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Consumption environment

External and objective factors that consumers face in the process of survival and development and have a certain impact on consumers
Consumption environment refers to consumer External and objective factors that affect consumers in the process of survival and development. include natural environment And social environment Two aspects.
Chinese name
Consumption environment
natural environment
The surface layer of the earth
Ecological impact
Ecological needs reflect the relationship between man and nature
Every year
17 million hectares of forest disappeared from the earth

natural environment

The natural environment is the surface layer of the earth, such as water light heat rock , soil, etc water resource , mineral resources, etc. Since people came into being, they have become the environment for human consumption. It is inappropriate to call the natural environment ecological environment. Because the ecological environment refers to the biological subject (human being, as a kind of biological subject, is also included) living environment This living environment includes all factors of the entire natural environment and social environment and their interrelationships. Therefore, the natural environment is an integral part of the ecological environment, rather than the whole content. The two cannot be equated.

Impact of natural environment on consumption


Ecological impact

The system of people's consumption needs includes ecological needs. Ecological needs reflect the relationship between human beings and nature. They are not only the most basic and important survival needs, but also very important enjoyment needs and development needs Ecological needs Improving consumption quality is extremely important. Nature is human Consumer goods The main source of. The impact of the natural environment of consumption on consumption is mainly shown as follows:
① Natural endowment determines Consumer Of preference
② Natural resources productivity The role of Supply level and Processing degree
③ The degree of natural environment protection determines the sustainable provision of consumers;
④ The quality of consumption depends on the quality of the natural environment. The natural environment is affected by contaminated , will endanger consumer goods Quality and consumer Good health.

environmental deterioration

The main manifestations of the deteriorating natural environment are:
natural disaster
forest coverage The cutting volume has greatly exceeded the growth. On average, 40 hectares of forest in the world are cut down or burned by fire every minute, and 17 million hectares of forest disappear from the earth every year.
② Then came Land desertification soil erosion Serious. One third of the world's land area has become a desert or is in the process of desertification.
natural disaster The frequency is accelerating, and the area of victims and disasters is expanding. When trees cover Himalayas When, The People's Republic of Bangladesh There is only one serious flood every 50 years, while in the 21st century, there will be one major flood every 4 years.
water pollution noise pollution and air pollution Increasing. Every year in the world sewage The discharge is more than 500 billion cubic meters, resulting in about 600 million cubic meters of water in rivers, lakes and oceans contaminated In the global atmosphere carbon monoxide carbon dioxide Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen Floating dust The content of ozone is increasing. The annual emissions of harmful gases reach as much as 5 billion tons. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is significantly thinner and an ozone hole appears.
Climate warming 10 billion tons a year in the world carbon dioxide Discharge into the atmosphere to raise the surface temperature, Climate warming In the 1990s, there were eight consecutive warm winters.
The deterioration of the natural environment has led to a decline in the quality of consumption and a serious threat to human survival and development. Atmospheric ozone layer depletion Skin cancer Increase; Forest reduction soil erosion , frequent floods and waterlogging disasters have brought huge losses to human life and property; As the source of life, water is contaminated It seriously endangers human health; Climate warming Many diseases are spreading and relapsing; Noise and air pollution Causing serious damage to human health; wait. Therefore, actively cultivating a good natural environment, promoting ecological balance, and improving the quality of the consumption environment are contemporary consumer An extremely important task.

Based on sustainable development, protect and cultivate beautiful natural environment


We must strengthen the environmental awareness of the whole people

We should fully understand that environmental protection is a major issue related to human survival and development. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity and education of environmental protection, enhance people's awareness of consciously protecting the ecological environment, take effective measures, implement the contents of ecological environment education into the education system and education plan, and turn them into specific actions of the whole people.

Strengthen micro regulation and macro regulation

Governance has contaminated Environment. We should take firm and effective measures, including administrative and legal means, to harness and protect the environment and maintain ecological balance. We will resolutely implement the basic policies of "prevention first", "polluters bear the burden", and "strengthening environmental management". Firmly implement what has already been formulated China Environmental Protection Action Plan Cross Century Green Project Planning So as to turn the action plan into specific actions of millions of people.

Strengthen greening and cultivate green consumption environment

We should extensively carry out afforestation, green the land and improve forest coverage Maintaining good air, water and soil at the source is a basic project for maintaining ecological balance and improving environmental quality. Generally speaking, the urban per capita green space area needs about 20 square meters, including 10-14 square meters of public green space. Many large and medium-sized cities in the world protect and foster green environment in many ways, Singapore Such cities have also become world famous garden cities. The reconstruction and expansion of many cities in China attach importance to the construction of public green space. The vast countryside should also be built into a green and green consumption environment, so that people can enjoy the rich gifts of nature and improve the quality of consumption.

We must vigorously develop ecological industries

Exploiting ecology consumer goods We should vigorously develop ecological agriculture, ecological industry and other ecological industries, form an ecological industrial system, and develop ecology consumer goods Enterprises should master the technical, safety, health and environmental standards of green products and the regulations and changes in production, operation and management, and include environmental and resource costs into costs, so that the environment and Resource cost Internalization“ cleaner production ”。 Only in this way can the quantity and quality of green products be improved, and the beautiful natural environment be protected and cultivated.

social environment

Rights Defense Day
The social environment of consumption refers to consumer When consuming, we face various social factors. No one's consumption can be separated from the society. Marx Said: "Activities and enjoyment are social, social activities and social enjoyment, whether in terms of their content or their way of existence. The nature of human beings in nature exists only in terms of social people;..." consumer Survival and development are inseparable from various social relations, which constitute various collectives of consumers. every last consumer When consuming, they are actually in different collectives or groups.
In a broad sense, the social environment of consumption also includes the cultural environment of consumption and the institutional environment of consumption.

