John Keats

19th century English poets
zero Useful+1
synonym Keats (Keats) generally refers to John Keats
John Keats (English: John Keats, October 31, 1795 - February 23, 1821), an English poet in the early 19th century, was a major member of the Romantic School. [1]
He studied at King's University in London in 1815 and began writing in 1817. From 1818 to 1820, Isabella was completed successively《 Night of Saint Agnes 》"Hai Bi Lang"《 Ode to Nightingale 》《 Ode to Ancient Greek Urn 》《 Ode to Autumn 》And other works. On February 23, 1821, he died of tuberculosis in Rome, Italy, at the age of 25. [1]
Keats and Shelley Byron Equal reputation, praised as Europe romanticism The representative of sports. [2]
Chinese name
John Keats
Foreign name
John Keats
one's native heath
London, UK
date of birth
October 31, 1795
Date of death
February 23, 1821
University one is graduated from
King's University London
Representative works
Endimand, Ode to Nightingale, Ode to Ancient Greek Urn

Character experience

Keats Manuscript: Brilliant Stars
John Keats was born in London, England, on October 31, 1795. At the Eiffeld School, Keats received the traditional formal education. In terms of reading and writing, Keats was encouraged by teacher Clark. Young Keats loved Virgil very much. At the age of 14, he translated Virgil's long Latin poem "The Age of Aeneas" into English. [3]
In 1810, Keats was sent to become an apprentice of a pharmacist. In 1815, Keats was admitted to King's College, London University, but within a year, Keats gave up his wish to become a doctor and concentrated on writing poetry. His early works were mostly imitations. [4]
In 1816, he met and was influenced by poets such as Lee Hunter and Shelley; In May, he published his first poem "Oh, Loneliness! If I had to live with you" in Hunter's The Inquirer; In November, despite the objection of his guardian, he gave up practicing medicine and specialized in writing poetry, thus embarked on the road of abandoning medicine and writing poetry. [3]
John Keats Tombstone
In March 1817, with Shelley's help, he published the first poetry anthology, Poetry, which included Keats's first poem, To Spencer, and other sonnets. The poetry anthology received some praise, but some extremely harsh offensive comments were published on the influential magazine Blackwood's magazine at that time. Keats was not frightened. He printed the new poetry collection Endymon in the spring of the next year. [4]
In the summer of 1818, Keats traveled to the north of England and Scotland. On the way, he got news that his brother Tom was seriously ill pulmonary tuberculosis Keats rushed home to take care of Tom immediately; At the end of the year, Tom died, and Keats moved to a Hampstead My friend's house. [5]
In 1818, he created the original "Shark Hotel" with seven syllables in each line; [6] In 1819, he successively published Ode to Autumn, Cruel Girl, Ode to Nightingale and Ode to Ancient Greek Urn [6] "Ode to Burnout", "Ode to Melancholy", "Isabella", "Night before Saint Anis Day", sonnet "Day Gone", long poem "Endymon", "Sea Wall Lang", etc. [7]
In March 1820, Keats coughed up blood for the first time. On February 23, 1821, shortly after that, he died in Rome, Italy, due to rapidly deteriorating tuberculosis. His letters, manuscripts and other works are mainly collected in the Hutton Library of Harvard University, some in the British Library, Keats Memorial in North London, etc. [4]

Personal life

family background
When Keats was a teenager, his parents died one after another. He has three younger brothers (one of whom died prematurely) and a younger sister, but the grief of losing his parents prematurely has always affected Keats. [4]
At the end of 1818, Keats moved to a friend's house in Hampstead, where he fell in love with his neighbor, Fanny Brown. Fanny Brown is a beautiful, lively and kind eighteen year old girl with a quick, intelligent and witty mind. She sincerely loves Keats. The next year, Keats was engaged to Fanny. But his deteriorating health and meager economic income made marriage impossible, which made him in great pain. In the autumn of 1820, the doctor suggested that he must live in a warmer place. Keats came to Rome accompanied by his friends. In February 1821, Keats died of illness in Rome. After receiving the message, Fanny Brown was devastated. She mourned for Keats for seven years, and until her death, she always wore the engagement ring that Keats gave her. [3] [8]
The epitaph of Keats is: Here lies one who name was written in water.
English: This place is famous for writing on water.
This is the epitaph Keats wrote for himself. [9]

