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Romantic novel

Terminology in the field of literature
As a literary trend of thought, romanticism came into being and became popular in Europe from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. It was the time of bourgeois revolution. The bourgeoisie was in the rising period, demanding individual liberation and emotional freedom, resisting the rule of feudalism politically, and opposing the shackles of classicism in literature and art. In order to meet this need, Romanticism came into being.
Chinese name
Romantic novel
Foreign name
The romantic novel

Basic Introduction

Romantic novel writing shows the following characteristics: in reflecting the attitude of life, it emphasizes the expression of the writer's ideal and idealized life in the form of novels; In the characterization, it is required to portray the ideal characters in the ideal world through the ideal life picture; In terms of artistic expression methods, they often take the form of fantasy and imagination, bizarre plot, bold exaggeration, etc., which makes the works have a strong lyric nature and strong mythical color.
In short, it is a novel created according to the principles and methods of Romanticism. Romanticism is idealism in essence, and its basic feature is that "in the sense of being extracted from the objective reality, plus what is inferred, desired, and possible according to the hypothetical logic, it makes the image fuller."


The term "romanticism" evolved from the adjective "romantic". And the adjective "romantic" is transformed from the French "Romantic" ("legendary" or "novel"). According to available data, in 1654, British talents first used the word "romantic", which was "legendary", "fanciful" and "untrue", obviously containing negative connotation of derogatory meaning. It was not until the 18th century that the word gradually became positive Commendatory words It is used to evaluate works and acquire such an additional meaning as "pleasant melancholy".
George Sang, a famous French Romantic female writer, once said to Balzac, a master of critical realism, "You are both capable and willing to describe human beings as you see. OK! On the contrary, I always feel that it is necessary to describe it according to what I hope for human beings and what I believe human beings should have." George? Sang's words show that she follows a different creative method from realism in her creation, which is romanticism. The basic feature of romanticism is idealism, which reflects life according to the style that the writer thinks life should have, and therefore always describes objects or idealized objects ideally.
Because they want to reflect the life that "human beings should have", the romantic writers' subjective feelings are particularly strong, and their love and hatred are extremely clear; In order to express strong feelings, romantic writers often use warm fantasy and bold exaggeration to describe the colorful ideal world with strange imagination and magnificent language.


Romanticism can be divided into positive romanticism and negative romanticism due to the different nature of ideals.

Positive Romanticism

The ideal of positive romanticism is consistent with the trend of social development and the wishes and requirements of the people, so it can encourage people to transform reality and strengthen their will to fight. Golgi Said: The application of romanticism can beautify human nature, overcome bestiality and improve human self-esteem. Qu Yuan Li Sao, Li Bai's poetry, Wu Chengen Journey to the West, Guo Moruo Goddess is the representative work of this kind of romanticism in China. The ideal of negative romanticism reflects the hostility of the declining class to the real change and social progress.
Positive romantic writers dare to face up to reality, criticize the darkness of society, target the feudal aristocracy, oppose the remaining feudal factors in capitalist society, and expose various evil phenomena caused by the bourgeoisie itself, so they are full of passion for resistance and fighting, place their dreams in the future, yearn for a new and better life, and some are in favor of utopian socialism. The Dai Mai writers include Britain's Byron, Shelley Hugo and George Sang of France, Heine of Germany, and Russia Pushkin Polish Adam Mickiewicz And Hungarian Pei Duofei wait. Their life practice and artistic practice were all connected with the bourgeois democratic revolutionary thought at that time and the national liberation movements in various countries. Most writers were active participants in these national liberation movements.

Negative romanticism

Negative romanticism writers always beautify and cherish the social life and system that has disappeared. They imagine that history can regress according to their wishes, so they are pessimistic in thought and sad in mood. The content of their works is nostalgic, escapist, or trapped in mysticism. In art, the style is low and the color is dark, often covered with a layer of trance with no reality whatever The curtain of gauze. English in the 19th century Lakeside poets His works belong to this category.
Negative romantics are not. They can't face up to the sharp contradictions of social reality and adopt a passive attitude of escape. Their thoughts are linked with the ideology of the overthrown feudal noble class. They set out to fight against the bourgeois single life movement, oppose the current situation, nostalgia for the past, beautify the medieval patriarchal system, and fantasize about seeking spiritual comfort and sustenance from the ancient feudal society. The emergence of negative romanticism,. In fact, it is a reflection of the downfall of the feudal nobility in literature. The representative writers are the German Schlegel brothers, namely O Schlegel and F Schlegel, Novalis, and the French Chardonnay Brion, LaMartin , Winnie, Russia has Zhukovsky, Britain has william wordsworth Coleridge Saosai , etc.


The Romantic trend of thought in Europe came into being under the historical conditions of people's disappointment with the "kingdom of reason" of the Enlightenment, disillusionment with the slogan of "freedom, equality and fraternity" in the bourgeois revolution and dissatisfaction with the capitalist social order. The reality at that time, as Engels pointed out: "Compared with the magnificent promises of enlightenment scholars, the social and political systems established by the 'victory of reason' were a very disappointing satire." Writers at that time were dissatisfied with the reality and tried to find ways to solve social conflicts.
However, due to the different class positions and political attitudes held by the writers, there are two opposing schools of thought in romanticism, namely, positive romanticism and negative romanticism. The former is the trend of progress, which leads people to look forward, while the latter is a reactionary countercurrent, which leads people to look back. This difference, in essence, was two different responses to the French Revolution and the Enlightenment at that time.

