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An air compressor
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Turbocharger is actually a Air compressor , via compressed air To increase the air intake. It uses the inertia impulse of exhaust gas discharged from the engine to drive the turbine in the turbine chamber. The turbine drives the coaxial impeller, which presses the air sent from the air filter pipe to pressurize it Cylinder When engine speed With the increase of exhaust gas discharge speed and turbine speed, the impeller will compress more air into the cylinder. With the increase of air pressure and density, more fuel can be burned. With the corresponding increase of fuel volume and the adjustment of engine speed, the output power of the engine can be increased.
Chinese name
Foreign name
industrial product
automobile Engine



Structure principle

First of all, let's talk about the general structure and principle of the turbocharger. The exhaust turbocharger is mainly composed of a pump wheel and a turbine, as well as other control elements. The pump wheel and turbine are connected by a shaft, that is rotor The exhaust gas from the engine drives the pump wheel, which drives the turbine to rotate Air intake system pressure boost. The supercharger is installed on the exhaust side of the engine, so the working temperature of the supercharger is very high, and the speed of the rotor of the supercharger is very high when it works, which can reach more than 100000 revolutions per minute. Such high speed and temperature make the common mechanical needle or ball bearings cannot work for the rotor, so the turbocharger generally uses full floating bearings engine oil To lubricate and coolant to cool the supercharger. Previously, turbochargers were mostly used in Diesel engine Yes, because gasoline and diesel oil The combustion mode of the engine is different, so the form of turbocharger used by the engine is also different. The gasoline engine is different from the diesel engine. It is not air that enters the cylinder, but the mixture of gasoline and air. If the pressure is too high, it is easy to deflagrate. Therefore, detonation must be avoided when installing turbocharger. There are two related problems involved here, one is high temperature control, the other is ignition time control.
Working principle of turbocharger
Schematic diagram of turbocharger air flow
After forced pressurization, gasoline engine The temperature and pressure during compression and combustion will increase, and the deflagration tendency will increase. In addition, exhaust temperature ratio of gasoline engine Diesel engine It is high, and it is not suitable to increase the valve overlap angle (the time when the inlet and exhaust valves are opened simultaneously) to strengthen the exhaust cooling, and reducing the compression ratio will cause insufficient combustion. In addition, the speed of the gasoline engine is higher than that of the diesel engine, and the air flow changes greatly, which is easy to cause the response lag of the turbocharger. In view of a series of problems arising from the use of turbochargers in gasoline engines, engineers have made targeted improvements one by one, so that gasoline engines can also use exhaust gas turbochargers.


The increase of temperature will not only affect the inflation efficiency, but also easily lead to deflagration. Therefore, it is necessary to install the equipment to reduce the inlet air temperature, which is the intercooler. It is installed between the turbocharger outlet and the intake pipe to cool the air entering the cylinder. The intercooler is like a radiator, which is cooled by air or water. The heat of the air escapes into the atmosphere through cooling. According to the test, the intercooler with good performance can not only Engine compression ratio It can maintain a certain value without deflagration. At the same time, lowering the temperature can also increase the intake pressure and further increase the effective power of the engine.


Due to the wide speed range of the gasoline engine and the large variation of air flow, the compression impeller of the turbocharger is a complex three-dimensional curved ultra-thin wall impeller blade, which generally has 12 to 30 blades arranged in radial curve, with a thickness of less than 0.5mm, and is made of aluminum by special casting method. The quality of blade shape directly affects Turbocharged engine Performance. The more reasonable the shape angle and lighter the mass of the impeller, the more sensitive the startup of the impeller, and the smaller the "reaction lag" of the natural defect of the turbocharger.

knock sensor

In addition to reducing the temperature to reduce the possibility of deflagration, a deflagration sensor is also used. Its function is that when the sensor senses abnormal vibration, it will immediately feedback information to the engine ECU (electronic control unit )Control the system, delay the ignition timing slightly, and resume the normal ignition timing when there is no deflagration.


