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synonym Marine algae (leafy marine spore plants with chlorophyll, autotrophic life and no embryo) generally refer to seaweeds (Sargassaceae plants)
"Seaweed", this product is Sargassaceae Botany Sargassum palladum (Turn.) C. Ag or Sargassum fusiforme (Harv.) Setch Dry algae. The former is often called "big leaf seaweed", while the latter is often called "small leaf seaweed" [5] It is the algae growing in the sea and belongs to the plant kingdom Cryptogamous plant Algae include several different kinds of organisms that produce energy by photosynthesis. They are generally considered as simple plants, and their main characteristics are: no vascular tissue, no true differentiation of roots, stems and leaves; No flowers, fruits and seeds; The unspecific protective tissue of the reproductive organ, often produced directly from a single cell Spore or gamete And the formation of no embryo.
Algae is a general term for marine algae, which is usually fixed on the seabed or some solid structure, and is a single plant or a long string of simple plants composed of basic cells. A large number of aquatic plants without stems or leaves. There are many kinds of organisms in the name of seaweeds. These forms vary greatly and span a variety of life forms. The common point is that they live in seawater and can be used to synthesize organic matter through their own pigments and light cooperation.
Chinese name
Euphorbia gigantea Artemisia scoparia Seaweed seaweed Natural seaweed
Flora [4]
11 doors [3]
14 classes [3]
Distribution area
The shallow sea area below the low tide line where the sea meets the land
 hǎi zǎo

morphological character

1、 Macrophyllum macrophyllum : shrunk and curled, dark brown, some covered with white frost, 30~60cm long. The trunk is cylindrical, with conical projections. The main branches grow from both sides of the trunk, and the lateral branches grow from the axils of their own branches and leaves, with short spiny projections. Primary leaves are lanceolate or obovate, 5-7cm long, 1cm wide, entire or coarsely serrate; The secondary leaves are linear or lanceolate, and there are twigs with strip leaves in the axils. The air sac is dark brown, spherical or ovoid, some have handles, the top is blunt, some have thin and short tips. Crisp, soft when moist; Swelling after immersion, fleshy, sticky and slippery. It smells fishy and tastes slightly salty.
2. Phytoplankton: small, 15~40cm long. Branches alternate, without spiny processes. The leaves are strip shaped or thin spoon shaped, and the apex is slightly expanded and hollow. The air sac is axillary, spindle shaped or spherical, and the handle is longer. It is hard. [1]

Growth environment

It grows in the shallow sea area below the low tide line where the sea meets the land Caspian Sea The impact of the waves is relatively mild. The sea water is rich in minerals. In addition, the sun is abundant. Both red algae and brown algae, although different in color, contain chlorophyll. They can use sunlight for photosynthesis and food production oxygen It is indispensable for animals to breathe; The reason why the sea world is so colorful and lively is that seaweeds have contributed a lot.

Distribution range

Coralline algae
Each kind of algae has its fixed tide level, which is mainly related to the type and content ratio of pigments. Different pigments require different light wavelengths. With the change of light intensity and light quality, the distribution of algae is also affected. Generally, in dark places or deep sea, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin can absorb blue and green light more effectively than chlorophyll, so they only contain chlorophyll and Carotene Its habitat is mostly near shallow water. Red algae are mostly found near the low tide line and in the deep sea. In addition, topography, sediment, temperature, humidity, salinity tide , wind waves, ocean currents, pollutants, animal feeding, competition among algae and other factors will also affect the growth and distribution of algae.
Taking the common seaweeds in the coast of Taiwan as an example, in the spray zone where the sea water can not be submerged but the spray can be splashed, in the late autumn and early spring, the northern and northeastern coastal areas are mainly composed of Nostoc flagelliforme, laver, sea weed and Nailed vegetable In the south and east coasts, it is dominated by soft cirrhotic algae, sheath filamentous algae and haihaicai. These seaweeds are protected by colloid, and can withstand prolonged drought and scorching. They are often exposed to the sun for three or five days without withering, showing strong vitality. But in summer, the spray zone is bare.
The intertidal zone is divided into upper, middle and lower areas according to the spring tide and neap tide changes. In the upper part of the intertidal zone, most of them belong to green algae. There are usually membranous Ulva lactuca, tubular stony hair or filamentous bristle algae, which can withstand strong light and the dry and wet changes of the daily twice rising and falling tide. Especially in winter and spring, they often form a green "green carpet" on the sea erosion platform. In summer, like the spray zone, the rocks in this area are mostly bare, but their traces can still be found in the tide pool or in shaded places.
In the middle of the intertidal zone, brown algae are the main species, supplemented by green algae. In winter and spring, there are cysticercus, scallop, water window algae, sedentary brown velvet algae, Ulva fissa, tennis algae, etc., especially in places where waves hit in March and April, the number of kelp in the north is the largest, and most of these algae disappear in summer and autumn.
At the lower part of the intertidal zone and near the low tide line, red algae are the main species. The common ones are sand vegetable, concave top algae, asparagus, small fir algae, carrageenin, and creeping fan algae. Especially in the area near the low tide line where there are waves Coralline algae , marginaria, cauliflower Pterygium Sargassum , ox horn tree, propagation branch centipede Algae are the most common. These algae can withstand the direct slap of sea waves and the impact of ocean currents. Among them, coralline algae and marginal sporophytes can absorb limestone from the sea water to accumulate in the body. On the one hand, they can strengthen the skeleton and resist the current, on the other hand, they can reduce the proportion of organic matter in the body, so that other marine organisms do not like to eat, and also help coral reef building.
These colorful algae in the intertidal zone gradually disappear in summer, but in the subtidal zone below the intertidal zone, which is covered by seawater all the year round, all kinds of algae can be seen all the year round. The common ones are Sargassum, Pine, Pteridophyta Agaric , cauliflower Cockscomb Eucheuma Sea membrane Centipede In particular, Sargassum often grows in large quantities in June and July, forming a small Sargasso Sea.

