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Begonia spectrum

Poems by Chen Si
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Begonia spectrum 》It was Chen Si of the Song Dynasty who collected famous poems story , Miscellaneous A work praising the beauty of Begonia flowers.
Chinese name
Begonia spectrum [1]
Celebrity Poems, Stories, and Miscellany Praise Begonia Flower
Jiao Hong's "National History and Records" contains three volumes
Primordial order
There are different kinds of flowers in the world, or they are colorful
Chen Si [1]


Three volumes of Begonia Manual, Song Dynasty Chen Si By. Thinking《 Series of treasure carvings 》, which has been described. This book is not available in《 History of the Song Dynasty · Art and Literature Annals 》, Wei Jiao Hong《 National History, Books and Records 》This book contains three volumes. There was a preface to the first year of Kaiqing. The first volume recorded the original facts of Begonia, and the second volume recorded the poems of Tang and Song dynasties. There are only four or five different planting methods and categories in the first volume. [1]

Original content

The beautiful flowers of Shu are like crabapple. However, there are many records that are not recorded. It is feared that there are some in modern times. In ancient and modern times, they abandoned this place and took Beiye. After learning the ten questions about miscellaneous flowers in the rear garden made by the Emperor Zhenzong, the first chapter is Begonia, which is given to close officials to sing, we know that Begonia can compete with peonies, and can walk alone in Xizhou. Because of searching for the former ambition, but the Tang Prime Minister Jia Yuanjing has devoted himself to a hundred flowers manual, taking Begonia as the fairy in the flowers, which is sincere and beautiful. The famous Confucians and great talents in modern times were born in singing, and the clear words and beautiful sentences often led to the establishment of a Qingli for Hongyachun, a county rich in land with many leisure days. Crabapple was lucky to be the host, and its prosperity was a stagnant flower in a corner. In order to make Crabapple describe its grand event and arrange the poems of various princes on the right, I wrote a chapter of five character hundred rhyme poem and a chapter of four rhyme poem, which were attached at the end of the volume. Those who do good deeds are lucky to have no shame. [Preface to Shen Li's Begonia]
Tang is very popular. If there is a poem with a canopy of sweet trees, it is also called Du of autumn. You'er Ya Shimu said Du Gantang also [Guo Pu notes today's Du pear], Du Chitang is the white one. And the beauty of Lu's spring and autumn fruits is Tang Shi. It is also commonly said that there are Di Tang, Tang Li, Sha Tang, which taste like Li and have no seeds. Compared with the number theory, they are not all called Begonia. Today's plants and trees are named after the sea. As Youyang Zazu said, Li Deyu, the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, has a taste of words. Those who are named after the sea know from outside the sea, so they know that sea palms, sea willows, sea pomegranates, sea papayas, and so on, have never been heard in the records. How can they be called "more", but not "more", and they sincerely fear that they may be obtained from outside the sea in modern times. And Du Zimei's sea is full of brown clouds, and he can't get it if he wants to plant Beichen. Only Hu monks in the western regions know it. If so, his praise of the emperor will not be false. Although Begonia is famous in Sichuan, it is not very popular among people in Sichuan. Today, the capital, Jianghuai, is particularly competitive in planting it. Each book costs more than ten gold. The famous scenic spots and gardens are excellent. Those who come out of the south of the Yangtze River are also called South Begonia. Most of them are similar, but their flowers are small, and their colors are deep. There are many kinds of pears in the nature of crabapple. Those with stones will have flowers for more than ten years. They are all connected with gardeners, and most of them have tender branches attached to pears, so they are easy to flourish. In the fertile land where the soil is suitable for planting, its roots are yellow and firm, its wood is hard and knotty, its outside is white and its middle is red, its branches are soft, dense and smooth, its leaves are large, ethereal green, and small, light purple. The flower is extremely red at the beginning. If the rouge is a little bit red, it will gradually turn into a faint, and if it falls, it will become a pale powder. Its pedicel is more than inches long, light purple, and grows in clusters between leaves or from three calyx to five calyx. Its core is like a golden millet, with three whiskers in the core, like purple silk. Its fragrance is clear and cool, neither blue nor musk. In fact, it looks like a pear and is as big as a cherry. When it is ripe in autumn, it can be eaten. Its taste is sweet and slightly sour. It is also a big piece of crabapple. [Records of Shen Li Begonia]
Du Zimei has lived in Sichuan for many years, and has sung many poems. Crabapple is very beautiful, but its poems are unique. As Zheng Gu said in his poem, the sky above Huanhua Creek was melancholy, and Zimei was merciless to promote it. There were many famous scholars in his dynasty who wrote about crabapple, which was often used as a practical matter. As Shi Yannian said, Du Fu's sentences are sketched, and Xue Neng's poems are unfinished. Qian Yi said in a poem that Zimei was ruthless, and the officials paid attention frequently. Li Ding's poem said that he did not touch the coquettish power of the Ministry of Works, but still possessed the right of Goumang Nature. The poem of King Jinggong, the only king, used this as a plum blossom poem most deliberately. It is said that Shaoling was interested in poetry, but he did not intentionally write crabapple. At the end of the sentence, thanks to Xu Chang for passing on Yashi. Shu has never known a poet. It is a special work not to break through. [rhyme Yangqiu]
Dongpo Begonia said in her poem that she was afraid that the flowers would fall asleep at night, and she would burn silver candles to illuminate her red makeup. Seeing this, Taizhen said that the emperor went to Shen Xiangting and summoned Taizhen's concubine to be drunk at Shimao. He ordered a strong man to help his servant to come. The concubine was drunk and had makeup on her hair. She could not worship again. The emperor smiled and said, "Is the concubine drunk? It's the crabapple that can't sleep enough.". [Lengzhai Night Talk]
Dongpo was exiled to Huangzhou and lived in the east of Dinghui Academy. The mountain was full of miscellaneous flowers and only one crabapple was planted. The natives didn't know how expensive it was. Dongpo wanted to write long articles. Those who liked to write human stone inscriptions had five or six books of clouds. I was most proud of my poems in my life. [ Ancient and Modern Poetry ]
Although Han Zhiguo is special in the Congo, and the wind festival is awe inspiring, but his temperament is incomparably romantic. Xu Chang, Cui Xiangzhi's old servant, is now owned by Du Junzhang. The pavilion behind the hall is only more than ten meters long, and there are two crabapple trees. Every time the country holds a flower, he often drinks wine and drinks it, but he leaves. At the age of years, he thought it was normal. So far, the old officials can still talk about it. [ Shi Lin's Poetry ]
Travel less in Huangzhou and drink more crabapple in the north and south of Haiqiao. There is an old scholar's family living among crabapple trees. I seldom travel and stay here drunk. Tomorrow, I will write about the column and say, "Wake up a voice of human silence.". The quilt is cold, the dream is cold, the window is dawn. After the miasma rain, the crabapple blooms, and the spring scenery increases. The social urn turns into a smile, and half broken coconut ladles are scooped. Juejian falls down, hurls himself into bed, and intoxicates the whole world. Little Dongpo loved him and couldn't wait to speak. When there is a knowing ear. [Lengzhai Night Talk]
Li Dan, the doctor of Kedu, will not be sent next year. Instead, he will be granted to the legislators in Changzhou to go to their homes. He will be granted to Ezhou instead. When he hears about it, he will spit out food and take a big step to visit Li Yue. Who is planning for the doctor, Changjia County, can't give it up. Li Jing said that the supply is abundant, that the civil litigation is simple, that it is not, and that it is why we know its good. Yuancai said that the crabapple is not fragrant, and that the crabapple in Changzhou is only fragrant, and that it is not a good county, Hearing this, people thought they were laughing. [The writer wields his voice]
Elder, when composing flowery poems, he often compares them with beautiful women. If teaching and explaining can conquer the country. It is heartless and moving. Chen Suzai Valley used Tumi as a poem saying, "He Lang tried soup cakes when wet, and He Lang tried soup cakes when baking Xun Lingzhu incense every day." If it is going to be classified, my uncle Yuancai used it as a poem about crabapple, but it is not like saying, "He Lang tried soup cakes when wet, and He Lang tried soup cakes when wet.".
