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Song of Haiwarsaw

Long Poems by American Poet Longfellow
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The song of Haiwarsaw is a long poem. Longfellow (1855). Haiwarsaw was the son of the West Wind God in Indian mythology. His mother died with hatred after being abandoned by the West Wind God. When he grew up, Haiwarsaw had outstanding talents in archery, hunting, wrestling, etc. In order to avenge his mother, he defeated the West Wind God. After that, he went through hardships to end the battle among tribes, guide the people to dredge the river, eliminate the plague, plant corn and create culture. Finally, he advised the leaders of all ethnic groups to follow the preaching of the white priest and then leave their hometown. The long poem shaped the image of the Indian national hero Haiwarsaw. It is the first long poem on Indian history in American literature. There is a Chinese translation. [1]
Chinese name
Song of Haiwarsaw