Heinrich Heine

German lyric poets and essayists
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synonym Heine (German poet) generally referring to Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Heine (December 13, 1797 to February 17, 1856) [1] , male, German lyricist and essayist, known as“ German classical literature The last representative of ".
Born on the Rhine River in Germany Dusseldorf A Jewish family. Experience in childhood and adolescence Napoleonic Wars Studied finance and law.
In 1795, Napoleon's army entered Rhine Watershed Feudal system Some democratic reforms have been carried out. just as Engels It is pointed out that Napoleon "is the representative of the revolution in Germany and the revolutionary principle Disseminator , is old feudal society The destroyer of ". These reforms of the French army made the Jews who had been discriminated against social position It has been comprehensively improved, so Heine has accepted it since childhood French bourgeoisie The influence of revolutionary thought.
In 1821, he began to publish poems in 4 volumes《 travels 》(1826-271830-31) and "Songs Collection" (1827). In 1825, to acquire Germany Citizenship And converted to Christianity, but alienated himself Jewish nation And his revolutionary thought made him unable to find a job in Germany. After the 1830 revolution, he voluntarily exiled to Paris, turned from poetry writing to political activities, and became the leader of the national democratic movement. At the same time, he made many comments on French and German culture. Heinrich Heine died in Paris on February 17, 1856.
Poets use ordinary words and sentences to construct profound, vivid and beautiful poems. There are many writers as well as thinkers in German literature, but it is rare to see a perfect integration of the two, like Heine, without burdening poetry with philosophy.
Chinese name
Heinrich Heine
Foreign name
Heinrich Heine
Ethnic groups
date of birth
December 13, 1797
Date of death
February 17, 1856
University one is graduated from
University of Bonn Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen University of Berlin
poet, novelist
one's native heath
Germany Dusseldorf
Representative works
Romance Florence Night Travels, Germany, A Winter's Fairy Tale, etc

Life experience



Born in Germany on December 13, 1797 Dusseldorf A Jewish merchant family. Experience in childhood and adolescence Napoleonic Wars From 1819 to 1824 University of Bonn Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen University of Berlin Study law and philosophy and engage in creation.

Learning experience

From 1819 to 1823, Heyne successively University of Bonn and University of Berlin Studying law and philosophy, he has heard romanticism writer August Wilhelm and idealism Lectures by the philosopher Hegel. Heine began his literary creation at the age of 20 Lyric Interlude , Homecoming Collection Beihai Collection The theme of these poems is personal experience and love distress, which reflects the oppression of personality under feudal autocracy and the distress of finding a way out. In the winter semester of 1820, he came to University of Gottingen , where he joined a student organization. However, only in January 1821, he was forced to leave the school and the organization. Still in Gottingen Heine obtained the degree of Doctor of Law in 1825.

Writing experience

Heinrich Heine
"Like some people, I feel the same pain in Germany. If I say the worst pain, I will also say my pain." (Every morning when I am in the morning) The personal feelings expressed in these lines have certain social significance. When these poems were collected and published in 1827, they were entitled Poetry Collection They show a distinctive romantic style, simple and sincere feelings, rich folk songs, and are welcomed by the majority of readers. Many of these poems have been written on the composer's genealogy, and are widely spread in Germany. They are the best works of German lyric poetry.
From 1824 to 1828, Heine visited many places in his motherland, and went to Britain Italy And other countries. Because of his extensive contact with the society, he deepened his understanding of the real society and wrote four prose travel notes.
1830 - France July revolution Later, he moved to Paris.

Late years

Heinrich Heine
Heine's ideological contradictions and doubts in his later years are prominently reflected in his communism In terms of his belief and understanding, his ideological contradiction is the product of that era, just as Lenin commemorated herzen When he said, "Yes Bourgeois democrats Of revolutionary character Is dying, and socialism proletariat It is the product and reflection of such a world historic era that its revolutionary nature has not yet matured. At the same time, it also reflects Heine itself bourgeois class Limitations of worldview.
1843 - When I met Marx, Heine's creation reached its peak, and at the same time, there were more works Critical realism
In 1845, paralysis began to deteriorate.
In May 1848, Heine went out for the last time Louvre Museum The broken arm Venus seemed to remind him of his sadness: "I stayed at her feet for a long time. I cried so sadly that a stone would sympathize with me. goddess She also looked down at me piteously, but she was so desperate, as if she wanted to say: Don't you see that I have no arms and can't help you? " Since that day, Heine has lived in bed for eight years as a "mattress tomb", but he still continues to create. In 1851, he completed Romanzello.
He died in Paris on February 17, 1856.