Main works

Type of work
Completion time
Ode to laziness
Ode to Nightingale
Ode to Ancient Greek Urn
Melancholic ode
Ode to Autumn
1819 [10]
Eulogize peace
To Chatterton
To Byron
Written on the day of Mr. Lee Hunt's release from prison
Oh, lonely! If I have to live with you
How many poets have gilded time
To a friend who gave me roses
Accept the laurel from Lee Hunter
To the girls - they see me wearing the laurel
For a man trapped in the city for a long time
To George Keats
First Reading of Chapman's Translation of Homer's Epics
The piercing cold wind whirls in the forest
See off friends in the early morning
For my two brothers
To Hayden (I)
To Hayden (II)
Be disgusted with the superstition of the world
Katydids and crickets
To Koschushko
To G A.W.
Ah! My true love - on a beautiful summer night
The long winter has passed and the clouds are gloomy
On the last page of Chaucer's story "Flowers and Leaves"
My first impression of Erjin stone carving
Poetry Presented to Mr. Lee Hunter
Chant the sea
Portrait of Wing Le Ende
How happy Britain is! I feel genuinely satisfied
Feeling about Sitting down to Reread the "King of Asia"
I'm afraid I might have to stop breathing
Give -
To Spencer
Man's season
Visit Burns Tomb
Written in the cottage where Burns was born
To Elsa Rock
Written on the top of Ben Nevis
To Homer
Why am I laughing tonight? No sound to draw
Chanting Dreams - Reading Paul and Franche by Dante
After Scar's Story
Sleep inducing
Celebrate (I)
Celebrate (2)
If English poetry must be restricted by rhyme
To Fanny
The day is gone, and all sweetness has been lost!
1819 [10]
Bright stars
1821 [11]
Sleep and Poetry
To Emma
Yong Mermaid Hotel
Fairy's Song
Daisy's song
Where are you going, Devonshire girl?
Robin Hood - To a friend
Ode to a poet
Cold witch
1819 [10]
narrative poem
1818 [12]
On the eve of Saint Anis Day
1819 [10]
1819 [7]
1819 [13]
1821 [14]

Publishing books

  • Author name John Keats
    Work time 2009-1
    Ode to the Nightingale is a poem by John Keats, an English poet. The whole poem consists of eight sections. He began to write that the poet himself listened to Yingge and was in a magnificent fantasy state. Then he wrote that he drank wine and became very poetic. He floated away with nightingales in poetic reverie. He lay drunk in the flowers late at night and the fragrance came from his face. The poet was happy and relaxed. He wished to leave the world at this point. Every man dies, but the nightingale's song never dies. When I think of this, my dream ends and I return to reality. For Keats, he
  • John Keats: Selected Poems
    Author name John Keats
    When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in the midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man to whom thou say'st "Beauty is tr...
  • Bright stars
    Author name John Keats
    Work time 2005-1
    70 Lyric English Poetry Classics spanning seven centuries 37 of the greatest English poets wrote the most touching melody of love From then on, bright stars shine in heaven on earth Fu Hao (1963 -), born in Xi'an and originally in Wuhan. Graduated from the English Department of Peking University and the Foreign Languages Department of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Doctor of Literature. Researcher of Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, member of Chinese Writers Association; University of Middlesex

