Liquefied petroleum gas

Secondary energy
zero Useful+1
synonym Liquefied petroleum (Petroleum tail gas) generally refers to liquefied petroleum gas
Liquefied petroleum gas is produced by natural gas perhaps petroleum Pressurize and cool down liquefaction A colorless volatile liquid obtained. It's very easy Spontaneous combustion When its content in the air reaches a certain concentration range, it will explode when encountering open fire.
The main components of LPG obtained through the refinery are propane propylene butane Butene One or two of them, and it is also doped with a small amount of Pentane Pentene And trace sulfide Impurities. If further purification of liquefied petroleum gas is required, alcohol amine absorption tower can be used to Carbon oxysulfide Absorb and remove, and finally reuse alkali Wash away the excess sulfide
Liquefied gas obtained from natural gas basically does not contain olefin LPG is mainly hydrocarbon Which is mainly composed of propane, butane and other alkane Etc. Of course, the composition of liquefied petroleum gas is also standardized. Not all substances in this composition can be called liquefied petroleum gas. Only when the proportion of propane plus butane, the gas component, exceeds 60%, can it be called liquefied petroleum gas. Of course, not all standards are the same. In foreign countries, they pay more attention to the regulations of liquefied petroleum gas, and its definition needs to be based on season To adjust the composition of propane and butane. However, LPG in our country is mainly used for families, so there is not so much attention. If we want to apply it to industry, we need to formulate more detailed proportioning rules for the composition standard of LPG [1]
Liquefied petroleum gas is used as fuel calorific value High, no smoke, no carbon residue, easy to operate and use, has been widely used in people's life. In addition, LPG is also used for cutting Metal , used for baking and Industrial kiln Of roasting Etc.
Chinese name
Liquefied petroleum gas
Foreign name
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Basic chemical raw materials and new fuels
physical property
Colorless volatile liquid
Extremely prone to spontaneous combustion

Ingredient Guidelines

With the development of petrochemical industry, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), as a basic chemical raw material and new fuel, has attracted more and more attention. In terms of chemical production, liquefied petroleum gas is a by-product obtained from catalytic cracking and thermal cracking of crude oil in refineries. The main components of catalytic cracking gas are as follows (%): hydrogen 5 ~ 6, methane 10, ethane 3 ~ 5, ethylene 3, propane 16 ~ 20, propylene 6 ~ 11, butane 42 ~ 46, butene 5 ~ 6, and hydrocarbons with more than 5 carbon atoms 5 ~ 12. It is used to produce synthetic plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, medicine, explosives, dyes and other products. [2]
A colorless volatile liquid obtained by liquefaction of refinery gas or natural gas under pressure and temperature reduction, which is flammable. When the content of liquefied petroleum gas in the air reaches a certain concentration range, it will explode in case of open fire. The liquefied petroleum gas obtained from refinery gas is mainly composed of propane, propylene, butane, butene (which can be a mixture of one or several hydrocarbons), and contains a small amount of pentane, pentene and trace sulfide impurities. Oxygen sulfide carbon is removed by alcohol amine absorption tower, and sulfide is removed by alkali washing [1] Liquefied gas obtained from natural gas (including oilfield associated gas) basically contains no olefins. The overhead product of gasoline stabilization operation tower in the refinery is liquefied petroleum gas. It can be used as engine fuel, household fuel, basic organic synthetic raw materials, etc.

Source and composition

Like oil and natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas is a fossil fuel. Liquefied gas is a mixture of various low boiling gases in the process of petroleum refining, without fixed composition. The main components are butene, propylene, butane and propane. Although most energy enterprises do not specialize in the production of liquefied petroleum gas, it contains a certain amount of production because it is a by-product of other fuel refining processes.
Refineries produce liquefied petroleum gas in the process of producing other commonly used fuels.
90% of the natural gas absorbed by energy enterprises from underground is methane. The rest are all kinds of liquefied petroleum gas. The output of liquefied petroleum gas refined from natural gas varies from 1% to 3%. In addition, LPG can be separated from crude oil. There will be about 3% of LPG output in the refining process. If the refinery equipment is optimized to concentrate on refining LPG, this output can reach 30% - 40%. The density of liquefied petroleum gas is expressed in kg/m three It changes with temperature and pressure. Therefore, temperature and pressure conditions must be specified when expressing the density of liquefied petroleum gas [1]

