Lubricating oil base oil

Mineral base oil, synthetic base oil and vegetable oil base oil
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Lubricating oil base oil is mainly divided into mineral base oil, synthetic base oil and vegetable oil base oil. Mineral base oil is widely used with a large amount of consumption (about 90% or more), but in some applications, synthetic base oil and vegetable oil base oil must be used for blending products. Ester oil is used as high-end lubricating oil
Chinese name
Lubricating oil base oil
Separate mineral base oil and synthetic base oil
Extensive application and large consumption
Refined from crude oil

Mineral base oil

Mineral oil base oil is refined from crude oil. The main production processes of lube base oil include: Atmospheric and vacuum distillation , solvent deasphalting, solvent refining Solvent dewaxing , clay or hydrorefining. In 1995, the current standard of lube base oil in China was revised, mainly the classification method was modified, and two special base oil standards of low pour point and deep refining were added. For the production of mineral lubricating oil, the most important thing is to select the best crude oil
The chemical composition of mineral base oil includes high boiling point, high molecular weight hydrocarbon and non hydrocarbon mixture. It is generally composed of alkanes (straight chain, branched chain, multi branched chain), cycloalkanes (single ring, double ring, multi ring), aromatics (single ring aromatics, polycyclic aromatics), cycloalkyl aromatics, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur containing organic compounds, resins, asphaltenes, etc Non hydrocarbon compounds

Synthetic base oil

Synthetic lubricant It refers to the base oil synthesized by chemical method. There are many kinds of synthetic base oil, including synthetic hydrocarbon, synthetic ester, polyether, silicone oil, fluorinated oil and phosphate. Synthetic lubricating oil has the advantages of better thermal oxidation stability, higher thermal decomposition temperature, and better low-temperature resistance than mineral oil, but its cost is higher, which can ensure that equipment parts can work in more demanding occasions.

vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is becoming more and more popular. It has the incomparable characteristics of mineral oil and most synthetic oils, that is, it can be biodegradable and quickly reduce environmental pollution. Since all industrial enterprises in the world are looking for measures to reduce environmental pollution, this "natural" lubricant has this feature. Although the cost of vegetable oil is high, the increased costs are enough to offset the environmental treatment costs caused by the use of other mineral oils and synthetic lubricants.
Vegetable oil has the advantages of low toxicity, good lubrication performance and extreme pressure performance compared with synthetic base lubricating oil. However, vegetable oil is more expensive than mineral oil due to its low production.
Ester oil refers to the natural substance containing ester groups in its molecular structure animal and vegetable fats and oils have been used as lubricating materials for thousands of years to reduce labor load or make wheels run smoothly. Until the late 20th century, this natural grease was still widely used in gear oil, metal cutting fluid, metal drawing lubricant and Machine tool guide Oil.
Characteristics of ester oil
In general, the oil will form a continuous oil film between the two contact surfaces. This oil film plays the role of liquid lubrication - preventing direct contact between metals, thus reducing friction. Whether the lubricating oil can provide liquid lubrication depends on whether the oil film can form continuous cracks on the two metal surfaces. When this oil film breaks under heavy load, it will cause resistance and friction. The advantage of ester oil in critical lubrication is that it can maintain superior lubrication under the condition that other base oils fail.
The oxygen element in the ester molecule makes it have a positive electrode; The hydrogen element makes it have a negative electrode. Due to the electrode action, ester molecules can be adsorbed on the metal surface to form an oil layer called adhesive molecule oil film. It is this layer of adhesive molecular oil film that makes ester oil stand out from other oils that form oil film due to viscosity. When the engine starts, it is easier to distinguish the performance of lubricating oil. Lubricants that rely on viscosity to form an oil film will flow away from the metal surface when the engine stops working. When the engine starts again, the oil film on the two metal surfaces has disappeared, leading to dry start.
On the contrary, the adhesive molecular oil film that does not rely on viscosity to achieve liquid lubrication can exist between two metal surfaces even after the engine stops working. That is to say, the lubricating oil with ester as base oil can protect the engine continuously even if the engine stops. Driving in the city often stops and starts. At this time, the engine of the car bears more load than the racing car. To protect it, it is very important to select the right engine oil. Lubricating oil is composed of base oil and additives, of which base oil accounts for more than 95%.