Heidelberg University

German public universities
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University of Ruprecht Karls Heidelberg German :Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Latin : Ruperto Carola Heidelbergensis) Heidelberg University , built in 1386, located in Baden Wuerttemberg University Town Heidelberg , Yes Germany The oldest university in China is also Holy Roman Empire Subsequent charles university (1348) and University of Vienna The third university after (1365) was 4EU+Alliance German elite universities European Union of Research Universities Coimbra Group U15 University Alliance and European Association of Universities Members.
The name of the university is in memory of two school running celebrities - Ruprecht elector Is the founding member of Heidelberg University, and Baden Of Karl Friedrich The Grand Duke is the reborn benefactor of Heidelberg University. Heidelberg University has always been romanticism And Humanism As a symbol, Heidelberg, the university city, is also an ancient castle Neckar River A famous cultural city.
Hegel Like a fierce Lin Feuerbach Max Weber All of them have studied or taught in Heidelberg University. As of 2017, there are 56 [1] Nobel Prize Winners and 19 [2] Leibniz Prize winners have studied, taught or studied in the school.
Chinese name
University of Ruprecht Karls Heidelberg
Foreign name
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (German)
Heidelberg University (English)
Heidelberg University
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive research university
School characteristics
European Union of Research Universities member
Current leaders
Bernhardt Eilte President
School setting
Legal science, scientific medicine, clinical medicine, philosophy, physics, language science, etc
School motto
Latin: Semper Apertus (always open)
Well known alumni
Georg William Friedrich Hegel Like a fierce Lin Feuerbach Max Weber Erich Fromm Bunsen
Representative color
Carmine and gold
School official website

