
[hóng dū lā sī ]
Republic of Honduras
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Republic of Honduras Spanish : Rep ú blica de Honduras) Honduras , on Central America North, north Caribbean , South Pacific Fonseca Bay , Dongtong and Nantong Nicaragua and El Salvador Junction, west and Guatemala Bordering, with a land area of 112500 square kilometers. [21] The country is divided into 18 provinces, with the capital located in Tegucigalpa (Tegucigalpa)。 In 2023, Honduras will have a population of 10.594 million. [27] The mineral deposits include silver, gold, lead, zinc, copper, etc. [1]
Honduras originally Indian Place of residence. 1502 Christopher Columbus Landing here, it is named Honduras (meaning "abyss"). At the beginning of the 16th century Spain colony. Independence was declared on September 15, 1821. Joined in 1823 Central American Federation Founded after the dissolution of the Union in 1838 republic [1]
Honduras is Latin America Least developed countries one of. Agriculture is the leading industry of the national economy, and its industrial foundation is relatively weak. 2022 gross domestic product US $29.657 billion, GDP per capita US $2831, with GDP growth rate of 4.1%. [1] [9]
On March 26, 2023, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Qin Gang He held talks with Honduran Foreign Minister Reina in Beijing and signed Joint Communiqu é of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations The two governments decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level from the date of signing the communiqu é. [11] [13-14]
Chinese name
Republic of Honduras [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Honduras (English)
La República de Honduras (Spanish)
Tegucigalpa [1]
major city
San Pedro Sula Laseva Houti Kalpa etc.
National Day
September 15, 1821
National anthem
Your Flag is the Light of Heaven
Country code
official language
Spanish [1]
Lempira [1]
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Iris Theomara Castro Samento [15] President
population size
10.594 million [27] (2023)
Population density
88.5 people/km2 [4] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Indo European Indian Black White [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
112500 km² [1]
Total GDP
US $29.657 billion [21] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $2831 [21] (2022)
International telephone area code
five hundred and four
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National Motto
"Freedom, sovereignty, independence"
Largest city
National flower
Ranking of land area
101st in the world
Main rivers
Patuka River Ulua River

Historical evolution

From the 4th to the 7th century, in the west of Honduras Mayan civilization One of the centers. 1502 Columbus Arrived in Honduras Gulf Islands It was the beginning of the contact between Honduras and Europe. In 1524, the Spanish army began to conquer Honduras and became a Spanish colony in the same year. From 1537 to 1539, Lempira led 30000 Indians to revolt against Spanish colonial rule. In 1539, Honduras was under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Guatemala.
Honduras declared independence on September 15, 1821, but was incorporated in 1822 Mexico's First Empire Joined in 1823 Central American Federation In October 1838, he withdrew from the Central American Federation and established the Republic. 1840 Honduras dictator in Guatemala Rafael Carrera With support, the conservative Francisco Ferreira established a dictatorship. After 1853, the liberals and conservatives in Honduras often had coups and civil wars, and the regime changed frequently. The gold and silver mining industry was damaged, which greatly affected the economic development. Since the 1840s, Britain has occupied eastern Honduras and Baya Islands , build railways, and obtain the right to lease large areas of land.
From independence in 1821 to 1978, Honduras has had 139 coups Latin America One of the countries with the most frequent coups. In the 1957 general election, the Liberal Party Ramon Bileda Morales He was elected president. In 1963, the commander of the armed forces, Oswaldo Lopes Areliano, launched a coup under the instigation of the United States, overthrew the Morales regime, and was elected president in 1965. 1971 Kuomintang Ramon Ernesto Cruise He won the election, but soon after he came to power, Areliano launched another coup. 1975 Commander of the Armed Forces Juan Alberto Melga Castro Launch a coup to replace Areliano. In 1978, the commander of the armed forces, Polykapo Paz Garcia, launched a coup and formed a military committee headed by him.
On December 20, 2021 local time, Theomara Castro Elected as the new president. [5]

natural environment


Regional location

Map of Honduras
Honduras covers an area of 112500 square kilometers. It is located in the north of Central America. To the north Caribbean , South Pacific Fonseca Bay , Dongtong and Nantong Nicaragua and El Salvador Junction, west and Guatemala Bordering. The coastline is 1033 kilometers long.

topographic features

More than three quarters of the territory is mountainous and plateau. The mountains extend from west to east, and the inland is Lava plateau There are many valleys among mountains and plains along the coast.