Reproductive methods

Although algae have no flower, fruit, seed and other structures to reproduce, they have a variety of reproductive methods to adapt to the environment. stay Asexual reproduction On the one hand, some cells can be directly divided into two, such as Spirogyra, which can be broken into several segments, and each segment can grow into an independent individual; Some algae can produce many flagellated spores, which can swim freely. Each spore will grow into a new individual when it matures; Some algae can produce thick walled Resting spore , and when the environment is suitable, they will sprout and grow into new individuals. In terms of sexual reproduction, some algae can produce female and male gametes, which grow into new individuals after mating.
During the life of algae, asexual reproduction and Sexual reproduction They often alternate regularly, forming a complex life history. As we often eat Laver Kelp Its life cycle has different growth forms of sporophyte and gametophyte. Its sporophyte produces spores asexually, while the gametophyte produces female and male gametes and conducts sexual reproduction. This life cycle of alternate life forms is called "generational alternation".

Subspecies classification

Algae - plant characteristics
Common brown algae include Large brown algae Sargassum and Fuculina In the Pacific and Antarctic regions, some species of giant algae and echinococcus exceed 33 meters (100 feet) in length and are the largest algae. Kelp Belonging to the Pacific coast and the British Isles are very rich. In the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea Sargassum is a common alga, which is a large floating mass. Its shape is different from that of other seaweeds. It looks like a branch with leaves and berries. The "berries" are actually hollow air bags, which make the leaflike bodies float on the water surface. F. vesiculosis, a common alga in the intertidal zone of the British Isles, also floats by air bags.
Common red algae include Rhododendron palmatum , Porphyra, Gelidium, Chondrus. Rhodymenia palmata in the North Atlantic is light purplish red, composed of flat single or clustered thallus, fan-shaped in appearance, and divided into most binary lobes. At low tide, the lower half of the intertidal zone on the rocky coast of the Atlantic Ocean is covered with various species of Carrageenan. Spring and summer, british isles There are many lavers below the high tide line in the intertidal zone of Japan and other places. Lycoris is used for manufacturing agar There are fewer green algae in algae, Ulva is one of them. Algae have important economic value. For example, laver, red palmatum, Sargassum and Ulva lactuca are used as food all over the world, and brown algae is often used as fertilizer.
The most common large seaweeds are seaweeds, such as: Green algae Red algae and Brown algae The root shaped fixator only has the function of fixation, but cannot absorb nutrients. Algae often form dense flakes in shallow water. An obvious zone is formed on the shore within 50 meters (about 165 feet) of water depth. Algae growing on the high tide line are often exposed to the air; Algae below the low tide line cannot be exposed to the air for a long time, so they cannot grow near the coast, such as Fucus, Macrocystis, Nereocystis, and Laminaria. They can only reproduce below 18 ℃ (64 ℉), and are only distributed in cold water.