physical property

The main components of LPG are propane and butane.
The boiling point of propane is - 42 ℃, so it is a very useful light fuel. This means that even if the temperature is very low, propane can vaporize immediately after it is released from the high-pressure container. Therefore, it is a clean fuel and does not need many equipment to vaporize it and mix it with air. A simple nozzle is sufficient.
The boiling point of butane is about - 0 ℃, and it will not vaporize when the temperature is very low. Therefore, butane has limited use and needs to be mixed with propane rather than used alone.
Each pound (1 pound=0.45 kg) of propane can produce 21548 BTU (British thermal unit, 1BTU=1055 J) of energy, and each pound of butane can produce 21221 BTU. The following is a comparison of the energy generated by LPG and other fuels:
  • Propane: 21500BTU/lb
  • Butane: 21200BTU/lb
  • Gasoline: 17500BTU/lb
  • Coal: 10000BTU/lb
  • Wood: 7000BTU/lb
Ingredients: more: "propane, butane". Less: "ethylene, propylene, ethane, butene", etc.
Appearance and properties: colorless gas or yellowish brown oily liquid has special odor.
Density: liquid LPG 580kg/m three , gaseous density: 2.35kg/m three , gaseous relative density: 1.686 (assuming that the density of air is 1, the density of liquid LPG relative to air is 1.686)
Ignition temperature: 426~537 ℃
Upper explosive limit (V/V): 9.5%
Lower explosive limit (V/V): 1.5%
Combustion value: 45.22~50.23MJ/kg
The density of liquefied petroleum gas is expressed in kg/m three It changes with temperature and pressure. Therefore, temperature and pressure conditions must be specified when expressing the density of liquefied petroleum gas.
The density of liquefied petroleum gas liquid is expressed by the mass per unit volume, i.e. kg/m three Its density is greatly affected by temperature, and its density decreases with temperature rise, while its volume expands. Since the compressibility of liquid is very small, the influence of pressure on density is also small and can be ignored.
Relative density Since there are gas and liquid states in the production, storage and use of LPG, it is necessary to know its liquid relative density and gas relative density.
The gaseous relative density of liquefied petroleum gas refers to the mass ratio of liquefied petroleum gas of the same volume to air at the same temperature and pressure. A simple method to calculate the relative density of each component of liquefied petroleum gas is a simple method to use the relative density of each component Average relative molecular weight The ratio is obtained because the volume of 1mol gas is the same in the standard state [1]

chemical property

Liquefied petroleum gas
It is composed of hydrocarbons, mainly propane, butane and other alkanes or alkenes. When the combined percentage of propane plus butane exceeds 60%, it cannot be called as liquefied petroleum gas if it is lower than this ratio. Each country has its own standards. Foreign oil companies pay more attention to liquefied petroleum gas. They adjust the ratio of propane and butane according to seasonal changes. The domestic LPG is mainly used by families, and the requirement of high quality for industry has not been taken into account, so the produced LPG has low propane and butane content and many impurities.
Main components
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a by-product obtained from catalytic cracking and thermal cracking of crude oil in refineries. catalysis Pyrolysis gas The main components of the product are as follows (%): hydrogen 5 ~ 6. methane 10. ethane 3 ~ 5. ethylene 3. propane 16 ~ 20. propylene 6 ~ 11. butane 42 ~ 46. butene 5 ~ 6, including 5 carbon atom More than 5~12 hydrocarbons.
The main components of pyrolysis gas are as follows (%): hydrogen 12. methane 5 ~ 7. ethane 5 ~ 7. ethylene 16 ~ 18. propane 0.5. propylene 7 ~ 8. butane 0.2. butene 4 ~ 5. hydrocarbons containing more than 5 carbon atoms 2 ~ 3. These hydrocarbons are easy to liquefy. Compress them to only 1/250~l/33 of the original volume, and store them in a high-pressure steel tank. When using, unscrew the valve of the liquefied gas tank, and combustible hydrocarbon gas will enter the burner through the pipeline. Light blue flame is formed after ignition, and a lot of heat is generated during combustion (heating value is about 92100kJ/m three -121400kJ/m three [2]