In the Renzong Dynasty, Zhang Mian, a scholar, wrote poems about crabapple in Shu, and Shen Lizui wrote about crabapple. Thousands of papayas were opened, and the water and forest blocked the development. Note that about papaya, lindau, and beginnings of flowers are similar to those of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of flowers of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings of flowers of beginnings of beginnings of beginnings. Yan Yuan presented the clouds, and the color of the spring water has been set to shake again, like red as white crabapple flowers. However, Yuan Yuan also agreed with Zhang Mian.
There are 24 clusters of crabapples under the Xiugong Hall in Caoyu, central Fujian. They are long and dry, and they are never seen before. Every spring there are really beautiful sections of flowers. There are some like purple cotton rubbing color, and some are not as good as this. Due to their different types, they cannot be discussed alone. When they fall, they are all like makeup and powder. In the rest of the spring, they are very mature and rich in sand. People in official houses often plant them, And it is the broom shaped crabapple, which is similar to the one in Sichuan. Today, there is another kind in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, with soft branches and long peduncles, light red color, drooping down like the sun. It is called the drooping crabapple, which is totally different from this, and is famous for its strong ears.
Liu Yuancai said that when people asked him why he wanted to keep his eyes shut and not say anything, he was afraid that he would be too easy to ask. He replied that he hated the shad for its bones, the kumquat for its sour nature, the water shield for its cold nature, the crabapple for its fragrance, and Zeng Zigu for its inability to poem. When people laughed, Yuancai stared at him and said, "It's easy for everyone to get fruits.", I will discuss it.
Wang Jiefu and Mei Shiyun said that Shaoling was interested in poetry for you, but he didn't intend to write crabapple. Du Moyun: Rely on the wind and don't blame the work department of the Tang Dynasty. No descendant can understand poetry. It was once not like Keqiu on the east slope, and the long story of Begonia was the best one in the past. Although it was not named Old Du, it meant to make up for the death, which covered the future life. [Bixi Poetry]
The east wind curls in the Chongguang, and the fragrant fog is falling on the corridor. I'm afraid that the flowers will fall asleep in the night, and the silver candles will shine on my red makeup. Mr. Zhang often writes large characters like palm calligraphy. This poem seems to be different from the collected version in his later years. It curls up in the air and becomes vague, while it is flying in the air. Therefore, the ink was stored in the old Qin Young Master Boyang, and later returned to Lin Yousi, the head of the division. Now it is from the ink. [Wu Xing and Shen Shi annotate Dongpo's poems]
When Dongpo was exiled to Qi'an, he played tricks with articles. Qi Anle took advantage of Li Yi, who was not inferior to his prostitutes. His prostitutes, who had won poems and songs in Yan banquet, should be tactful and could not be invited. Everyone should be blamed for it. Po will move to your place where you can drink fruit. It is better to mourn and ask for help. Po half heartily laughs. Dongpo is a scholar who has a long literary reputation, and has nothing to say about Li Yi. It is just like the Ministry of Du Gong in Xichuan, where crabapple cannot recite poetry. [The total tortoise of poetry]
There was a concubine in Pankang, Shu, who was named Zhao. Her mother's dream was born by swallowing the stamens of crabapple. She was very national and good at making new voices. [Foreign History Taowu]
Li Ju Changyun wants Mei to hire crabapple, Chengzichen cherry, and mustard to marry bamboo shoots, but he hates different times. But peony, Tumi, myrica rubra, and loquat are all sworn friends. [Cloud Immortals Scattered Record] Begonia flowers want to be fresh and prosperous, and they are watered under the root with bad water from winter to early morning. [Trivia]
Li Zanhuang's Records of Flowers and Trees, people who take the name of the sea know that they come from overseas, such as crabapple. [ditto]
Begonia marquis flower withers and leaves are cut off, and flowers will flourish in the coming year without leaves. [ditto]
Ten questions about miscellaneous flowers in the rear garden, led by crabapple, were made by the Emperor Zhenzong, and were echoed by his officials. [trivial postscript]
Tang Xiangjia wrote a hundred flower manual, using crabapple as the fairy in the flower. [ditto]
The double leaf crabapple is called the flower life woman, and the cloud leafy crabapple is called the flower Qi Li. [Peony Honors and Disgraces]
Before and after the winter solstice every year, it is a good idea to move the nest, and use the fat water to fill up the root and make it thick and dense. When the spring is warm, the branches and leaves will naturally grow, and the flowers will also be dense. [Changchun Standby]
Xu Changxue was able to write poems about crabapple, while Shu crabapple was heard but not written poems. [Record of Flowers and Trees]
The nature of southern crabapple is the same, but the branches are buckled and there are thorns when counting, such as pear blossom. It also blooms earlier. [ditto]
Begonia Spectrum Volume Middle
On poetry
Begonia Taizong
Every spring, the garden is unique, natural and semi red and deep dyed.
Fangfei occupies the singing platform, who will pity the sun.
Mo Tao smiled heartlessly and let his followers wear the crown hairpin.
It's better to see the color after the rain, and several gold cups are poured for you.
Begonia authentic
The spring law is approaching, and the branches suddenly compete with each other.
The mist is falling and the sun is shining.
Play with butterflies and light stamens, and travel with bees to pursue fragrance.
It is not an independent task to carve a seal to recite the poems in the form of poems.
Same as before
The green calyx blooms in the early morning, and the fragrance floats everywhere.
High and low near the curved sill, red and white fiber strips.
Moisturizing jade is more than warm jade, and it is as complex as crimson silk.
It can be seen from the picture, and the famous pen is in Sengyao.
Members of the Association and Bureaucracy Appreciate Begonia Occasionally Sing about the School of Light
The rich and light famous flowers are produced in Sichuan, and half contain the new makeup of wind dew.