Because the speed of the car gasoline engine is higher than that of the diesel engine, the air flow rate is fast and the range of change is large, so its turbocharger has higher requirements. modern Car engine The electronic injection system has been widely used. With the cooperation of electronic control technology and new materials, the application of turbochargers in gasoline engines will become increasingly common.
The exhaust gas turbochargers used in cars all use a single inlet turbine housing, that is, only the pressure energy of exhaust gas is used, and no other auxiliary energy is needed. Because the speed range of the car engine is large, the exhaust turbocharger must have a regulating device to enable the engine to obtain a relatively constant boost pressure within a certain speed range. In addition, the gasoline engine is spark ignition, and its compression ratio is limited to a certain range. If it is too high, it will cause deflagration. Therefore, there should also be a deflagration detection and control mechanism to adjust the ignition advance angle at any time.
The exhaust gas turbocharger of a car is generally installed in exhaust pipe Nearby, the turbine and the impeller are respectively installed in the turbine chamber and the supercharger, and the two are rigidly connected on the same axis and rotate synchronously.
When supercharging is not required, for example, when idling or there is a sign of deflagration, part of the exhaust gas will be discharged through the bypass valve without entering the turbocharger. When engine speed When the speed reaches 2000 revolutions per minute, the solenoid valve will close the bypass valve and let the exhaust flow point to the turbine side to make the turbine rotate. In addition, another design is to adjust the angle of the turbine blade, and adjust the speed of the turbine through the change of resistance, thus changing the amount of turbocharging.
Cooling the air can make the air shrink and increase its density. It can also prevent deflagration by inserting more air under the same volume. Therefore, the turbochargers of cars are equipped with intercoolers, which are generally cooled by air and installed in front of, next to, or at a separate position of the engine radiator, and cooled by the car's head-on airflow or its own fan.
The key part of the turbocharger is the bearing. This kind of bearing named according to the lubrication form is called "full floating bearing", with extremely high working speed and poor working environment. Therefore, it is very important to ensure lubrication. If the oil supply is slow due to low oil pressure, the bearing will be damaged and the turbocharger will fail. This kind of fault will not occur during normal engine startup, but if the engine is replaced with oil and oil filter After the first start, the oil supply will be slow, making the bearing lack of oil lubrication. In this case, it is required to idle for about 3 minutes after starting, and it is not allowed to directly increase the speed to the starting speed of the turbocharger. Similarly, do not stop the engine immediately after high speed and uphill. Keep the engine idling for about 1 minute, so that the turbocharger bearing that is still idling will not lack oil. Therefore, drivers who use turbocharged vehicles must follow the manufacturer's instructions and pay great attention to the quality of oil. It is not appropriate to treat turbocharged vehicles as ordinary vehicles for operation.

Supercharger classification

If a car wants to run fast, it must have strong power. At present, automobile power system can be roughly divided into two categories: natural intake system and supercharged intake system. Among European sports cars, in addition to BMW, which still insists on using a naturally aspirated engine, other car companies have adopted turbocharging systems in order to improve the dynamic performance of their cars. For example, Mercedes Benz sports cars use a supercharging system, and Sambo is the founder of turbocharging. In recent years, Japanese cars have also begun to use a large number of turbocharging technology. The natural air intake system is not equipped with any type of supercharger, but only uses the negative pressure generated by the downward movement of the piston to suck in the mixture. Although the natural intake system can get a larger horsepower output through the variable valve timing system, the power improvement is limited. In order to effectively increase the output power of the engine, the supercharging system can be said to be the most effective way.
The most common engine turbocharging systems are supercharging and exhaust gas turbocharging.


The engine mechanically drives the supercharger for supercharging, which is called supercharging. When the engine is supercharged, the supercharger is usually driven by the engine crankshaft through gears. Generally, centrifugal or Roots compressor is used as supercharger, and screw compressor is used as individual compressor. In recent years, a new type of mechanical scroll supercharger has also been adopted abroad. Because driving the compressor consumes a certain amount of output power of the engine, the thermal efficiency of the supercharged engine may not be improved, but sometimes it is lower than that of the non supercharged internal combustion engine. When selecting boost pressure, first ensure that the required average effective pressure can be reached, and then obtain the lowest possible fuel consumption rate. These two requirements are often contradictory for supercharging. If the average effective pressure is pursued, the mechanical efficiency will inevitably decrease and the fuel consumption rate will increase. Therefore, the selection of boost pressure should seek the best compromise between power and fuel consumption rate. Supercharging system is widely used in European vehicles at present. As the supercharged supercharger is driven by the crankshaft to run continuously, the stagnation of the turbocharger like turbocharging occurs when it does not move. Although supercharging can only increase the power output by about 10% to 20%, the smoothness and continuity of turbocharged engines are better than turbocharged engines.

