper reaches of rivers
Mostly insects Adherent algae For food.
Lower reaches of rivers
They often feed on plankton and organic debris.

Growth habit

Basically, as long as there is fresh water, there are freshwater fish to live in. From warm and pleasant hot springs to the North and South Poles frozen into the heart and lungs, you can find traces of freshwater fish.
Upper reaches of rivers
At an altitude of more than 1500 meters, the current is rapid.
There are ponds and crevices made of large stones.
For example: Xenocypris japonicus Goby tiger
Middle reaches of rivers
About 200-1500m above sea level.
The terrain will be quite complex, including Pinglai, Jilai Pingtan , deep pools, waterfalls, streams, backwaters and other habitats.
For example: Stone carp Fragrant fish
Lower reaches of rivers
The water is gentle and easy to be polluted. Local fish are often replaced by foreign species with high pollution resistance.

Swimming style

The body can move freely up, down, left and right by swinging from side to side. The fins and fish buoys help swimming.
Longitudinal flat fish
It is easy to move horizontally and has excellent mobility, which is convenient for hunting food and avoiding predators. For example: Hemimyzon formosanum
Linear fish
Although the swimming speed is slow, it can swing and sneak like a snake.
For example: Loach ricefield eel
Streamlined fish
From small resistance to fast swimming speed.
For example: Swordfish salmon


There is an inverse ratio between the way of egg protection and the number of eggs laid. The better the way to protect eggs, the fewer eggs are laid, and vice versa.
Fish eggs are divided into floating eggs and sinking eggs.
Floating egg -Float on the water.
sink Sexual ovum -Sink to the bottom. It can also be divided into three types: adhesive type, adhesive type and detached type.
Adhesive type
The egg membranes stick together.
Adherent type
There are filamentous objects outside the egg membrane, which can be attached to other objects.
Most freshwater fish eggs are of this type.
Separate type
It spreads under the water without any chance.
Egg protection mode
There are four ways for fish to protect their eggs.
They lay eggs directly in water without any protection.
Guarding the eggs
The eggs are laid on the underwater rocks, and the male and female fish take turns to guard day and night.
Put the egg in your mouth. For example: Cichlids
Put the eggs in the baby bag. For example: a hippocampus
Oviparous type
The fish eggs grow in the male body and then directly produce in the form of small fish.
For example: Coelacanth
Nest building
Clean the spawning ground by mouth.
Use your mouth or fins to convey water so that your eggs will not die from lack of oxygen.
The male fish spits out foam to make a foam nest and provide a place for hatching.


An inborn skill.
aggressive behavior
Male fish attack each other in order to compete for female fish.
Fight for food with the same or different species.
Subdue the prey.
Protect the eggs or young fish (the female is no worse than the male at this time).
Defense mode
Stimulated puffer fish
The protective color of freshwater fish protects itself.
There is a defense mechanism
Avoid meeting enemies.
Living in caves and crevices.
Hide your body in the sand.
It is parasitic in other animals.
Absorb under other large objects.
Protective color -Having the same or similar color as the environment.
flounder The body color of the person who represents the environment can become the same as the environment in any environment, even if he is blind.
Display warning color
When the body color is extremely bright and beautiful, it is usually very dangerous and not palatable.
It is used to warn the enemy not to eat and use it, otherwise, he will not be flattered.
It has the function of protecting color, but even its shape is similar to the environment.
For example, the swaying action of the poplar branch fish is very similar to the seaweed around.
Escape mechanism when encountering predators.
to retreat
The most common and basic secondary defense behavior.
They usually hide in stone crevices, water grass, seaweed and other places.
It is very effective, but also hinders their own activities, and they cannot know when the predators will leave.
Swim fast.
Jump out of the water.
Threaten the enemy.
For example, the puffer will make Body swelling , become a big spike ball.
Feign death
Most hunters only hunt living creatures, and feign death can effectively avoid hunting.
Distract the attacker.
Some fish have a big dot at the tail, which can make the hunter judge the wrong direction.
Other defense methods
On the contrary, fish have many different kinds of defense methods.
When encountering predators, although some individuals are hunted, more individuals will be hunted when scattered.
When an individual finds a danger, he can immediately send out a warning signal to inform the whole group. His alertness is extremely high.
Fish migration There are many reasons. There are three types: Reproductive migration , feeding migration, wintering migration.
Reproductive migration
In order to spawn, many fish will migrate to their birthplace, and the distance can be long or short. It can be:
Offshore → Coastal
Stream → estuary
Rivers/lakes → Rivers/lakes
Central lake → lakeside
There are a lot of plankton in the coastal waters for young fish to eat.
The estuary is a good place for hatching young fish.
Some fish stopped eating during this period.
Baiting migration
There is abundant food in the migration destination.
Young fish need a lot of nutrition when they grow up, so they swim to places with abundant food to get food.
Some have achieved their goals during migration (baiting).
Overwintering migration
When the water temperature drops, look for water area suitable for water temperature.
The lower the water temperature, the faster the swimming speed.
The warmer the water temperature, the slower the swimming speed.
Other migrations
Water flow changes.
Several migrations can take place at the same time, depending on the fish species.
The stimulation of fish to one-way environment, the directional action response of animals, and stereotyped response. yes:


