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National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue

Laboratory approved by National Development and Reform Commission
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The National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in November 2016.
Chinese name
National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue
Approval department
National Development and Reform Commission
The National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in November 2016. It aims to improve China's independent innovation capacity in the field of fire protection and emergency rescue, promote the formulation of relevant standards and specifications, and further realize the industrialization of technology and large-scale promotion and application through the breakthrough of advanced technology and the construction of engineering test platform for production, learning and research, Strengthen the organic connection between basic research and industrial R&D, and promote the in-depth development of the fire protection and emergency rescue industry.
The legal entity of the National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue is Shenyang Fire Research Institute of the Emergency Management Department, and the joint construction unit is Shanghai Fire Research Institute of the Emergency Management Department. At the same time, 21 units including Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Emergency Management Department, Sichuan Fire Research Institute of the Emergency Management Department, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force College, Tsinghua University, etc. were recruited as co construction units in the laboratory. The laboratory has joined forces with the national first-class fire research institutions, universities and influential fire industry manufacturers to integrate decentralized high-quality technical teams into one platform, which is conducive to collaborative innovation, key breakthrough, cooperative promotion and engineering application of key technologies of fire protection and emergency rescue.
The National Engineering Laboratory for Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue will meet the fire safety needs of the whole society and the people, build a fire protection and emergency rescue technology innovation base and engineering research and development support organization, and strive to improve the core competitiveness of the entire fire protection and emergency rescue industry through technology research and breakthrough, and promote the rapid development of national fire protection and emergency rescue technology, Raise the overall fire safety capability of the country to a new level. [1]