Creation characteristics


Idea of works

Love and beauty are John Keats's lifelong spiritual pursuit. John Keats shows his persistent pursuit of eternal love and beauty in his five long narrative poems Endymon, Lamia, Sea Wall, Eve of Saint Anis Day and Isabella, which represents the artistic achievements of Keats' poetry. These five long poems not only play an important role in Keats' poetry creation, but also show a distinctive artistic style compared with the romantic poets Byron and Shelley at the same time. Although Keats' short life was full of "fatigue, fever, and anxiety", he still built a world of love and beauty in his long poems.
1、 The love in Keats' works is first expressed in the description and pursuit of romantic love. The love in Keats's poetry can also be understood as the concern and reflection on the universal spiritual predicament of mankind.
2、 Keats did not elaborate on the essence of "beauty" in his short life. Perhaps similar to Plato's understanding of beauty, the beauty in Keats's long poems is "the highest idea that covers everything and governs everything". This concept of beauty includes not only works of art, but also human behavior and thought; Beauty is both concrete and abstract.
Conclusion: Keats constructed a world of love and beauty in his long poems, which enabled him to face the difficult reality with an optimistic attitude. Keats lost his parents when he was young. When he grew up, his third brother died early. His younger sister lived in other places and was unhappy. The second brother immigrated to America and struggled to survive. Keats himself contracted lung disease while taking care of his younger brother. After the publication of his poetry collection, he was viciously attacked by critics. The coming tribulations damaged Keats' physical and mental health, and eventually died young in poverty and disease. However, facing the suffering in reality, Keats did not give up his pursuit of love and beauty. It was the suffering in reality that prompted him to pursue love and beauty in an artistic way. Therefore, it can be said that the suffering life is the catalyst for his poetic thinking, which prompted Keats to build an artistic world in which love and beauty are intertwined in poetic art. [15]

Creative technique

Keats' works directly express the conflicts in life. The author does not just talk about his troubles, but shows the world full of "fatigue, fever and anxiety" in front of readers. The author draws a bleak and sad picture with indignation. The sadness of the world and the happiness of the nightingale form a sharp contrast, which strongly sets off the author's praise of the eternal beauty and shows his humanistic tendency and views. In his works, the combination of reality and ideal forms his unique creative style. Keats has been pursuing beauty all his life. He allowed his imagination to pursue in mystery, so he never forgot his responsibility for the whole society. Many of Keats's works deeply express the tragedies in life. He denounces the society, tries to show the evil side of human nature, and shows the real tragedy of that period.
In his early poems To George Keats and Ode to Peace, he described the reality; In his later works, such as Endymont and Lamia, this sense of reality is even more obvious. Especially in Ode to the Nightingale, the conflict and grief in reality are vividly displayed. In this work, Keats first describes the wonderful world in which the hero is filled with songs and laughter. Nightingales sing freely in nature, expressing the beauty of life with euphemism. Hearing the singing of birds, the hero was overjoyed at the beginning, followed by grief. He suffered terribly from the disease. Hearing the nightingale singing happily, he felt sad when comparing his situation.
At the beginning of his creation, Sleep and Poetry was one of his successful works. With his profound observation and profound thinking, he shows the conflict and correlation between sleep and writing. Sleeping is a state in which the human brain is in an uncontrolled state, and poetry creation is a high-level mode of human consciousness; The two are completely different and seem to have nothing to do with each other. But Keats regards these two aspects as two interrelated and inseparable aspects in artistic creation from a unique perspective. In his opinion, the imagination in sleep is extraordinary and can be seen as poetry.
In his later works, especially the six outstanding "ode poems", Keats' philosophical views were vividly expressed, and "Ode to Melancholy" was one of them. Keats naturally incorporated his own feelings into the poem with his incisive and original comments and various literary rhetorical devices, making the whole work unique, meaningful and thought-provoking; At the end of the work, he left a unique and touching golden advice: she coexists with "beauty" - the "beauty" doomed to wither. By means of personification, the author shows the three personalities of "beauty", "happiness" and "comfort" vividly, which makes people marvel; "Joy" always makes a farewell appearance to people, and keeps with sadness; "Pleasure" and grief coexist, so "the joy of pain". The author further shows that the duality of life - depression and happiness depend on each other. Only by working hard to pursue happiness, and at the same time having the courage and strength to be brave, can we truly realize the true meaning of life. Although the ending of the work is pessimistic - those who try the "joy fruit" with courage eventually become another kind of "melancholy" people, readers can still feel the author's painstaking care: why human life is so precious is because happiness and sorrow exist at the same time, regardless of each other. [16]