Freshwater fish usually live in Inland waters However, in recent decades, economic development, population growth, environmental pollution, over reclamation, over construction, damming, arbitrary introduction of non-native species, over harvesting and other problems have caused irreparable damage to the natural habitat and water quality of freshwater fish, and caused a sharp decline in the species and quantity of aquatic animals, of which about 1800 species of freshwater fish are endangered, Some species have even become extinct. If a species becomes extinct, it will also destroy the food chain, seriously affecting ecological equilibrium
Inbreeding will affect human offspring, and this law also applies to fish. If fish are inbred, it will cause fish miniaturization. This is common in fish farms.
Therefore, people should actively care about protecting the remaining threatened Freshwater fish species

Situation in China


executive summary

There are about 800 species of freshwater fishes in China. Among them, Cyprinidae There are more than 400 genera and species, accounting for about half of all freshwater fish; Siluridae and Misguriaceae There are more than 200 species in both families, accounting for about a quarter of all freshwater fish; Other families such as Asteridae Ophiocephalidae Synbranchiaceae There are more than 200 species, accounting for about a quarter of all freshwater fish.
Chinese freshwater fish
Among the freshwater fishes in China, some species are widely distributed and can be seen almost everywhere. For example, using aquatic plants as the main food Grass Carp Bream Megalobrama amblycephala Squaliobarbus curriculus Etc; with plankton Feeding silver carp variegated carp Etc; Omnivorous carp Crucian carp Etc; Others such as Spike fish Darius Silver xenopus Fish Corydalis ricefield eel white eel Flower loach Loach catfish And common ferocious fish snakehead Mandarin fish Check Etc; In addition, there are moderate carnivorous fish Erythroculter ilishaeformis Erythroculter mongolicus And herring. In addition to the above widely distributed species in China, there are also many common species in local waters. There are about 90 species of fish in Heilongjiang and its tributaries in Northeast China, including about 50 species of Cyprinidae. Heilongjiang is located in temperate zone and Sub frigid zone , prolific Cold water fish The common types with greater economic significance are Hucho taimen Fine scale fish Coregonus ussuriensis Arctic fennel Sturgeon Huso dauricus Pike And migratory Salmon Etc. In addition, there are endemic species in the north Asia smelt North loach Heilongjiang salmon Variegated salmon Etc.
With the geographical location moving southward, there are more and more temperate fishes in rivers, and less and less cold water fishes. Liaohe River System There are about 70 species of fish, and there are also northern species in the upstream; There are about 140 kinds of Yellow River water systems, Yangtze River system There are about 300 species of cold water fish, and there are very few cold water fish in both grass silver carp variegated carp Bream Megalobrama amblycephala The Secretary General Squaliobarbus curriculus Mullet Besides important economic fishes, there are also endemic species such as shad.
The upper reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River systems and some rivers in the northwest plateau have very special fish species due to the terrain, such as 13 species of Schizothorax of Cyprinidae and 8 species of Epinephelus. Endemic species Gymnocypris eckloni Diptychus dy-bowskii Spinibarbus sinensis and White turtle Etc.
Pearl River system There are more than 260 species of fish in total. In addition to the species widely distributed throughout the country, there are also some special types of fish, such as Boschium Silver carp And other endemic species in South China, such as Dace Qishanyu Sixu disc Straight mouth dace Tangyu South China carp Etc.
Plateau rivers in southwest China, such as The Yarlung Zangbo River Nujiang River Lancang River Jinsha River In many sections, the current is fast and the fish resources are ordinary. Cyprinoid Labeo Dongpo Cyprinus Cirrhina Etc., loach Leptopterus Misgurnus , scientific Exostosis These are the same as those in India, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. in addition Schizothorax Epinephelus Bayloach Both with Northwest Plateau The types of are the same.

