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Consumption trend

Terms in the field of consumption
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Consumption trend refers to the changing trend of customer consumption psychology and consumption behavior mode.
For example, the rapid development of modern retail formats, such as supermarkets and stores, has greatly changed consumers' behavior patterns. Previously, they bought things in wholesale markets, wholesale outlets and department stores, while most of them bought things in supermarkets and stores. Therefore, a marketing plan to strengthen the construction of wholesale channels can only be used in markets dominated by traditional formats, while in developed cities, We can only adjust this marketing plan to adapt to the local Retail format Development status.
Chinese name
Consumption trend
The changing trend of customers' consumption psychology and consumption behavior mode
How to gain insight
1、 Observation of public life. Most of the time, our judgment comes from our observation. Sharp observation can capture wonderful information. When we don't know what a consumer is thinking, observation is the most basic means to obtain information. For example, we can choose to spend a day together with ordinary consumers to see how they spend it, which can vividly find a lot of information.
2、 Records of consumers. When it is difficult for us to form a judgment on a consumer group, let consumers participate in lifestyle research in the most natural way, for example, let them keep diaries, take some digital photos of their own preferences, and researchers go to hold some group activities with consumers and hold discussions with consumers, The real life performance of a crowd can be found, and these are the source of forming the new product concept.
3、 Consumer's language. The reason why a product is popular with a certain group is that the language of the product is the language of the group, such as M-Zone The message of "My site is my own" is the language of many young people, so it is easy to establish a communication platform. Collecting and analyzing these languages, understanding the language used by consumers in some specific situations, can help product creativity and concepts find concrete elements. These studies can be obtained through the content structure and analysis of popular languages such as online BBSs, post bars, and various blog posts. For example, if you want to design a computer for these fans, You only need to go to the various star chasing forums they have established to find the fresh language of these people.
4、 Understand social trends. Social trends often affect the changes of people's consumption life, and the integration of global social trends is also significant for the formation of product concepts, because many new concepts and new directions in the future can be seen in these trends, and the potential consumption demand brought by social trends is valuable information for product research and development. Understanding social trends is to cultivate a high sensitivity to such information, which can be understood through the trend reports of many research institutions around the world and the consumption trend reports of target groups.
5、 Market of the product. Although many enterprises have been doing this for many years, they are not very clear about the position of their products in the consumption trend, which makes it difficult to judge which segment of the market the new products should hit, and what kind of innovation they should make in product creativity and concept. It is also essential for enterprises to understand the market position of their products according to the trend of fashion and consumption.
6、 Product related market. The trend of product concept is consistent with that of related industries, and the change of product concept also follows the change law of the whole concept. Therefore, when studying the fashion trend of a product concept, we should also understand the fashion trend of related products. For example, the change of clothing has an impact on the appearance of many products. There is also a correlation between the fashion trend of watches and automobile instruments. There is also a high correlation between the decoration style and the architectural style, These trends in connected markets can lead to new and different concepts.