modern drama

[huà jù]
Dramatic form dominated by dialogue
zero Useful+1
synonym A live play (live play) generally refers to drama
Drama is based on dialogue Theatre Form came to China at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. And tradition the living theatre , drama, the main narrative means of drama is the actor's dialogue without accompaniment on the stage or monologue , but a small amount can be used music sing Etc.
Drama is a Comprehensive art script writing director perform Choreography , lights and comments are indispensable. Traditional Chinese Drama None of them belong to drama. Some traditional western dramas, such as ancient Greek dramas, are widely used Song team It is also not considered as a strict drama. Modern Western Stage Drama musical play opera It's usually drama.
Chinese name
modern drama
Foreign name
Theatrical form
Narrative means
With none accompaniment Based on dialogue or monologue
Stage, intuitive, comprehensive and dialogic
Representative play
The Potala Palace, etc

Origin of name

A drama in which dialogue and movement are the main means of expression. It first appeared on the eve of the Revolution of 1911, and was called "New Drama" or“ Civilized play ”。 The new drama gradually declined after the Revolution of 1911. After the May 4th Movement, European drama was introduced into China, and modern Chinese drama rose“ Beauty drama ”And "vernacular drama". It passes through Character reflect civil life The dialogue in the play is refined spoken language, which must be personalized, natural, refined, vivid, beautiful and rich expressiveness It is easy to understand and can be accepted by the masses. Guo Moruo's《 Qu Yuan 》、 Lao She Of《 teahouse 》, pen name of Wan Jiabao Of《 thunderstorm 》, Su Shuyang Of《 Danxin spectrum 》They are all famous dramas in China.
Drama was introduced into China from abroad at the beginning of the 20th century. Studied in Japan from China in 1907 Tokyo Of Zeng Xiaogu The first play of early Chinese drama was the Black Slave's Call to Heaven, adapted from an American novel. Famous modern dramatists include Guo Moruo pen name of Wan Jiabao director playwright and pioneer of the modern theater movement Lao She Etc.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, changes in China's social economy and politics promoted the development of the drama movement, and a nationwide reform movement emerged in the field of drama. Meanwhile, in Japan New Drama Under the influence of European drama, early Chinese drama was born, which was called New Drama at that time, also known as Wenming Drama. New drama rose on the eve of the Revolution of 1911, and later became the founder of early Chinese drama Ren Tianzhi Leading Evolutionary clique Summarize the experience of this new type of drama, explore and innovate, and absorb foreign nutrition to develop, thus forming a complete pattern. The early excellent plays include《 Family Gratitude and Resentment 》Social Clock, Hollow Orchid, Plum Blossom Falling, Pearl Tower《 Hate the sea 》Etc.
By 1928, after the famous dramatist Hong Shen proposed that this drama style, which mainly uses dialogue and action expression to convey feelings and ideas, be named "drama". Since then, this kind of drama introduced into China from the West has been recognized Official name

Development stage


social context

Drama is a form of foreign drama transplanted to China. Chinese drama came into being due to the needs of social change. Drama was originally western Imported goods , English name is Drama, originally Chinese translation He once used the names of new drama and civilized drama.
In 1920 Shanghai New Stage put on stage Bernard Shaw The famous drama Lady Warren's Career and People's Drama Club As a mark of the establishment of, drama has officially stepped onto the Chinese stage. Throughout the 1920s, the term "drama" was basically equivalent to the later "drama".
In 1928, Hong Shen, the director, proposed to name it drama, so as to unify the different titles of this new art form, and make it different from traditional Chinese opera Artistic character And a new posture in the Chinese art world.
Drama is a drama with dialogue and action as its main means of expression. It is generally called drama in European countries. The early Chinese drama came into being in 1907, which was called "New Drama" or "Civilization Drama", but it gradually declined after the Revolution of 1911. After the May 4th Movement, European drama was introduced into China, and modern Chinese drama rose. At that time, it was called "beauty drama", "vernacular drama" or "true new drama". In 1928, it was introduced by dramatists director It is proposed to name it "Drama". The famous plays include The Merchant of Venice.

New Drama Period in the Late Qing Dynasty

In the winter of 1906, inspired by Japanese "new school" dramas, Chinese student studying in Japan Zeng Xiaogu Li Shutong (defrosting) equal to Tokyo Organize and establish a comprehensive art group focusing on drama—— Spring Willow Society Successively joined Ouyang Yuqian Wu Wuzun Ma Jiangshi , Xie Kangbai Lu Jingruo wait forsomeone. In 1907 (the 33rd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), the Chunliu Society performed "The Lady of Camellia" and "The Black Slave Calls to Heaven" in Tokyo, Japan. In the same year, Wang Zhongsheng Wait in Shanghai to organize“ Chunyang Society ”, perform "Black Slave's Call to Heaven". This marks Chinese Drama The foundation and origination of. This kind of stage play with dialogue as the main means is called new play, later also called civilized play. In 1910 (the second year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty), new dramas were introduced into Liaoning, and members of the Alliance Liu Yizhou (Muduo) Coming from Guannei Liaoyang , performed the new plays "Mourning the South of the Yangtze River" and "Spring and Autumn on the Mainland". From May of the same year to Fengtian , joined forces with opera artists Ding Xianghua, Du Yunqing and others, and successively performed the new play "Congress Blood", which criticized feudal autocracy, in Mingsheng Tea Garden, Japanese consulate To protest against this, the municipal authorities of Mukden bowed to the pressure and ordered that the play be banned. From 1907 to 1917, literature and art appeared successively in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing and Wuhan New Theatre Evolutionary clique Nankai New Opera Troupe New Drama Comrades' Meeting A number of new drama groups, such as "Blood", "Long live the Republic", "Social Clock" and other plays, were warmly welcomed by the people. After the failure of the Revolution of 1911, new dramas gradually declined. Ouyang Yuqian was the representative of this period.

