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Fushan Ridge

Scenic spots in Dianbai District and Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province
"Fushan is graceful and graceful" is one of the hundred scenic spots in southern Guangdong Maoming Famous ecotourism and agricultural sightseeing Tourist attractions
Fushan Ridge, yes Gaozhou And Electric white Boundary Mountain, north Gaozhou City Genzi Town south Electric white area Xiadong Town , there are five main peaks [1] , the highest is the southernmost main peak Altitude 941 meters in Xiadong Town, Dianbai District [2] , Yes Maoming suburbs Relative height The highest and steepest mountain. Fushan Ridge has beautiful mountains and waters, lush trees, and clear springs and streams, mist-shrouded , placed in it, like a fairyland.
Mountains stretch 24 square kilometre , located at the junction of Gaozhou City and Dianbai District; To the southwest and downtown of Maoming( Youcheng 6th Road The horizontal straight line is about 21.5km away from the municipal government gate.
Fushan Ridge still retains the memory of the pioneers of Lingnan Taoism Pan Maoming Chaoshi Temple, the training place for saving the people and becoming an immortal, and the camp of the southern heroine, Mrs. Xian Ying and Mrs. Xian Tai Xian Tai Temple It is located in the mountainside.
Around Fushan Ridge Gaozhou City Of Genzi Town Boundary town And electric white area Huangling Town , Xiadong Town Lintou Town The hills with an area of nearly 100 square kilometers are famous throughout the country litchi longan Base.
Chinese name
Fushan Ridge
Foreign name
Fu Shanling Mountain
geographical position
Fushanling, Xiadong Town, Dianbai District, Maoming City [6]
Opening Hours
All year round: 00:00-24:00 from Monday to Sunday
Scenic spot level
No grade (unknown)
Ticket Price
Free Admission
Famous scenic spot
Chaoshi Temple in Gaozhou Dianbai Chaoshi Temple Xiantai Temple (Gaozhou) Five Horses Return to the Job (E-white)
Wuzhiling (peak)
Dianbai District and Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province
The highest point on the top of the mountain
941m (within Xiadong Town, Dianbai District)

geographical position

Fushan Ridge, the highest peak is located at 111 ° 04 ′ 58.33 ″ E and 21 ° 46 ′ 57.67 ″ N.
Southwest and Maoming City Downtown( Youcheng 6th Road At the gate of the municipal government) Gaozhou City Downtown( Zhongshan Road At the gate of the municipal government) Electric white area Central urban area( Xiangyang Avenue The distance is about 30.6 km.
Beiji Yunkai Mountain Remaining vein, south of Langjiang Plain to the South China Sea, overlooking Hutou Mountain He Longtou Mountain is like Maoming There are two giant hands stretching out into the Pacific Ocean. Fushan Ridge is about 30 kilometers away from the sea. It is close to the downtown area of Maoming in the west and connected to the rolling hills in the southwest of Dianbai District in the east. [1]

Geology and geomorphology

Top view of Fushan Ridge
On the whole, Fushanling Mountains belong to hill The terrain, due to the uplift of the mountain ridge, is tall and steep relative to the low hills and flat places around.
Fushan Ridge has beautiful mountains and waters, lush trees, and clear springs and streams, mist-shrouded , placed in it, like a fairyland. The mountain has steep peaks and jagged rocks. There is a cave with an area of more than 70 square meters, standing like a pavilion. Lychee and longan on the hillside and at the foot of the mountain form a forest, with flowers and fruits. Pine, fir, maple, camphor, etc tree Ancient trees and everywhere Yamamoto camellia Hundreds of shrubs such as flowers; It breeds a trickle of streams, which converge into many clear pools [3]
Because the peak turns into five small peaks, which are very similar to human hands, it is also called Five Finger Ridge Fushan Mountain stands proudly with five fingers facing the sky, which is very imposing. When the heavy rain is coming, clouds and mist wind the middle of the mountain. The top of the mountain seems to be higher than the sky.
Relative height More than 800 meters is the highest and steepest mountain in the suburbs of Maoming. You must use handrails to climb the mountain, especially in the north, which is relatively high (the relative altitude is close to 900 meters).
The highest peak of Fushanling is located in Xiadong Town, Dianbai District, with an altitude of 941 meters.