Nutritional composition
Edible Hyacinth
1. Protein: Seaweed contains a special protein called Glycoprotein It has affinity for specific sugars and is not covalently bound to them. Glycoprotein is a kind of agglutinin, which can cause cell sedimentation when it combines with cell membrane sugar molecules. Glycoproteins are ubiquitous in terrestrial animals, plants and microorganisms, especially in legume seeds. Glycoproteins play an important role in biological defense, growth, reproduction, nutrition storage and biological symbiosis by identifying the characteristics of sugars. Glycoproteins can also be used in blood cell separation and detection, drug carriers, production of immune antibodies, and medical use of anticancer drugs.
Algae containing agglutinating active substances was proposed only in 1966. Subsequent research found that the glycoprotein of algae can not only agglutinate red blood cells, tumor cells, lymphocytes, yeast Marine bacteria And single celled blue-green algae can also promote the division of lymphocytes in mice and human bodies. The glycoproteins of some red algae, such as Euphorbia pellucida, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Euphorbia rubra and Spirulina spiralis, have this effect. Trehalophilic glycoprotein can activate lymphocytes, so it is closely related to immune function.
Subsequent studies have found that some algal glycoproteins can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, such as leukemia Cell lines and mouse breast cancer cells. In addition, if the trehalophilic glycoprotein is dyed and combined with cancer cells, the division and metastasis of cancer cells in the human body can be diagnosed or tracked. Most of the research and development on the application of trehalophilic glycoprotein in human health care and medicine outside Taiwan are still in the initial stage Polysaccharides Mature, to be actively researched and developed.
It can be expected that the future of trehalophilic glycoprotein immune system It has great potential in functional diagnosis, tumor formation and metastasis diagnosis and other clinical applications. First of all, we should strengthen the screening of active species of seaweeds, and then isolate and purify glycoproteins, and analyze their biochemical characteristics and structure, so as to provide follow-up research and expand future applications, and improve their value in medicine and health care.
Application of brown algae diet
2. Polysaccharides: substances with immunity enhancing and anti-cancer activities in seaweeds, belonging to special polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, pigments and low molecular substances. In traditional Chinese medicine, several brown algae can be used to prevent and treat cancer after cooking. The main components of this hot water extract are polysaccharides.
Seaweed is rich in food fiber, which belongs to such substances as sulfated polysaccharide or acidic polysaccharide. In addition to the function of food fiber mentioned above, some of them also have anti-cancer activity. The carrageenin of red algae is a polymer of sulfated galactose, which has the activity of enhancing immunity and anti-cancer; The carrageenin mainly comes from carrageenin, cedarwood algae, eucheuma, sand vegetable and gingko algae. Laver sugar and cloth paste are also sulfated polysaccharides with anti-cancer activity. The former comes from laver, and the latter is mainly galactose polymer of Hailuo.
The fucose of brown algae is one of the most studied compounds among the anti-tumor and anticoagulant active ingredients of seaweeds. The experimental results show that this monosaccharide can inhibit tumor and prolong the life of mice; Many kinds of brown algae, such as Undaria pinnatifida And the fucoidan of Sargassum can also inhibit tumor and enhance the immune antibody function of mice; Alginic acid is the main component of the cell wall of brown algae, its anti-cancer activity, and the Mannuronic acid It is related to the composition of glucuronic acid. Some people think that the anticancer mechanism of algidans may be related to Phagocyte and interferon It is related to the enhancement of activity, thus indirectly inducing the immune response and influence of cellular proteins lymphocyte Activity.
3. Food fiber: Food fiber is a macromolecule with polysaccharide structure, which is the main component of the cell wall of algae, and is also mostly distributed in the intercellular space. Red algae and brown algae are rich in a variety of food fiber, and most of them are water-soluble. The content and structure of fiber vary with the type of seaweed; The fiber composition of green algae is roughly the same as that of terrestrial plants, mainly cellulose, but in red algae is cabbage, carrageenan polysaccharide and cloth paste, and in brown algae is Alginic acid , fucoidan and laminarin. Generally, the fiber content of seaweeds is about 30~65% of the dry weight, far more than the average content of beans, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
What is the use of food fiber in human health care? Take the animal experiment as an example, adding alginic acid to the feed can improve the performance of mice Hyperlipidemia And inhibit the increase of blood cholesterol content; Carrageenin and seaweed can combine with cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. Therefore, increase moderately Seaweed fibre The intake of can reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar, help the normal law of the heart and blood vessels, and prevent cancer. In addition, when seaweed food fiber enters the human stomach and intestines, it will expand due to absorption of water, which will easily cause a feeling of satiety, avoid obesity caused by excessive food intake, and achieve the effect of weight loss and health care. Food fiber in the human body can also help digestion and promote waste excretion, avoid the growth of harmful bacteria in the body Intestinal integration effect.