New Drama Period of the Republic of China

Republic of China In the first year (1912), Miao Tianyu and Feng Dihan, members of the Shanghai League, led a delegation to Liaoyang city Guangde Tea garden (Liaoyang Grand View Building), performing drama "Poland's Tragedy", "Republic of China Soul", etc. After drama was introduced into Liaoning, local fans organized drama performances in succession. In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), Dalian Of Chen Fei I initiated the organization of a drama club and served as its president. Most of the members were businessmen, newspapers and cultural figures from all walks of life in the school. The plays I performed included the interesting play "Drunkard Chases Rape", the main play "Brothel Hero Prostitute", "Tears of the Xiangjiang River" and "Turning Back"《 Half brother 》Etc. In the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), Fushun The primary school attached to the Youth Association performs "Bad Marriage", "Bad Relationship" and so on in Fushun West Theater.
In the 14th year of the Republic of China, Ouyang Yuqian He went to Dalian, Shenyang and other places to give lectures on civilian art to local drama circles and young people who love new drama, and spread modern drama. Shenyang CPC member Underground worker Zhang Guangqi (F) and woman teacher Students were recruited to participate in the drama troupe organized by the "Fengtian Youth Association" to perform drama《 Qiu Jin The Story of Xu Xilin《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》Whose Crime, Proposal, etc. Ouyang Yuqian also performed with Zhang Guangqi《 Young Grandma's Fan 》After Going Home, etc. In February of the same year, Ouyang Yuqian Dalian Chinese Youth Association Invite to give a speech on The Way of Chinese Drama Reform. Amateur drama groups are organized all over Liaoning and their performances are very active.

Beauty drama period

In 1919 (the 8th year of the Republic of China), Chen Dabei Ouyang Yuqian and others proposed "beauty drama" (non professional drama, derived from amateur =Amateur), has been established People's Drama Club Xinyou Drama Club Nanguo Society And other drama groups; During the May 4th New Culture Movement Hu Shi Chen Duxiu, Fu Sinian and others paid special attention to the power of new dramas to inspire people's consciousness, and praised and introduced Ibsen Of Drama of social problems In the same year, Hu Shi published One act play marriage 》For their representatives. Night of Obtaining Tiger 》《 Death of famous people 》( playwright and pioneer of the modern theater movement ),《 Three rebellious women 》(Guo Moruo), A Piece of Patriotism( Xiong Foxi ), The Bitch Woman (Ouyang Yuqian)《 A wasp 》( Dingxilin )The birth of a number of excellent plays has established an important literary foundation for Chinese drama. Studied in America in 1922, specializing in drama director Return to China to attend Drama Association In view of the bad habits of civilized drama, we should boldly reform the script, stage discipline, and the establishment of the director system, and promote the co performance of men and women, so as to form a complete drama art system. 1925, Beijing Art Specialized schools The establishment of the Drama Department has provided a position for the cultivation of drama talents. From 1924 to 1930, many anti imperialist and anti feudal dramas were staged, which trained Chen Ningqiu Chen Baichen Zhao Mingyi Zheng Junli , Zhang Shu, Wu Zuoren and other key artists. The art movement in the South led by Tian Han can best reflect the spirit of the new drama in the 1920s.
In February 1926 (the 15th year of the Republic of China), the first formal drama group in Liaoning—— Amy Theatre Society Officially established in Dalian, the president is Ma Dianyuan, vice president Wang Quanxiang Director Department Director Lv Futang. In May 1927 (the 16th year of the Republic of China), the Amy Theatre Society Chinese YMCA Invited to prepare for civilians Education Fund , performed in the YMCA auditorium (today's Democracy Square), reflecting family and social contradictions The tragedy of《 Eternal hatred 》And so on. In September of the 18th year of the Republic of China, Car orientation Organize "Mukden Student Civilian Service Corps" in the suburb of Mukden Dahantun And other places to perform dramas such as Improved Hospital and Blind.
In 1928, Hong Shen creatively translated the English Drama into "drama", distinguishing the stale "new drama", and Chinese drama was named after it. From 1929 to 1931, Ouyang Yuqian hosted Guangdong Drama Research Institute , published "Drama" magazine, and organized dozens of plays such as "Roar, China". Ouyang Yuqian, Hong Shen and Tian Han are recognized as the founders of Chinese drama.

Left-wing drama period

1929 (the 18th year of the Republic of China), Shanghai Art Theatre Society Founded under the leadership of the Communist Party of China“ proletariat Drama ". 1931 (20th year of the Republic of China) China League of Left wing Dramatists Since its establishment, Chinese drama has entered Left-wing drama movement Dominant Development stage Left wing“ Drama couplets ”The General League is located in Shanghai and leads Peiping (Today's Beijing), Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other leagues have established more than 50 left-wing troupes to perform "Blood Clothes", "Luan Zhong", "Shout, China", and "Fragrant Rice"《 The Song of Rejuvenation 》Such as a large number of progressive dramas Xia Yan Yu Ling Chen Baichen Song's And a group of new drama writers and Zhang Min Jinshan Zhao Dan Shu Xiuwen etc. theater art Home. After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese puppet authorities issued the "Guidelines for Arts and Culture" and implemented cultural autocracy. The new upsurge of mass drama in Liaoning was severely hit. However, under the leadership and influence of the Communist Party of China, some folk drama groups continue to act tenaciously. 1935 Shanghai Amateur Dramatist Association Established and performed "Nora"《 imperial envoy 》《 a thunderstorm 》"Empress Wu", "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom", and large-scale plays such as "Saijinhua" were performed by the drama club in the 1940s, which greatly improved the stage art level. Young playwrights from 1934 to 1937 pen name of Wan Jiabao 's famous plays《 thunderstorm 》《 sunrise 》《 a wide field 》Appearance; In 1933, China's first commercial troupe China Travel Theater Group It was born and persisted for 14 years; 1932-1937 Hebei Dingxian Peasant Drama Experiment Trying to play drama; "Red Drama" is very active in Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and other revolutionary base areas, performing《 February 7th Massacre 》Hundreds of plays, such as "August 1st Nanchang Uprising" and "I -- the Red Army", greatly inspired the army and people in the base area Fighting morale In 1935, the National Drama School was established in Nanjing. Over the next 14 years, more than 1000 students were trained to perform in a single act Multi act play Nearly 180 events were held in Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and other provinces, which had a wide and far-reaching impact.