Impact of social environment on consumption


It has an important impact on the construction of two civilizations

consumption structure
The great social environment of consumption not only plays a great role in human survival and development, but also has an important impact on the construction of two civilizations. The social relations between people, social customs, order, and social security are directly related to consumption activities. The quality of consumption will be greatly improved if the social atmosphere is good, the social order is good, everyone is moral, educated, disciplined, and polite. If the social atmosphere is bad and the crime rate is high, people will have no sense of security and comfort, and can not carry out normal consumption activities.

Have an impact on the generation of consumption desire and the implementation of consumption behavior

The influence of different social and cultural environments on consumption is manifested in: ① religious belief. Once formed, it is easy to be inherited by future generations, forming a pattern that affects people's consumption demand and consumption behavior. ② sense of worth Read. People living in different social and cultural environments have different sense of worth Read ③ consumption customs. As a way of consumption and consumption habit passed down from generation to generation, consumption custom plays an important role in guiding consumption. Healthy consumption customs are conducive to correctly and actively guiding healthy consumption, and expressing people's good hearts, good wishes, and enterprising emotions. The vulgar consumption customs should be corrected so that they can play a healthy role in guiding consumption. ④ moral. Different moral norms determine people's different communication behaviors, and determine different family models and consumption patterns.

The institutional environment plays an important role in restricting and guiding consumption

① The economic system promotes or restricts consumption. Traditional Chinese Planned economy It is a system that suppresses consumption and focuses on accumulation. and socialist market economy The new system is a system that promotes consumption and focuses on the realization of people's all-round development through the satisfaction of consumption demand. ② Political and legal systems provide a safe environment for consumption. With the economic system Political system reform The gradual deepening of the legal system is to maintain social stability, socialist economic order (including market order), standardize the operation of enterprises, protect enterprise competition, combat counterfeits and guarantee consumer Both rights and interests and the long-term interests of society play a role in promoting consumption. ③ National guidelines and policies suppress or encourage consumption. China is actively reforming the policy of curbing consumption under the original planned economic system and changing it into a policy of encouraging consumption. The state also provides corresponding supporting policies for spiritual and cultural consumption, green consumption, tourism consumption, holiday consumption, education consumption, etc., to promote the development of consumption.

Cultivate a good social environment


Correct people's value orientation

We should use high-level cultural awareness to correct people's value orientation, cultivate a good social organism, and establish a good social custom. In order to go from the surface layer of culture to the construction of deep culture, we should fundamentally solve the problem sense of worth Solve the problem of value orientation,

Strengthening legal system construction

Strengthen the legal system construction and purify the social environment. The market has a strong spontaneity, and people are prone to some irrational behaviors. The decadent ideas left over from the old society still have a considerable impact, capitalism Decadent ideas often come in by chance. Consumption globalization, foreign consumer goods And the influx of consumer cultural products, occident The consumption tendency and consumption atmosphere of are also constantly introduced. Under the situation of both good and bad, people are more likely to have some irrational behaviors, which are prone to some irrational consumption, and some even go into the wrong area. This requires strengthening the legal system construction and purifying the market, including the spiritual and cultural market. Market economy is a legal economy. To establish a good social environment, we must strengthen the construction of the legal system. It is necessary to establish and improve relevant laws, regulations and systems, strengthen the management of all aspects of social life in accordance with the law, sanction and crack down on illegal acts that endanger society, improve the social environment, and improve the civilization of society and people's consumption.

Constantly optimize consumption structure

Guide people to constantly improve the cultural content in consumption and constantly optimize consumption structure We should guide people to fully understand the important role of cultural consumption, consciously optimize the consumption structure, increase the proportion of high-level spiritual and cultural consumption, and constantly increase the cultural content of consumption. The rapid development of contemporary science and technology, culture, and art, and their massive penetration into the field of consumption, will make great changes in people's consumption, and constantly improve the level and quality of consumption. Consuming technology content Cultural content If it is improved, it will help promote social civilization and progress, and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

Strengthen the construction of social public facilities

We will strengthen the construction of public facilities and grass-roots social organizations. We should continue to strengthen urban and rural areas Public infrastructure And improve their cultural content and taste. In urban construction, public cultural facilities should be well equipped. Large and medium-sized cities should focus on construction library museum Construction shall be carried out if conditions permit Science and Technology Museum County and township should mainly build comprehensive cultural centers and cultural stations. Effective measures should be taken to increase investment in cultural undertakings in underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions and minority areas.

Relationship with consumption quality

Consumption quality
Any consumption activity must have three basic elements, namely: Consumer consumer )、 Consumption object consumer goods And labor) and Consumption environment The consumption of any person (consumption subject) is a process of consuming the consumption object in a certain consumption environment. Consumption quality is to reflect the qualitative regulation of consumption generated by the combination of the three consumer Degree of satisfaction of needs. It reflects the quality of consumption subject, consumption object and consumption environment. If the three are of high quality and well combined, the consumption quality will be higher; Otherwise, the quality of consumption will be low.