Main works

  • The Poetry Collection (1827) won Heine a worldwide reputation. It is his first poetry collection, including《 The agony of youth 》、 Lyric Interlude , Collection of Returning Home, Collection of Beihai, etc.
  • The Travels of Harz (1826-1831);
  • Germany, A Winter's Fairy Tale (1844);
  • On Romanticism (1836);
  • Song of the Silesian Weavers (1844);
  • The beautiful poem Romanzello (1851) attracted many composers to write music for him. According to the book Heine in Music (written by Gunter Metzner, published in 1989), there are about 10000 pieces of music written or adapted for Heine's poetry, of which the five poems with the most number of times are:
  • You Are Like a Flower 388 songs
  • A Pine Standing Alone 209 songs
  • I Cry in a Dream 149 songs
  • Beautiful May 130 songs
  • Every time I look into your eyes, 127 songs.
Lorelei, composed by the composer Friedrich Silcher, is widely spread.

Character evaluation

Poetry became Heine's weapon. He satirized, ridiculed and attacked Germany in his works. However, hidden under this hatred, it is Heine's sincere love for Germany that cannot be abandoned. As a Jew, he received German cultural education , influenced by German culture and written in German. His character was shaped in Germany, where he was born and grew up. It was the poet's love and hate for Germany that made him feel severely punished during his exile: he became a man who had no country to return to. Therefore, he expressed his love for Germany in the form of satire and hatred. In the preface to the publication, Heine wrote: "Don't worry, I love my motherland as much as you do. For this love, I spent 13 years in exile, and it is for this love that I will return to exile."
As the most important German essayist and journalist, Heine's cultural criticism has opened up a new critical style: it is not based on systematic and objective introduction and evaluation, but on completely subjective personal impression and feelings. Heine wrote a lot of articles to introduce French politics, society and cultural life At the same time, he was invited by French magazines to write articles to introduce German culture, literature, philosophy and religion to French readers《 On Romanticism 》, especially representing Heine's style.
In On Romanticism, Heine's comments on Germany Romantic Literature He made a thorough criticism. In his eyes, the Romantic literature "is the revival of medieval literature and art", "is a flower of suffering sprouting from the blood of Christ. It is a strange flower with dazzling colors..." He used caricature to describe the characteristics of the representative figures of the Romantic literature in a vivid but exaggerated way:“ Novalis The rose color in his works is the red glow of tuberculosis; The purple flame in Hoffman's "Fantasy Pieces" is burning high. " Therefore, "judging their works is not a matter for critics, but for doctors."
The poet was not only attacked on all sides during his lifetime, but also criticized after him. In Germany, from the 19th century to the 20th century, several proposals to establish a statue of Heine have caused great controversy. However, Heine seems to have anticipated all this long ago Literary history He was extremely confident and said, "I never care about my reputation as a poet. I don't care whether people praise or attack my poems. But you should put a sword on my coffin because I am a loyal soldier in the war of human liberation." (People's Online Review) [2]

Publishing books

  • Germany, a winter fairy tale
    Author name Heinrich Heine
    Work time 1978-1
    Germany, a Winter's Fairy Tale is an important political satire of his. It was written by him when he went home to visit his mother in October 1843. At that time, he saw that the whole German rule was as cold as winter. Heine (1797-1856), an outstanding revolutionary democratic poet and political commentator in Germany in the 19th century, was born in a Jewish merchant family and suffered discrimination in Germany. For this reason, the author often lives abroad. 1819 to 18
  • the Romantics
    Author name Heinrich Heine
    Work time 2003-1
    The preface to the first part of this book can also explain the reason for publishing the second part. The first part summarizes the history of the Romantic School, and this part discusses the main characters of the Romantic School respectively. In the third and fourth parts, we will focus on the other heroes in Schlegel's legendary stories, then we will also talk about the tragic poets who appeared in the late Goethe era, and finally we will talk about the writers of my own era. Henrich Heine (1797-1856) was born in Germany

Anecdotes and allusions

Heine is a Jew and is often attacked without cause.
Once at a party, a Traveler He said to him, "I found an island where there were no Jews and donkeys!" His implication was clearly that Heine was a donkey. Heine said quietly, "It seems that only if you and I go to the island together can we make up for this defect!" Heine's answer was really wonderful! He skillfully fought back the words that the traveler had scolded himself.

People Memorial

Heine Award It is one of the most important literary awards in Germany Dusseldorf The city was established in 1972 and named after Heine (1797-1856), the great poet of the 19th century. It is awarded every two years. The purpose of the Heine Prize is to emphasize basic human rights, promote social and political progress, and Mutual understanding [3] The winners are from Germany jurgen habermas , French Simone Weil Israel Of Amos Oz , German Hans ·Magnus Ensenberger Switzerland Of Max Frisch Etc. [3]