the period of Counter-Japanese War

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, Chinese drama began a stage of great popularity, development and prosperity. After the July 7th Incident in 1937, the theater workers staged in Shanghai on August 7 of that year《 Defending Lugou Bridge 》And quickly formed 13 National Salvation Drama Team Went everywhere to publicize the War of Resistance. On December 31, 1937, the All China Theater Anti enemy Association was established in Wuhan. In the summer of 1938 The Third Office of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government Under the leadership, 10 progressive drama workers gathered in Wuhan Anti enemy Drama Team 4 anti enemy propaganda teams, 1 Children's Theatre Troupe , went to various war zones, and organized acting organizations and counter-Japanese base areas With the combination of drama performances, publicity performances spread all over the country, forming an unprecedented and magnificent popularization situation. The first session in October 1938 Drama Festival put on stage pen name of Wan Jiabao Song's The screenwriter's "General Mobilization of the Whole People", which was a sensation, can be said to be the representative of the purpose of this period.
Drama stills
After 1939, the focus of the modern drama movement began to shift to cities. Influential professional troupes such as the China Long live Theater, the China Electronics Theater and the Central Youth Theater were established in Chongqing, and the modern drama performance was theatrical. One Year (Xia Yan)《 Country supremacy 》( Lao She , Song Dynasty), Night in Shanghai( Yu Ling )、《 Fog Chongqing 》(Song Zhi's) and other excellent plays were born. In the summer of 1939 (the 28th year of the Republic of China), Jin Shanlong, Yang Ruozhu Wang Zongren Founded by others Shenyang Amateur Drama Troupe , staged Dingxilin Ten act drama "The burden of no wife". The troupe was later merged with Fengtian Drama Troupe and renamed as International Theatre Troupe , successively in Nanshi The International Theater (today's Liaoyi Theater) was performed by Li Qiao The Butcher, edited and directed by Jinshan Longren《 Fill the beacon fire 》Deep Night, Lifeline and other dramas. After that, Zhuanghe The County Women's National College performed "Harmonious Family" and "Family", Benxi Xu Dianlin Self compiled and self performed Drama "Love Trilogy", Anshan Yan Lifu, a progressive writer, organized a Zhongsheng Drama Troupe to perform his drama Vigilance.
Established in 1941 China Drama Society , established in 1943 China Art Theatre Society Bring new features of business performance. From 1941 to 1945, Chongqing troupes performed continuously《 Qu Yuan 》(Guo Moruo)《 Beijingers 》(Cao Yu)《 Spring and Autumn in Heaven 》( Yang Hansheng )、《 Fascist bacteria 》(Xia Yan)《 Drama Spring and Autumn 》(Xia Yan, Yu Ling, Song Zhi), etc. From February to April 1944, Guangxi Guilin The first large-scale drama exhibition in southwest China was held, with 28 literature and art organization 27 plays were performed, which is a large-scale exhibition and review of drama art. Was established in the Anti Japanese Base Area Drama Department of Lu Xun Art College Yan'an Youth Art Theater Northwest Field Service Corps And a large number of Arts and Crafts Troupe . Propaganda teams are active in the countryside and the army《 Wandering bandit captain 》( Wang Zhenzhi )、《 Comrade, you are going the wrong way 》(Yao Zhongming, etc.)《 Li Guorui 》( Du Feng )And other plays, highlighting the battle tradition of Chinese drama.
During this period, the puppet regime established three major imperial troupes, "Datong Troupe" (Changchun), "Harbin Troupe"“ Fengtian Xiehe Theater ”, all belong to the pseudo Concorde The "Fengtian Concorde Theater" was founded in September 27 of the Republic of China, with more than 100 people. "It has a major mission to complete the Concorde culture". Host Yuan Du( Puppet Manchukuo Chairman of the Concorde Council of the Troupe), Rui Shanjin and Yasuda are all Japanese. In November of the same year, a small public performance was held, and the repertoire was Song of the New Year's Eve. In June of the 28th year of the Republic of China, the first grand public performance was held, with the repertoire of "Donggong Dazuo" and "In the Pasture"; In December of the same year, the touring junior college performance was held, with the repertoire of "From the Army", "Blood Track", etc. These plays are all for japanese invaders Singing praises. By the 30th year of the Republic of China, the troupe had created and performed more than 20 plays. During the 30-32 years of the Republic of China, the group performed Thunderstorm, Sprout, and Lust in major cities in the northeast. Performed in Fengtian in the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942) Soviet Union The famous drama "Roar, China", which exposes Britain and the United States Imperialism The evil history of invading China. The original intention of this play performed by Japan is to publicize the evil of the British and American powers encroaching on China, and arouse the hatred of the Chinese people against the United States and British imperialism. However, it backfired and aroused the overwhelming hatred of the masses of the audience against the Japanese invaders in China, Upper seat Unprecedented. This frightened the Japanese and puppet rulers and immediately ordered the performance to be stopped. In addition, the Japanese puppet regime also organized troupes in major cities of Liaoning to serve the Japanese invaders, such as the Peking Union Theatre Troupe (Dalian) and Peking Union Museum Theatre Troupe( Anton )Etc. These troupes disintegrated one after another after the Northeast was recovered during the "August 11th Five Year Plan".

During the War of Liberation

During the War of Liberation Drama activities are at a low ebb. Before and after Qingming Festival 》(Mao Dun)《 a kind of backgammon 》(Chen Baichen)《 Twingo 》(Tian Han)'s performance is an important harvest of this period.
War of Liberation In the early days, the Communist Party of China transferred a large number of revolutions literary and art works Come to the northeast and set up some art troupes in Liaoning. these ones here Literature and Art Work Group Performed everywhere program of entertainment , while doing mass work, and helping all regions to actively establish art troupes and teams. A large number of productions A live newspaper , small dramas, etc., have laid a solid foundation for the development of new dramas in Northeast China and Liaoning. At the same time, Shenyang, Dalian, Andong and other places have also formed some folk drama groups, which are self funded and voluntary private professional troupes, such as Dalian Dongyi Theatre Troupe, Guangfu Theatre Troupe, China Youth Theatre Troupe Liaodong Theatre troupe, Dalian Theatre Troupe, Sino Soviet Friendship Theatre Troupe, etc., performed "The Night Is Still Away" and "Blood Debts"《 Begonia 》Magnificent Mountains and Rivers, etc. At the same time, the "political work team" of the Kuomintang army and some drama troupes operated by the Kuomintang once controlled the drama stage in Liaoning, especially in major cities. They performed some reactionary dramas in Shenyang, Dalian, Anton and other places, such as "The Word of Heaven", "Wild Rose", etc., and also performed《 thunderstorm 》《 sunrise 》。

