
[xiāo hào]
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Consumption, Chinese words, Pinyin: xi à h à o. It means dissipation loss. Today, it refers to the gradual decrease due to use or damage.
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xiāo hào
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Dissipation loss, nowadays, refers to the gradual decrease due to use or damage.


Han Dynasty· scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Blooming dew in spring and autumn ·Destroy the Nation

example sentence

1. Dissipation losses. Nowadays, it refers to the gradual decrease due to use or loss.
Han Dynasty· scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Blooming Dews in Spring and Autumn - Destroying the Country: Not Alone nobility This is the case for adults. People born between heaven and earth should not be exposed to strong wind torrential rain , standing up and consuming.
Tang Dynasty· Tortoise shell Song of Scattered People: The cause of sages has turned to consumption, and there are still fishermen who can save Xixi.
Qing Dynasty· Liu Dakui The Record of Rebuilding Fengshan Terrace: Times )The terrain is flexible, and it should go against the trend... then the sky Not obscene Yang, the earth does not close Yin, no knot, no consumption. [1]
clear Cao Xueqin Chapter 4 of A Dream of Red Mansions: See you Xue Pan young Ignorant of worldly affairs , then take advantage of the time abduction Up, several businesses in Kyoto are gradually consumed. [2]
pen name of Wan Jiabao sunrise 》Scene 1: The smoke, wine and excitement consumed a lot of her spirit
Wei Wei east 》Chapter 6 of Part V: He regretted that he had consumed too much ammunition
2. News.
Song Dynasty· author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Stories of Sushui 》Volume 11: Since Yang Shousu came back, after the rest of the month, there was no consumption.
Yuan· Zhao Xianhong Day and Night Music - Winter 》Qu: When I die, I fall into the flower without consumption, just like a talent remote
bright Shi Naian Chapter 10 of Outlaws of the Marsh: After three or five days of searching in the street, there is no consumption, Lin Chong I also slowed down.
Ming· Shi Naian Water Margin 》The 53rd chapter: Dai Zong's Second Prize: Sun Sheng and Li Kui Luo Zhenren 》: The next day, I went to the small streets and alleys in the city to look for them, without any consumption.
Ming· Tang Xianzu The Peony Pavilion Emergency: (Dan) Liulang The time for releasing the list is far away. I want to bother you Huaiyang to inquire about the consumption of parents, but I haven't approved it.
Ming· Wu Chengen Journey to the West 》The 35th time: I saw that the door was opened twice, quietly The smell of consumption.
bright Ling Mengchu "Surprise at the First Moment" Volume 34: After a few days, the Nunnery Leader did not see the consumption of watching, so he felt relieved and asked people to ask at Mother Yang's house. [3]