Situation in Taiwan

After 20 years of re breeding, there are more than 6000 Formosan salmon, which were once endangered. The "national treasure fish" has been preserved. However, scholars found that there are 51 species of freshwater fish in Taiwan, which are even more critical than Formosan salmon. The top five include Large scale bream , Bab's silver goby, Iijima's silver goby, yellow fin stone goby and tail scale smiling shrimp tiger.
"The habitat of the bream has been seriously damaged, which is the most critical." Zeng Qingxian said that the bream has long been extinct in Taiwan, leaving a small section of Jinsha River in Jinmen, which is less than the Formosan salmon. Recently, the fixed riverbed project of Jinmen County Government has worsened the situation. Next month, it will be rescued with ecological construction methods.
In addition, for the first time, the silver goby was included as an endemic species in Taiwan, but it was also considered "extremely critical". Its living range was limited to Wuxi in Taichung, but it was located around the Bird's Mouth Pond project, which was full of crisis. The silver gobnow of Iijima's family distributed in Touqian Creek and Houlong Creek are also faced with the invasion of exotic species. Also threatened by the alien species are the yellow fin crabs; The smiling tail scale shrimps and tigers, who live in the southeast streams and Lanyu, are also facing a survival crisis. They are in urgent need of conservation.
Yesterday, the Forestry Bureau released the first Taiwan Freshwater Fish Red Book in China, which was completed by Shao Guangzhao, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zeng Qingxian, a professor of Tsinghua University, and Chen Yixiong, a professor of Ocean University, who spent five years collecting information and conducting field surveys, listing 52 threatened freshwater fish.
What is worrying is that fish species in lakes and wild ponds are declining rapidly. "Ninety percent of the Sun Moon Lake has been captured by alien species", Zeng Qingxian said that in addition to the threat of alien species and the rapid disappearance of Pi Pond, the crisis is mainly due to the lack of Chinese people's understanding of fish. Most of the alien species are released by religious groups and fishermen. He sighed that all the green fish were missing in the Pitang, and many star species that were once the indicators of the rehabilitation of engineering units were also included in the threat list, including the striped barbel on Caotun Interchange Road, No. 6 National Highway.
However, this survey also found that some ethnic groups have recovered their vitality, including the tall shovel jaw fish, perch eel and Taiwan betta. In addition, for the first time High screen horse mouth , silver gobnow, rock climbing loach in Shenshijian, and Pingdong Leopard are listed as endemic to Taiwan.
Of the 52 threatened species in the Taiwan Freshwater Fish Red Book, there are still 42 species not included in the conservation list. The Forest Service Bureau said that, although the Red Book does not have the legal force of obstinacy, the next review and revision of the wildlife conservation list will give priority to the discussion, and more urgently needs the cooperation of the local government to prevent Taiwan freshwater fish from disappearing.


Black carp, grass carp Silver carp bighead

Freshwater Fish King

Rainbow trout, Salmonidae, is a fish treasure. It is named because there are rainbow like pigment bands on the side of the body. It is native to the rivers, lakes and Pacific coast After artificial domestication and breeding Freshwater aquaculture One of the fishes, known as freshwater“ Fish King ”It is called.

