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Jinan Municipal People's Government

State Administration of Jinan, Shandong Province
Jinan Municipal People's Government is Shandong Province of the People's Republic of China Jinan City Is the executive organ of the Jinan Municipal People's Congress; When the Jinan Municipal People's Congress is not in session, it shall be responsible for and report on its work to the Standing Committee of the Jinan Municipal People's Congress, and exercise its administrative functions and powers according to law. [1]
The staff of Jinan Municipal People's Government are composed of the mayor, vice mayors, secretary-general, bureau directors, committee directors, etc. The mayor is responsible for the work, and is under the leadership of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Each term of office is five years. [1]
The current deputy secretary of the CPC Jinan Municipal Committee, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and mayor of Jinan Municipal Government, Shandong Province: Yu Haidian [7]
Chinese name
Jinan Municipal People's Government
Foreign name
Jinan Municipal People's Government
State administrative organs
Term of office
five years [1]
Yu Haidian

Overview of Jinan

Jinan, located in the central part of Shandong Province, lies between 36 ° 01 ′ - 37 ° 32 ′ north latitude, 116 ° 11 ′ - 117 ° 44 ′ east longitude, and lies to the south Mount Tai , north span Yellow River , located in the middle and south of Shandong Province Northwest Shandong Alluvial plain The terrain is high in the south and low in the north. The terrain can be divided into three zones: the yellow belt in the north, the piedmont plain in the middle, and the hilly and mountainous zone in the south.
Jinan City
Jinan is a major coastal economic province in eastern China—— Shandong Province It is the provincial capital, the political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, educational and financial center of the province, and an important transportation hub. Around and Texas Binzhou Zibo Tai'an Liaocheng Equal cities are adjacent. The total area is 10244 square kilometers.
① Geology: Jiyang depression and Zibo Chiping depression are located in the north, and Luzhong uplift is located in the south. The stratum is old in the south and new in the north, with Paleozoic limestone in the south and Cenozoic loess and gravel sedimentary rock in the north. The rock stratum is a monoclinic structure inclined to the north, and three groups of faults are cut into blocks, laying the structural foundation of Jinan.
② Topography: The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, followed by low mountains and hills, inclined piedmont plain and Yellow River alluvial plain
③ Climate: Jinan belongs to Warm temperate zone Continental monsoon climate District, four distinct seasons, full sunshine, annual average temperature 13.6 ℃, the coldest in January, average temperature - 1.9 ℃; The highest temperature is in July, with an average temperature of 27.0 ℃. The average annual precipitation is 614.0mm.
④ Hydrology: Jinan City The rivers belong to the Yellow River Xiaoqing River Haihe River. Lakes have Daming Lake , Baiyun Lake, etc. There are many springs exposed in the north foot of the mountain area, only in the urban area Baotu Spring Black Tiger Spring Five dragon lake Pearl Spring Four springs. [2]

Institutional reform

Organization setup of Jinan Municipal People's Government
In order to conscientiously implement the decision and deployment of the central government on institutional reform Institutional Reform Plan of Jinan Our city has formulated the "Report on Jinan Municipal Level Institutional reform Implementation Opinions of.
After the reform, Jinan has set up 54 municipal party and government organizations, including 15 party committee organizations and 39 government departments. [3]
The municipal government has 39 working departments. Among them, the Development and Reform Commission hung the sign of the construction office of the new and old kinetic energy conversion comprehensive pilot zone; The Science and Technology Bureau is under the brand of Foreign Experts Bureau; The city administration bureau shall hang the brand of Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau; The Urban and Rural Water Affairs Bureau hangs the sign of Spring Water Protection Office; Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau hangs the sign of Poverty Alleviation and Development Office; The Bureau of Culture and Tourism hangs the brands of the Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the Bureau of Cultural Relics; The Health Committee is under the brand of Chinese Medicine Administration; The Market Supervision Administration is under the brand of Intellectual Property Office; Local financial supervision and administration bureaus hang the brand of financial work office; The Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau hangs the sign of the Administrative Service Management Office. [4]

Main responsibilities

According to the Organic Law of Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments at All Levels of the People's Republic of China, the Jinan Municipal People's Government exercises the following functions and powers:
(1) To implement the resolutions of the people's congress and its standing committee at the corresponding level, as well as the decisions and orders of the state administrative organs at higher levels, formulate administrative measures, and issue decisions and orders;
(2) To lead the work of the subordinate departments and the people's governments at lower levels;
(3) Change or annul inappropriate orders and instructions of the subordinate departments and inappropriate decisions and orders of the people's governments at lower levels;
(4) Appoint, remove, train, assess, reward and punish the staff of the state administrative organs in accordance with the provisions of law;
(5) To implement the plans and budgets for national economic and social development, and to manage the economic, educational, scientific, cultural, health, sports, environmental and resource protection, urban and rural construction, finance, civil affairs, public security, ethnic affairs, judicial administration, supervision, family planning and other administrative work in their respective administrative areas;
(6) To protect socialist property owned by the whole people, property collectively owned by the working people, citizens' legitimate private property, maintain social order, and safeguard citizens' rights of the person, democratic rights, and other rights;
(7) To protect the legitimate rights and interests of various economic organizations;
(8) To safeguard the rights of ethnic minorities and respect their customs and habits, to help localities where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities within their respective administrative regions exercise regional autonomy in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and to help ethnic minorities develop political, economic and cultural undertakings;
(9) To safeguard women's rights as endowed by the Constitution and laws, such as equality between men and women, equal pay for equal work and freedom of marriage;
(10) To handle other matters assigned by the state administrative organs at higher levels. [1]

administrative division

As of July 1, 2020, Jinan has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 2 counties, 132 streets and 29 towns. The names of administrative divisions are as follows:
Administrative Division Map of Jinan City
Calendar Area (14 streets)
Shizhong District (17 streets)
Huaiyin District (16 streets)
Overpass area (15 streets)
Licheng District (21 streets)
Changqing District (8 streets, 2 towns)
Zhangqiu District (17 streets, 1 town)
Jiyang District (8 streets, 2 towns)
Laiwu District (8 streets, 7 towns)
Pingyin County (2 streets, 6 towns)
Shanghe County (1 street, 11 towns)
reference material: [5]
Administrative Division Map of Jinan City

Current leaders

Leaders of Jinan Municipal People's Government
Vice Mayor
Secretary general
Leadership information as of April 2024 [8-9]

government organs



Work department

Jinan Foreign Affairs Office

Representative office

Jinan Laiwu High tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee [6]

Directly affiliated unit

Jinan Municipal Office Affairs Service Center

County and district governments