Exhaust gas turbocharging

The engine exhaust gas energy is used to drive the turbocharger, which is called exhaust gas turbocharging (turbocharging for short). As shown in the figure, it is the exhaust gas turbocharging system. The feature of exhaust gas turbocharging is that there is no mechanical connection between the turbocharger and the engine. They are connected by gas path. Because the work consumed by the compressor is part of the energy recovered by the turbine from the exhaust gas, the turbocharged engine can not only increase the power of the engine, but also improve its thermal efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. If you see the logo of Turbo or T at the rear of the car, it means that the engine of the car is turbocharged. The turbocharger is actually an air compressor, which uses the inertia of the exhaust gas discharged from the engine to drive the turbine. The turbine drives the coaxial impeller to compress the air sent by the air filter pipe, so that the air enters the cylinder after being pressurized. When the engine speed increases, the exhaust gas discharge speed and turbine speed also increase synchronously, the impeller compresses more air into the cylinder, and the increase of air pressure and density can burn more fuel. The output power of the engine can be increased by increasing the fuel volume and adjusting the engine speed accordingly.

Development and matching

Turbocharger has been widely used in many types of cars. It makes up for the inherent shortcomings of some naturally aspirated engines, and enables the engine to increase output power by more than 30% without changing the exhaust volume. Therefore, many automobile manufacturing companies use this supercharging technology to improve the output power of the engine, so as to achieve high-performance cars.
The supercharger and engine are theoretically calculated, and the appropriate supercharger supercharging degree and some engine parameters are selected. In view of the working characteristics of the supercharger and the principle of the best matching of the engine, the appropriate matching parameters are determined. [1] Domestic turbocharger manufacturers have also made some research on the matching of turbochargers, introduced how to reasonably select domestic turbochargers to replace damaged imported turbocharged diesel engine turbochargers, and provided technical references for various domestic turbochargers. A variety of imported turbocharged diesel engines have carried out matching tests on domestic turbochargers, and all have achieved success [2]

matters needing attention

As the turbocharger often works at high speed and high temperature, the temperature of the turbocharger exhaust gas turbine end is about 600 ℃, and the turbocharger rotor rotates at a high speed of 8000 - 11000r/min. In order to ensure the normal operation of the turbocharger, the following points should be noted during use:

Don't leave with the car

After the engine is started, especially in winter, it should be allowed to idle for a period of time to fully lubricate the bearing with lubricating oil before the supercharger rotor runs at high speed. Therefore, the accelerator must not be slammed after just starting to prevent damage to the supercharger oil seal.

Do not stop the fire immediately

After the engine runs at high speed for a long time, it cannot be stopped immediately. When the engine is working, some oil is supplied to the turbocharger rotor bearing for lubrication and cooling. After the running engine stops suddenly, the oil pressure drops rapidly to zero, the high temperature of the turbocharger turbine part is transferred to the middle, and the heat in the bearing support housing cannot be taken away quickly. At the same time, the turbocharger rotor is still rotating at high speed under the action of inertia. Therefore, if the engine stops suddenly in the hot state, The oil trapped in the turbocharger will overheat and damage the bearing and shaft. In particular, it is necessary to prevent sudden stalling after slamming several accelerator feet.

Keep clean

When disassembling the supercharger, keep it clean. All pipe joints must be blocked with clean cloth to prevent sundries from falling into the supercharger and damaging the rotor. During maintenance, the impeller shall not be damaged by collision. If it is necessary to replace the impeller, dynamic balance test shall be carried out. After reassembly, remove the blockage.

To be cleaned

Because the supercharger often operates at high temperature, its lubricating oil pipeline is subject to high temperature, and part of the internal oil is easy to coke, which will cause insufficient lubrication of the supercharger bearing and damage. Therefore, the lubricating oil pipeline should be cleaned after a period of operation.