Field of use
Nonferrous metal smelting: non-ferrous metal smelting requires stable fuel heat quality, no furnace products, no pollution, and liquefied petroleum gas has these conditions. After being heated and gasified, liquefied petroleum gas can be easily introduced into the smelting furnace for combustion. Shandong Jinsheng Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. has successfully used liquefied petroleum gas in the copper smelting process of the Krupp smelter in Germany, replacing the raw gas combustion process, reducing the harm of sulfur, phosphorus and other impurities, and improving the quality of copper [1]
Main purpose
It can be used as raw material for petrochemical industry, solvent for low-temperature extraction of subcritical biotechnology, and also as fuel [3]
Liquefied petroleum gas is mainly used as petrochemical raw material, used for cracking hydrocarbons to produce ethylene or steam conversion to produce synthetic gas, and can be used as fuel for industry, civil use, and internal combustion engines. The main quality control indicators are evaporation residue and sulfur content, sometimes also control olefin Content.
(1) Subcritical biotechnology Low temperature extraction
Subcritical biotechnology low temperature extraction is a new oil production technology (the main component in liquefied petroleum gas butane There are 4 carbon atoms, so it is called No. 4 solvent). Compared with the widely used No. 6 solvent oil extraction technology, it has significant economic and social benefits. Its outstanding advantages are firstly "leaching at normal temperature and desolventizing at low temperature", which can not destroy the active substances Vegetable protein In this way, we can extract oil and create conditions for the extraction of valuable oil plants and the development and utilization of vegetable protein. Secondly, the steam consumption is low, and the coal consumption in the oil production process is reduced by more than 80%, thus reducing the cost and reducing the emission of "three wastes". Simultaneously with Supercritical extraction In contrast, it has the advantages of low cost and large scale [4]
(2) Kiln roasting
China's various Industrial kiln The heating furnace always burns coal, which not only causes waste of energy, but also seriously pollutes the environment. For this reason, relevant national departments put forward the future development tasks of China's energy: optimizing the energy structure, establishing a world-class clean, safe and efficient energy supply system, and establishing a promotion mechanism for energy technology development. In order to meet the requirements of this task, many industrial kilns and heating furnaces use liquefied petroleum gas as fuel, such as liquefied petroleum gas to burn ceramic tiles; Baking and rolling thin plates with LPG not only reduces air pollution, but also greatly improves the firing quality of products.
(3) Automotive fuel
According to the announcement of China's urban environmental conditions in 2000, 63.5% of the 338 cities monitored exceeded the national secondary air quality standard, of which 112 exceeded the third level. China's air pollution has changed from industrial waste and soot to Photochemical smog As a result of the transformation from "type 1" to "type 2", automobile exhaust has become one of the major sources of air pollution in large cities. At present, about 70% of urban air pollution sources come from automobiles Exhaust emission In order to solve this problem, since the end of the 20th century, major and medium-sized cities in China have successively built automobile gas filling stations, replacing gasoline with liquefied petroleum gas Automotive fuel The change of this fuel variety has greatly purified the urban air quality, and is also another major development direction of the utilization of liquefied petroleum gas.
(4) Residents' life
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for domestic use of residents is mainly supplied in two ways: pipeline transportation and bottled supply:
a. Pipeline transportation: pipeline transportation is mainly carried out in large and medium-sized cities. It is the mixture of liquefied petroleum gas and air, liquefied petroleum gas and coal gas, or liquefied petroleum gas and air discharged from fertilizer plants by city gas companies, and then directly transported to residents' homes for use through management. At present, many cities have achieved this supply form.
b. Bottled supply: Bottled supply is the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas from the storage and distribution station to each household through a sealed steel cylinder. As the source of gas supply for household stoves, it originated in the early 1960s, was first used in refineries and several industrial cities, and has now developed to villages and towns. There are more than 10000 liquefied petroleum gas storage and distribution stations engaged in cylinder gas supply in the areas of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and some individual villages and towns have an average of more than 2.
It can be seen that the use scope of liquefied petroleum gas is getting wider and wider, the use volume is getting larger and larger, and the development is getting faster and faster. Therefore, it is very necessary and urgent to strengthen the publicity and study of LPG knowledge to ensure the safe use of LPG.
matters needing attention
Liquefied petroleum gas is a flammable substance. When the content in the air reaches a certain concentration range, it will explode in case of open fire [1] Gaseous Liquefied petroleum It is about 1.5 times heavier than air, and the explosion range of the air mixture of this gas is 1.7%~9.7%. It will explode in case of open fire. Therefore, leakage must be prevented during use, and carelessness is not allowed to avoid harm. Generally, the combustible gas alarm detector configured in the kitchen using liquefied petroleum gas is located at the lower part.