Delicate and charming without reducing the old tense, who can carry forward with painting.
See the success of Begonia
The east wind is intended to use color. It is gorgeous when it rains.
It is not enough to sing in the morning and in the evening. I envy him for staying in the deep branches.
Tang Xue, Xu Changneng, and the Parallel Preface of Begonia Poems
Shu Begonia has been heard, but poetry has not been heard Du Gongbuzi's beauty is not so good
What kind of kindness do you have when you don't appear to die? I dare not let you go
Use it as a five character chapter and twenty sentences in a non causal ode. Learn from Chen Liangzhi's Ziyan in Han and Wei Dynasties
Zhu doesn't choose his merits based on the other things, and doesn't follow his interest or his suitability based on his statement
This is just like Han Xuanzi, whose elegance is all in Shu. I have many flowers planted in Shu
The ancient camp of the mansion was carved with a chaste stone to bequeath our party
On December 23, the seventh year of Daowufu Xiantong
I don't know the profound skills of the fierce people who have lost their clothes.
Where moss floats, when willows open in the evening.
When you are drunk, you will lead the tourists to insert, and even the old man will move.
In the morning, the dew is clear and wet, and the wind blows after the morning.
Xiangshao passed on his plan, while Yanduo left half of his paintings behind.
The island is connected with water veins, and the courtyard is covered with pine branches.
Occasionally, because of Shen inkstone, I want to play chess at leisure.
Around the mountain, there is a jade base, and the county is full of Kun Wei.
Don't drink when you are ashamed of rewards, and lose hunger when you lead a chant.
I should not see you next year. I'll leave this as a gift to Bar.
Another seven words
There should be no Shu Begonia in the four seas, and the fragrance of a city can be found everywhere.
When the weather comes, the embassy will lower the threshold. After the rain, people will come out of the wall.
The free ground is fine and floating with pure moss, and the short pavilion is deeply blooming across the weeping poplar.
From the point of view, who is bitter in poetry, is inferior to pleasure and painting.
Begonia Zhenggu
The spring wind has the same meaning and color, so it can be sold with wine cups and poems.
It is most suitable for fresh rain to be thick and beautiful.
Mo Chou is lazy at the window with powder and Dai, and Liang Guangdanqing is late to write.
I can't see enough when I am drunk in the morning and sing in the evening. I envy him for his butterflies staying in the deep branches.
The thick and light spring fills the Shu Township, and the warbler's intestines are broken half by the wind and rain.
The sky above Huanhua River is melancholy, and Zimei is relentless in carrying forward.
[There is no question of crabapple in the poetry collection of Du Gongbu's trip to Sichuan]
After promotion, I went to Sichuan to see crabapple by Luoli Road
Yan Shuxiang [Special]
Shangguo should not boast about the beauty of red apricots, while Shenxi shines on the green moss.
A low flying warbler sleeps, a few crazy and dancing butterflies fly.
I hate that the long road cannot be moved, but no one and the painting will return.
I already have the spring osmanthus in my hand. Thanks for the smoke and fragrance.
Fengzhi Zhenzong Houyuan Miscellaneous Flowers Begonia
Yan Shuxiang [Special]
Taiye waves are green, and the spirit and flocs are not floating.
Chardonnay light, pearl like sealing strip.
Accumulate, moisten, contain fairy dew, and make thick British silk.
Jiuyang is endowed by nature, and it is the destiny of Qiao You.
Tonghe Liu Neihan [荺]
The late scenery is drying and the fresh wind is not floating.
The soul of the butterfly is lost in the secret path, and the warbler's words are new.
The fragrant and fragrant palace brocade, the red and blue sea gauze.
Only when the time comes, I will sing, and I will be blamed.
The light, thousand knot, tangled cherry trees occupy a long time in Nianfang.
Evenly raise the lower calyx one by one, and break the light dark red for several times.
When the smoke is clear, the fragrant tassels begin to blossom, and when the sun is shining, the scorpion's tail is still lingering.
For several nights, the vermilion bars did not fall, and the precious stones and wind were repeated.
How can I startle my eyes when I am in the mist? How can I shake my soul when I am fresh.
Think of people without limit, and there are too many things in the day.
The vast dew is clear and square, and the bees are warm and friendly.
Only spring intends to leave Zishan Garden as a gift.
Once I heard that tourists talked about Fangfei, and there were tens of thousands of branches on the head of Jinjiang River.
Even if Xu Chang writes a good poem, he may never leave.
The trees on the head of Zhuojin River are built with medicine.
Should only spring intentionally, partial and half makeup red.
He and the Privy Counselor recalled the Forbidden Garden for seeing Begonia
This flower is the most popular, Yan Shuxiang
Qingsuo once ogled, but Zhenzhuan didn't move.
Fortunately, when the rain falls, the sun still shines.
The brush comes from the red sill, and you can climb up and remember your beauty.
It is not only the poems of Zhaonan that can make people love trees.
Youguo Daizhi [Zhen]
Zhu Lan shines brightly on Hengtang. The fragrant trees cross the short wall.
It is said that the eastern monarch has a deep attitude, and it has become a beautiful scenery in the western Sichuan.
Powder is still applied on the broken red branches, and the fragrance is swirling in the green shade.
It should be the work department without poetry and complaint, and has been making up with dew.
Youshi Bachelor [Yannian]
When you look at the crabapple pattern, the flowers are not the same.
Charming and rich, Xiao Sanyan is not poor.
Old Huban Wu Garden, Merlot Shashi Shu Palace.
The shadow in the brocade nest cup is baked in front of the embroidery gap.
Delirious fragrance is countless, and the stems are soft and moving.
Yifen Wu Gorge Rain, Wai Xihan Typhoon.
Sheng Ruoxia hides the sun, fresh in the blood.
The high and low points are red, and the depth is half red.
Makeup refers to the talent cloth, and the lipstick and sandalwood are more harmonious.
The color is burnt without pressure, and the body is thin without abundance.
The branches are heavy and frivolous, while the bracts are dense and noisy.
It is difficult to defeat a bee, but easy to enter a butterfly.
The Begonia in Sichuan is so beautiful and beautiful that I think it is more boring. It is dry and plentiful. It is weak and lovely. I have never seen the poems written in the north. The westerners are so funny that they can't say what they have said in silence. They are like the national style in the past
Duke Wen of Song Jing
The sky is warm in Shu, which is suitable for rare and beautiful places.
The thick fragrance does not hide the leaves, and the branches are gorgeous.
The folds and shadows divide the calyx into groups, and the clouds are dotted with ten thousand rupees.
When the Huiwen is brocaded, it is fried and burned.
Bee stamens meet the street densely, and the warbler tip sits in danger.
The shallow and deep are in a unique state, and the smiling and crying are both beautiful.
Red smoke is caused by red smoke, and red red drops.
When children are afraid of being thin, they will worry about being late.