Climatic characteristics

Fushanling is the "lung of the city" and "leisure and sightseeing resort" in the suburbs of Maoming. When you enter the mountain, you can fully suck fresh air Climbing to the top of the mountain, you can see the blue South China Sea and the prosperous and beautiful Maoming Oil City. At a close look, the lichen trees are sandy, the green leaves are misty with the wind, the farmyard has a panoramic view, the mountains, the sea, the city, the village, and the sky and water are one color, making people relaxed and happy. Fushan Ridge embraces a large amount of rain and clouds from the Pacific Ocean with its magnificent body and broad mind, and the mountains above the mountainside form a humid and rainy seaside Mountain climate And the unique scenery of the four seasons when the clouds are steaming and the fog is heavy.
Fushan Ridge is located in the middle south of Maoming, and the whole Fushan Ridge area is located in Northern tropics and South subtropical zone The transition zone of, Geomorphic type Complex, tropical and Subtropical monsoon climate Zone. The main climatic characteristics are: hot summer and warm winter, long summer, abundant rainfall, long rainy season, winter cold wave The invasion is occasionally severe cold, and drought is common in spring and autumn. During summer and autumn, typhoon storms and rain are frequent. Due to the north-south configuration of land and sea, the city is both continental and Marine climate Influence, northerly wind prevails in winter and prevails in summer Southeast wind , the monsoon is obvious [4]
It is located at the southernmost end of the subtropical zone, with abundant sunshine, rainfall and mild climate, Annual average temperature Above 21 ℃, the annual average precipitation is more than 1500 mm, and the annual average sunshine is more than 1600 hours. The spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall throughout the year is uneven, with more rainy days and less rainfall in spring; It is hot and rainy in summer, Thunderstorm days Multiple; It is cool and pleasant in autumn; The winter is dry with little rain and plenty of sunshine.

Humanistic history


Chaoshi Temple

Chaoshi Temple
Fushan There are as many as 10 large and small gullies in places with an altitude of more than 500 meters hillside The zone is a zone to attract and accommodate rain and clouds from the sea. Because of the high mountains and dangerous roads, people have rarely traveled since ancient times. You can hear the call of apes and birds nearby, and the cry of cranes in the distance... This extraordinary and refined fairyland is a famous legend Pan Maoming My hometown. The local people built the Chaoshi Temple on the site of Pan Xian's former residence in order to commemorate Pan Maoming's achievements in Fushan, such as "being transcendental and holy, and living in the world of Taoism", and his virtues of practicing alchemy and practicing medicine to help the world [1]

Xian Tai Temple

Xian Tai Temple
Fushan used to be Madam Xian The local people built Xiantai Temple, which is located on the right side of Chaoshi Temple, to commemorate her achievements. The temple has several wooden plaques donated by the people of the Qing Dynasty, several ancient couplets, and several military relics such as Lady Xian's martial arts stone. This camp is also located halfway up the mountain, next to Chaoshi Temple.


Epitaph of Fushan Mountain Revolutionary Historic Site in Six Successes and Three Wars
In 1947, in May, Wang Guoqiang, the military special commissioner of Mao Telecom of the Communist Party of China, led the Sixth Independent Company and fought three times with the Kuomintang armed forces in Fushanling, repelling several times the enemy of the Sixth Independent Company. At the end of the month, under the cover of darkness, they successfully withdrew and transferred their positions. In February 2006, the People's Government of Gaozhou City set up a monument at Fushanling to commemorate the battle.