Development and change

Romantic writing method has existed since ancient times. As a literary trend of thought, it was formed at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism and monasticism was quite fierce. It advocated "natural human rights" and demanded "personality liberation". In literature, it opposed classicism and advocated innovation and creation.
When Hugo's romantic work "Onani" was put on stage, it caused a sensation in the French literary world. From then on, it defeated classicism and established the position of romantic works. After the proletariat gained power, the creative method of revolutionary romanticism was affirmed and advocated, and many excellent works were produced.

In the UK

The most complete, standardized and successful Romantic trend of thought is Britain. British Romantic Movement Compared with other countries, it has the following characteristics:; First of all, British romanticism did not form a large-scale literary movement, but it emerged in the form of free activities of a few writers. Secondly, British romanticism has a long history, just like a small river, which has been murmuring for 150 years.
As early as the end of the 18th century William Blake (1757 -- 1827) and Robert Burns (1759 -- 1796), a farmer poet and others, revealed the signs of romanticism in their poems, culminating in the poems of Byron and Shelley in the 1920s, until the end of the 19th century Queen Victoria (1837-1901) In the era of governance Tennyson Robert Browning And his wife Elizabeth Barrett Browning Residual sound Thirdly, British romanticism is clearly divided into two opposing factions. Negative romanticism came to the stage of literature and art before positive romanticism william wordsworth Coleridge, Saosai The opposite is Byron, Shelley Keats As a representative of the active romanticist.

In France

The pioneers of romanticism are Rousseau He preached the supremacy of emotion and the goodness of human nature. In response to his slogan of "returning to nature", a group of writers expressed their feelings of nature, described the charm of nature, and expressed their love, pursuit and attachment to beautiful things, free ideals and local areas. The representative of French early romanticism is Chardonnay Brion. His works recall the past ideals, publicize the power of religion, and show strong negative thoughts and emotions.
1800 Mme de Stael She published her book On Literature and introduced her views on romanticism. In this and another book, On Germany, she raised the issue of Romantic nationalism, which laid the theoretical foundation of French Romanticism. The successful performance of Hugo's preface to Cromwell and the play El Nani marks the victory of romanticism over classicism. Hugo's works are magnificent, with a strong idealistic color, showing deep sympathy for the middle and lower class people. They are masterpieces of French and European romantic literature. george sand Novels that express utopian socialist ideals and expose the omnipotence of money are also excellent works in French romantic literature.

In Germany

Romanticism still originated in Germany and England. The main manifestation of romanticism is the period of rapid advance in Germany. Schlegel brothers became leaders of German romanticism in the last decades of the 18th century. The publication Athena Temple edited by Schlegel brothers is promoting Romantic Movement It played an important role in propaganda and theoretical construction, and was called Jena Romanticism. They demand the liberation of personality, advocate the freedom of creation, and propose to break the boundaries of various arts. But their romanticism theory has strong subjective idealism and religious mysticism.
Another school of German romanticism is the Heidelberg school. Representative figures include Alnim, Brentano and the Green Brothers. They attach importance to folk literature, go deep into folk songs and fairy tales Romantic Literature Development has played a positive role. In addition, Hoffman Holdrin , Heine Goethe Schiller and others also played an important role in German romantic literature. The main representatives of British romanticism are Lakeside poets william wordsworth Coleridge Saosai william wordsworth In the preface to the second edition of Lyric Ballads, poetry was regarded as "the natural expression of strong feelings", which later became the declaration of British Romantic poets. Early 19th century English Romantic Literature Represented by Byron Shelley and Keats wait forsomeone. They attacked the feudal church forces, showed the democratic tendency of striving for freedom and progress, and developed and enriched the form and rhythm of romantic poetry in art. Representative in the novel Scott He is good at combining historical events with bold imagination to create rich and colorful pictures.
Under the influence and promotion of western European romanticism, Russian poet Zhukovsky broke the norms of classicism in the early 19th century and created many beautiful lyrics and narrative poems, which played an important role in the rise of Russian romanticism. December Party poets and Pushkin Lemontov His early romanticism creation is full of revolutionary passion, eulogizing the ideas of anti autocracy and fighting for freedom, and is an outstanding representative of Russian romanticism literature. The Romantic Literature of Eastern Europe was written by A Mitzkevich And the Hungarian revolutionary poet S Pei Duofei As a representative, their works have distinctive patriotism and strong national characteristics. After the middle of the 19th century, European romantic literature was gradually Realistic Literature Replaced by.

Features of works

Focusing on expressing the subjective ideal of writers, expressing strong personal feelings, advocating nature, eulogizing the beauty of nature, contrasting with the capitalist urban civilization, whipping the ugliness of the real society, attaching importance to folk literature, using exaggeration, pursuing a strong contrast between beauty and ugliness, and surprising the artistic effect.

mode of artistic creation

As a creative method, romanticism focuses on the subjective inner world in reflecting the objective reality, expresses the passionate pursuit of the ideal world, and uses passionate language, magnificent imagination and exaggeration to shape the image. The purpose of romanticism is opposite to "reason". Its main feature is to focus on the expression of personal feelings, and its form is less restrictive and free and unrestrained. Romanticism transcends reality by means of fantasy or retro.
In the performance of reality, it emphasizes subjectivity and subjectivity, focuses on the performance of the ideal world, puts emotion and imagination in the first place of creation, and often uses enthusiastic and unrestrained language, imagination beyond reality and exaggeration to shape the image in the ideal. Literary and artistic creation at all times and in all countries has this feature from the beginning. Such as China Qu Yuan Li Bai's poems and Wu Chengen Journey to the West, German Goethe Schiller, Hugo and george sand Byron and Shelley Their works all have distinctive romantic characteristics.