Distribution type

In different periods, the statistical results in different books are quite different. According to the latest published Vertebrate Anthology of China And being printed Zoology of China According to rough statistics, there are 1050 species of freshwater fishes distributed in China (including coastal estuaries), belonging to 294 genera, 52 families, 18 orders. Among them, 967 species are pure freshwater fish, 15 species are sea river migratory fish, and 68 species are estuarine fish. Of the 1050 species of fish, they can be roughly divided into the following four categories:
Round mouth freshwater fish
1. Roundmouth: This kind of fish is the most primitive fish like vertebrate. The fish mouth has no real upper and lower jaws, and the mouthparts form suction cups, living a parasitic or semi parasitic life. There is no real spine, only the spinal cord. From the evolutionary period, the round mouth class first appeared in Middle Ordovician , on Silurian and Lower Devonian It was the most developed, and gradually disappeared in the Lower Devonian, with only a few species left today. Among fresh water in China, only Lampetra The three species of the species are from Heilongjiang to Liaohe River In all rivers.
2. Chondrichthyes Chondrichthyes were found in the Upper Devonian Period and developed most in the Carboniferous Period. With further evolution, they became modern sharks and rays. The whole skeleton of this kind of fish is cartilage, the scales are small shield scales, and there are spiral flaps in the intestine. This is a group of low-grade real fishes. Almost all living cartilaginous fishes live in the sea, and only a few species live in fresh water, among which the red ray lives in large numbers Yu Haiyang Besides, a small group settled in Nanning, Guangxi, China Longzhou Of Xijiang River System Zuojiang From its evolutionary history, Red ray It is a marine fish. According to the paleogeological research, Guangxi was originally an ocean. Due to the orogenic movement of the crust, it was all in the late Pliocene of the Neogene. When the sea water withdrew from Guangxi, it was "sealed" and settled in the inland water body.
Cartilaginous Scleroderma Freshwater Fish
3. Cartilaginous Scleroderma: This kind of fish belongs to hard bone fish, but the skeletal system is cartilaginous. The scales on the body surface are rhomboid primitive scales of bone, the caudal fin is crooked, and there are spiral flaps in the intestine. The primitive cartilaginous ichthyes appeared in the Devonian period and lived on the earth for a long time, until the Mesozoic when most species were extinct. Viviparous Sturgeons Appears in Cretaceous There are only a few species living now, which are only distributed in the Arctic Ocean at high latitudes, and live in fresh water in China Polyodontidae And 2 genera and 8 species of Acipenser. 4. Bony fish: This is a common and real fish now. It is the most popular fish in modern times. Among the 1000 and 50 freshwater fish species in China, almost all of them are bony fish except a few (13 species). Freshwater fish in China Cypriniformes Most of them are Cyprinidae, which accounts for about half of the total. among Clupeiformes 1 family, 3 genera and 5 species, Salmoniformes 6 families, 17 genera and 32 species, Anguilliformes 1 family, 1 genus and 2 species, 6 families, 170 genera and 740 species of Cypriniformes, 10 species, 27 genera and 110 species of Siluriformes, 2 families, 3 genera and 4 species of Pycniformes, Jaw needlefishes 1 family, 1 genus and 4 species, Codiformes 1 family, 1 genus and 1 species, 1 family, 2 genera and 2 species of Spiniformes, 1 family, 3 genera and 7 species of Mugiliformes, 1 family, 1 genus and 1 species of Synbranchia, Perciformes There are 12 families, 51 genera, 110 species, 1 family, 4 genera, 8 species of Sebastiformes, 3 families, 3 genera, 5 species of Pleuromorpha, 1 family, 2 genera, 6 species of Triggeriformes, totaling 1037 species of 15 orders, 49 families.
Bony fish Freshwater fish
Bony fish Freshwater fish
Euosteichthyes occur in jurassic period In the Cretaceous period, the ancient teleosts evolved into modern teleosts, and their morphology and structure changed greatly. The maxilla and mandible of the skull are generally shortened. The advanced type of maxilla is specialized as a bone stick without teeth. The teeth are concentrated on the premaxilla. The caudal fin has become a fully symmetrical tail or an orthomorphic tail. The internal skeleton is highly ossified. The odd and even fins show various shapes. The abdominal fins often move from the abdomen to the head, and the scales become thin and round. The internal and external structures of teleosts have perfect aquatic adaptive structures. Since Cretaceous, they have developed along many radiation adaptive routes, making them become Earth surface Living in all waters.