Characteristic products

Around Fushan Ridge Gaozhou Municipal Genzi Town Boundary town Sishui Town and Electric white area Of Xiadong Town Lintou Town Huangling Town Maonan District Yangjiao Town The hills with an area of nearly 100 square kilometers are the famous lychees in China longan Base. The green leaves are whirling Litchi tree The longan trees form a sea, and you can't see the edge. In the warm spring season, thousands of trees, thousands of litchi trees and flowers bloom, and the wind is intoxicating like the sea; Cicadas chirp and litchi are ripe Low slope Overflowing red color“ The concubine smiles ”Offering White sugar poppy …… [3]

tourist resources

Fushan Ridge, also known locally as Wuzhi Ridge, is one of the hundred scenic spots in southern Guangdong, known as "Fushan Mountain is graceful and graceful" [1] Eco tourism and agriculture tourism The beautiful scenic spot is the back garden of Maoming. The main peak is 941 meters above sea level. It is located in Xiadong Town, Dianbai District (the data source is the article of the tourism channel of Maoming Municipal Government website). The mountains cover 24 square kilometers.
Fushan, also known as Fushan Ridge, is located in Gaozhou City Genzi Town And electric white area Xiadong Town At the junction of two towns and two counties (districts) Dividing line It is one of the hundred scenic spots in southern Guangdong. Lychee fargesii Tribute garden 15 kilometers, 21.5 kilometers away from Maoming downtown, 30 kilometers away from Dianbai central city, and 30 kilometers away from Gaozhou downtown. The mountain peak is in the shape of five fingers, with clouds and mist winding around it. It is strange and beautiful. Fushan has verdant vegetation and beautiful environment. Mountain springs, giant stones and secluded forests all have magical colors. There are rugged rocks, gurgling streams, lush forests, towering rocks, and green grass on the mountain, which are mysterious. Clouds and fog around the mountains, evening drums and morning bells. Lychee forest at the foot of the mountain is lovesick, and streams are murmuring. Its advantaged natural resources And historical and cultural relics make tourists linger. The whole scenic spot mainly includes Pan Xian's hometown, Fushan Fairy Spring, Xian Temple Lingguang Double dragons playing with pearls Tortoise Eight scenic spots, including birthday greetings, dragon beards offering auspicious gifts, immortals bathing in the lake, and sun watching on Fushan Mountain [5]
Pan Xian's Hometown
Pan Xianju and Xian Taimiao
Located behind Pan Village, Fushan Mountain, it is the first Taoist in Lingnan and the immortal in the Western Jin Dynasty Pan Maoming My hometown. Chaoshi Temple in the middle of Fushan, covering an area of 224 square meters, was built on the site of Pan Xian's former residence Memorial buildings Is the location of Pan Xian's former residence. Pan Xian spent his whole life practicing medicine to help the world and save lives, and finally became an immortal. His profound moral cultivation and alchemy plague The deeds of expelling Yin and eliminating miasma, helping all living beings and curing the people were praised by the people and praised by the imperial court at that time. In order to celebrate the achievements of Pan Maoming, the later imperial court named the states and counties of Pan Maoming's hometown after his surname and first name, which is the Tang Dynasty Panzhou And the Sui Dynasty Maoming County And today Maoming City This is Chinese history Above common people The earliest record of naming places. There are many legends about Pan Xian in Gaozhou.
Fushan Fairy Spring
Fushan Fairy Spring is located in Shuibo Cave of Fushan, which is a giant rock fissure of natural structure Fountain A pool is formed under the spring. The water in the pool is clear and transparent, sweet and sweet, and it is always full in the four seasons. The moon shines in the pool at night, and the jade plate reflects. Bathing in the pool in summer is like bathing in a jade pool, which makes people feel extraordinary and refined. It is said that Pan Xian used this spring to make pills when he was meditating in Fushan Mountain, so he got the name "Xianquan".
Xian Temple Lingguang
Xian Tai Temple
Fushan is also a place for all generations of military strategists Baiyue Clan leader Madam Xian Once stationed troops and camped here. The villagers built it in memory of Madame Xian's security and safety Xian Tai Temple The temple is located at the foot of Fushan Longxu Rock, on the right side of Chaoshi Temple. It was built in the Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years Cultural relics protection unit Xian Tai Temple covers an area of 1258 square meters. There is a colorful statue of Madam Xian in the temple Manchu Several wooden plaques and couplets donated by the people of the times, as well as several military relics such as Lady Xian's martial arts stone. Temple couplet“ Doorset The official ranks of the three officials are also obvious, and God is in Xian'an, the county of two counties ”It was named by Huang Yachuan in the Manchu Dynasty. Above the main entrance of the main hall, there is a horizontal plaque, which reads“ Fushan Ciyun ”The shape and strokes are vigorous, which is integrated with the majesty and precipitousness of Fushan Mountain. Over the years, Mrs. Xian's heroine The image is admired by the world, so the Temple of Xian Tai in Fushan has also attracted a large number of believers and good women from around the world to worship, and incense is in its heyday. Xian Temple was built by the villagers at the original temple site. Every Double Ninth Festival, there are more people here Believers Like a tide.
Double dragons playing with pearls
This is Shuanglong Stream on the north side of Fushan Ridge. Both streams originate from the mountainside on the north side of Fushan Ridge The Double Dragon Cave The two streams are winding down like two dragons playing in the distance. The stream is clear and cold, the spring is sweet, the jade is splashed, the rainbow is misty, and the color is beautiful.
A turtle wishes a birthday
This scene is located in Fushan Ridge, which is really in the mountains Holy Turtle Stone This stone has the same shape Giant tortoise , prostrate in the mountains. The green moss on the stone is like a thousand year old turtle Above Green fur. There is an old banyan on the turtle, Air root It droops and grows into many new trees. The single tree becomes a forest, intertwined, firmly growing on the turtle. It is said that the turtle immortals in the South China Sea traveled on the Fushan Mountain. They were obsessed with the beautiful scenery of their roots, and were unwilling to leave. They turned into stones to pray for people's health and longevity.
Dragon whiskers offer auspicious gifts
This scene is located in Fushan Ridge Half hillside At the Dragon Whisker Rock, the rock is 65 meters high, as straight as an axe, majestic and precipitous. In the cracks in the middle of the fault rock, there is a cluster tenaciously growing green grass The grass will not wither after a long drought, will not wither after a long rain, and will be evergreen at all times. It is said that this grass is Dragon King Dexu, therefore Eulaliopsis binata In every drought year, as long as the dragon's whiskers are shaken, the sky will drop dew.
Immortal Bathing Lake
It is located behind the former site of Pan Xian, and is formed by the surrounding mountains and streams. It is surrounded by forests and trees, full of wild interest. The lake is wide and clear. The lake is as flat as a mirror. The scenery of the lake is reflected in the lake. On rainy days, the fog in the lake is dense and indistinct, which is suspected to be the Yaochi on earth. It is said that when Pan Xian was in Fushan, he often bathed in this lake, so he was named Immortal Bath Lake.
Viewing the Sun on Fushan Mountain
Dawn on Fushan Mountain
Standing on the top of the peak, you can overlook from afar. In the northwest, there are lichen forests and green waves, and you can have a panoramic view of the scenery of lichen township. Just to the east, the South China Sea returns to the sail. In the early morning, the sun rises in the east, the rays are bright, the clouds are fluttering, the sea and the sky are uniform in the distance, and the sails are dotted, which makes people relaxed and happy.