Climatic characteristics

Honduras has a tropical climate and coastal plains Tropical rainforest climate The annual average temperature is 23 ℃; The rainfall is abundant. The annual rainfall in the northern coastal zone and the windward slope of the mountain area is up to 3000 mm. Some regions will have "fish rain" from May to July, because a tornado will form on some Honduran seas from May to July. The tornado will roll the fish in the sea to the sky, then roll it to some regions and throw it down, which will become a fish rain.

Hydrological distribution

The important rivers in Honduras are Patuka River Ulua River

natural resources

Honduras is mainly mountainous, with narrow plains on the coast. The forest area accounts for about half of the national area and is rich in high-quality timber. The mineral deposits include silver, gold, lead, zinc, copper, etc.

administrative division



Honduras is divided into 18 provinces: Atlantis Cologne Comayagua , Copan Cortez Jolutka El Palaiso , Francisco Morasan Gracias Adios , Intibuka Gulf Islands La Paz , Lempira Okotepec , Orange Santa Barbara Palestine , Yollo.


Tegucigalpa (Tegucigalpa)。 According to the Constitution, the capital is composed of Tegucigalpa and Comayag ü ela. It is called the Central Region, covering an area of 1514 square kilometers and with a population of 1.524 million. The average temperature in the hottest month (May) is 18~30 ° C, and the average temperature in the coldest month (January) is 14~25 ° C. [1]

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Honduras (English: The Republic of Honduras; Spanish: La Rep ú blica de Honduras) is called Honduras for short.

national flag

Flag of Honduras
Flag of Honduras It was launched on January 18, 1949. The national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal rectangles, blue, white and blue, from top to bottom. There are five blue five pointed stars in the middle of the white rectangle. The national flag color comes from the color of the original Central American federal flag. The upper and lower blue stripes symbolize the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea respectively; White symbolizes the pursuit of peace; The five pointed stars were added in 1866 to express the composition Central American Federation The five countries of the United States can once again realize their desire to unite.

national emblem

Honduras National Emblem
Honduras National Emblem Opened in 1825, the huge Monzonic Pyramid built of stone on the national emblem symbolizes equality and justice, and the two square towers on the left and right symbolize the independence and sovereignty of the country. The vast expanse of ocean shows the geographical location of Honduras. The blue sky and rainbow in the background reflect the yearning and longing for the future. An oval white broadband with the words "Freedom, sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Honduras on September 15, 1821" written in yellow Spanish encircles the pyramid, showing the strength of spirit. The colored feather arrows on the top represent the local indigenous people, and the sheep horns filled with roses on both sides hold up the rich natural resources. At the bottom, pines, cypresses and oaks are evergreen, and strength and hope are firmly growing. The state calls on the people to cultivate national consciousness through labor and honor. Mayan The housing of Honduras symbolizes that Honduras was once brilliant in history Mayan Culture The birthplace of.

national flower

Honduras national flower Carnation Caryophyllaceae ), Carnation (Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus )Carnation, also known as lion head carnation, musk carnation, large flower carnation, Dutch carnation. by Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllus Plants, distributed in Europe the temperate zone as well as Chinese Mainland Of Fujian Hubei Etc., native to mediterranean sea Region is the most widely used in the world flowers and plants one of. Carnations include many variety And Hybrid , on greenhouse It can blossom almost continuously. Since 1907, pink carnations have been used Mother's Day It is often used as a flower for mother. [1]


Freedom, sovereignty, independence (Spanish: Libre, Soberana E Independiente) [18]

Population and nationality

In 2022, Honduras will have a population of 10.221 million. [19] Indo European 90%, others in turn Indian 7%, African American 2%, European American 1%. [3]




Honduras has a republican, democratic and representative system. The National Assembly is the highest legislative body. The President is the head of state and government, holding the executive power of the country. The Cabinet is the executive body of the government, under the direct leadership of the President. In November 2009, Honduras held presidential elections. The KMT presidential candidate Lovo was elected president with 55.9% of the votes, and took office on January 27, 2010. [2]
Since taking office, Hernandez government has focused on improving people's livelihood and investment environment, and increased investment in education, health and other fields. In the November 2017 general election, Hernandez won re-election by a narrow margin, but the opposition party accused the ruling party of fraud, mass demonstrations and once triggered looting and curfews. Egypt took office at the end of January 2018. The flood situation has stabilized. February 15, 2022, former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez Arrested at home in the capital. [7]
On December 20, 2021, Theomara Castro Elected as the new president of Honduras. [5] On January 27, 2022, she was sworn in as the first female president of Honduras. [6]


The current Constitution of Honduras came into force on January 20, 1982. The Constitution stipulates that the state implements a republican system with the separation of legislative, judicial and administrative powers. The President is the head of state, the head of government and the supreme commander of the armed forces. He is directly elected for a four-year term and can be re elected for one term. [1]