Historical evolution

At the end of 1385, the University of Heidelberg was initially established by the Archduke Ruprecht I under the special permission of Pope Wupeng VI, thinking that Pfalz To create an ideological center, the first headmaster is Marcelius of Ingen( Marsilius of Inghen )He is one of the founders of Heidelberg University and has served as the president for no less than 9 times. During 1386-1392 and 1396, he absorbed foreign talents and served the church and the country. The early professors came from religious divisions and National war In frequent areas, seek peace in Heidelberg. In the 14th century, Peter's Church became a university church. Successive Grand Priests have devoted themselves to the University, but when they consider it necessary, they can also freely interfere in the affairs of the University's autonomy. This is also used for Humanism The arrival of such thoughts created historical conditions.
  • Reformation
although Martin Luther Initiated in 1518 Reformation Heidelberg University has not been affected by this for a long time. It was not until 1556 that the Archduke Ottheinrich transformed it into a protestantism university. In the second half of the 16th century Friedrich III (Friedrich III) built Heidelberg University into a Calvinism European Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Spirit. The light of his Calvinism concept attracted many professors and scholars from all over Europe. Under the influence of the seminary, the famous Heidelberg catechism appeared in 1563. In addition to Calvinism, post humanism emerged at the end of the 16th century.
  • Thirty Year War
This golden age lasted until 1618. Thirty Year War Heidelberg University was severely damaged, and teaching was interrupted several times. In 1622, the world-famous Parthian Library was moved to Rome. After the war, the reconstruction of universities was also due to the Louis XIV (Ludwigs XIV. Heidelberg University was closed for many years.
  • eighteenth century
Heidelberg in the 18th century, like almost all other universities, was permeated with intellectual moderation. The continuous color of Protestantism gradually lost due to the late reform. Financial dilemma and continuous Revolutionary war The University of Heidelberg is in trouble again.
  • nineteenth century
In 1802, Heidelberg was included in Baden State, opening a new page in the history of the university. After the reorganization of Heidelberg University, it became a teaching and research institution supported by the national finance. The First Grand Duke of Baden State Karl Friedrich The name of was written into the list of the University Foundation. Since then, the full name of the university has become "Ruprecht Karls Heidelberg University". The university receives New humanism Many professors and scholars are also Romanticism Followers of. philosopher Hegel He taught in Heidelberg for two years; Schroessel established the scientific Heidelberg School The physician Maximilian Joseph von Cherius attracted patients all over Europe. Heidelberg professors stand tall in Liberalism Many of them were also members of the Frankfurt National Assembly in 1848. After the 1848 Revolution, Ludwig H ä usser became the spokesman of liberal nationalism in southwest Germany. With the joint efforts of Robert Benson, Gustav Kirchhoff and Herman von Helmholtz, the natural science of Heidelberg University was shining in the 19th century, which was also an era when Heidelberg was famous for its jurisprudence. In 1886, Heidelberg University celebrated its 500th anniversary.
  • twentieth century
During this period, Heidelberg University became a liberal university open to the world. This is not only reflected in the number of foreign students, but also in the so-called Heidelberg spirit since the beginning of the 20th century: Max Weber The spirit of interdisciplinary dialogue advocated by Ernst Trolce, a theologian and his close friend, together with a group of other young scholars.
  • Weimar Republic
Weimar Republic At that time, Heidelberg University had a large number of well-known scholars such as Karl Jaspers Gustav Radbruch (Gustav Radbruch)、 Alfred Weber (Alfred Weber) and others became the democratic spirit of Germany bridgehead Donations from the United States helped Heidelberg University establish a new campus, and the university gained a new spirit: Friedrich Gongdorf called it the spirit of dedication to the fresh spirit of the times. But this also leaves a shadow: it causes Student movement So extreme that the moderate Emil Gumbel left Heidelberg University. Heidelberg's academic image in this period was represented by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Law. However, Ludolf von Krehl also created a new path with his concept of comprehensive medicine. Physicist Philipp Lenard acted as state socialism The supporters of.
  • The Third Reich
The Third Reich The establishment of the University of Heidelberg led to the expulsion of a large number of teachers and students for political and ethnic reasons. Many people went into exile, and two professors became terrorism A direct victim of. Many people in the university itself participated in the 1933 German book burning movement on the university square. Under the influence of regime followers, Heidelberg University's "spirit of dedication to the living times" unfortunately turned into "German spirit". Many people, including some professors, have joined the ranks of followers of this slogan.
  • Federal Republic
World War II At the end, the university has been greatly damaged, and it is urgent to inject new spiritual ideas. Under the leadership of Karl Jaspers, Heidelberg University has formulated a new charter, which stipulates that the university has the obligation to "serve the truth, fairness and Humanism The living spirit of ". The layout of the reconstructed university campus is that the natural science and some medical departments are located in the new campus of Neuenheimer Feld, while the humanities and social sciences departments are still located in the old city campus. These reforms have changed the university structure so far. Since its establishment, the University has been composed of four major departments (theology, law, philosophy and medicine), and until 1890, natural science was added as the fifth department. In 1969, the university was divided into 16 departments. The number of students has also continued to increase. In 1986 (the 600 year anniversary), Heidelberg University had 27000 enrolled students. The college students are an eye-catching group in Heidelberg. Heidelberg's tradition of having a large foreign population was also maintained after the war. Despite the large number of students, Heidelberg University has always regarded the unification of teaching and research as its own responsibility.
  • Academic Trend in the 1960s
German Academic tide The influence came quite late in Heidelberg. The movement first focused on bus fares and college students' participation in school management. At the same time, Heidelberg has always clearly resisted the Vietnam War. At many meetings, the issue of political representatives, that is, the right of students to participate in general political activities, was also discussed. Some professors and the student organizations of the state government and the Christian Democratic Union Party strongly oppose this right, while the Socialist German Student Union and most student groups support this right. Emergency law And Student rights It has become an intertwined topic in many debates.
  • After the 1990s
In the past ten years, Heidelberg University, through a series of inter university exchanges and cooperation in scientific research information science , Law and Popular Economics have gained a good reputation. As the first German university, Heidelberg University Egypt Chile And the United States Massachusetts And other places have established branch schools to expand the popularity of the school.
  • twenty-first century
The composition of Heidelberg University is: natural science sports science And most medical departments are located in the new campus of Neuenheimer Feld, and Humanities and Social Sciences The law school, the president's office and the university management building are located in the old city of Heidelberg. Other institutions of the university are scattered in and around Heidelberg.
On August 8, 2019, the medical school and hospital of the University of Heidelberg in Germany were affected by an academic scandal, and several senior personnel, including the dean of the medical school and the chief executive officer of the hospital, resigned. [10]