Fuel advantages

LPG refers to the liquefied petroleum gas under high pressure or low temperature, referred to as "liquefied petroleum gas" or "liquefied petroleum gas" for short. Its composition is propane, n-butane, isobutane and a small amount of ethane, organic compounds greater than C5, unsaturated hydrocarbons, etc. LPG has the characteristics of flammability, explosiveness, vaporization, thermal expansion, retention, electrification, corrosiveness and suffocation.
LPG is mainly composed of propane (C three H eight ), butane (C four H ten )Some LPG also contains propylene (C three H six )And butene (C four H eight )。 LPG is generally obtained from petroleum gas in oil and gas fields, refineries or ethylene plants. Compared with other fuels, LPG has the following unique advantages.
(1) Less pollution
LPG is a hydrocarbon composed of C3 (C3) and C4 (C4), which can be completely burned without dust. The application in modern cities can greatly reduce the pollution caused by using coal and firewood as fuel in the past.
(2) High calorific value
The calorific value of LPG with the same weight is twice that of coal, and the liquid calorific value is 45185 ~ 45980kJ/kg.
(3) Easy to transport
LPG is a gas under normal temperature and pressure, and can be liquefied into liquid under certain pressure or frozen to a certain temperature. It can be transported on land and water by train (or automobile) tank cars and LPG ships.
(4) Pressure stability
The pressure in front of the stove of LPG pipe users remains unchanged, which is convenient for users to use.
(5) Simple storage and flexible supply
Compared with the production, storage and supply of urban gas, the LPG storage equipment is relatively simple. The gas station uses LPG storage tanks, which can also be installed in gas cylinders for users to use, and can also implement pipeline gas supply through the gas distribution station and supply pipe network; It can even be filled with butane gas in small bottles and used as the hot pot fuel on the table, which is convenient to use.
Because LPG has the above advantages, it is widely used as industrial, commercial and civil fuel. At the same time, its chemical composition determines that LPG is also a very useful chemical raw material, which is widely used in the production of various chemical products [5]

Mode of supply

There are usually three supply modes: bottle packing, pipeline and distribution tanker.
(1) Bottled supply
Fill the cylinder with liquefied petroleum gas to supply to the user. Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders are thin-walled pressure vessels with different specifications in different countries. The capacity of steel cylinders used in families is 10kg, 12kg, 15kg, 20kg, etc; The cylinder capacity used by public buildings and small industrial users is 45kg, 50kg, etc. LPG storage and distribution station Use special filling machines and tools to fill liquefied petroleum gas into steel cylinders and sell it to users through supply stations or directly.
Liquefied petroleum gas shall be filled according to the specified filling volume. Gas phase and liquid phase coexist in the bottle, and the pressure is saturated at the ambient temperature at that time Vapor pressure (e.g. Propane at 20 ° C Saturated vapor pressure About 800 kPa, and about 200 kPa for n-butane).
When in use, the gaseous liquefied petroleum gas is sent to the gas appliance after being depressurized by the pressure reducer. The liquid liquefied petroleum gas in the bottle absorbs environmental heat and continuously gasifies naturally. When the user's consumption is too large to meet the use requirements by natural gasification, forced gasification can be used for gas supply. Forced gasification is the continuous gasification of liquefied petroleum gas by using external heat source in a special gasification device. Generally, household users use single bottle gas supply or double bottle switching gas supply, while public buildings, commercial and small industrial users use bottle group gas supply.
(2) Pipeline supply
The liquefied petroleum gas after gasification is supplied to users through pipelines. This mode of supply is applicable to residential quarters, high-rise buildings and small industrial users. The LPG pipeline supply system consists of gasification station and pipeline. The gasification station is equipped with gas storage tank, gasifier, pressure regulator, etc. Liquefied petroleum gas continuously enters the vaporizer from the gas storage tank. After gasification, it is sent to the user through the pipeline after pressure reduction. In order to prevent the liquefying of LPG in the pipeline, the outlet pressure of the pressure regulator must be correctly determined. The liquefied petroleum gas after gasification can also be mixed with air or low calorific fuel gas by special devices and supplied to users through pipelines.
(3) Allocate Transport Supply
Use tank cars to supply liquefied petroleum gas to users. This kind of tank car is called distribution tank car. Its structure is basically the same as that of the transportation tank car (see LPG transportation). Its capacity is generally 2-5 tons. The car is equipped with a filling pump. Distribution tankers are mainly supplied to users far away from other gas sources. The user shall provide small fixed gas storage tanks (with a capacity of half to several tons) to receive liquefied petroleum gas. The distribution tanker can also be used as a mobile bottling station to fill liquefied petroleum gas into the user's steel cylinders in residential quarters far away from the central gas supply area [6]