Ornamental value

Goldfish, the earliest ornamental fish raised in the world
Grass goldfish
Goldfish is the earliest developed ornamental fish in the world, and is also one of the most famous ornamental fish in the world. Goldfish originated in China, and its ornamental value was first discovered and its breeding can be traced back to Song dynasty In the early years, people Natural water Found wild in Red crucian carp , move it in Fish pond After nearly 800 years of rearing in ponds, pots (vats) and other stages, it has gradually become a modern goldfish family with a wide variety of varieties.
The strains of goldfish can be roughly divided into five categories: grass species, culture species, dragon species, egg species and dragon back species.
1. Grass goldfish : Also called Carassius auratus It is the ancestor of goldfish. It looks like a crucian carp, has a flat spindle body, normal dorsal fin, and a single caudal fin.
There are two types of grass species, one is short tailed crucian carp, the other is long tailed swallow tailed.
2. fantail goldfish : Generally, the body is short, each fin is long, and the dorsal fin has four forked caudal fins; The eyeball is straight without protruding. There are rare varieties crest of a crane , Pearl Tiger head Etc.
The languages can be divided into six categories: the smooth top of the head is the type of aragona; Sarcoma on the top of the head is of high head type; The head sarcoma is developed and covers both cheeks, and the eye is trapped in the flesh, which is a tiger head type; The double pompons formed by the developed nasal membrane are pompons; The turnover growth of operculum is a turnover type; There are translucent bubbles outside the eyeball, which are blister eyes.
3. Dragon goldfish The appearance is similar to the language, but the eyeball protrudes out of the orbit. Since ancient times, dragon species have been regarded as authentic goldfish. There are more than 50 varieties of dragon goldfish, including rare ones Wind Tail Dragon Eyes Black Dragon Eyes Magpie Dragon Eyes Agate eye Grape eye Bulb eye Etc. There are seven types of dragon seeds: smooth top For the Dragon Eye type; Sarcoma on the top of the head is of tiger head and dragon eye type; The developed nasal membrane forms double pompons, which is dragon ball type; The gill cover turned over and grew into the type of dragon eye turning over the gill; The eyeball is slightly convex, and the head is triangular; The eyeball grows upward as a dragon with flag pulling and facing the sky; The bulbous corneal protrusion.
4. Egg goldfish : The shape is quite different from that of crucian carp. The body is short and fat, the eyeball is not protruding, and the back is straight without dorsal fin. There are rare varieties Red egg Pompon egg Chicken egg Vesicular eye Lion's head Etc.
There are seven types of eggs: egg fish type with short tail; The tail length is egg chicken type; The head sarcoma is only limited to goose head type at the top; The head sarcoma is developed and covers both cheeks, and the eyes trapped in the flesh are lion head type; The developed nasal membrane forms double pompons, which is egg ball type; The operculum turned over and grew into a gill turning type; Translucent blebs outside the eyeball are blister eyes. 5. Longbei goldfish The shape is similar to that of eggs, but the eyeball protrudes out of the orbit. There are rare varieties Chaotian Dragon Longbei Longbei bulb eye Hutou Longbei Bulb Eye Toad head Etc.
There are seven types of dragon back species: short tail is dragon back type; Sarcoma on the top of the head is of tiger head and dragon back type; The developed nasal membrane forms double pompons, which is a dragon back ball type; The triangular head is a toad head; The eye grows upward to the sky dragon type; The operculum turned over and grew into the type of Longbei turning over the gills; The corneal protrusion is of the light bulb eye type.