New China

In July 1949, China Dramatists Association (renamed later) Chinese Dramatists Association )Established in Beijing, Chinese drama began a new stage of development. The People's Republic of China was founded After that, the Party and the government attached importance to the development of drama and established China Youth Art Theater Beijing People's Art Theater Central Academy of Drama Shanghai Theater Academy Drama Troupe of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army And provinces, autonomous regions Major military area Professional theater and troupe.
At the end of 1949, when Lao She returned from the United States, he saw that the new Beijing of New China was full of new faces. As an old Beijinger and a witness of history, he sincerely felt a sense of earth shaking. So he wrote Longxu Valley. Through the change of Longxu Valley, a famous stinking ditch in Beijing, and the sharp contrast between the different destinies of three families living in a small courtyard near the ditch before and after liberation, it shows the new life brought to Beijingers by the Communist Party and writes the new life of Beijingers Mental outlook [1]
New China was founded After《 Dragon Beard Ditch 》《 teahouse 》(Lao She)《 Cai Wenji 》(Guo Moruo)《 Guan Hanqing 》(Tian Han)《 the trials of a long journey 》(Chen Qitong), Malan Flower( Ren Deyao )And other excellent plays emerge in large numbers; Jiao Juyin The director's "Cai Wenji" and "Teahouse" show the nationalization pursuit of drama, Huang Zuolin Directed《 Bold mother and her children 》Introduced Bertolt Brecht Of Acting Thought; Culturally weak Ethnic minority areas , also appeared after the 1950s Uygur Mongolia Drama performances in Korean, Tibetan have expanded the field of drama art. along with Literary and art circles The discussion and implementation of the "Double Hundred" policy emerged after 1962《 Sentinels under neon lights 》( Simon Shen )Young Generation( Chen Yun )And other excellent plays.
Thunderstorm Drama
The founding of New China has brought the joy of liberation and ownership to the Chinese people Happiness Although, on the cultural and ideological front, there was a "Left" influence; However, because the Chinese people have won the unification of the country, the tranquility of life and the improvement of life over the past hundred years, literature and art, including drama, also ushered in a thriving spring. By 1956, the first national drama watching and performing conference had reached a climax. Over the past decades, drama has developed rapidly, cultivating a number of reputable actors and actresses inside and outside the province.
The Chinese people have been cleansed feudalism The filthy water of China swept away the disaster caused by the imperialist aggression. Once it became the master of the country, it would glow with amazing creativity, making New China a new face and a new world in a few years. Drama, with its sensitivity to the times, has created some in time to reflect this New look 's script. For example, Liu Lianying, Gate 6, Longxugou, Test, Spring Breeze Blowing across the Nuomin River, etc. These plays are more expressive masses Their real life, showing their New era The authors of some plays come from the front line of production.
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Chinese drama entered a new period of development. Breaking through the limitations of the old stage, innovating the concept of drama and enriching drama Artistic expressiveness On the other hand, it has carried out extensive and in-depth exploration. Attempts in drama creation, such as no scene structure, idealized image building, space-time jumping plot, fuzzy theme, etc., the use of masks Unisex clothing Geometry Set props, laser lights, breaking the fourth wall, shortening the distance from the audience, and the audience on all sides were innovated, causing drama theoretical realm There was a discussion on the reform of drama concept and form, which played a good role in the development of Chinese drama. Drama in the new era is also more open to the outside world and has been successfully held since 1986 Shakespeare Drama Festival, O'Neill Drama Festival. The Teahouse of Beijing People's Art Theatre has been performed in Europe, America, Japan and other places for many times《 Oedipus King 》The visit to Greece was a great success and a good beginning for Chinese drama to go global.

Basic characteristics

Drama art has the following basic characteristics:


Drama performances at all times and in all over the world are completed by means of the stage. The stage has a variety of styles, with two purposes: one is to benefit the actors to perform the plot, and the other is to benefit the audience to appreciate it from all angles.


The drama is first performed by the actors' gestures, movements, dialogues, monologues, etc, Direct action The audience's vision and hearing; Use makeup, clothing and other means Character modeling So that the audience can directly watch the appearance of the characters in the play.


Drama is a comprehensive art, which is characterized by its concrete creation on the stage Artistic image . Directly show the audience the needs and adaptation of social life scenarios.


Drama is different from other plays in that it shows the plot, shapes the characters and expresses the theme through a large number of stage dialogues. There are character monologues and audience dialogues to complete the drama content in a specific time and space.

Classic repertoire

The classic repertoire of the drama mainly includes:
The stills of Black Slave's Calling for Heaven
one Death of famous people 》(Author: playwright and pioneer of the modern theater movement
two Night of Obtaining Tiger 》(Author: Tian Han)
three Guan Hanqing 》(Author: Tian Han)
four New Year's Eve Struggle (created by Fang Zhimin)
five marriage 》(Author: Hu Shi
six A wasp 》(Author: Ding Xilin)
eight Wukui Bridge 》(Author: Hong Shen)
nine thunderstorm 》(Author: Cao Yu)
ten Sunrise (Author: Cao Yu)
eleven a wide field 》(Author: Cao Yu)
twelve Beijingers 》(Author: Cao Yu)
thirteen It's just spring 》(Author: Li Jianwu
fourteen Under the eaves of Shanghai 》(Author: Xia Yan
fifteen Night in Shanghai 》(Author: Yu Ling
sixteen Behind the Screen (by Ouyang Yuqian)
seventeen Put down your whip 》(Author: Chen Liting
eighteen Qu Yuan 》(Author: Guo Moruo)
nineteen Cai Wenji 》(Author: Guo Moruo)
twenty Fascist bacteria 》(Author: Xia Yan)
twenty-one Liang Shangjunzi (Author: Zuolin
twenty-two Catch the able-bodied 》(Author: Chen Ge Ding Hong Dai Bixiang Collective creation)
twenty-three Come back at night in the snow 》(Author: Wu Zuguang
twenty-four a kind of backgammon 》(Author: Chen Baichen)
twenty-five The Peach Blossom Fan 》(Author: Ouyang Yuqian)
twenty-six Dragon Beard Ditch 》(Author: Lao She)
Drama stills
twenty-seven teahouse 》(Author: Lao She)
twenty-eight Malan flower 》(Author: Ren Deyao)
twenty-nine neighbours 》(Author Su Shuyang
thirty Danxin spectrum 》(Author: Su Shuyang)
thirty-one Wedding of Hezhen People 》(Author: Wu Baixin
thirty-two In a silent place 》(Author: Zong Fuxian
thirty-three Gale song 》(Author: Chen Baichen)
thirty-four Mayor Chen Yi 》(Author: Shayexin
thirty-five Songtsen Ganbu (written by Huang Zhilong, second benevolent and many auspicious Luo Sang Ciren
thirty-six The Old Man Comes in Storm (Author: Baifengxi)
thirty-seven A dead man's visit to the living 》(Author: Liu Shugang
thirty-eight Nirvana of the Godfather 》(Author: Liu Jinyun
thirty-nine To the north of Beijing is the Great Northern Wilderness 》(Author: Yang Baochen)
forty The first floor in the world 》(Author: He Jiping
forty-one Red Dragonfly (Author: Ouyang Yibing
forty-two Li Bai 》(Author: Guo Qihong
forty-three Shang Yang (Author: Yao Yuan)
forty-four Uncle Beijing (Author: Chinese Jay
forty-five Beginning of Autumn (Author: Yao Baoxuan Weizhong)
forty-six Loess ballad 》(Author: Meng Bing
forty-seven There is a poison 》(Author: Wanfang
forty-nine Rhinoceros in love 》(Author: Liao Yimei
fifty Irna Assault (Author: Lan Xiaolong
fifty-one Thirteen point relation 》(Author: Lai Shengchuan)
fifty-two massage 》(Author: Bi Feiyu
fifty-three Bromeo 》(Author: Chen Yicheng
fifty-four Liu Qing [3]