The sun shines slowly, and the wind blows suddenly. [Sichuan is less windy, so flowers are more prosperous]
Cherish happiness when it's too late, leave hate to pay off.
The beauty is incomparable, and the variety is self-sustaining.
Lose the fragrance and spare the musk and cypress, and owe the Yaochi the shadow.
Painting should be exquisite and Mou color, and songs should be skillful.
Hold zun frequency speakers, carefully pick and play with fragrance. He Yan Shangshu Begonia
The beautiful trees gather together to lean against the spring light, and plant trees in the same way as the north orange trees. [The flowers flow from Xishu and remain luxuriant and beautiful]
In the Tailing Mountains, the clouds are divided to hold the calyx, and the Shu Palace cuts the brocade and tangles the branches.
Don't worry about the light dew and the moist weather, just hate the burning wind and the danger of hunting.
Enjoy the wine on the fence together, and don't let personal hatred get away.
The western regions have a long history, while the central regions are all partial to appreciation.
At the beginning, there was no combination of colors, but she did not allow to be beautiful.
The dusk is scorching and the dew is fresh.
The ground is embroidered with long quilts, and the sky is covered with brocade. [Wu Renyu (Luan went to the gold and changed it into a towel) and changed it into an account day]
Only a shallow shadow fell on the threshold, and Ke Heng wanted to take a feast.
Worry falls down with you, and your eyes are drunk with complicated words.
We boast of our makeup and laugh.
How can the orchid be beautiful? If the cherry is hidden.
The gorgeous foot is not his reputation, and the fragrance is light and near.
His name came out later, and he left the chapter of Chu officials.
And [three songs are the same]
Ten thousand calyx rosy clouds shine on the morning sky, and people have always enjoyed the same view.
Not so day home music, several times the red branches of the gun.
Begonia blooms in front of the Bookstore in late spring
Seven words and eight rhymes sent to Changqing to advise Zhang Ji
Last year, when Begonia blossomed, she chanted her poems in a beautiful way.
Now the flowers are still spring, and you have flown before the jade case.
Suddenly separated from the dust, I climbed the sunny sky of red stamens alone.
The thin branches reflect the silver moon high, and the young leaves contain Qige smoke low.
Flowers fall and blossom in full bloom. Spring comes and goes, feeling fleeting.
In the early Qing Dynasty, the poems were sung by Ba people, while the poems of Miao Han were still written in the notes of Shu State.
We look up to the majesty of the country and look forward to it.
Because the news is spread by the warbler and butterfly, don't forget that Penglai has a disease fairy.
Begonia Cheng Lin
The overseas migration is brilliant and strange, and the leisure and beauty should be rare.
Crystal glitter, precious calyx, row of beads, beautiful fragrance, cluster of embroidery.
Too many worries only follow the rain at dusk. How can I stay in the spring sunshine when I am floating.
Huanhua Creek was the year of the previous year, and the dew and haze brushed the clothes of guests.
Begonia Bachelor Li Ding
The Qing Emperor was dedicated to spring letter, and carefully knew that he was inclined to crabapple.
If you don't touch the coquettish power of the Ministry of Work, you will still have the right of Goumang Nature.
Leaning against the sill, half open, red flowers are dense. At the beginning of the pond, green branches are connected.
Who will fight with the uprooted Qiongyuan Garden.
Begonia's works Shi Yangxiu
Chemical cutting and hard work, Zhuojin River is the most expensive.
He loves to think by drawing hands, and has the power to defeat poems when facing difficulties.
The bright and crimson color is deeply dyed, and the tree recognition red gauze is dense.
Because of Wu Pingyi in those days, the relatives of branches and branches gave the servants first.
Haitang tells Fan Zhen directly
I don't know who Zhen Zai is. He was born in the right time.
I recite the calligraphy and leave the meaning of the Ministry of Work, and give the right to resign from this position.
The wind turns green, the morning fragrance comes in, and the sunset shines on the dangerous wall, and the night shadow connects.
When transplanting to the garden, it is like a land. The name of the crape myrtle should be first.
Youshi Yangxiu
Open all enchanting peaches and drop all pears, and light print deep calyx to illuminate Huachi.
It is all due to the distant roots of Western Shu. It is not the eastern monarch's intention that it is too late.
The smoke is sad, and the wine will be drunk in the evening. The dew will cry and the rouge will be lost.
It must be known that Jia Xiang is very romantic, and once the immortal tasted Geqi.
He Bachelor Li Ding
Light red like apricot covering pear, straight like beauty shining on the blue pool.
It is already a superb example of chemical education. Don't be afraid of the late opening of the Qing Emperor.
The smoke makes his face bright, and the rain breaks into the four fatties by the demon.
It is a famous place in Xishu, and Qionglin is full of flowers.
He Yan Long Tu Begonia Pushed Official Yang Ge
The Western Han Dynasty bullied Lu Ju, while Dongyang loved Yetang.
Xu Chang was surprised by this encounter, and Zimei owed first.
Du Yu is gorgeous in spring, and silkworms are a national fragrance.
Swallow fat points rain, beautiful color setting sun.
On the rich and beautiful East King's Day, the white emperor's side is greeted.
The brocade tower prayed for the water color, and the jade fortress changed the mountain light.
The style is thin, with a long waist.
Natural smile quality, fashion dance clothes.
Less vomit and deep dye, and fully open light makeup.
The smoke protects the green base, and the wind damages the Zhu room.
Spin off because of the water, floating over the wall.
Wearing the pendant and worrying about killing Fu, the hairpin can be taken off and even the ginger can be connected.
Butterflies dance and water lilies shine, and warblers sing in the painting hall.
Immortals are as rare as jade, and fall like green beads.
If you don't see it, you will become regretful. Acacia is almost crazy.
The spring is deep and the brocade water is washed, and the sand is washed away day and night.
Lie on the opposite side and move the curtain, chant and look near the pen bed.
When the pond is clear and the garden is full, the birds will spend a lot of money.
The purple swallow is eager to hold the mud, while the wasp is busy taking advantage of honey.
Chemical industry is really purposeful, and can be sold and served.
Gao Weiji, the official of Begonia Hall
The old country stands outside the people and stands alone in the Chu Garden.
Make Mei Xiu jealous of white, and the apricot has become red.
Fear of the destruction of Yangcheng, and look for the sorrow of Cai Kong.
When did you dream of Wu Gorge and complain about the spring breeze independently.
The brocade flower is the most strange in color, and its enchanting talent was rare.
The rosy clouds suddenly shine on the crimson barrier, and the emerald curtains are set in the light of the dew.
The beautiful scenery with sentimental makeup is full of flowers, and the weak twigs can't bring the afterglow.
So that we can embroider it on the Luo skirt and make delicate clothes for boudoirs forever.
Crabapple Lingjingyang
The famous garden has been closed for several years, but the dew and smoke are not true.
Thanks to Xu Chang for passing on Yashi. Shu has never known a poet.
Begonia Master Zhang Mian
Begonia is planted all over the world, but it is not necessarily difficult for Chengdu to chant.