Form of work

Keats's works are full of philosophy. The author uses his own wisdom and the insights obtained from his deep observation and reflection on life. Keats has been trying to experiment with the innovation and improvement of poetic style all his life, hoping that the form and content of poetry can be perfectly integrated to create beautiful works. Therefore, when he creates, he will certainly choose the creation form that is consistent with the content, and strive to combine the form and content to express his thoughts. Sonnet is a form that he often used in his early creation. This kind of poem is divided into the first eight lines and the last six lines to express different views. The Bright Star, written by Keats, adopts this poetic style. The poetry has a profound realm and deep meaning. The two views are clearly compared, which can be called an outstanding masterpiece in sonnets.
Keats paid special attention to the form of poetry. He carefully improved it and adopted the form of poetry consistent with the content. For example, in "The Cold Demon Girl", he adopted the form of medieval folk songs. He simplified the last line of each section to make the rhythm of the work faster and the rhythm of the poem more beautiful. Moreover, the short sentences implied the meaning of twists and turns, focusing on showing the cunning of the demon girl and the misery of the knight in the work, which was consistent with the gloomy and sad atmosphere of the poem. In the Night Before Agnes Festival, he added numbers to the last line of each section, making the rhythm of the whole work slow and powerful, and the narrative and description of the poem become deep and exquisite, showing a multi angle life scene.
After continuous innovation, Keats has developed the form of expression of lyric poetry. In addition to lyric by scenery, there are instant lyric and chanting lyric. The former is more common in his narrative poems. In Isabella, there are many lyrical chapters. For example, section 30 tells the tragic scene of the hero after his lover was killed. The author's description of these contents is very powerful, which expresses his deep hatred of the world's sins and his deep sympathy for the poor people. Although his chanting poems are very rare, they play an important role in his works, including Ode to the Greek Urn. This work not only describes the appearance characteristics of the ancient urn, but also focuses on the paintings carved on it. Keats integrates chanting, landscape painting and lyricism, which makes the whole work show unique artistic charm. [16]

Character influence

Keats put forward the proposition that "beauty is truth, truth is beauty" in Ode to an Ancient Greek Urn, which has a great impact on the creation of lyric poetry in later generations. [17]
Keats had an influence on English literature in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He influenced many poets and artists from three aspects: rich sensory description, comfortable and quiet expression of medieval ideals, art and thought, or the paradox of thought and secular. The poets and artists deeply influenced by Keats mainly include: Romantic poets Thomas Hood Alfred Tennyson, a Victorian poet in England, D. G. Rossetti, a former Raphaelite poet and painter, w. B. Yeats, a symbolic poet, and Wilfred Owen, a young poet who died in World War I. Keats provided their poems with creative inspiration, poetic writing skills, story content and theme style. [18]

Character evaluation

English poets Percy Bysshe Shelley He was originally a part of "beauty", and this "beauty" was once more lovely by him.
Lebanese writer Khalil Gibran Keats should say that his reputation as a sleeper here is cast in the sky by fire. [9]
Chinese writer Tu'an It is hard to predict what kind of achievements he will achieve if the weather lends itself to the new year. But it is generally acknowledged that when he stopped writing at the age of 24, his contributions to the poetry world have greatly exceeded those of the same age Chaucer Shakespeare and Milton [9]
Daniel S. Burt, American writer: Except Milton, no other English poet has had such a profound impact on later generations as Keats. [11]

Commemoration for future generations

Keats House
The former residence of Keats in London is located in the Hampstead District in the northwest. In Keats' time, it was a remote suburban village, surrounded by forests and grasslands. Keats lived here for a short time. In December 1818, Keats' younger brother Tom died of tuberculosis, and his friend Brown took him to his home to live with him, which is now Keats' former residence. Keats left this house for a time, and then lived in it until he left for Italy in September 1820. Here, he wrote his most important works, such as On the Eve of Saint Anis Festival, Sea Wall Lang, etc. [19]
Main works
Keats' letters, manuscripts and other works are mainly collected in the Hutton Library of Harvard University, some in the British Library, Keats Memorial in North London, etc. [4]