Hazard characteristics

(1) Explosive characteristics of liquefied petroleum gas
The first and biggest feature of LPG is its explosiveness. Generally, when a LPG safety accident occurs, it will explode, and explode before burning. The main reason is that the calorific value of liquefied petroleum gas is relatively high, and the calorific value of liquefied petroleum gas is several times higher than the calorific value of ordinary gas when compared from the calorific value alone. Therefore, when a safety accident occurs to liquefied petroleum gas, an explosion will occur. Combustion will occur after the explosion, and the combustion of liquefied petroleum gas is also similar to the power of explosion, which is destructive.
(2) Flammability characteristics of liquefied petroleum gas
Liquefied petroleum gas has the main components of petroleum, including propane, butane, propylene, butene, etc. The components are typical hydrocarbon compounds, and the biggest feature of hydrocarbon compounds is flammability. Moreover, the flash point and spontaneous ignition point of these hydrocarbon compounds contained in the composition of LPG are very low, which is easy to cause combustion.
(3) Toxicity of LPG
Liquefied petroleum gas is a toxic gas, but the volatilization of this toxic gas has certain conditions. Only when the concentration of liquefied petroleum gas in the air exceeds 10% can it volatilize the toxicity that makes the human body react. When the human body is exposed to such toxicity, vomiting, nausea and even coma will occur, which will cause great harm to the human body.
(4) Liquidity of LPG
Liquefied petroleum gas is very easy to flow, and it will flow out of the storage tank in case of leakage. In general, 1 liter of liquefied petroleum gas will volatilize into about 350 liters of gas after flowing, which will burn when encountering electricity, causing serious fire [6]