academic research


Research direction

The main research directions of the university: biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, medical history, social medicine and labor medicine Comparative pathology virology , general pathology and pathological anatomy forensic medicine pharmacology And pathology, hygiene, medical biostatistics, anthropology and human genetics, pediatrics, orthopedics, pediatric surgery medicine Gynecology Neurosurgery, Experimental Surgery, Urology Otolaryngology Ophthalmology psychiatry , Dentistry, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and mathematical logic Physical Chemistry Applied Physics Chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, astronomy Theoretical astrophysics , applied physics, high-energy physics, molecular genetics, botany, neurobiology, microbiology Cell Biology And biology Electron microscopy , zoology, mineralogy and petrology, geology and paleontology, German public law, foreign public law, international law, civil law, commercial law, labor law, criminology and criminal law, constitution and administrative law, political science, music, philosophy history medieval history East Asian art history, theoretical economics, rural development, psychology education , sociology, geography.

Research institutions

Heidelberg University is located in Heidelberg with a long history. As early as in the remote times of flood and famine, it has been the place where ancient people lived and lived. Today, Heidelberg is also a major scientific research base in Germany and even Europe.
List of research institutions
Scientific research institutions of Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Scientific Research Institute
Institute of Medical Technology (IMT)
Biochemistry Center (BZH)
Biological Research Center (Bioquant)
Organism Research Center Social Investment and Innovation Center (CSI)
Heidelberg American Research Center (HCA)
Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience (IZN)
Interdisciplinary Scientific Computing Center (IWR)
Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biology (IPMB)
Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Marsilius Memorial Research Center (MK)
South Asian Institute (SAI)
Information Research Institute (ZITI)
Center for Molecular Biology, University of Heidelberg (ZMBH)
Heidelberg University Astronomy Center (ZAH)
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Max Planck Medical Research Institute
Max Planck Institute of Foreign Public Law
Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Studies
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
German National Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences

Academic resources

The library of the university has more than 3 million books, including 14th century handwritten books, which are extremely precious.

School running conditions


School setting

At the beginning of its establishment, the university has four classic departments of theology, law, medicine and philosophy. It was not until 1890 that the Department of Natural Science became the fifth independent department. At present, Heidelberg University has developed 12 colleges (Fakult ä t) [19] , more than 100 disciplines, including university departments, research institutes and post doctoral research.
College setting
(Theologische Fakultät) [19]
School of Mathematics and Information
(Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik) [19]
law school
(Juristische Fakultät) [19]
College of Physics and Astronomy
(Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie) [19]
Academy of Economics and Social Sciences
(Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften) [19]
Academy of Chemical and Geographic Sciences
(Fakultät für Chemie und Geowissenschaften) [19]
School of Philosophy
(Philosophische Fakultät) [19]
Academy of Biological Sciences
(Fakultät für Biowissenschaften) [19]
School of Chinese
(Neuphilologische Fakultät) [19]
Heidelberg University Headquarters and University Hospital of Medical College
(Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg) [19]
Academy of Behavioral Sciences and Experimental Cultural Sciences
(Fakultät für Verhaltens- und Empirische Kulturwissenschaften) [19]
Mannheim Branch and Affiliated Hospital of Medical College
(Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim) [19]