representative figure

Jia Junxue
Hong Shen is a drama director, playwright and drama critic
The most breakthrough in the collection of historical materials of modern drama is the period of the Revolution of 1911 and the two parts of Hong Kong and Taiwan.
After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Central Plains Drama Society led by the underground party was active in Hong Kong Dongjiang Column Lu Xun Art performance team, art school Art Union , New China Drama Team 4 Some members form. This troupe often contacts ordinary people with low ticket prices and has performed Zhang Min Qu Baiyin Director's "Promotion" and "Set an Example".
In 1940, the Shanghai Hong Kong Guangdong Youth Corps of Youth with the Army performed Mr. Xia Yan's anti Japanese war play One Year in Hong Kong (the name of the play was changed to Candle Night for the convenience of the Hong Kong government's review and approval). Director Lin Fei, actor Ba Hong Bao Shuying (Suyin) Huang Hansheng Etc.
1946“ New China Drama Society ”(Established in Guangxi after the Southern Anhui Incident in 1941, this drama club paid Zhou Enlai's hard work and was always funded by the Southern Bureau of our party to perform plays of high ideological and artistic standards during the war.) At the invitation of the Taiwan governor, it performed in Taiwan《 Zheng Chenggong 》Sunrise《 the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart 》Peach Blossom Fan. Faced with the drama brought by the people of the motherland, the Taiwanese people warmly welcome the New China Drama Society. At that time, the "New China Drama Society" captured all the leading figures and talents in the Chinese drama industry.
Qu Baiyin is the head of the New China Drama Society
The employee list includes: Stone linked star Zhu Lin , Li Luling Dai Ailian Translated by Su Yin, Cao Min, You Mei, Ye Lucy, Xu Bing Be respectful Jake Wang Yi, Wang Gong, Te Wei, Zha Qiang Phosphorus, Shi Yan Zhang Youliang Yao Ping Jiang Kefu Zhang Kai Li Bahong, Yue Xunlie, etc.
Artists: Tian Han, Hong Shen
Special actors: Bai Yang Shu Xiuwen Wei Heling Wang Renmei Shamoon Zheng Junli Golden flame
Special director: Hong Shen Shi Dongshan Situ Huimin Zhang Min, Ouyang Yuqian Cai Chusheng
Special writers: Tian Han, Cao Yu Yang Hansheng Xia Yan Song's
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, these talents were all in the drama or film and television industry The backbone

Chinese Drama

After hundreds of years of integration, transformation and innovation, Chinese drama has become a Modern China National drama.
Chinese drama comes from western drama, and now it still gets nutrition from western drama; However, after hundreds of years of integration, transformation and innovation by Chinese people, it has become a modern national drama with distinctive Chinese characteristics. Chinese Drama Over the past hundred years Chinese history The tradition of characteristics is: the tradition of fighting; It is beneficial to learn from, digest and assimilate everything in ancient China and foreign countries Dramatic culture Tradition; with Realism Aesthetics as the main body, various aesthetic principles mode of artistic creation The tradition of pluralistic coexistence; And the tradition of continuous nationalization. We have accumulated a lot of valuable experience in these traditions, of course, there are also lessons.

Art of Kuang Shi Ji Shi

Poster of drama "Love is colder than death"
Chinese literati have always had the idea of "literature carries morality". Therefore, drama has never been an aesthetic product. Especially when the Chinese nation is at the critical juncture of life and death, some people with lofty ideals are eager to save Sri Lanka from fire and water. Using it as a weapon has the purpose of helping the world. The main trend of the civilized drama period is to cooperate with Democratic revolution , attacked the corrupt monarchy and angrily protested against foreign powers. This is the first wave of Chinese drama Combatability During the May 4th Movement, the reason why imitation was launched Ibsen The reason for the wave of Fighting spirit In the 1930s and 1940s, Tian Han and Xia Yan advocated "Proletaria" drama, left-wing drama National defense drama until Anti Japanese War Drama Are endowed with the political color of the revolutionary nation in a specific historical stage.
In the development of Chinese drama, it can be found that whenever drama is closely integrated with the times, people and real life, it is thriving; Otherwise, it will wither. Over the past century, drama artists have shared weal and woe with the people and fate with the times. They have played an invaluable role in revealing the essence of real life and inspiring revolutionary enthusiasm, demonstrating the combat effectiveness and vitality of Chinese drama and living up to the expectations of the times. This is the pride of Chinese drama! However, the one-sided emphasis on militancy simply interprets the relationship between literature and art and politics as subordinate to temporary, specific and direct political task The lack of unique artistic forms to illustrate ideas, concepts, routes and policies has led to the tendency of non artistry to varying degrees in a long period of time, which should be taken as an example. Since the new era, the drama stage has made great efforts to truly reflect the reality and express the aspirations of the people, making the drama art in the new era reach a new peak. However, when the concept of "subordination to politics" is put in order, there is a tendency to go to another extreme: away from politics, away from reality, it will also be away from the masses, making the drama lose its mass base.

Learn from tradition

Since the beginning of the 20th century, especially after the May 4th New Culture Movement, Ibsen's Drama of social problems Is the representative; It has a profound impact on Chinese drama. Chinese drama has never been closed and exclusive in history, but has an open measurement. The "twice westward tide" in the 1920s and 1980s was a prominent period. For example, Cao Yu's creation in the 1930s was deeply rooted in the 1920s New trends of thought The influence of Openness He organically integrated realism as the main body into other aesthetic factors to achieve a deep combination, leaving behind what people call "poetic realism" immortal plays. Since the 1980s, Chinese drama and literature in the new era have been synchronized, strengthening the study of "human studies" and promoting the exploration and innovation of drama art. After a long period of closure, drama aesthetics has once again opened its mind Modernism Drama trend of thought and genre were introduced again. as Theatre of the Absurd , existential drama Poverty drama And Brecht, etc Dramatic theory We should pay attention to, absorb all of its valuable achievements, and adhere to the principle of "giving priority to and using for ourselves". This kind of reference, digestion and integration is the result of reform and opening up.