The most in the world


Largest freshwater fish

Scientists from 17 countries will study the world's largest freshwater fish in order to find better protection methods for freshwater ecological species. Scientific activities to find the world's largest freshwater fish Mekong As a starting point, researchers will continue to search farther and wider, from Amazon To the rivers around the Mongolian grassland. Their goal is to evaluate Giant catfish , Stingray Gar carp , salmon, sturgeon and other freshwater fish species that can grow to at least 2 meters long and 100 kilograms in weight.
According to scientists, the survival of many aquatic giants has been seriously threatened due to overfishing and the destruction of living environment. However, because these fish generally live in dark deep water in remote areas, people know little about them.
Researchers also hope to determine the world's largest freshwater fish species through this survey. according to Guinness World Records At present, the record holder of the world's largest freshwater fish is Mekong giant catfish , the challenger who may compete with one of them is from Cambodia Stingray in a big river and fish from China Yangtze River Chinese sturgeon.
This scientific activity is supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and National Geographic Society It is jointly supported by more than 100 scientists from 17 countries. Robin Abel, a freshwater conservation biologist at WWF, said that the research should help identify animal species that need priority protection and improve people's awareness of these poorly known species. She said: "These giant fish species are equivalent to elephants and rhinoceroses in fresh water. If we can see them everywhere on land, the world will not last long once they disappear. This research will give us a new perspective to understand the living habits and survival threats of these species."
The biologist Ada Hogan is the main scientist of this research, and he is also a world Wildlife protection Eda said, "This is the first time to investigate and study all the giant freshwater fish in the world. Like the past research on coral reefs and deep sea, this research will also become a wonderful way to go Underwater World A window of. "
Hao Gan is currently collecting data in the Mekong River basin in Cambodia. This area is home to many freshwater giant fish. The Mekong giant catfish here can weigh more than 300 kilograms. In addition, there are other noteworthy Mekong giant fish species, including giant carp, Pangasius catfish and Giant Stingray Next month, Hogan and other researchers will travel along Cambodia Mekong Searching for clues about the past and current distribution of these giant fish, scientists will ask local fishermen to determine where these fish may appear.
The Mekong giant catfish is considered to be the most endangered fish in Southeast Asia. Last year, the World Conservation Union listed it as an endangered species.
Hao Gan believes that the extinction risk of this kind of fish mainly comes from overfishing, dam construction and the controversial Mekong River navigation engineering He said: "The Mekong River navigation project carries out dredging and blasting operations at the place where giant catfish spawn, which is undoubtedly very dangerous for the survival of giant catfish."
Hao Gan pointed out that species such as giant carp are extremely sensitive to the negative impact of fishing once they grow to 300 kg, because it takes them a long time to grow to sexual maturity. He said: "This kind of big fish has huge reproductive potential. A good spawning year may cause great changes in the number, but killing too many adult fish may also cause a sharp decline in the number."
Scientists believe that the giant stingray is also in danger of extinction in rivers like the Mekong River. It is reported that this kind of fish can reach 500 kg and 5 meters long. If it is true, it will exceed the current world record holder, the Mekong giant catfish.
Hogan said: "According to the original report of the fisherman, we believe that the stingray may still appear in the deep pools in northern Cambodia, but until now, no one has clearly indicated that this species has been found
Class. "

Freshwater fish

The largest catfish, weighing 293 kg, was caught in the Mekong River in Thailand.
"Kuno the Killer", a catfish, was previously recognized as the largest freshwater fish before it was found in the Mekong River in Thailand. It was famous for swallowing a dog.


There are many forms of freshwater fish farming. Pond fish farming and paddy field fish farming are common in rural areas.
freshwater fish
The assortment of fish species in pond culture is very important. Generally, the amount of high-quality fish species (such as grass carp, bream, black carp, carp, etc.) accounts for more than 60% of the total amount of fish species. It is also necessary to mix some fish species (such as tilapia) that do not compete for food. The feed for pond fish farming is very extensive, mainly including plant feed and animal feed. Cereals such as soybeans, wheat and rice, by-products such as bean cake, bran, distiller's grains and flour residue, aquatic and terrestrial plants such as wuping, bitter grass and barnyard grass, coarse fodder such as rice straw, corn cob, sesame stem, peanut shell, earthworms, snails, fly maggots, plankton Aquatic insect Fish meal and leftovers from slaughtering are good feed for fish farming. The formula feed popularized in production (made of rice straw powder, silkworm pupa powder, barley powder, rapeseed cake and a small amount of minerals) has a good effect on raising green, grass, carp, bream and other fish. One kilogram of fish can be raised with 0.8kg formula feed. Before stocking fingerling, the pond shall be cleaned and disinfected first by dissolving with lime or bleaching powder and then sprinkling. Fish fingerling shall also be disinfected. Common disinfectants include 3-5% salt water, 10PPM bleaching powder water, 8PPM copper sulfate water, etc. Soak the fish seeds for 5-15 minutes, and then put them in. The key to pond fish culture is to achieve: deep water and live water, good breed and strong, sufficient bait fertilizer, reasonable close breeding, multiple mixed breeding, rotation catch and rotation release, disease prevention and control, and careful management.
The key to fish farming in rice fields is to prevent escape. Before stocking, the ridge should be raised to 0.5m, beaten firmly, and fish ditches and fish slips dug to shelter fish in shallow irrigation, sun drying, pesticide and fertilizer application. Generally, carp are the main fish in paddy fields, and silver carp and bighead carp are not suitable. The stocking quantity should not be too large, and should be timely released early. The fish seeds can be put in the same year after the seedlings turn green. Fish species of the next year are generally released about half a month after transplanting. Generally, biological control or high efficiency and low toxicity pesticides are used for rice field application. The use of chemical fertilizers must be small in quantity and many times. [2]