Discipline setting

Department of Theology : Science theology major and Practical theology Profession, the former includes New Testament, church history, Christianity archaeology , teaching knowledge Systematic theology And other courses. In addition, there are Christian Research Office and Christian Chief Sacrifice Research Office.
Law Department : There are laws, foreign countries and international private law And economic law History of Law Social economic law criminal law Fiscal tax And German and European management law.
General Department of Medicine : There are various majors and departments under it. They are the Department of Natural Science and Medicine anatomy and Cellular organism Physiology, experimental zoology, biochemistry History of Medicine And other majors; Department of Theoretical Medicine, including medical law, human genetics and anthropology Pathology , Hygiene immunology And serology , medical biostatistics and informatics, working social medicine and other majors; clinical medicine Department I, medical clinic, general pathological , clinical surgery Anesthesiology neurosurgery , gynecology pediatrics and orthopedic surgery And other majors; Department of Clinical Medicine II, which includes neurology, psychology, psychosomatic medicine Ophthalmology Department , dermatology radiology Stomatology And later clinical medicine departments, including general medicine, ophthalmology, surgery, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, anesthesiology and surgical medicine, medical microbiology and hygiene, clinical radiology Pharmacology And toxicology, pediatric clinic Clinical chemistry , clinical medicine, clinical medicine Medical statistics Biomathematics and Information Processing Neurology Orthopaedic surgery, pathology Urology And mental health.
Department of Philosophy and History : Philosophy, history, Eastern European history, political science, art history, etc.
Department of Oriental and Ancient Studies : Oriental language Egyptology , Sinology, Japanese Studies, Classical Chinese Studies, Early History, Ancient History and Archaeology. New Philosophy Department: German Studies, English Language and Literature, Roman Studies, Medieval and New Age Latin Philosophy Slavic , linguistics, interpretation and translation, German as a foreign language and so on.
Department of Economics : Yes international economy And society Statistical comparison Learning History of Sociology and Economic History Etc.
Department of Social Behavior : Psychology, sociology, kinematics and Senile disease Students and other majors.
Natural Science Mathematics Department : Major includes Mathematics Department (Mathematics and applied mathematics Two majors), Department of Chemistry( Organic chemistry inorganic chemistry , Physical Chemistry, etc.), Pharmacy Department (Yes Pharmaceutical chemistry , Pharmacobiology, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics Department of Physics and Astronomy (including applied physics, physics, environmental physics High-energy physics Theoretical physics And theory Astrophysics Department of Biology (including biochemistry, botany, systematic plant and Phytogeography Botanical Garden Zoology microbiology molecular genetics Neurobiology cytology and biomedical science And so on) geology Department (including geology and paleontology, mineral petrology, sediment research, laboratory geological year research, geology, etc.).

Teaching construction

Heidelberg University hopes that foreign students can reach a certain level of German, so it arranges various seminars for them, with excellent teachers and teaching equipment. The courses are comprehensive and systematic, including Deutsche Grammatik Idioms, writing, discussion, and a brief history of Germany are popular with foreign students.

Social evaluation

  • national honor
  • On October 19, 2007, the second round of "elite university" selection in Germany was finally announced, and Heidelberg University became one of the nine elite universities in Germany.
  • On June 15, 2012, the third round (2012-2017) of "elite universities" in Germany was finally announced, and Heidelberg University was one of the new eleven elite universities in Germany.
  • International ranking