There are thousands of wild papayas in blossom, and a lot of trees in the water.
[About the flowers of the papaya trees are similar to those of the crabapple trees at the beginning, but the flowers are sparse and the leaves are first. The papaya trees in the mountain water forest are more like the broussonetia trees in Yangzhou.]
When I first suspected that red beans were competing for the head decoration, I suddenly felt that Yanzhi was a hand pill.
The roots of monk families in Western Shu are small, and the branches of official houses in Southern Jing are wide.
It is best to wear a group of trees high without shelter, and lean against a dangerous building.
The garden is as muddy as fire, and the surface of the pool is as clear as a pill.
The brocade robes are still linked, and the [white legend] beads and quilts are more harmonious. [Chu Ci]
When the wind curls up and the makeup is right, [Chu Palace] reveals the fresh tears of copper birds.
In the morning, I borrowed the red clouds to warm up, and the autumn spirit slightly invaded the cold of the armour tent.
At the banquet, you should not offer a tent. When picking incense, you should see Fei Longtan.
The green hair of the wandering women was burned, and Yan Ran's enchantress had a white jade crown.
Half of the guest seat is moved to make the car more hot and the saddle is carved.
The flying butterflies are arranged layer upon layer, and they are closely connected with Kesu Cuihan.
Poets have long been ashamed of their modesty, while painters dare to dazzle Shuangwan.
This issue is accompanied by thousands of drunkenness, and can bear to invite hundreds of flowers to be disabled.
The Sichuan road is still moving with Xunsei, and the fan boat is still turning into Changlan.
Drifting crimson snow is deep enough to gather up the sunny clouds.
When the time goes by, we should be aware of the sages alone, and there is a talent view hidden in the sky.
The pedigree is a fairy must be beautiful. [The pedigree uses crabapple as the preface to the poem of the immortal king Yucheng Haixian] The actual situation of winter plum is not sour. [Hanmei Event in the preface]
Five or six years of parting hate, spring night frequency dream stone platform. [The Jingwang Stone Platform is still under the Begonia Forest in the back garden] Fan Chunren, the Begonia in the west garden
Red flowers and green leaves compete with demons, bees and butterflies turn over to warm the wind.
Zhuoyu is doubting the palace's brocade is rotten, and the beautiful sunshine is the first to win the dawn glow.
Fenfei has never won outside the sword, and he likes to enjoy the world.
But I think the countryside is full of dust, which can only be seen in the picture.
Ying Shao's song in the former Tu Jin Xia Li is elegant but not lost
The voice is not intended to embellish the flowery words, and the general will guide the honest purpose
People born in Sichuan are not very expensive because of their leisure time
A chapter of four rhyme poem is attached at the end of the volume
There are thousands of miles in Min and Shu, and crabapple flowers are beautiful.
Ten thousand plants are beautiful, and the sunny day in February.
The cluster calyx is as uniform as cloth, and the pruning is as skillful as weaving.
The red clouds are lightly dotted, and the red jade is carved.
The rustling light transfuses Ying, and the blood of the orangutan borrows fresh.
The shallow and the deep face the back, and the density is linked.
It is light and heavy dyed, and red sand is finely polished.
The core fiber is golden millet arch, and the purple silk fist is tender.
Red wax drips with the British, and Mingji wears them.
The first stem struggles for beauty and moves forward.
A peerless man knows that there is no price, and that the fragrance is not diminished.
Lingying Guiyuan is divided, and the star equation is determined by the clock.
The Wooden Emperor passed the state minister, and the Flower King entered the house.
Xiang Biao and Jian Fu, Qing Ai and Tao Zhen.
Zhen Zaiyin pushes the hub, hooks the awn and strikes the whip.
Don't worry about your life, so as to cherish the fleeting years.
Praise the wings, give birth to the hands, and support the women.
Advocate Shao Lingzheng and adjust Shuwei Xuan.
Harmony is high and low, and the heart is in order.
There are twelve golden hairpins and three thousand jewel wearers.
Clouds and rain confuse Wu Gorge, and storms complain about Luochuan.
Pingting should live in Chu, and lechery in Yan.
Embroidery quilts are displayed all night long, and bright lights are burning in the morning.
Outside the front sill, half out of the rockery peak.
You secretly envy bees to gather and secretly lose along the nest.
The thin is afraid of cobweb weaving, and the soft and timid are entangled with female apples.
Who will tell you if you hold hatred? You will only pity yourself if you have no words.
Wenjun is in front of the Yangtze Thatched Cottage with wine and lozenge.
Character is born to be different, and it is romantic to be old.
In the midst of the bustle, there is a melancholy look, and in the crowd, there is noise.
The spirit of warm greetings comes out, and the mood is clear and bright.
Guan Guanying speaks to each other, and two swallows stand tall.
The sky is suitable for colonization, while the human world may linger.
A total of Sakura surrounded another pavilion, and surrounded by apricots.
The curtain is warm and clear, and the dusk is still clear.
A low cage with gold bars (folded up) and a high reflection on a swing.
I suddenly recognized the prostitutes in Liangyuan and deeply suspected the immortals in Langyuan.
Hurry to Huipu, far away from Zhitian.
Ashamed, dark and misty, light as smoke.
At first, when I open a feather fan, I like the clouds.
It looks like a dimple toward the stars, vaguely with emerald mother of pearl.
Five baht clothes turn, and seven treasures account.
It is independent of the neon festival, with rows of colorful Zhans.
When you are sleepy, you should lean on the tiger pillow, and when you step well, you should set off golden lotus.
When dancing, don't turn back your sleeves, and don't put on heavy makeup.
The cover is loose and gloomy, and the grass is fine.
The fragrant orchids provide dreams, and the willows sleep together.
The body is light and graceful, and the waist is thin.
Ya Jing is always young and gentle.
The servant Luo Baizhi and the servant Lie Fangquan.
Mouth thick sandalwood injection, cheek thin powder filling.
When you break through the encirclement, you can use the elm money to buy laughter.
The beautiful ring Yao banquet, the whirling Zadai feast.
Jiao Yiping Ping Qu Qu, weeping against the dew trickle down.
Nanmo is light and sheltered, and the eastern suburbs are full of sunset.
When will you stop being ethereal? From then on, you will know the beauty of the moon.
It's a hairpin. Who doesn't play orchestral.
Jealousy, greed and fear of loss, play childishness and cherish what Britain.
Fold and flash, scratch your head and fade, and hold it about your wrist.
Wear a cover to wear a phoenix, and install a cicada on the side of the pressing sideburns.
Draw new joy and spend the night away.
Looking back, we must add words to our life feast.
Turn over songs to teach Song Yuan and send wine boats.
The heart of the village must be temporarily relieved, and the sick eye should be cured at that time.
The oil wall is delivered from far away, and the brocade drum is calmly settled.
Yayi makes concessions to Yabi, and Nong promotes Dihua couplets.
