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Loss rate

Proportion of employees leaving the organization voluntarily
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Turnover rate is also called "job hopping rate" and "voluntary turnover rate". The proportion of employees who leave the organization voluntarily. It is one of the two ways for employees to leave the organization, as opposed to the "passive turnover rate". Maintaining a certain turnover rate is conducive to maintaining the enthusiasm of employees and the innovation of the organization. However, the high proportion of voluntary turnover means that the organization loses too many people who do not want to lose, which will weaken the morale of the organization, hinder the effective operation of the organization, and also reveal the problems in the internal management of the organization, which is a destructive factor. [1]
Chinese name
Loss rate
Job hopping rate
The passive turnover rate is a form of mass dismissal or requiring unqualified or negligent employees to leave. It is one of the two ways for employees to leave the organization, as opposed to the "voluntary turnover rate".