Cause of danger

1. Cause analysis of LPG leakage
The essence of leakage explosion is chemical explosion. It is the combination of liquefied petroleum gas and air after leakage to form an explosive mixture, which will explode in case of open fire when reaching the explosion limit. The explosion power of liquefied petroleum gas is extremely strong, and the explosion power of 1kg liquefied petroleum gas is equivalent to the equivalent of 4~10kg TNT explosive. Liquefied petroleum gas fire and explosion accidents caused by leakage are the most common, and the probability of occurrence is the largest.
The main causes of LPG leakage are as follows:
(1) The equipment for storing liquefied petroleum tankers is of poor quality
The poor quality of containers for storing liquefied petroleum gas, such as improper material selection of equipment, defects in design, and nonconformity in production and manufacturing process, may reduce the quality of products, or the lack of necessary safety devices (liquid level gauge, safety valve, pressure gauge, vent pipe, etc.) may easily cause leakage of liquefied petroleum gas.
(2) Failure of storage tank safety accessories
If the safety accessories (pressure gauge, level gauge, thermometer, safety valve, blow down pipe, etc.) of the liquefied petroleum gas storage tank fail, it is easy to cause the storage tank to overload or overpressure, resulting in cracking of the tank body and leakage; In addition, if the connection between the safety accessories and the tank body is not tight, the sealing gasket of the valve flange is aging, the dry joint quality is poor, and the compressive strength is low, which will easily lead to the leakage of liquefied petroleum gas.
(3) Human error
In the process of production, use and storage of liquefied petroleum gas, due to wrong operation, illegal operation, blind command and poor maintenance of equipment, it is easy to lead to material leakage, emitting, dripping and leakage accidents. In the transportation operation, the pump is not sealed tightly, and the switch and flange connections are not tight. Unauthorized increase of the transportation pressure may cause pipeline rupture or pipe connection is not secure.
2. Several reasons for LPG vapor explosion
Steam explosion is a physical explosion caused by the release of liquefied petroleum gas. When the liquefied petroleum gas suddenly depressurizes, the liquid in the storage tank is in a relatively overheated state. If the degree of superheat is relatively large, it will cause the violent evaporation of the overheated liquid, causing steam explosion. It is characterized by phase change during explosion, which is caused by rapid vaporization of liquid phase. The explosion energy comes from the expansion of boiling liquid and steam.
(1) Overfilling
Liquefied petroleum gas has the characteristic of thermal expansion. The specific gravity of liquefied petroleum gas decreases and its volume increases with the increase of temperature. The volume expansion rate of liquid is 10~16 times larger than that of water. The volume expansion of LPG is about 0.3%~0.4% and the pressure increases by 0.02~0.03MPa for every degree of temperature rise. As the liquid is actually incompressible, if the full volume of the container is filled with petroleum gas, even if the temperature rises slightly, it is easy to generate great pressure due to the expansion of the liquid, resulting in the deformation and explosion of the container. If it is baked by flame, the tank will be full of liquid when the temperature rises to about 60 degrees, and the expansion force of the tank will directly act on the tank wall. Through experimental measurement and theoretical calculation, the temperature of the full liquefied petroleum gas cylinder will rise by 1 ℃, and the pressure in the cylinder will increase by 10~20 atmospheres. When the safe design pressure of the storage tank is exceeded, it is easy to cause cracks to form at the weak part of the storage tank, leading to the leakage of liquefied gas. If the crack is too large, the pressure relief is too fast, or the excessive filling or filling is full of liquid, the steam explosion will be caused when the temperature rises due to sunlight or other conditions. There are many steam explosion accidents caused by overfilling. The cause of an explosion accident of liquefied propylene tanker in Spain is overfilling.
(2) High temperature baking
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage tanks subjected to flame baking in the fire site are in danger of steam explosion. After the radiant heat of the flame around the container is transmitted to the container, the liquid in the container boils to produce high pressure. Moreover, because the container is exposed to fire, the tensile strength of the container material is sharply reduced due to the high temperature, which makes the container unable to bear the set pressure of the safety valve. When the pressure reaches the set pressure of the safety valve, the safety valve will break and open. In fact, the set pressure of the safety valve is relatively high. Even if the safety valve is opened for quick exhaust, the container may crack due to pressure increase and then generate steam explosion.
(3) Mechanical collision
The reason for steam explosion caused by mechanical collision is that the container is damaged by mechanical collision, and the pressure in the tank decreases instantaneously, leading to steam explosion. The danger of mechanical collision mainly comes from the derailment and overturning of liquefied petroleum gas tankers during transportation, the collision of tankers during transportation, and the collision of surrounding objects (such as cranes) against containers.
(4) Equipment defects
If the equipment itself has defects (equipment material factors, poor welding technology), it can lead to large cracks in the container, and leakage will lead to steam explosion. The thinning of the vessel wall due to corrosion and other reasons during use will also lead to the decrease of the vessel strength. Large cracks may appear and eventually lead to steam explosion.
3. Precautions against LPG explosion
To prevent the occurrence of LPG explosion accidents, we should strengthen administrative management, optimize process and equipment, strictly operate, strengthen safety education at ordinary times and scientific emergency measures drill to prevent leakage. In case of leakage, it is necessary to actively respond, take reasonable measures, scientifically and effectively stop leakage and prevent explosion. Do not handle the accident blindly to prevent it from expanding. In case of leakage and fire accident, water cooling method shall be adopted to cool the storage tank subject to fire to avoid steam explosion, which will cause more serious consequences.
(1) Prevent leakage
First of all, the storage equipment should be tight and leak free. Therefore, it is required to manufacture according to the regulations and conduct technical inspection before putting into use. During the use process, regular inspection should be carried out to prevent leakage. Necessary safety devices shall be installed for storage equipment, and safety operation procedures shall be established and strictly implemented. Secondly, the selection of equipment and materials should be appropriate and have good anti-corrosion performance; The sealing structure shall be designed reasonably and the connecting parts shall be minimized; The quality of dry joints shall be guaranteed, and seamless steel pipes shall be used as far as possible for transmission pipelines. The storage equipment shall not be close to the heat source. It is strictly prohibited to use open fire for leak detection. Soap water can be used for leak detection. The storage place shall be well ventilated, and the storage equipment shall not be located in the basement. Sunshade and sunscreen measures shall be taken when outdoor. In the storage place, it is strictly prohibited to conduct production operations, and attention shall be paid to prevent operation errors, wrong operations and illegal operations; Strengthen business training and professional use of open flame and non explosion proof electrical equipment. Thirdly, strengthen safety education, improve the sense of responsibility and fire safety awareness, and reduce man-made accidents.
(2) Leakage accident treatment
In case of leakage accident, it is necessary to actively respond, and the accident unit can take certain evacuation and emergency measures. The fire department can establish a warning area after arriving at the site. According to the terrain, weather, etc., a full martial law shall be enforced at least 800 meters away from the leakage point. Draw a warning line, set up obvious signs, notify the people in and around the warning area to evacuate quickly in various ways and means, and prohibit all vehicles and irrelevant people from entering the warning area. Eliminate kindling in the warning area. Immediately cut off power and cease fire in the warning area, and eliminate all kindling that may cause fire and explosion, so as to prevent explosion accidents from occurring and causing greater harm. Before entering the dangerous area, spray the ground wet with a water gun to prevent sparks from friction and impact. During operation, the equipment shall be grounded. Spray dilution. Dilute the leaked steam with a spray gun to reduce the concentration of liquefied petroleum gas in the warning area, and use detection instruments to constantly detect the concentration of liquefied petroleum gas in the air to take scientific methods to stop the leakage.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a kind of flammable and explosive dangerous goods. Fire and explosion accidents often occur during storage and transportation, which have caused serious consequences. Studying the types and causes of fire and explosion will help reduce the occurrence of similar accidents, understand some common preventive measures, and help firefighters to take active and effective measures in time when dealing with similar accidents, so as to minimize the injuries and losses caused by accidents [7]