The parliament is a unicameral system, the highest legislative body in the country, and consists of 128 members. Members are directly elected by voters for a four-year term. The current parliament was formed in January 2022, including 49 seats for the ruling Freedom and Reconstruction Party, 43 seats for the Kuomintang, 22 seats for the Liberal Party, 10 seats for the Save Honduras Party, 2 seats for other parties, and 2 seats for independent members. The current Speaker is a member of the Save Honduras Party Louis Redondo (Luis Redondo), elected in January 2022 for a four-year term. [8]


The government consists of 21 ministries, and the main cabinet members are:
Key Cabinet Members
full name
executive vice-president
El Salvador Nasralaya (Salvador Nasralla)
Second Vice President
Doris Gutierrez (Doris Gutiérrez)
Third Vice President
Renato Florentino (Renato Florentino)
foreign minister
Eduardo Enrique Reina (Eduardo Enrique Reina)
Minister of Presidential Affairs
Rodolfo Pastor de Mar í a Campos
Minister of the Interior, Justice and Decentralization
Thomas Wakro (Tomás Vaquero)
finance minister
Ricci Monkada (Rixi Moncada, female)
defence secretary
Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales (José Manuel Zelaya Rosales)
Security Minister
H é ctor Gustavo S á nchez Vel á squez
Minister of Economic Development
Freddie Alonso Celato Balliadares (Fredis Alonso Cerrato Valladares)
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
Lazi Medina (Lucky Medina)
Minister of Energy
Eric Tehada Kawahar (Erick Tejada Carbajal)
Minister of Labour
Salai Selna (Sarah í Cerna, female)
minister of public health
Karla Paredes Reyes (female)
Minister of Science and Technology
Luther Castillo Harry (Luther Castillo Harry)
minister of education
Daniel Esponda (Daniel Esponda)
Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports
Gloria Anareya Beles Ossejo (Gloria Annarella V é lez Osejo, female)
Minister of Tourism
Yadira Gomez (Yadira G ó mez, female)
Minister of Infrastructure and Public Services
Octavio Pineda
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Laura Suazo (Laura Suazo, female)
Minister of Social Development
Jose Carlos Cardona (José Carlos Cardona)
Minister of Human Rights
Natalie Roque (Natalie Roque, female)
Minister of Information
Ives Alvarado (Ivis Alvarado)
Minister of Youth
Sulmit Rivera (Zulmit Rivera, female)
Minister of Women
Doris Garcia (Doris Gar í a, female)
reference material: [27]


It is composed of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the District Court. The Supreme Court is composed of 15 justices for a term of seven years. Lord President Raveka Okado (Rebeca Raquel Obando), elected in February 2023. Temporary Procurator General of the Procuratorate General Joel Zelaya (Johel Zelaya)。 The President of the Supreme Court and the Procurator General are elected by the National Assembly for a four-year term and can be re elected. [27]


Main political parties in Honduras
Name of political party
Party information
Freedom and Reconstruction Party (Partido Libertad y Refundación)
The ruling party. It was separated from the Liberal Party in 2011. The party chairman is Manuel Zelaya, the former president.
the kuomintang (Partido Nacional)
Also known as the "Blue Party", the largest opposition party. It was separated from the Liberal Party in 1902. Party Chairman David Ch á vez.
Liberal Party (Partido Liberal)
Also known as the "Red Party", the main opposition party. It was founded in 1881. Yani Rosenthal, the party chairman.
Save Honduras Party (Partido Salvador de Honduras)
The ruling coalition party. Established in 2019, the Party's chairman is Salvador Nasralla, the vice president.
reference material [27]


Iris Hiomara Castro Samento: President. Born on September 30, 1959, he received a bachelor's degree in business management. She is the wife of former President Zelaya and belongs to the Liberal Party with Zelaya. In 2009, Serbia was forced out of power by a military coup and exiled overseas. The mass movement of the card organization marched on the streets to protest. After returning to Hong Kong in 2011, Sai and Ka separated from the Liberal Party and founded the Freedom and Reconstruction Party. Card, representing the Freedom and Reconstruction Party, failed to run for president and vice president in the 2013 and 2017 general elections respectively; In the general election in November 2021, Ka and the Save Honduras Party formed a campaign alliance and won the election. He took office in January 2022 for a four-year term. [15]




One of the least developed countries in Latin America. Agriculture is the leading industry of the national economy, and its industrial foundation is relatively weak.
The main economic data in the first three quarters of 2023 are as follows:
GDP: US $34.34 billion
Per capita GDP: 3289 US dollars
GDP growth rate: 3.7%
Inflation rate: 6.9%
Unemployment rate: 7.4% [27]