Cooperation with China

Heidelberg University has intercollegiate exchanges with many Chinese universities, including Peking University Tsinghua University The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University (Only applicable to Sinology and Undergraduate Political Economy) Nankai University (Only applicable to Sinology) Beijing Foreign Studies University (Only applicable to Sinology) Shanghai International Studies University (Only applicable to Sinology) Shanghai Jiaotong University On August 4, 2004, TsingHua Science Park ——The signing and cooperation ceremony of Heidelberg Science Park was held in the Innovation Building. Both parties will Information exchange , personnel exchange visits, technical exchanges between enterprises in the park and other aspects of in-depth cooperation. At Heidelberg University, affiliated with Orientalism And the Department of Sinology of the Institute of Ancient Culture Studies is a young department. Its ancient sinology major was established in the autumn and winter semester of 1962.
The first chair professor of the Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University is Bao Wugang Doctor, a book that won him wide reputation《 Chinese people's view of happiness 》, has been translated into Chinese and published several years ago. In 1993, Dr. Wagner, the third chief professor, won the Leibniz Prize awarded by the German Science Association, which was the first sinologist to win the highest academic award in Germany, and also won honors and financial resources for Sinology at Heidelberg University. In 1994, the Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University set up a new program on social and Economic History A non chief professor position in. So far, the Sinology Department of Heidelberg University has become one of the few Sinology departments in Germany with three professorships. Since its establishment 34 years ago, the Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University has trained more than 20 doctors and more than 100 masters. The Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University has two majors that can grant master's and doctor's degrees: ancient Sinology and modern Sinology. In addition, there are nearly 20 teachers in charge of teaching. The number of registered students is about 150. The Department of Sinology has a permanent visiting professor seat. So far, there have been Canada Scholars were invited to give guest lectures for 1-2 semesters, including Wu Xiaoru Liu Guisheng Xiong Yuezhi And many other Chinese professors.
Beijing Foreign Studies University and Shanghai International Studies University Each year, two professional teachers are sent to the Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University to serve as Chinese teachers, and the Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University sends students to study Chinese in the two universities. The Department of Sinology of Heidelberg University and the School of Social and Humanities Sciences of Tsinghua University communicated in the following way: Tsinghua scholars went to Heidelberg to give lectures, while Heidelberg doctoral students in Sinology came to Tsinghua for academic research.

Cultural tradition


Student life

Students enjoy a variety of sports activities in the university. In addition to ball games, track and field events and water sports, skiing, equestrian Western sword , gymnastics and other activities. In addition, universities also have drama Symphony Orchestra choir , media, bridge art, chess and other student associations.
There are 34 universities in Heidelberg fraternity Most of them were founded in the 19th century. On official occasions, members of the Brotherhood would wear ribbons and hats, and some of them stipulated that members should fight with swords. From the 19th century to the early 20th century, the fraternity played an important role in student life, but today students are no longer popular to join the club.

Student prison

The prison is called the "imperial palace" - the former punishment of troublemakers has become a popular attraction. Heidelberg University is not only academically outstanding, but also unique in the world Student prison
Specialized in punishing troublemakers, the student prison of Heidelberg University was built in 1712. At that time, the children who entered school were young and liked to be mischievous. They often ran after their neighbors' pigs and broke street lamps in the dead of night. According to the law, the police cannot shut them down, so the school set up a "prison" to correct the school spirit. Students are held for two to four weeks according to the severity of the "crime". Students can attend classes during the day when they are in prison. After class, they should stay in prison obediently. Interestingly, the students often get together in the cell to talk about the world, write poems, get along very happily, and form a deep friendship.
The walls are painted with head portraits. The whole prison is an old three storey building, which looks like other residential buildings from the outside. There is a well in the yard of the prison, but there is no kitchen in the prison. The students have to fetch water by themselves. Entering the gate is the staircase leading to the cell, and all the walls are painted in all colors. The students wrote down their names on the wall, the date of their confinement, and drew their own profiles; Some also created romantic poems and paintings... The naughty and frank language makes people laugh. For example, a medical college student seriously wrote: "The intern clinic is open! Dr. Schumacher".
The cell is called the "imperial palace". The cell door was removed and placed in the room for tourists to visit. The door was inlaid with photos of "prisoners". These photos, together with the words on the wall, became the mark of the era. What's more interesting is that each cell is named "Royal Hotel", "Villa", or even "Palace", and several characters are engraved on the door frame. It seems that the students are good at finding fun. More than 200 years later, today's Heidelberg University still attracts many foreign students to study here, relying on its rigorous style of study and strong social and cultural atmosphere. The former dark prison has become a tourist attraction, attracting 5 million tourists every year.