The road of nationalization

Although Chinese drama is a foreign art style, it has explored the creation of nationalization in various historical periods. It has shaped the national character, transmitted the national spirit and soul. Jiao Juyin and others have profound Traditional literature Artists with opera culture practice opera Traditional Aesthetics Grafting with the inherent aesthetics of modern drama to express modern life; At the same time, in the face of Western modernism Drama aesthetics Collision with national traditional aesthetics, learning from the nation Traditional art , especially Xiang's opera art. Therefore, the experiment of nationalization of drama shows that artistic characteristics And charm, so that the work has national style And national style. However, the nationalization of drama is not the dramatization of drama. Drama needs to learn from opera, not copy its form and technique, but integrate its aesthetic principles Aesthetic thought , aesthetic spirit and artistic methods artistic creation in Such as the "freehand brushwork" aesthetics of opera( Performance Aesthetics), its concept of "emotion" and "reason", its aesthetic spirit and artistic method in the opera program, its tempering of exquisite skills, its pursuit of formal beauty, etc., this inheritance will bring us a broad world.
The national characteristics of Chinese drama are not only reflected in the way that Chinese people write about Chinese life, but also the importance of Western Drama Be creatively transformed and transformed. For example, there is a prominent artistic phenomenon in Chinese drama, that is, the pursuit of the creation of dramatic images. What the image requires is an organic, internal, harmonious, complete and meaningful realm, which is not only to pursue the true poetic flavor, but also to create the poetic mood, so that Chinese drama has a nation Aesthetic spirit The deeper penetration of. Therefore, without a deep and active national artistic spirit and a deep and solid foundation of traditional art, it is difficult for Chinese drama to stand and develop.

Poetic drama spirit

China is a country with relatively developed poetry. The combination of drama and poetry, or the poetic tendency of speech drama, is the outstanding artistic feature of Chinese drama. Romantic drama creation, such as Tian Han and Guo Moruo, is representative. They are romanticism This naturally makes it easy for them to cut poetry into drama. Guo Moruo uses the protagonist's large psychological monologue to set off the situation, while Tian Han often integrates music and poetry directly into his works to enhance his lyricism. This poetic tendency is naturally related to the acceptance of the influence of western romanticism, but it cannot be ignored to accept the national artistic spirit and the quality of national operas, which forms the poetic tendency of Chinese drama.
Here, the aesthetic principles and creative methods of poetic tendency are mainly embodied in the principle or method of realism as its main body, which is mutually absorbed, blended and diversified. In a long period of time, it played a positive role in making drama closely linked with real life and in dialogue with the masses. Realism has never been Self sealing It is tolerant and can absorb many aesthetic factors. After a century of experience, it has a solid realism foundation of realistic style, as well as a profound tradition of "freehand brushwork" and "performance aesthetics" in traditional art; It can profoundly and acutely reflect the reality, deeply analyze the soul of the characters, reveal the infinite rich and profound spiritual life of people, and lead to the summary of philosophy, full of poetry of the times. It has brought new vitality to contemporary drama. Poetic realism is permeated with Chinese characteristics in the view of reality. The poetic and realistic nature of Chinese drama focuses on the truth of feelings. It injects the sincerity and truth of feelings into the "truth", improves the expression of truth to a realm that transcends everything, and at the same time casts the ideal emotion into the authenticity, which can be called "poetic truth".

Towards a brilliant future

The revitalization of drama is a systematic project. Contemporary Chinese drama still faces challenges. Therefore, drama still needs to pay more attention to its own era New life In terms of drama aesthetics and artistic concepts, new inheritance, reference and continued creation are needed. Also needed Principle Healthy drama criticism; We need to build a scientific drama Operation management To train talented drama management talents. A poet said: If the drama had no backbone, it would be difficult to shape the indomitable spirit of the Chinese mountains; If the drama does not have blood, it is difficult to create a surging Chinese Sea Soul Drama, with its own soul, can enter people's hearts and create our national soul! Chinese drama has entered the 21st century. Reviewing the ups and downs of the history, summing up historical experience, carrying forward the past and opening up the future, with 100 times hard work and new creation, the Chinese drama art will be more prosperous and developed in the new cultural pattern of China!