4. Vitamin: When a certain vitamin in the human body is insufficient or deficient, it will cause metabolic disorders or diseases. Seaweed contains a variety of vitamins, including vitamins B12, C and E, biotin and nicotine Acids. Insufficient vitamin B12 in human body will cause long-term pain anemia And fatigue, even mental disorder; Although the content of this vitamin in algae is not much, it is widely distributed in various algae.
Vitamin C and human body Septicemia , cancer, heart disease, weight loss and other more than 70 diseases; Many seaweeds, such as Porphyra glauca, Sargassum reticulatum, Undaria pinnatifida and Enteromorpha prolifera It is rich in vitamin C, up to 3~10 mg/g of dry weight of algae, which is no less than many vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin E is related to the treatment of more than 45 kinds of human diseases, including skin, muscle, hearing, vision, cancer, heart disease and other problems. This vitamin can protect the liver and avoid damage due to excessive fatigue; Generally, the vitamin E content in seaweeds is below 100 μ g/g of dry weight of algae, but it is as high as 600 μ g/g of dry weight of algae in fucus. Vitamin C and E antioxidant Function, can prevent Unsaturated fatty acid suffer peroxide Attack.
Nicotinic acid is also widely found in various seaweeds migraine And insomnia. Algae also contain biotin, which helps regulate the metabolism of fat. Some seaweeds also contain vitamins B1, B2, D, A and K. These trace vitamins also have specific functions.
5、 inorganic elements Seawater contains more than 45 kinds of inorganic elements, while seaweeds grow in seawater and absorb inorganic elements as nutrients every day. Therefore, seaweeds contain more kinds and quantities of natural inorganic elements than terrestrial plants, which can provide human needs.
In the inorganic elements of seaweeds, sodium, potassium, iron and calcium are the most abundant. Iron is a component of heme, and iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia. Calcium is the component that forms human bones and teeth, and is also necessary to maintain the normal function of cell membrane; However, calcium is lost every day, so it must be supplemented, especially when children are growing up. Many seaweeds, such as Pteridophyta, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Sargassum vulgaris, Dendrodactylum dactyloides, Tuanshan algae and Netherwort, contain a large amount of iron and calcium, which can be taken to supplement the shortage. Another example is that the lack of iodine in the human body will cause thyroid dysfunction, while kelp contains a large amount of iodine, which can provide what you need.
Some seaweeds contain more magnesium, which can relieve stress and avoid heart disease caused by tension. Algae contain trace amounts of copper, zinc and manganese. If these three trace elements are overdosed in the human body, they will cause poisoning, but if they cannot be maintained in a proper amount in the liver, they will cause liver damage. Copper can also affect the absorption of iron, while manganese, blood sugar and Epilepsy The occurrence of. If the human body lacks the above main and trace elements, it needs to be supplemented in an appropriate amount. If you take more algae, you can supplement various inorganic elements.
6. Amino acids and fatty acids: some edible seaweeds, such as laver, palmatum, Ulva lactuca and Shifa, have more protein, about 20~39% of the dry weight of the algae. Algae contain more than 20 kinds of essential amino acids, most of which are important Sulfur-containing amino acid , such as taurine methionine Cystine The content of algae and its derivatives is about 41~72 mg per 100 g dry weight. In addition to the taurine contained in milk, eggs and beans, most of the thiamine containing proteins in land foods are insufficient or lacking, which will affect human health when ingested insufficiently.
Taurine is related to normal regulation of heartbeat, brain chemistry, nerve cells and vision, while methionine and cystine can chelate heavy metal Its sulfur and hydrogen combine to form hydrogen sulfur group, which has detoxification effect. Taurine can also help digestion of fat, inhibit the increase of cholesterol content in blood and liver, and improve patients with high cholesterol. Red algae generally contain more thioamino acids than green algae and brown algae; Porphyra, cauliflower, kelp, Ulva lactuca and carrageenan contain high levels of taurine, with 400 mg per 100 grams of dry weight of algae; Methionine and cystine are higher in Ulva lactuca, Pine algae, Enteromorpha prolifera, Centipede, Porphyra, Chondrophyta, Annelida, Laminaria japonica and Keratophylla. Eating these seaweeds can provide special amino acids needed by the human body.
The amount of fatty acids in seaweeds is very small, accounting for about 1~5%, but some special fatty acids have a great impact on human health. Algae contain a small amount of palmitic acid and meat commonly found in animals and higher plants round cardamom Acid, lauric acid, stearic acid, etc Saturated fatty acid In addition, most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, such as kelp Sargassum fusiforme And undaria pinnatifida contains oleic acid Linolenic acid And linoleic acid. The latter two are essential unsaturated fatty acids for human body.
Generally speaking, red algae contain more Highly unsaturated fatty acids , especially 20 carbon 5 olefin fatty acids (EPA). According to the analysis, laver, kelp, pterygium and other seaweeds contain more EPA. This fatty acid is usually more in the fish oil of deep-sea fish Lower blood pressure In addition to heart beating and relieving pressure, it can also inhibit the rise of blood cholesterol content and platelet aggregation, and prevent Thrombosis and myocardial infarction It can prevent circulatory system diseases. [2]