Do not resent ginseng and hibiscus, rather mix wood wool with sweet.
Tumi is potentially discolored, and Rhododendron molle dares to be poor.
Su Naisi is a member of the staff of Yaotao.
Wutong is ashamed of the golden well, and peony flowers are indiscriminate.
And suppress the Xinyi customs, and the BMW wilts.
God's grace does not last long; people's favor does not last long.
The cloth and shadow intersect three paths, and the glory spreads all over the place.
Gaze at Fang Yeye, and turn around.
It can endure the shock and frustration, and can stir up troubles.
Coral is easily broken, and red snow swirls around the branches.
When the clouds of the Han Dynasty start to disperse, the building and the moon begin to circle.
Wandering along with the Lasiocera, scattered and rippling.
Outside the scorching Tortoise City, there are pavilions and brocade beside the water.
Holding sorrow should be sad, and tears are rippling.
Butterfly fans in the afternoon, cuckoo in the cold.
The material condition is simple, and the human mind is not constrained.
Tall and tall, it is called the treasure of eight bamboos.
If you have not opened your own pulse, you will worry about settling down.
Don't forget the new discipline, and look for the old ones again.
We all know that red beauty is good, but who can tell if the heart is strong.
It is better to accompany Zhu and Li in practical matters than to irrigate Liquan.
Planting trees next to bamboos and cypresses, do not surround black kites with trees.
Sham Tuo is full and luxuriant, so you should move with wealth.
For many reasons, the bottom is still sluggish, because the distance is still far away.
It is easy for a guest to become a mess, and his mind has not missed his mistakes.
Painting thinking Mojie pen, called Xue Tao Jian.
If you drink your eyes and don't send them frequently, how can poetry be easy.
Xue Neng praises beautiful sentences, and Zheng Gu appreciates good articles.
Stop feeling the beauty, and the pity is partial.
The mountain scriptures are still rare, and the local chronicles are not widely circulated.
Sing skillfully and worry is exhausted, and search the proud Yunnan.
When you are far away, you can't really enjoy it, and when you are far away, you can't help but donate.
I feel ashamed of my secret and dare to give way to my curiosity.
Help me to narrate famous flowers, and let me talk with you freely.
With the fragrance and color broken, the flowers of Shu blossom by themselves.
There is no custom in the garden, and bees and butterflies still fall.
If the Green Emperor means it, the east wind will bring infinite talents.
The ancient and modern rhymes are endless, and the hundred rhymes are worthy of being empty.
Begonia Spectrum Volume II
Shangshan Crabapple Wang Yuanzhi
Although Jinli is famous, Shangshan is more beautiful.
Don't doubt the nature and state, don't call the soil root.
Light red and blue, deeper than snow spray.
Let the wine go before you start, for fear of falling.
There is no enemy in the fragrance, and the supremacy in the flowers.
Guixuyueyue Grottoes, where peach trees gather to avoid the source of immortals.
The floating crown is on the side, and the sleeves of the clothes are suddenly turned.
The watchman faces the water stone, and the peeper comes out of the wall.
It's hard to forgive Liu if you give her a farewell. She will let Xuan forget her worries.
Flying swallows dance gently, whispering.
Hui is rough and empty, and Li Fan waves occupy the garden.
On the heart stay butterflies, low face hate warbler noise.
If you don't honor the immortals, [those who do good deeds make flowers and take them as immortals] you should be grateful to God.
Since I planted the Imperial Garden, who will make the throwing village.
Qijihuang Temple, Xian'e Ancient Cave Gate.
Smoke worries about old dreams, rain cries about new marriages.
The painting was afraid of the hatred of Concubine Ming, so it moved and ran with Zhuo.
See you in three months instead of four.
Embroidered quilts are stacked in cages, and the swallow's fat is stained with tears.
Two cars have not gone in spring, and deserve to be accompanied by Fangzun.
Farewell Hall, Begonia, the same as before
A pile of red snow charms youth. Tears are full of towel for parting.
Fortunately, don't be haggard next year. School books are also flower lovers.
[This flower was moved in by pushing official Wang Xiaoshu]
Title: Wang Yuanzhi, a hand planted crabapple in Luojiangdong, Qiantang County
The Jiangdong ruins are in Qiantang, and the flowers planted in the courtyard are full of fragrance in the county.
If you were to make yourself famous, Begonia would be sweet today.
Living in Dinghui Courtyard, the east is full of mixed flowers and crabapple
Su Shi, a native who doesn't know how expensive he is
There are miasma and fan plants in Jiangcheng, and only famous flowers are bitter and lonely.
Smile at the bamboo fence. Peaches and plums are always popular in the mountain.
I also know that creation has profound meaning, so I sent beauty in the valley.
The natural wealth and honour make the appearance of heaven, and do not wait for the gold plate to recommend the Chinese house.
Vermilion lips are dazzled by wine, and green sleeves are rolled with gauze and red meat.
The forest is dark and the dawn is late. The sun is warm and the spring is light.
Tears in the rain are also pathetic, and no one is clearer under the moon.
My husband has nothing to do with his food. He can walk freely and touch his stomach.
Don't ask people and monks' houses, knock on the door with a stick to see the bamboo.
Suddenly, when Jue Yanzhao was dying, he sighed silently and wiped his eyes.
Where did the shabby state get this flower? It's a good thing to move to Xishu.
It is not easy to reach the root of a thousand miles.
You can recite this song for drinking a cup of wine when you are wandering around the world.
When the Ming Dynasty woke up, it came alone, and the snow fell one after another. Begonia predecessors
The east wind curls in the Chongguang, and the fragrant mist falls on the corridor.
I'm afraid that flowers will fall asleep in the night, and high fever will light up my makeup with silver candles.
Visit Haitang Mountain West to show Zhao Yancheng and Shao Kangjie
The east wind blows and the rain blows through the gate of the brook, and the white and white Zhuzhu confuses the remote village.
The beach stone has no potential to return the oars, and the maple on the bank still has the mark of tying the boat.
We are never tired of the seclusion of rivers and mountains in times of danger, and only know how to laugh and talk when we are good guests.
Don't go to Nangang to see the spring scenery, but you are enchanted by the flowers of crabapple.
Begonia Korea Holding Country
There are thousands of branches on the head of Zhuojin River, and I will cherish Fangfei when I come here.
Now I have to see you at home. I'm not afraid of the cold spring rain and wet clothes.
When I was in the Forbidden Forest, I had an old trip to Yuanhouzhi with Jingnan in mind
Last year, I was drunk with crabapple bushes and heard that new branches were old and red.
I dreamt of drinking under the flowers last night, but I didn't know I was in the Jade Hall.
Hong Juefan, Begonia
I don't know how to smile when wine comes into my cheeks, but I just stopped being drunk when I made up.
A willow on the outside wall is better than a thousand clumps of rain.
Begonia Cui Defu
Muddy is the beginning of Huaqing's bath, and the blue gauze obliquely covers the red skin.
He taught Taoli to speak better than Jiaoyan.