100th birthday

100 years ago, it came to China across the sea and soon took root in this land;
In the past 100 years, the small stage has performed joys and sorrows of separation, good and evil, loyalty to traitors, bitterness and happiness, and witnessed the changes of stars, vicissitudes and vicissitudes of life;
One hundred years later, the old trees, a wonderful flower of art, have deep roots. From time to time, new branches sprout and young buds smell fragrant
The stage opens the window of the times
From Old photos It can be seen that 100 years ago, young Li Shutong's cross dressing of camellia girls was still amazing. No wonder then Japanese Drama The critic said: "It is very good for Chinese actors to perform the play" La Traviata "in the orchestra... In particular, Li Jun is more beautiful than domestic actors."
It was in February 1907 that Li Shutong, a Chinese student studying in Japan, organized a student art group“ Spring Willow Society ”Performed a segment of "La Traviata" in Tokyo. In the summer of the same year, another performance group“ Chunyang Society ”It was founded in Shanghai, and performed "Black Slaves Calling for Heaven" on the domestic stage.
This year, when domestic audiences were shocked that "there was such a way of acting in drama", the history of Chinese drama turned the first page.
At the beginning of the introduction of modern drama, the Qing Dynasty was declining bourgeois revolution When the movement flourished, it also coincided with the rising student drama activities. Thus, the combination of drama and current events became the best patriotic propaganda for a time. After the rise of the New Culture Movement, the progressive people emphasized to use "new drama" to open up people's wisdom, transform society, resist feudalism, and resist foreign aggression. Soon, a number of influential and effective plays such as "Poland's Tragedy", "Soul of the Republic of China", "Whose Crime" appeared on the stage.
Famous performing artists Blue sky field From the day of its birth, Chinese drama has been linked with reality and synchronized with the development of Chinese history.
Opening a century old drama, you can have a panoramic view of history. Nearly half a century before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese drama has always been committed to looking at reality, awakening reality, and transforming reality. "Proletarian (proletarian) drama"“ China League of Left wing Dramatists ”, "Anti Japanese and National Salvation Drama Team", "Building a Free and Democratic Anti Fascist Culture" and so on have stepped onto the historical stage.
This kind of current affairs drama revolutionary character Role, get the main general of the New Culture Movement May Fourth leader Praise from. He believed that "the theater is universal Great School Also; Actors are the greatest teachers in the world. " Looking back a hundred years, it is not difficult to find that China was born in troubled times dramatic literature Founding works, such as Tian Han's "realistic social drama", Guo Moruo's "learning from the times Historical play ”And so on, all with a strong sense of reality Critical And militancy.
just as Department of Arts, Ministry of Culture director Yu Ping After the birth of drama in China“ PRO ”The public has always walked with the national salvation movement, and has always walked with freedom and democracy.
Under the Japanese puppet cultural autocracy after the September 18th Incident, some folk drama groups still continued their tenacious activities under the leadership and influence of the Communist Party of China. Dramas such as The Butcher, The Beacon on the Frontier, The Deep Night, The Lifeline and so on have been staged one after another fascist A powerful weapon for struggle.
At the beginning of the War of Liberation, the Communist Party of China dispatched a large number of revolutionary writers and artists to the Northeast. They perform art programs while doing mass work. Dramas such as Night Weiyang, Blood Debt, Begonia, Magnificent Mountains and Rivers have strong repercussions among the public.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the development of Chinese drama art has made a new start. During this period, Lao She's "Longxugou", "Teahouse", Tian Han's《 Guan Hanqing 》Princess Wencheng helps Chinese drama to leap from Cao Yu's Thunderstorm, Sunrise and Guo Moruo's《 Flower of Tangdi 》Another peak after Qu Yuan. In recent years, National Fine Stage Art Project Implementation process "Father" and "Thousands of Lights" also emerged《 Linghe Movie Maker 》《 Life and death arena 》"Beginning of Autumn", "Shang Yang", "The Sea Strives for Current" and other excellent works.
"These works prove that the art of Chinese drama is still vigorous after a hundred years of vicissitudes," Yu Ping said.
One hundred years, walk out an innovative road
In 2006, the capital drama stage Good play Repeating.
In 2006, more than 40 dramas were staged in Beijing, with more than 1000 performances. Critics believe that this year, the new generation of drama came to the fore, many classics took turns on the stage, realism and avant-garde go hand in hand, serious and relaxed and harmonious
A director who has always been called "Pioneer" Li Liuyi He infiltrated the vanguard elements into Peking Man. He boldly employed new actors and skillfully used the background to set off the theme of the play. Once the play was launched, it was highly praised. director Wang Yansong "The Field", creatively adopted Mozart As the background music, his Requiem explores the poetry in the depth of tragedy and is considered by the critics to touch the soul of The Field.
"Since its inception, Chinese drama has taken reform, innovation, innovation and innovation as its own responsibility," Yu Ping said.
After the May 4th Movement, Chinese drama pioneers, represented by the dramatist Hong Shen, began to establish a formal rehearsal system. In 1924, he directed "The Little Grandma's Fan" in person, "sinicizing" various elements in the play, making Chinese drama present a relatively complete artistic form.
A history of Chinese drama is written by countless people with innovative exploration. Because Tian Han, Guo Moruo, Cao Yu, Xia Yan, etc Literary play The contributions of Hong Shen, Zhang Min, Ouyang Yuqian, Chen Liting and others in the drama directing system, Jinshan Zhang Ruifang Just Gu , Shu Xiuwen and others have made contributions to the creation of drama performance, and Chinese drama has been moving forward.
In the mid-1950s, Jiao Juyin, the general director of the Beijing People's Art Theater, combined the modern performance system with the traditional opera program to create a modern drama in the process of directing Lao She's "Longxugou", "Teahouse", and Guo Moruo's "Tiger Rune" and "Cai Wenji"“ China School ”A model of.
In 1982, the Beijing People's Art Theatre performed the《 Absolute signal 》, marking a new era little theatre The beginning of the movement. Over the next 20 years, a large number of playwrights and drama theorists put into drama experiments, making various new types of Exploratory play Breaking through the traditional barriers to enter the stage, leaving a strong mark in the history of Chinese drama.
Participated in early stage Small theater Active National Theatre Vice president, famous director Wang Xiaoying Said that the small theater brought drama creation impact force Is also looking for new living space
In the past year, while the traditional classics have been flourishing Meng Jinghui Zhang Guang Heavenly As the representative avant-garde directors continue to run on the road of exploration. In addition《 I want to eat twist and twist it for you 》Happiness on the Eighth《 My barbaric female teacher 》《 How much love can be fooled 》Popular taste "fashion dramas" also let more audiences enter the theater.
In the future, open up a New realm
In the late spring of Beijing, there is another good play on the stage.
It is understood that "Opinions on the Life of Two Dogs"《 Shamlet 》Madame Bovary《 Blind city 》The masterpieces of famous drama directors from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland will One time To show the audience the latest page of the centennial history of the Chinese drama movement.
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center Scriptwriter Li Shengying Said that the stage performance of Chinese drama has been greatly improved. The stage of modern drama in the early 21st century is dominated by mainstream drama, Experimental drama The pattern of coexistence and diversity of styles with popular drama.
"There are hidden worries behind optimism, and there are still many problems facing the development of drama", Drama Research Institute of China Academy of Arts Deputy Director Song Baozhen He said that most of the current dramas exist in metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, while many other cities in the early days of the founding of New China had fewer popular drama troupes.
Nowadays, even in big cities, the development of drama is encountering new challenges. For example, the Beijing People's Art Theatre, which has been established for 55 years, is facing the choice of change and unchanged. People are thinking about how to inherit and develop the artistic style created by several generations?
Vice President of Beijing People's Art Theatre Ren Ming That is to say, we must inherit the style of the People's Art Theatre, because the style of the People's Art Theatre is the life of the People's Art Theatre, and the style of the People's Art Theatre is the nationalization and realism of drama, but we must also have enough courage to innovate.
When it comes to inheritance and innovation, Wang Xiaoying believes that drama should have various forms and levels, some pursuing commercial effects, some pursuing individuality, and some positioning in the mainstream. In pursuit of commercial effect, we must popularize; In pursuit of individuality, we should try the form of "pioneer" and "experiment", and even intentionally pursue "minority".
"There is a criticism that some dramas at present have no characters and language except stars and packaging, and have lost their way on the road of fashion." Song Baozhen said that we should not underestimate this. When a drama does not pay attention to reality and life, the audience can also pay no attention to the drama.
Centennial drama, keeping pace with the times; Pioneering and innovating, we should also abide by The foundation of standing "We should carry forward the centennial tradition, open up a new realm, and adhere to the unchanging principle of being close to reality, life and the masses," Yu Ping said. [2]