As for coffee production, Honduras is no inferior to its neighboring coffee producing countries, such as Guatemala and Nicaragua However, Honduras has a low reputation in the consumer market due to its lack of strong support for the solution and transportation of raw beans. The coffee export volume of Honduras in 2010 was 246424000 dollars.
There are 280000 hectares of coffee plantations in Honduras, mainly small coffee merchants, whose coffee plantations are mostly less than 3.5 hectares, accounting for 60% of the production in Honduras. In the coffee garden, people collect coffee beans by hand, and then carefully solve and process them to meet different tastes of consumers according to market demand. Honduras harvests 3 million bags of coffee every year, providing the world with perfect coffee and unique coffee fragrance, with multiple quality and quantity, and has become the second largest coffee exporter in Central America and the tenth largest coffee exporter in the world.

foreign trade

It mainly exports coffee, bananas, palm oil, shrimp, sugar, tobacco and other crops, as well as zinc, lead, silver and other mineral products. Its main export targets are the United States, the European Union and Central American countries; It mainly imports machinery, electronic equipment, chemical products, fuels, lubricants, industrial products and grains, and its main import source countries are the United States, the European Union, Central American countries and Japan. In the first three quarters of 2023, Hong Kong exported US $8.968 billion and imported US $13.178 billion, reducing the trade deficit by 3.3% year on year. [27]


The official currency of Honduras is Lempira (Lempira), 1 dollar ≈ 24.83 rempiras (September 2022). [1] [8]




The official language of Honduras is Spanish


95.8% of Hondurans believe in Catholicism


The custom in Honduras is even more unimaginable, that is, "selling wives". In some villages and towns in the northwest of Honduras, men can "divorce" their wives and bring them to the market for auction, or exchange them with others' wives. The bought wife can be auctioned again. This scary folk custom is also a legacy of Maya. That year Mayan Kill all the captured male prisoners to worship the gods, while women can be taken as wives or exchanged. The government can do nothing about this deep-rooted custom. Nowadays, according to the law, this kind of transaction can only be held in the specified "people fair", and only once every three months.


new year
January 1st
April 13-16
Pan American Day, Bastille Day
April 14 every year
labor day
May 1st
Independence Day
September 15 every year
Morasan Day
October 3 every year
Honduras Discovery Day
October 12 every year
Army Day
October 21st
December 25th
Holy Week
Thursday and Friday before Easter in March or April ("Holy Week" is the most important religious festival and legal holidays First, people will use this holiday to travel, visit relatives and friends, or participate in religious celebrations.) [22]


As of 2012, the Honduran army has about 12000 soldiers. implement Compulsory military service , converted to Voluntary military service In 1999, the Honduran army joined the domestic security restoration. The government built a new US supported naval base in Caracas on the eastern Caribbean coast in April 2010. At the same time, Prime Minister Ganuati announced on July 14 that he would build a new base in the Gulf Islands on the Caribbean Sea.




There are 4 in Honduras international airport , i.e. the capital Tegucigalpa San Pedro Sula Laseva , Taranca Airport. National Air Transport Company and Honduras Air Service Company have routes to the United States Mexico And some countries in Central America.


Honduras is mainly transported by railway. The railway has a total length of 1780 kilometers, of which 1004 kilometers can be operated. It is concentrated in the northern coastal areas, some of which are dedicated transportation lines for bananas and sugar cane.


The north-south traffic of Honduras is mainly connected by roads, connecting the capital and major ports. The roads are about 20000 kilometers long, mainly including Pan American Highway And the highway between the two seas. The minimum taxi fare in Honduras is 0.35 dollars per person, and the cost of driving in the urban area will not exceed 4-5 dollars. The bus is convenient and cheap, and frequent.

ocean shipping

The main ports of Honduras are Cortez Tra , Seba and Trujillo seaports.




Urban primary schools in Honduras are seven-year. Three year rural primary school. Implemented before the age of 14 compulsory education There are 10 institutions of higher learning in the country, of which the National Autonomous University of Honduras was founded in 1846. [1]

People's life

The poverty population in Honduras accounts for 32% of the national population. Average life expectancy in 2011 was 73.1 years old, children under 5 years old mortality 24‰。 There are 94 hospitals, 274 medical stations, 1101 health centers and 5789 beds in China. tuberculosis malaria AIDS The number of patients ranks first in Central America.
On December 5, 2023 local time, the National Bureau of Statistics of Honduras released a poverty survey report on the country from 2022 to 2023, which showed that in the past year, the poverty rate in Honduras has decreased by 9.5%. The data shows that compared with the situation a year ago, the poverty rate of Honduras at the national level has dropped from 73.6% to 64.1%. [25]