Begonia [parallel order] Mei Shengyu
Daoshisimen paid a visit the day before yesterday, and Yun Jicheng arrived at Junzheng in February
Seeing the dark and evil begonia, I can see the flavor of the imperial guard because of poetry
The crabapple in Shuzhou is superior to the two rivers, which makes you eager to enjoy it.
Thousands of plants are washed and opened with spring dew, and fine stems are gathered with swallow fat.
Looking forward is not enough to hold candles at night. How can we find peaches and apricots.
When commanding the Green Mud Sword stack, don't let the cold air escape your horse.
Begonia as before
Jiang Yan enters Zhu Pavilion, and crabapple grows in brocade.
Drunken with Yan's jade cheeks, thin gathered around the waist of the Chu Palace.
If you have ever gone without fragrance, it is better to draw carefully.
Who can play the flute together.
[Enjoy the solid painting of the Ming Emperor under the flowers of crabapple at the Xuandi House of the Song Dynasty. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is playing Tartar, Pipe, King of Ning, and Yellow Banner.]
If you want to know Wu Tongshu, you must look at the crabapple.
The color of swallow fat is dripping. How long is the purple wax band.
The rain at night is suitable, and the spring wind is crazy.
At that time, Du Zimei forgot each other all over.
Begonia Wang Jinggong
The green and charming eyebrows sweep lightly, and the red and charming face is thin with makeup.
How long was it to sing in the Qing Dynasty when the skill of writing was not exhausted.
Move Yuezhou to Fangling Road and meet Haitang Zhang Yunsou
At the top of Maxi Mountain, you can see crabapple, and the fairies will be located in Jinping.
On cold days and nights, people will never walk, and they will open and smell sweet.
And He Jing, a mountain man, who wrote "Begonia" and "Keke"
For the love of fragrant buds shining red, leaning on the fence all day long to the fragrant cluster.
Late at night, I suddenly remembered that the south branch was good, and the wine came to the bright moon.
Chao Erhu and Du Qing's Family Have Begonia Last Year
Little Baby Sings and Dances, Drinks under Flowers, and Wants to Recruit Guests
Du has played the role of guarding the drama, and Zhang Wenqian uses poetic tunes
It is quite doubtful that bees and butterflies have passed their neighbors, knowing that it is the last year's flower on the east wall.
A fine horse greets a concubine for no reason, and an owl cannot be forced to follow the cart.
In the rain, we will not thank Chen for his participation in the wine court
Baling guests add clothes in February. They hate being drunk too late.
Swallows can't help but rain at night. Begonia still awaits the old man's poem.
The sky turns upside down and hurts the spring scenery. When the Youhuo child wishes to be a saint.
The lake in front of the white bamboo fence is wide, and the vast life experience is sad.
Accompany Cuiweng to raise wine under the Scholar's Pavilion and open the crabapple as above
The sophistication of the world drove people away, that is, borrowed the rope bed from the landlord.
The spring breeze blows the wanderers, and the evening rain falls wet on the crabapple.
The ancient country had no attitude towards clothes, and the flowers and leaves across the curtain glowed.
Whether the etiquette of the king can be tolerant or not, the taste of wine makes me crazy.
He Dongxi Begonia Cheng Jinzi
The famous flowers are different in quality, and people weigh more than sweet crabapple.
The bud is tender and acacia is dense, red and deep amber.
It is said that all flowers are fragrant.
Brilliant clouds become auspicious, and a beautiful woman has a strong arm.
Born before the Kingdom of Shu, it begins to rise in the morning.
Appreciation is the place of music, which is called calligraphy field.
The haze is easy to disperse, and bees and butterflies are busy.
Who are many lovers? Hold the wine cup again beside the fence.
Today's bleak autumn doesn't mean that Begonia will open again
Book Two: The Good Samaritan and the Same Front
He once chased the wild wind to get the meaning to fly, and the spring scenery was vague for a while.
The old cluster still has fragrant heart, but it is taken back by the west wind pipe.
The dew is wet, the swallow fat is cold, and the tears are cold. I lean on the railing to dry the dark hatred alone.
The spirit is no more than the chrysanthemum on the edge of the fence.
Begonia in the rain
The jade is crisp and red, but it is not cold resistant, and the wind and rain are hard for no reason.
Xiaolai's examination paper is covered with beads, and the fragrance of vegetables is all over the picture board.
Xihai Begonia Opens Late Same as Before
The spring scenery this year is so beautiful that no flowers are seen in the mountains in February.
Long memory last year tonight, Begonia flower shadow to the window screen.
Begonia monk like a wall
Selling flowers on the eaves is a competition for peaches and plums, which makes spring workers lose money.
Don't blame the crabapple for not being broken, so that the cloud bun can be cut off.
Jiang Zuo Called Crabapple Sichuan Red Wu Zhongfu
The makeup is thick and light, the core is covered with velvet, and the wind is fine when you go down to the pool.
However, I hate that Shaohua is partial to Sichuan soil, and even less like Sichuan red.
If you look for incense, you will be afraid to smile at the wine.
Zimei, a talented poet, is still in a lonely and beautiful city.
Begonia Liu Zihui
The graceful posture makes the spring clear, while the plum is gentle and the willow is light.
The planting place is suitable for wild water, and the opening time is near Qingming.
After several nights of rain, the fragrance still lingered, and the painting could not be finished after being stained with swallow fat.
Shilao unintentionally titled Buddha, so far melancholy seems to be affectionate.
Haitang Guo Zhen
And with the peaches and plums for a while, not chasing the east wind everywhere.
Suspicion is that the four sides dislike the lack of seed, and the religion is unique in Shu.
When Western Shu passed on the day of fragrance, Eastern Jun was considerate.
Blood recommendation by fresh blood scarlatinos, and fat melting by purple calyx wax.
Que Que is suspicious of wandering, and Qiong Lan is the guardian.
There is no poetry for the Ministry of Work, and now there is a provincial Langzhi.
He Dongpo Begonia Zhao Cigong
The dew and the sun are shining slightly, and the branches are shining brightly on the corridors.
Take a closer look at the plain face without jade, and the first point of swallow fat in beauty.
Same as Dongpo Dinghui Hospital Begonia
Chemical experts open a group of trees, cool to crabapple.
In the colorful flowers, the immortals are popular.
When sleeping, the fat of the swallow is lazy and uneven. It is naturally greasy and rich.
Prosperity and beauty are far away, graceful and charming.
Not only is it graceful and graceful, but also it is really beautiful and beautiful.
If you can't run to the White Jade Tower, you should store it in the Gold House.
Although the wind is warm, Gu feels like dusk. It's hard to stop leaning on bamboo.
Poor common eyes don't know how expensive it is. Empty faces shine in the valley.
This flower originally came from the southwest, and Li Du hated Shu without poetry.
Who carves a dragon when a talented person dies? It is hard to carve a swan when a chariot is behind him.
Diao Qiu and Ji Zi came to Qi'an, and when they met, they suddenly comforted people.