Performance venue


Traditional Opera

China is a big drama country, traditional Opera Art After 800 years of historical vicissitudes, it has evolved into more than 300 operas, which are distributed throughout the country and still reproduce and grow on the land of China.
Script is a kind of western drama. Compared with the traditional opera art, it is a rising star Chinese feudal society Toward decline, western powers blew away by force Qing Dynasty After the country Chinese society The historical process towards modernity, the West introduced by the Chinese artistic form This art form has been constantly absorbed and transformed by the Chinese people, thus realizing the creative transformation.
Chinese traditional opera is a combination of Chinese music , dance, clothing, style and other artistic methods, through organic combination, Chinese Drama It is different from traditional Chinese opera in artistic form. Instead of performing stories in song and dance, it borrowed and transplanted western drama, mainly creating real stage vision through dialogue, body movements and stage settings; In terms of artistic spirit, in the long-term artistic practice Chinese Tradition Drama and even Chinese literature and art have established internal and deep ties.
Today, Chinese drama, which has a history of nearly a hundred years, has not only become a major national drama, but also has transformed a foreign art form into a form with Modernity And national characteristics Chinese drama Styles, becoming Chinese nation A component of literature and art.
Drama stills
China as a Multi-ethnic country The flower of drama also blooms in all ethnic groups Literary Garden Li. Since 1979, due to the prosperity of the country and the improvement of people's lives, the plays of the brotherly ethnic groups have also been very active, and a number of excellent plays have emerged, such as《 Potala Palace Wind and Cloud( Tibet Autonomous Region Drama Troupe Performance), Female Village Head( Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Drama Troupe Performance), Hairless Dog( Jilin Province Yanbian Drama Troupe Performed by Li Zhongxun, screenwriter), "Hello, Chief!"( Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Drama Troupe), a group of outstanding works that won the Wenhua New Drama Award.
Everyone knows Potala Palace The majesty and magnificence of the zang or tibetan people Buddhist customs have made great contributions to the expansion of this temple. The drama "The Potala Palace", taking this historical event as the theme, shows the historical situation of the Potala Palace. The scene is magnificent, the plot is dramatic, the momentum is magnificent, and it has a strong religious mystery.
The highlight of this play is that Reincarnated child After entering the Potala Palace, Dalai Lama VI Tsang Yang Gyatso was tired of Buddhism and nostalgic for secular love. This attracted the attention of Sang Jiejiacuo, who thought that he desecrated Buddha and his roots were not clean. Therefore, conflicts inevitably occur. But this is a conflict between humanity and divinity. In the heart of Tsangyang Gyatso, the brilliance of human nature shines.
At the end of the play, there is a historical implication: the sixth Dalai Lama was exiled, Sang Jiejiacuo was killed by Dan Zeng Khan, and the people repaired the relics in memory of him Lingta The sixth Dalai Lama came to the pagoda and was filled with emotion. He deeply mourned the Tibetan politician and scholar, but he himself was confused, confused and frightened about the future. However, his love songs were collected and published by later generations and circulated among Tibetan people.


Poetic "Marriage" between Drama and Traditional Opera in the Past Century
Chinese Drama - stills
Chinese drama was born in 1907 and has gone through a hundred years of ups and downs. Classic masterpieces such as Thunderstorm, Teahouse and Cai Wenji have influenced generations of dramatists. with Lin Zhaohua Xu Xiaozhong The representative drama director is inheriting Jiao Juyin On the basis of the quintessence of his thought of "nationalization of modern drama", Mr. Liu integrated drama aesthetics into modern drama creation, realizing the poetic "marriage" between modern drama and traditional drama for a century.
"Every sound comes from the heart, Things make people move Also, feeling things move, so the shape is sound. " Chinese opera Like a classical beauty waiting for words, accompanied by the high sigh of Tang style and Song rhyme Crooning , along Southern Opera Yuan Zaju The historical track of "" has moved gently all the way. Exactly traditional culture The influence of candlelight makes the opera "take meaning out of shape", Not seeking form similarity And seek the likeness of gods. Virtual performances such as Ink painting With his vertical and horizontal strokes, he is good at singing, crying and dancing; The stage of freehand brushwork is simple and ethereal, without flowers and trees, the spring scenery can be seen, and the rivers can be seen without waves; Singing, reading, sitting and hitting the target, "bringing together the loyalty, filial piety and justice of the ages, and making a temporary happy and sad reunion", which reflects the opera itself everywhere The art of poetry The lyric beauty of expression and poetry. For example, Beijing Opera《 Qiujiang 》"Sailing", old Skipper weng Rowing ferry Chen Miaochang Catching up with Pan Bizheng who had travelled for the exam, there was neither water nor boat on the stage. The actors' physical movements showed the scene of turbulence, sometimes rushing Rapids . Sometimes it is calm and calm, and it is superb and lifelike.
Different from traditional opera, drama rooted in European culture presents a distinctive perspective of social life and specific stage scenes realism Style. It also represents sailing, Stanislavsky The director's famous play Othello Venice The handling of the small boat can be described as extremely lifelike: twelve people push the huge boat body and blow it with fans Linen pocket , simulating the sound of waves. Although realistic drama can make the audience "walk into the story" Psychological reaction However, due to excessive stacking, the limited stage space lacks the beauty of flexibility and elegance. The drama director gradually realizes that realism and freehand brushwork should not be two poles apart.
From western gentlemen to modest gentlemen, drama absorbs nutrients from traditional opera with an inclusive mind. Mr. Jiao Juyin said, "The spirit of drama is conveyed in the form of drama." Learning from drama is not only to imitate its external form, but also to "transform" its internal charm. In Teahouse Stage scheduling Of Curvaceous beauty Enunciation The rhythmic beauty of cadence and the posture of the characters Beautiful appearance They are all concentrated expressions of opera techniques. In addition, director Xu Xiaozhong《 Sangshuping Chronicle 》China Israel song team Dance team The performance of the play shows the working scene and enhances the freehand brushwork of the play; Drama《 lamps and candles of a myriad families 》An ingenious use of Beijing Opera in a "blackout"“ Deep night ”The tunes set off the atmosphere; Director Lin Zhaohua is in《 Bailuyuan 》China Israel Shaanxi Qin Opera For the background music throughout Local opera Perfect integration with drama.
Drama theorist Ma Shaobo He said, "The truth without falsehood must be turbid; the falsehood without falsehood must be floating." He believed that the complementation of falsehood and reality, and the poetic "marriage" between drama and opera would certainly support a clear and sunny day for a hundred years of drama.