Mountain climbing route

Generally speaking, there are two ways to go to Fushan Mountain for sightseeing and climbing the peak.
everything Genzi Town Climbing route, that is, from the mountain Genzi Town in the north set out. Reach the foot of the mountain, climb up the cement road that has been repaired in the mountain, and then climb along the path in the mountain until reaching the top of the mountain. And Fushan Ridge is a famous scenic spot, such as Chaoshi Temple in Pan Xian's hometown Xian Tai Temple They are all located on this route. You can visit and enjoy them before climbing to the top of the mountain.
When the south side of Dianbai reaches the top of the mountain
Second Xiadong Town Climbing route, that is, from the mountain Xiadong Town in the south set out. There is a primary school at the foot of the mountain, which can be used as a starting point for mountain climbing. Forests, reservoirs, canyons, waterfalls, waterwheels and strange stones, as well as magical ancient culture, are mostly distributed in the south of the mountain, which has retained the original ecological appearance Gaozhou The developed route on the north side, Electric white The climbing route on the south side is difficult to walk. Most of the routes are covered with Weeds And thorny mountain roads. Among them, the route of Dianbai District is the most beautiful, with the south side Altitude The 966m main peak is on the side of Dianbai District, and the best viewing spot of Fushan Ridge - Wuma Guicao, Dianbai Chaoshi Temple, windmill, online mangrove and other famous scenic spots are also in Dianbai District)