Seaweed Wonder

Giant alga is a kind of seaweed, with a maximum length of more than 33 meters, which is the largest marine plant in the world. It generally spreads and breeds on the surface of reefs in the sea, from the sea bottom to the ocean surface, and is dense, prosperous and continuous.
Charles Darwin, a famous British scientist, was surprised to see the kelp group lagging behind for the first time during his famous voyage on the "Beagle". He wrote, "The number of all kinds of aquatic animals that rely on kelp for survival is amazing. I can only compare the underwater world here to the tropical rainforest on land." In fact, it is no exaggeration to compare giant algae to tropical rainforests. Because many small fish invertebrate Such species often use the huge three-dimensional structure of giant algae as a shelter to avoid natural enemies and turbulent water flow. Other species, such as sea urchins and abalone, use kelp as their main food. At the same time, these marine organisms in the algal forest also attract other species, such as marine birds, seals, sea lions and sea otters. This is where they can easily find food. As a kind of plant, the composition of giant algae is not complicated. Its base is a root like structure, called a fixator. Unlike roots, they are not specifically used to extract nutrients. Its main function is like an anchor, fixing kelp to the sea bottom.
The top of the fixator is connected with a stem like stalk, which is the main stem of giant algae. There are countless plants growing on this trunk, just like ropes. Every plant is covered with countless folded leaves. At the bottom of the leaf, that is, the end attached to the handle, is a floating object full of gas. The main components of gas are carbon monoxide Giant alga is the fastest growing plant in the world. Its plant body and leaves can grow 30 cm per day.
Sargassum is also a common kind of seaweed, but it has a distinctive shape. It is in the form of a free floating mass, like a big sponge floating in the sea. In the North Atlantic Ocean, 20 °~40 ° north latitude and 35 °~75 ° west longitude, there is a sea area covering millions of square kilometers, which is full of green sargassum, so this sea area is also called Sargassum Sea. Seen from afar, it looks like a boundless sea prairie.
The Sargasso Sea is called the "Devil Sea" and the "Sea of Death" by sailors. Why does it have such a terrible title? It turned out that in ancient times, when shipping and communication technologies were underdeveloped, ships often rushed into Sargassum, were tightly entangled by a large number of Sargassum, and were trapped alive. On August 3, 1492, a fleet led by Italian navigator Columbus was in danger in the Sargasso Sea. It took three weeks of hard sailing to get out of danger.
Like other seaweeds, there are many living things around Sargassum, the most peculiar of which is Sargassum fish. Its color is similar to that of sargassum. When it shuttles among the sargassum, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it. In addition, it also has a special ability to resist the enemy - swallow a large amount of sea water, make the body big, so that the "enemy" is not sure why, and is afraid of it.

Food nutrition

Food name seaweed
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 134 kcal
protein 16.7 g
Fat 1.2 g
cholesterol 1 mg
water content 7 g
carbohydrate 47.4 g
dietary fiber 31.7 g
ash content 27.5 g
folic acid 510 μg
αE 2.6 mg
Carotene 8400 μg
sodium 3900 mg
magnesium 620 mg
phosphorus 330 mg
potassium 740 mg
calcium 960 mg
manganese 1.59 mg
iron 6.4 mg
copper 0.13 mg
zinc 5.2 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.62 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1.5 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 9.5 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.48 mg
Vitamin B6 0.23 mg
Vitamin B12 0.2 μg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 20 mg
vitamin E 2.6 mg
vitamin K 1800 μg