In those days, Fu Baijun could inherit and re compose Yangchun Song for flowers.
The wine is poured into the market, and the words are always empty.
If you are sentimental, you should not touch the clouds.
Begonia Kang Su Wu Gongfu
Begonia yuan has its own natural fragrance, and people slander people at the bottom of the matter.
If you don't believe me, please come and sit under the flowers. It's very annoying.
He Zemin and Begonia
Jun is an old writer in the poem, so she changed her name to "flower".
Flowers are not shallow because of poetry, and poetry is more beautiful because of flowers.
It is necessary to cultivate rain and dew well, so as not to emaciate and trap dust.
He is as brilliant as the Western Shu. I want to see the beautiful clouds from you.
Seeing those who sell crabapple in the market, I feel disappointed and agree with them
Years after years, it has been traced back to Jiangxiang, where thousands of crabapple trees have been growing in my hometown.
If you want to enjoy the beauty of spring, you can enjoy the fragrance without reason.
Occasionally, when I met someone on the eaves, I still remember that I was crazy in front of the bottle.
When the old hometown will be repaired, silver candles will be burned to illuminate the red makeup.
Same as Chen Ziliang's four crabapples
In the spring, all the characters are beautiful, red and purple are merciless and full of branches.
It is making the declining Weng poetry think and move, and raising your head is more worthy of your poetry
The flowers are blooming in spring, and the sky is clear. I am so angry that I just go around the bush.
Let's ask who is more enchanting than ten thousand red plants.
After the rain, the flower suddenly felt fat, and it was still the old style.
Sitting still has its own fragrance, and ordinary people are not allowed to take second knowledge.
After ten years of planting, the garden is full of flowers, none of which is as beautiful as this flower.
It is already the number one in the spectrum. You don't need to ask how.
Ji Chaozong Tongqian
Begonia has tried to make up very much, and it is more unusual to look at the enchantment.
Don't enjoy the beauty with you, and burn silver candles to illuminate red makeup.
Suositing Begonia Gives Two Ambassadors Zhang Shi
There is no need to compare the depth of red, nor is there any fragrance in Pingzhang.
After the rain and the setting sun, the thousand flowers look plump.
Dongfeng's works are selfless and unique.
When I think about the frost terrace, I will think about it in spring, and I will write new poems.
Huang Haitang Hong Shi
The palace of the Han Dynasty is charming and half forehead, and elegant and simple, it is called flower fairy.
Heaven and gentleness make up a second beauty.
The pulse is like Cui Yu, looking at the ground towards the long distance.
Who can lift the cloud servant pendant.
Ciyun Lu Wu Guan Haitang Wen Jian Cheng Gong [Tianchang]
Call back the remnant sleep strong reserve, shallow broken vermilion lips lean on the flute.
The eternal beauty of the demon can not be worn away, and it follows the spring flowers.
On the Way of Xiangshan King in Haitang Cave of Kuzhu Temple
Green sleeves and red lips open with a smile, leaning against the wind and unable to compete with each other.
Yangcheng is not a monk's property. It is feared that Qi Nu will step in.
Begonia Lu You
Who knows that the famous flower is unique in the Forbidden City, [the former Shuyan Palace], and the east city is full of beautiful feet competing for power.
The horizontal scroll of Chen brocade is dried, and the red cloud wine cup is absorbed.
Greedy, never refuse to hold the night candle, and rely on the crazy to be good at the spring breeze.
Picking up the old ones and chanting the sadness of desolation, the waist is thin and damaged.
[Old Du should not pass on his husband without the poetry of Begonia]
Looking at the blue chicken from ten miles away, the rain and sunshine never come together in the whole city.
At present, if we don't get the peace report, we will be afraid of flying red and making mud.
The place name of Shu is good at flowers in ancient and modern times. One branch of qi can crush thousands of forests.
The satire is even more insipid, and I often hate people's words for being too incisive.
Zhang Yuanguan Begonia Same as before
The sun shines on the tower, and the spring looks very beautiful.
Walking through the Mashu Jinyuan, the famous flowers move people's minds.
At dawn in the Han Dynasty, when I smiled, I fell asleep.
You must know that the night is full of happiness, and the wine is drunk with demon bones.
The low servant girl was ashamed and didn't speak. Her eyes were tired and she wanted to close.
Although gorgeous without vulgar appearance, Taixi is really rich.
I don't know how old I am to end my return.
In the evening, the light rain makes thousands of red tears.
Enjoying Begonia at the Dinner
Bowels and crazy belly are originally wide, but not forced to have fun.
Swallows returned to the Xinshe Rain, but after the begonia opened, it was cold in spring.
Drunken boasted of thousands of poems written on paper, and the cost of songs wrapped around the top of the brocade.
The deep courtyard did not hear of the night leak, and suddenly the wax tears had piled up.
A long time after illness, the wine is full of Chengdu crabapple
When crabapple was in Biji Square, I was drunk at the end of the month.
It's hard to find the former dream right now. Who can remember the old songs in front of the bottle.
The setting sun crosses thousands of mountains, and the spring light breaks a branch.
They said that they should not believe their old friends, and the tea smoke and Zen couch became silky.
Spring Qinghuai Hometown Crabapple Yang Wanli
Begonia blooms in my hometown today, and I dream of entering Jiangxi's beautiful heap.
All things are spring, and people are old alone. One year, they will return to the society.
It seems as green as light in the day, and flying catkins come and go when you want to fall.
There is no scenery that can't be dispelled. Send a poem to recruit Cuiqiong Cup.
Priest Zhang Ziyi Presents Autumn Begonia
The west wind of the new style is worse than that of the new style, and there are also crabapple flowers in Chongyang.
Spring red washes the autumn frost, and the Taoist spirit is not good.
The wood canal and the wood chrysanthemum are always dull, and the autumn scenery will pay off as crabapple this year.
For the end of the night flowers do not sleep, emerald yarn sleeve last month such as frost.

Primordial order

There are different kinds of flowers in the world. They are either colorful or fragrant. They are all the most beautiful flowers in the world and are admired by people. Plum flowers occupy the place before spring and Peony Hall after spring. Scholars and poets pay special attention to them. There is only one kind of crabapple, whose beauty is not under the two flowers. From Du Ling to Shu, they never sing about the flowers. The world is so thin because of this, Since then, Zheng Gu, the capital official, has been acting as an example (Gu Shi, melancholy over Huanhua Creek, and Zi Mei mercilessly for promotion). This dynasty's holy title Yun Zhang Kui's paintings have been powerful for thousands of years, and this flower was first known to be popular in the world at that time. Today, we take the miscellaneous records of various schools and the verses of various people since the Tang Dynasty as a catalog, which is called the Haitang spectrum. Although the collection of poems is not detailed, we can talk about the list of the various genealogies, and we will continue to talk about it until today.


Volume Narration
Poem in Volume I
Volume II Poetry II
Begonia Spectrum Volume I