International Relations


foreign policy

Honduras advocates peaceful coexistence among countries and mutual respect for territorial sovereignty; Promote democracy and safeguard human rights; Attach importance to developing relations with the United States, the European Union, Japan and other developed countries, and maintain traditional friendship with Latin American countries; Support the process of regional integration; Support international counter-terrorism cooperation.
On November 7, 2023, Honduran Foreign Minister Reina said that the United States should respect the national sovereignty of Honduras, and Hong Kong refused to accept the groundless accusation of Hong Kong's internal affairs by the United States senators. [24]

Relations with China

On March 26, 2023, China and Honduras established diplomatic relations. [12]
The main Chinese visits include Yu Ping, Vice President of CCPIT (October 2008), Dong Songgen, Vice President of CCPIT (September 2011), and Zhang Xiangchen, Assistant Minister of Commerce (October 2014).
Hong's main visitors include the Democratic Unity Party delegation (December 2008), Minister of Industry and Trade Escalante (September 2010, attending Hong's National Pavilion Day at the Shanghai World Expo), Minister of Energy Martinez and Minister of Environment Queyar (February 2011, business visit), multi-party parliamentary group (June 2012), former President Lovo (May 2014) Acting Foreign Minister Ochoa (came to China to attend the first ministerial meeting of the China CELAC Forum in January 2015).
On March 25, 2023 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras issued a statement announcing that it would sever "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. [10]
On March 26, 2023, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang of the People's Republic of China held talks with Honduran Foreign Minister Reina in Beijing, and signed《 Joint Communiqu é of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations 》。 The two governments decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level from the date of signing the communiqu é. [11] [13]
On the morning of June 11, 2023, the Honduran Embassy in China opened in Beijing. Honduran Foreign Minister Reina and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang jointly inaugurated the embassy. [16]
From June 9 to 14, 2023, at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Honduran President Fidel Castro will pay a state visit to China. During this period, both parties jointly issued《 Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras 》。 In July, Wang Shouwen, the international trade negotiator and vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, visited Hong Kong. In September, Yan Aoshuang, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Zhigong Party, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, and Chairman of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Zhigong Party, Jin Xingming, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai CPPCC, and Lv Yansong, Chief Editor of Xinhua News Agency, visited Hong Kong respectively; Lei Dongduo, Vice Minister of Hong's Ministry of Economic Development, visited China. [17] [20] [26]
According to the statistics of China Customs, the trade volume between China and Hong Kong in 2023 will be 1.91 billion dollars, including 1.83 billion dollars of Chinese exports and 80 million dollars of imports, up 21.1%, 18.2% and 177.6% year on year respectively.
In June 2023, a delegation of Honduran entrepreneurs will visit China. In July 2023, the two sides jointly announced the official launch of the China Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement negotiations. So far, three rounds of negotiations have been held and positive progress has been made; In the same month, the two sides jointly held the first meeting of the Mixed Economic and Trade Commission of the two countries. [28]
From April to May 2023, a delegation of Honduran mainstream media reporters will visit China. At present, 26 Honduran scholarship students are studying in the mainland. Xinhua News Agency and CCTV set up a reporter station in Hong. [20]
Relations with Israel
On November 3, 2023 local time, Honduran Foreign Minister Reina announced that the Honduran government decided to recall its ambassador to Israel because of "the serious humanitarian situation faced by Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip". [23]



Big Blue Hole in Honduras

Satellite photos of the Big Blue Hole
Big Blue Hole It is the largest underwater cave in the world, located about 96.5 kilometers off the coast of Belize, adjacent to the Lighthouse Reef. The appearance of the Big Blue Hole is round, with a diameter of about 304 meters and a depth of about 145 meters. It is one of the top ten geological wonders in the world. The big blue hole is limestone cave , formed at low sea level Ice Age Later, as the sea water rose, the cave roof collapsed and became an underwater cave. It is dark blue because the water is 145 meters deep.

Leo Platano Biosphere Reserve

Leo Platano Biosphere Reserve (Also translated as the Pratano River Biosphere Reserve, in Spanish: Reserva de la biosfera de R í o Pl á tano, in English: R í o Pl á tano Biosphere Reserve) is a reserve on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, with an area of 5250 square kilometers, and the whole area is roughly distributed along the Pratano River. There are many endangered species in the Biosphere Reserve of Leopartano, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1982 and the last two times. The Reserve is a tropical rain forest composed of mountains and lowlands, with more than 2000 species of animals and plants. This region is also part of the Central American Biological Corridor from Mexico to Central America.