Outstanding alumni


Famous people

As of 2017, there are 29 Nobel Prize The winners have studied, taught or worked in Heidelberg University, and 11 professors won Nobel Prizes when they taught in Heidelberg University. In addition, the school has 18 students Leibniz Prize (The highest prize in the world) and two Oscar winners, as well as one Chinese alumnus Like a fierce Lin Later, he became a world-renowned educator and diplomat. [11]
In the history of the school, 5 alumni eventually became German Chancellor , digits Belgium Bulgaria Thailand , the United Kingdom and other countries have studied at the University of Heidelberg.
Heidelberg University has a large number of outstanding alumni in various disciplines, such as Karl von Bachmen, a neurosurgery expert and the founder of physical chemistry Gibbs Helmholtz (Hermann von Helmholtz)、 Bunsen (Robert Wilhelm Bunsen)、 Kirchhoff (Gustav Robert Kirchhoff) and Mendeleev musician Schumann (Robert Alexander Schumann); philosopher Feuerbach Hegel hans-georg gadamer poet Joseph von Eichendorff writer Carl Spitteler (Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler); sociologist weber

Nobel Prize Winner

12 students obtained Nobel Prize Professor:
  • Phili Lenard (Philipp Lenard), awarded the title of 1905 for proposing electron theory and cathode radiation phenomenon The nobel prize in physics
  • Albrecht Corsol (Albrecht Kossel), who made great achievements in protein and nucleic acid research, won the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
  • Atto Fritz Meyerhof, who made achievements in the research of biological reaction chain, won the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
  • Richard Cohen (Richard Kuhn), Achievements in vitamin research, 1938 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • Walther Bothe, who developed the coincidence method in physics, discovered the method of obtaining impulse when electrons emit photons, and the data of particle motion in cosmic rays and nuclear motion during nuclear reaction, won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • Hans Daniel Jensen (Hans Daniel Jensen) Nucleus He won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the structure of the nuclear layer.
  • George Witting won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his achievements in the research of natural material recycling.
  • Ernst Ulrich Petersmann, a famous international economic jurist and vice president of the European Society of International Law, World Trade Organization Legal Counsel. Doctor of Law, University of Heidelberg, now in European University College Teaching.
  • Bert Sakmann (Bert Sakmann), 1991 Irwin Nell Won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together.
  • Karl Ziegler Karl Waldemar Ziegler, who has made great contributions to the research of polymerization catalysts Giulio Natta They won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Harald zur Hausen (Harald zur Hausen), awarded in 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • Stefan Hale (Stefan Hell), in 2014, due to the "development of super resolution fluorescence microscope" and Eric Betziger William Mona And jointly won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Accommodation services

Over the past few hundred years, Heidelberg University has grown up gradually, and its campuses are scattered all over the city.

Study abroad


Schooling requirements

  • In China, 211 universities can directly apply for undergraduate courses after more than one semester, and one or two universities have more than three semesters. However, they should start from scratch, with non transferable credits, and the length of schooling is three years;
  • For domestic regular full-time undergraduate graduates, you can directly apply for the master's program, with the length of schooling of 2 years;
  • Domestic master graduates can apply for doctoral programs or master doctoral programs, but they need to be recommended by German professors. The length of schooling is 3-5 years.

Bonus information

  • Tuition: 1500 EUR/semester
  • University registration fee: 152.3 EUR/semester, 160 Euros for semester ticket.

linguistic condition

  • Defu 4 * 4 (2 * 4+2 * 5 for law/German literature)
  • IELTS 6.5-7.5 for English majors
  • Pass APS review [17]