disease control

In recent years, due to the blind pursuit of freshwater fish production by farmers, the increase of breeding density and the large-scale promotion and application of pellet feed Bacterial septicemia Quite a lot.
Symptoms and diagnosis At the early stage of the disease, the mouth, abdomen, gill cover, orbit and both sides of the fish were slightly congested. Then the disease became worse, and there was congestion around the orbit, Exophthalmos The abdomen is swollen, red and swollen, the liver and spleen are enlarged during dissection, the intestinal tract is congested, and there is no food, the gill filament is gray, and in serious cases, the gill filament is purple, and the end is rotten. From March to April, the diseased fish mostly showed hyperemia and inflammation in the head, mouth, gill cover, orbit and other parts, as well as on both sides of the fish body surface. After May, most of the diseased fish showed congestion and inflammation of the lower edge of the gill cover, fin base and viscera.
The causes of the disease are (1) high stocking density; (2) Poor water quality of pond; (3) Inbreeding results in decline of fish species; (4) Too much commercial feed and too little natural feed lead to too much fat in fish body, decreased resistance and increased mortality; (5) The farmers lack the awareness of disease prevention, and littering diseased and dead fish leads to the increase of pathogens in natural waters; (6) In the process of netting in winter, the failure of disinfection led to the pathogen invading the injured part of the fish body.
Preventive measures: Disinfect the area around the food court regularly, and deal with the disease in time if found. The diseased and dead fish shall be fished out in time and buried deeply, and lime, bleaching powder chlorine dioxide Sprinkle and disinfect the whole pool. Timely start the aerator and add new water. Add proper amount of vitamin C And improve the disease resistance of fish. Control the feeding amount and maintain good water quality.
Treatment measures (1) oral administration Gentamicin sulfate 5 pieces per 100 kg of fish weight has significant effect on the treatment of crucian carp and bream hemorrhage. (2) This disease can also be induced by parasitic infection such as anchor head flea. Kill the fish on the first day Ectoparasite Use water disinfectant for disinfection the next day, and disinfect again every other day; At the same time, mix 2~2.5 grams of feed per kilogram Enrofloxacin , continuous feeding for 5-7 days (stop feeding for 1 day before administration); On the sixth day or so, the whole tank is sprinkled with quicklime slurry once to regulate the water quality.
White skin disease
White skin disease, also known as "white tail disease", is bacterial fish One of the diseases. The disease is mainly caused by poor water quality, which makes bacteria multiply, or improper operation in the breeding process, which causes fish injury and bacteria invasion.
Pathogen: white Pseudomonas , 0.8X0.4 microns in size.
Epidemic situation: It is one of the main diseases of silver carp and silver carp at the fingerling stage, and the epidemic season is from June to August every year. Especially before and after the summer flower pond, when the fish body is injured due to careless operation or there are a large number of protozoa parasitic on the surface, such as wheelworm, the pathogenic bacteria take the opportunity to enter, leading to an outbreak of epidemic. It mainly harms silver carp and bighead carp. Grass carp and black carp can also be injured sometimes. It takes only 2-3 days from the onset to death, and the mortality rate is as high as 50%.
Symptom: At the initial stage of the disease, white spots appear under the dorsal fin or at the caudal handle of the diseased fish, and the caudal handle turns white and spreads rapidly. With the development of the disease, the body surface behind the dorsal fin base turns white, commonly known as "white flower waist". When the disease is serious, the tail fin of the diseased fish rots or is incomplete. The head is downward and the tail is upward, perpendicular to the water surface. Sometimes it swims in a struggling way, sometimes it hangs in the water, and soon dies.
Course of disease: the course of disease is short, the onset is fierce, the epidemic area is wide, and the death rate is only 2-3 days from the onset to the death. The death rate of fish species can reach more than 50%. The epidemic period is from May to August every year.
Prevention and control methods: 1. Preventive measures: 1. The pond should be thoroughly cleaned, and medicine baskets or baits should be hung in the season of onset for prevention; 2、 The summer flower seedlings should be separated from the pond in time. During the process of fishing, transportation and stocking, the fish body should be avoided as much as possible; When parasites are found on the body surface, they should be promptly killed; Keep the water quality of the fish pond clean, and do not use unfermented manure.
Prevention: (1) Thoroughly clean and disinfect the pool, regularly spray 25ml/mu · m of net mold or Dithiocyanomethane 25ml/mu · m;
(2) Internal use: Florfenicol powder Or fish+ High energy immune VC Feeding with mixed bait. Continuous use for 5-7 days.
Treatment: double the amount of the above scheme.