Storage security technology

(1) Fire prevention technology for storage
In the process of selecting the location of liquefied petroleum configuration, it should be located at the edge of the city. At the same time, it should select the downwind and side directions of open fire and sparks. A solid wall should be built around it to ensure that the solid wall reaches the specified height. Power distribution rooms, offices, duty rooms, etc. should be set up in the auxiliary areas. Tank storage areas, hydrocarbon pump rooms The compressor room, etc., also needs to be equipped with corresponding equipment to work in strict accordance with the safety technical requirements. Independent compressor room, hydrocarbon pump room and other places shall be arranged, and the fire separation distance shall also reach the specified distance.
(2) Technical requirements for storage pressure storage tank
In order to ensure that all kinds of pressure bearing oil storage tanks conform to relevant safety technical regulations, pressure gauges, flame arresters, safety valves, breathing valves and other equipment need to be in good condition. Liquefied petroleum gas needs to be kept below the specified temperature. If there is no thermal insulation measure, cold water spray equipment needs to be set up to achieve the main purpose of cooling.
(3) Treatment technology of storage tank
In the process of setting the fire protection dike in the tank farm, a water sealed well should be set, and a cut-off valve should be set on the outlet pipe. Some dangerous goods with low boiling point need to be stored after the vapor pressure of the liquid is completed, and then according to the liquid operation requirements, to prevent the empty tank from damaging after the liquid enters.
(4) Technology of gas cylinder warehouse
A special storage warehouse shall be set up. The warehouse shall be established according to specific requirements. There shall be no tunnels, trenches, etc. in the warehouse, and kindling or heat sources are strictly prohibited. Ventilation equipment shall be set in the warehouse to keep the equipment dry and prevent sunlight from directly entering the gas cylinder. At the same time, electromagnetic starting machinery shall not be used. The bottleneck of the equipment shall be tightened. At the same time, shock proof rings shall be set on the gas cylinder to prevent collision or knocking when entering the warehouse or during handling.
(5) Gas cylinder treatment technology
Gas cylinders and other dangerous chemicals should be stored in accordance with the following storage regulations: gas cylinders should be placed in order and the caps should be worn. In the process of vertical placement, it needs to be fixed and a certain channel should be reserved. In the process of horizontal placement, the head needs to be kept in the same direction, and there are strict requirements on the stack height. Generally, some special substances need to be stored according to special regulations. The gas in some empty bottles that have been returned to the warehouse needs to maintain the residual pressure [6]

Use management suggestions

(1) Strengthen the safety management awareness of liquefied petroleum gas use
To do a good job in the safe use of liquefied petroleum gas, we need to start with strengthening the safety awareness, do a good job in the education and practice of the safe use of liquefied petroleum gas, and always put safety awareness in the first place. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the publicity and education of the safe use of liquefied petroleum gas in daily work, so that people can conduct regular safety inspection of liquefied petroleum gas storage equipment during the use of liquefied petroleum gas, and at the same time, ensure that liquefied petroleum gas should be far away from fire sources, and always be in a ventilated place during the use, to avoid the explosion caused by the leakage of liquefied petroleum gas.
(2) Strengthen the safety management of LPG equipment
In the use of liquefied petroleum gas, the safety management of enterprise equipment is very important. In the use process, enterprises need to timely repair and adjust the equipment with problems, and at the same time regularly update the vulnerable or aging equipment. And formulate detailed Safe Operation Procedures Strictly control the safe use of equipment, and conduct strict leak detection on all sealing parts of LPG to ensure the safe use of LPG equipment.
(3) Adopt more advanced safety management technology
The technical method of safety management mainly refers to the corresponding management system. In each link of enterprise production, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of the safety of the use of liquefied petroleum gas, and realize real-time computer monitoring of key links on the basis of increasing capital investment, so as to ensure that problems are handled at the first time and ensure the normal use of liquefied petroleum gas.
(4) Do a good job of safety management for the use of liquefied petroleum gas at the grass-roots level
In the production process of the enterprise, it is necessary to do a good job in the safety management of liquefied petroleum gas at the grass-roots level. Because the basic unit of liquefied petroleum gas is liquefied petroleum gas safety [8]

