zero Useful+1


[liú tōng]
Chinese words
Circulation, a Chinese word, is li ú t ō ng, which means circulation; No stagnation: atmosphere ~; Refers to the circulation of goods and money.
Chinese name
liú tōng
Refers to the circulation of goods and money
The Corpse

Basic explanation

1. Circulation; Non stagnation: air~.  
2. Refers to the circulation of commodities and currency. [1]
three open
Flow: flow li ú Liquid movement: flowing water. Sweat. Bleeding. shed tears. technological process. Diarrhea. Fluids. Running water never rots. bathed in sweat. Drift with the current
Through: through t ō ng is set with obstacles, which can pass through and reach ventilation. All through the sky. Ventilation. all night. current. Passed. Thoroughfare. Through. lead in all directions


On the volume of "The Dead": "Water has four virtues, bathing people, circulating all things, and benevolence."
Zizhi Tongjian, the Second Year of Emperor Guangwu's Jianwu: "Three Counties quiet , and the border circulation. " [2]
The poetry of Oubei · the writings of the Southern Song Dynasty never entered Jinyuan, written by Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty: "After the Southern Song Dynasty crossed to the south... the poetry of the Southern Song Dynasty rarely spread to the Central Plains, territory It is limited and cannot be immediately circulation 。”
director In the first scene of Wukuiqiao, "This is the relationship between the height of the ground, the circulation of air, and the role of electromagnetism."
Chinese Huan Kuan On Salt and Iron, General:, Penghao Qiaoxing The circulation of property should be balanced. "
Song Dynasty Ye Shi "Shu Yansheng's Epitaph": "The Rouguo meat cast is good, all of which can not be changed later, so the private money was cut off and the official casting has been circulated since then."
writing reformer History of Chiduxin 》5: "The circulation of the economic market was like this."
Book of the Most Victory King, Volume III: "Safe and stable Fengle , the legitimate law is in circulation. " It means that Buddhism is unimpeded.
Volume I of Ten Earthly Righteousness: "To spread celebrities without hindrance is to pass." It mostly refers to spreading teaching methods to make them smooth and unblocked. The last part of the Buddhist scripture is called "circulation branch", and the place where Buddhist articles are sold in the temple is called "Dharma Logistics Department". As the saying goes, it also refers to a link in the process of social reproduction under the conditions of commodity economy.