Pay attention to maintenance

Before departure and after collection, check the connection of each pipe in the air passage to prevent looseness and falling off, which may cause turbocharger failure and air short circuit entering the cylinder.
It can be seen that after the engine is pressurized, the structure of the parts has been strengthened. In terms of use and maintenance, the forced maintenance of the engine must be strengthened, and correct control methods must be adopted.


Turbocharger is used to improve Engine power And important parts for reducing exhaust emissions. Due to improper use, maintenance and service, the engine is prone to failure, resulting in abnormal operation of the engine. This article introduces some common faults and treatment methods of turbocharger as follows:

Oil leakage

Phenomenon 1: The engine oil consumption is high, but the exhaust smoke color is normal, and the power is not reduced.
Cause: This condition is generally caused by oil leakage.
Handling method:
1. First, check whether the external oil pipes of the engine lubricating system (including the inlet and return pipes of the supercharger) leak oil;
2. Check whether there is oil at exhaust outlet of supercharger. If there is oil, it can be determined that the sealing ring at one end of the turbine is damaged, and the sealing ring should be replaced.
Phenomenon 2: high oil consumption, blue smoke from exhaust, but power does not drop.
Cause: Due to the oil leakage at the pressure end of the supercharger, the engine oil enters the combustion chamber through the engine intake pipe and is burned. There are several possibilities:
1. The supercharger oil return pipe is blocked, and the oil accumulates too much at the middle support of the rotor assembly, and flows into the compressor impeller along the rotor shaft.
2. When the seal ring or oil slinger near one end of the compressor impeller is damaged, the oil enters the impeller chamber from here, and then enters the combustion chamber through the inlet pipe together with the pressurized air in the chamber.
Handling method:
1. Open the air outlet of the compressor or the straight inlet pipe (rubber hose) of the engine to see whether the pipe orifice and pipe wall are adhered with oil. If yes, please check whether the supercharger oil return pipe is unblocked. If it is not smooth, it is caused by excessive oil accumulation at the middle support. The oil return pipe should be dredged and then reassembled.
2. If it is smooth, it is caused by the damage of the sealing ring or oil slinger at one end of the impeller. The supercharger should be disassembled for repair.
Phenomenon 3: high oil consumption, blue smoke or black smoke from exhaust, and reduced power.
1. The clearance between the piston and the cylinder is too worn, and the engine oil flows into the combustion chamber and is burned.
2. When the air is sucked in by the supercharger, the air flow encounters greater resistance. (If empty filter element Clogging, suction deformation or flattening of the intake hose, etc.), the pressure at the compressor inlet is low, resulting in oil leakage into the compressor compressed air Enter the combustion chamber and burn them together.
Handling method:
1. Check whether there is oil in the wall of the air inlet straight hose and whether it is flattened, which may block the air flow or block the air filter element.
2. If there is oil in the pipe orifice and pipe wall, it should be cleaned or replaced Air filter element

There is metal friction sound

Phenomenon: exhaust Emit black smoke The power drops and the supercharger makes abnormal noise.
1. If there is metal friction sound, it is caused by excessive wear of turbocharger rotor bearing or thrust bearing and friction between impeller and turbocharger housing.
2. If it is not the sound of metal friction, but the sound of air flow, it is the sound of rotation caused by the high-speed rotation of the turbocharger rotor, or the air leakage caused by the poor connection between the inlet and exhaust ports.
Handling method:
(1) The former shall be repaired by replacing the damaged spare parts according to the wear condition.
2. The latter should be carefully distinguished and targeted.

Bearing damage

Phenomenon: turbocharger bearing is damaged, engine power decreases, Oil consumption It is high and emits black smoke. In serious cases, the supercharger cannot work.
1. Insufficient lubricating oil pressure and flow.
a. The lubricating oil supply of supercharger journal and thrust bearing is insufficient;
b. The lubricating oil that keeps the rotor journal and bearing floating is insufficient;
c. The supercharger has been running at high speed, but the lubricating oil is not supplied in time.
2. Debris or sediment enters the lubrication system.
3. The engine oil is oxidized and deteriorated.
a. The diesel engine oil is overheated, and there is too much gas flowing between the piston and the cylinder wall;
b. Cooling water leaks into engine oil;
c. Improper selection of engine oil and failure to change engine oil regularly as required.
Handling method:
1. Check whether the lubricating oil pressure is normal and whether the oil quantity meets the requirements.
2. Regularly replace the lubricating oil according to the specified requirements, and ensure that the lubricating oil is clean.
3. The lubricating oil shall be used in strict accordance with the specified requirements and shall not be mixed.
4. Avoid the engine working at high temperature and maintain the normal working temperature of the engine.