Related information

Safe use
With the development of China's petroleum industry, many cities and towns have begun to use liquefied petroleum gas as fuel.
Although the use of liquefied petroleum gas is convenient, there are also hidden dangers of insecurity. If the pipeline leaks or the valve is not closed tightly, the liquefied petroleum gas will diffuse into the room. When the content reaches Explosion limit (1.5%~9.5%), it will explode when encountering sparks or electric sparks. In order to remind people to find out whether the liquefied gas leaks in time, the processing plant often mixes a small amount of mercaptan or thioether compounds with foul smell into the liquefied gas. In case of leakage of liquefied gas, the smell will be heard immediately. Take emergency measures instead.
1. Please pay attention to the inspection period of the cylinder and attach the inspection certificate.
2. It shall be placed in a place with good ventilation and free from sunshine.
3. Do not put the cylinder upside down for use.
4. Do not place objects on the cylinder to avoid ignition.
How to find out whether the liquefied petroleum gas pipeline leaks?
If you suspect that the liquefied petroleum gas pipe (pipeline) in your home is leaking, do not use a match or lighter to ignite the test. Instead, use a soap bubble to check for leakage.
Where is the safest place to install the LPG water heater?
It should be installed outdoors in a well ventilated place to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning accidents.
Liquefied petroleum gas
What is the red flame of LPG fireworks? What is the danger? What should be done?
The LPG flame is normally light blue. If it is red, it indicates incomplete combustion. If there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, please ask the gas professional to repair and adjust the stoves immediately.
How do you know the leakage of LPG?
1. Smell - household liquefied petroleum gas is mixed with odorant, which will cause odor when it leaks out.
2. Vision - the leakage of liquefied petroleum gas will cause the formation of fog like white smoke in the air.
3. Hearing - there will be a "hissing" sound.
4. Tactile - when the hand is close to the leak, it will feel cool.
How to deal with LPG leakage?
1. Turn off the LPG switch immediately.
2. Never turn on or off any electrical switch.
3. Gently open all doors and windows and quickly escape from the outdoors.
4. Call the police for handling.
Will LPG kill people?
1. Liquefied petroleum gas itself is non-toxic, but has anesthetic and asphyxiating properties, making Biological reaction Reduced capability.
2. When the liquefied petroleum gas is not used properly, a large amount of carbon monoxide , carbon monoxide is easily mixed with hemoglobin Combination, resulting in hypoxia State (carbon monoxide poisoning, leading to death).
What should we do if there is insufficient air to use liquefied petroleum gas and carbon monoxide poisoning occurs?
1. Turn off the LPG switch.
2. Open the door and window for ventilation.
3. Provide fresh air for the injured.
4. Unbound and unblock the respiratory tract.
5. Perform artificial respiration or cardiopulmonary abdominal compression as necessary.
6. Do not turn on or off any power switch before the peculiar smell of liquefied petroleum gas disappears, so as to avoid spark and fire.
What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?
1. Headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
2. It will have a strong sense of collapse, accelerated breathing and pulse, blurred consciousness, and the body can not move on its own.
3. Flushing, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, convulsion, leading to cardiac arrest and death.
What if the liquefied petroleum gas pipeline is cut due to careless sewage pipeline construction?
If the liquefied petroleum gas pipeline is accidentally cut due to the construction of the sewage pipeline, please shut down the fire source at home immediately. If the pipeline is on fire, do not rush to put out the fire, draw a warning line, and give an alarm as soon as possible. Residents near the pipeline cut or passers-by should avoid smoking, or starting steam, locomotive engines and various power switches to avoid explosion or combustion, and personnel should stay away from the site as far as possible, Before the handling personnel arrive at the scene, please enclose the scene with ropes and write signs such as gas leakage to remind the passing personnel and vehicles.

Fire extinguishing method

Cut off the air supply. If the gas source cannot be cut off immediately, it is not allowed to extinguish the burning gas. Spray water to cool the container, and move the container from the fire site to an open place if possible. Extinguishing agent: spray water, foam, carbon dioxide.

Leakage emergency treatment

Evacuate the personnel in the leakage contaminated area to the windward place quickly, isolate them, and strictly restrict access. Cut off the ignition source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and protective clothing. Do not touch the leakage directly. Cut off the leakage source as far as possible, and cover the sewer and other places near the leakage point with industrial coating or adsorption/absorbent to prevent gas from entering. Reasonable ventilation to accelerate diffusion. Dilute with spray water. Leaking containers shall be properly treated, repaired and inspected before reuse.

Handing Information

Flammable compressed gas. Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated warehouse, and the temperature in the warehouse should not exceed 30 ℃. Keep away from kindling, heat source and direct sunlight, and store separately from oxygen, compressed air, halogen (fluorine, chlorine, bromine), oxidant, etc. Lighting, ventilation and other facilities in the storage room shall be explosion-proof, and the switch shall be set outside the warehouse. Fire and explosion prevention technical measures shall be taken during tank storage. It is prohibited to use mechanical equipment and tools that are easy to generate sparks. When transporting by tank truck, it is necessary to fill an appropriate amount, and over pressure and over quantity transportation are not allowed. The cylinder and accessories shall be handled with care to prevent damage.