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Fubi Building

Scenic spots on the west side of Peony Peak in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
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Fu Bi Lou (Korean: Ho Tan Fan/Fu Bi Lou) is located on the west side of the Peony Peak in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It was built in 393. Its name "Fu Bi" means floating on the green waters of the Datong River. Its tile roof is gray and vermilion columns, and the stone table inside can be used for rest. [2]
Fubi Tower is one of the eight sights in Pyongyang, a Korean legend《 Jin'ao Xinhua 》There was a "Drunken Tour of the Fubi Pavilion" that described this place. It is now the 17th national treasure of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Chinese name
Fubi Building
Foreign name
West of Mudan Peak, Pyongyang
Fubi Tower is one of the eight sights in Pyongyang
Fubi Building [1]