Maintenance mistakes

Mistake 1: Change the oil at will
In terms of "drinking" oil, turbochargers are really "delicate". In addition to being larger than ordinary naturally aspirated engines, they also have higher requirements for oil products. Because the design of the turbocharger is different from that of the naturally aspirated engine, its main rotating shaft adopts the floating design, and the turbine body and the main rotating shaft are filled with oil. The entire main rotating shaft relies on the lubricating oil for heat dissipation and lubrication, while low-quality oil has high viscosity and poor liquidity, so it can not play a better role. It is recommended that car owners increase their investment in this regard and replace the vehicle with fully synthetic oil.
Myth 2: Turn off at the destination
After the engine has been running at high load for a long time, the owner must idle for a few minutes before turning off the engine, so that the parts can be effectively cooled and lubricated. The act of stopping the car immediately will make the car often idle at a high speed. The problem is the same as sudden acceleration, which will damage the bearings of the car.
Mistake 3: Boom the accelerator as soon as starting
The ability to increase speed in a short time is a major feature of turbocharged vehicles, but this does not mean that the owner can treat the car rudely. In fact, it is easy to damage the turbocharger oil seal by slamming the accelerator after starting. The revolution of the turbocharged engine is very high. After starting the vehicle, you should not step on the accelerator pedal. You should first idle for 3-5 minutes, so that the oil pump has enough time to deliver oil to all parts of the turbocharger. At the same time, the oil temperature rises slowly, and the fluidity is better. Only then can the speed increase "like a fish in water".

Equipment replacement

How do we replace the turbocharger of the diesel generator, and what are the specific operating steps?
1. Clean the engine and replace the filter element. Drain the dirty oil, add 70% diesel oil and 30% engine oil to the engine, start the engine and run for 3~5min to clean the engine and oil ducts, and then drain them. Add proper amount of engine oil and drain it after running for 5~10min. Replace the oil filter element and air filter element, and then filter and add clean lubricating oil to the full scale of the oil dipstick, so as to ensure that the engine lubricating oil and oil passages are clean.
2. Check turbocharger. Check whether the model of the new turbocharger matches the engine. Rotate the turbocharger rotor manually and it should run freely. If the impeller is sluggish or there is a feeling of rubbing against the housing, find out the cause before installing it.
3. Check whether there are sundries in the compressor inlet pipe and the turbine front engine exhaust pipe to prevent the impeller from being damaged by sundries.
4. Check supercharger oil inlet pipe and oil return pipe. The oil inlet and return pipes of the supercharger shall be clean, and the oil inlet and return pipes shall not be twisted or blocked. If a sealing gasket is used at the oil inlet and return port of the supercharger, check whether the gasket is corroded or deformed, and the gasket cannot block the oil inlet and return port.
5. Prelube supercharger. The supercharger is installed on the engine, and the oil pipe is not connected temporarily. First, add clean oil into the supercharger from the oil inlet of the supercharger, and rotate the rotor manually to make the supercharger bearing full of lubricating oil before connecting the oil pipe.
6. Test run. When starting the diesel engine, the oil pressure must be displayed at the supercharger oil inlet within 3~4s to prevent the supercharger bearing system from being damaged due to lack of lubricating oil. Run for 2min, check whether the rotor rotates smoothly without noise, then stop the machine, and observe whether the rotor can run smoothly by inertia. Normally, it will stop running after about half a minute.
8. When the engine is running under load, the oil pressure must be 196~392kPa to be safe. When the engine is idling, the oil pressure should not be less than 70kPa.
9. The exhaust back pressure behind the turbine and the pressure drop of the air filter shall not exceed 4.9kPa. The air filter element shall not be wet, because wet filter elements will significantly increase the pressure drop.


The turbocharger has five main advantages:
1. Increase engine power. Under the condition that the engine displacement remains unchanged, the engine can inject more fuel by increasing the intake air density, thus improving the engine power torque Increase by 20%~30%. On the contrary, under the same power output requirements, the cylinder diameter of the engine can be reduced, and the volume and weight of the engine can be reduced.
2. Improve engine emissions. By improving the combustion efficiency of the engine, the turbocharger engine can reduce the emissions of harmful components such as particulates and nitrogen oxides in the engine exhaust. It is an indispensable configuration for diesel engines to meet Euro 2 and above emission standards.
3. It provides the function of plateau compensation. In some high altitude areas, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air is. Engines with turbochargers can overcome the power reduction caused by the thin air in the plateau.
4. Improve fuel economy and reduce fuel consumption. As the engine with turbocharger has better combustion performance, it can save fuel by 3% - 5%.
5. It has high reliability, good matching characteristics and high transient response characteristics.


The disadvantage of turbochargers is hysteresis, that is, the inertia effect of the impeller is slow to respond to the sudden change of the throttle, which makes the engine delay to increase or reduce the output power. For a car that wants to accelerate or overtake suddenly, it will feel a little powerless at once.

Related news

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Confronted with counterfeit products, Cummins generator manufacturer's turbocharging technology has never stopped fighting with them, and has maintained its own rights and interests through various effective ways to counter challenges. Reviewing the anti counterfeiting process of Cummins generator manufacturer's turbocharging technology, each step is a firm fight against counterfeit products.
At the end of May 2011, a merchant in Jinan, Shandong Province who sold fake Horsert turbochargers was found guilty of infringement and paid 50000 yuan as compensation. In 2010, the lawyer found that the fake retail store sold fake Holset turbochargers, which seriously infringed the exclusive right to use the registered trademark of Cummins generator manufacturer's turbocharging technology.
On May 2, 2010, Cummins generator manufacturer turbocharging technology filed a lawsuit in 2006 against a turbocharger factory in Wuxi for infringing the trademark of Holset and selling counterfeit turbochargers, and the successful case was selected as "Ten Typical Cases of Intellectual Property Rights in the City", which was reported in Wuxi Daily.
On July 1, 2009 and January 12, 2010, two counterfeit turbocharger distribution points were found in Tianjin, and the counterfeit Horsert turbochargers and their spare parts were confiscated and investigated. On December 18, 2008, Wuxi Cummins generator manufacturer turbocharging technology, together with Jinan Administration for Industry and Commerce, carried out an anti counterfeiting activity in the local area, and seized more than 100 counterfeit turbochargers, including 51 turbochargers counterfeit to the Holset brand.
In July 2008, the professional anti counterfeiting agency authorized by Cummins generator manufacturer's turbocharging technology, together with Zhengzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce, investigated and dealt with a local merchant selling counterfeit turbochargers, and confiscated 32 counterfeit Horsert turbochargers.
With firm determination and strong support from the administrative law enforcement department, the fight against counterfeiting of Cummins generator manufacturer's turbocharging technology will continue. Through the continuous struggle against counterfeit vendors, we will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of genuine products, and help establish and maintain a good market economic order!
Fengcheng is one of the three major automobile engine turbocharger production bases in China, and its turbocharger production capacity accounts for 25% of the country. In 2010, with the approval of the Science and Technology Department of Liaoning Province, Fengcheng took the lead in establishing the only provincial strategic alliance for technological innovation in the automotive supercharger industry in China, aiming to promote the influence of e-commerce in the supercharger industry of Fengcheng in the country. At present, 25 enterprises and 10 famous universities and scientific research institutions in the city have established joint industrial technology alliances to tackle key problems, further improving the ability of industrial technological innovation, and successfully realizing the industrial upgrading, so that the supercharger industry in Fengcheng has successfully moved from labor-intensive to scientific and technological. In 2012, the total output value of Fengcheng turbocharger industry reached 8.2 billion yuan. At present, the inspection and detection public service platform of Fengcheng Supercharger Industrial Cluster Industrial Real Estate Project Phase II has passed the national acceptance and is being fully put into construction. The matching test of new turbochargers and internal combustion engines has also been started. This series of actions indicate that the future supercharger industry will enter a new stage of technology, innovation and online sales.