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Hongshan Opera

Local operas
Hongshan Opera is popular in Anhui One of the rare traditional operas in eastern Anhui, it originated from "Nuo" in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, and developed from "Nuo" to incense opera.
By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Hongshan Opera was formed on the basis of incense and fire opera.
Hongshan Opera has a long history, unique charm and strong local flavor. It is a local opera with certain historical and artistic value.
Hongshan Opera, formerly known as the "incense opera", was performed when the incense festival asked God to pray. The incense festival is divided into two schools: the inner altar and the outer altar. The outer altar is called "Five Mountains" when it holds the meeting. The inner altar is called "Hongshan", and Hongshan Opera is named after the inner altar.
Chinese name
Hongshan Opera
Traditional operas
Nuo in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
Classification of aria
three classes of initials

Source of play


Play title

Hongshan Opera
The origin of the name of Hongshan Opera varies from one person to another. There are three legends among artists: first, the originator of Hongshan Opera Zhang Yunhao (The person of the time is unknown) It is a Hengshan people's surname at the junction of Tianchang, Liuhe and Yizheng provinces and three counties, so it is called "Hengshan Opera".
The local language Heng and Hong are similar, so it is called "Hongshan Opera". Second, the Qing Dynasty Taiping Army Hong Xiuquan, the king of heaven, once ordered the play to go to Hengshan to fight and occupy Nanjing Tianjing (Nanjing) performance, named "Hongshan Opera" in memory of Hong Xiuquan.
Third, there was a troupe leader surnamed Hong. Hongshan Opera was inherited by the Hong family. In addition, the costumes in the opera were mostly red shirts, which was homophonic, so it was called "Hongshan Opera". There is no written data to test the above three statements, and the first statement is generally believed to be more credible.

Drama type

The origin of Hongshan Opera is closely related to the folk incense festival. Hongshan incense festival has always maintained the legacy of ancient Nuo sacrifice and Nuo dance.
Li Dou in Qing Dynasty Yangzhou Painting Boat Record Said: "Nuo is called incense fire in peacetime". Hongshan incense burner artists call themselves "villagers Nuo".
In the "opening ceremony" ceremony of the festival, the artists also sang the words "at the beginning of the reign of prosperity and wealth, Jiaxing and Ming dynasties, local people exorcise", "Simen Muduo rings the bronze bell, and local people exorcise when taking over", etc.
In addition, Hongshan Incense and Fire Association claimed to belong to the holy gate that coexists with Buddhism and Taoism Confucianism The sacrificial rites in the ceremony are also consistent with the historical records. Therefore, some researchers believe that Hongshan Incense Fire God Association is a relic of the ancient "villagers exorcism".

historical origin



Hongshan Opera originated from "Nuo" in eastern Anhui and northern Jiangsu, which developed from Nuo to incense fire opera. Li Dou in the Qing Dynasty said in "Records of Yangzhou Boats" that "Nuo is usually called incense". In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Hongshan Opera was formed on the basis of incense and fire opera.
Hongshan Opera, formerly known as Xianghuo Opera, is mostly held by folk Niulan Meeting , Youth Club, Rain Praying Club, Yu Lan Club temple fair Wait, pray more for blessings, to get good weather and good harvest.
The artists adapted the folk libretto and fairy tales into "Outline" play, which is both for prayer and entertainment. Therefore, the original performance form of "blue cloth handkerchief tied on the head, old blue cloth jacket worn on the body, hand beating the rising sun to win the drum, foot dancing three mountains and five mountains" was formed.

the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan

Before Hongshan Opera was formed, it was a folk sitting and singing form. That is to say, "sitting singing" around the table, with gongs and drums passing through the door, without orchestral accompaniment, has changed from the 1920s to acting. From "two small plays" to several people playing different roles, they appeared on the grass in the countryside and formed
Hongshan Opera
The rudiment of Hongshan Opera. According to the Annals of Lai'an County, Hongshan Opera developed rapidly during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. There were dozens of troupes in Hongshan, among which Zhu Yuehua's troupe in the county seat, Jiang Yousong's troupe in prosperity, Hu Jinxian's troupe in Shiguan Penggang, and Lv Zhengde's troupe are the most famous.
Hongshan opera artists have a glorious tradition, in addition to performing some traditional plays. In addition, they also compiled and performed some "Pubao Ji", "Drum Beating and Gold Beating" with the content of anti imperialism and anti feudalism Three Generations of Blood and Tears Etc.
Therefore, he was killed and arrested by the Qing government. Drama is on the verge of extinction. Fortunately, some artists fled to other places to perform with Yangzhou Huagu Opera Troupe. I survived.

New Era

Hongshan Opera was reborn and flourished in the 1940s, and became one of the earliest local operas in China to perform modern operas and revolutionary operas.
Counter-Japanese War During the period, with the continuous consolidation and expansion of Huainan Anti Japanese Base Area led by the New Fourth Army, the anti Japanese literary and artistic activities in the base area were also carried out in full swing.
Wang Yongquan, an artist of Hongshan Opera who was working in the Anti Japanese Association of Anxian County, used the method of "old bottles filled with new wine" to adapt the Three Character Classic, which reflects the anti Japanese struggle of the militia, into a clear singing Hongshan Opera for the first time. This is the first time that the East First Belt of Huainan Road reflects the real struggle theme in the form of a libretto.
Then he adapted the traditional libretto Liu Wenlong's Examination into the Record of Joining the Army, which was accepted by the second division commander of the New Fourth Army Luo Binghui Fang Yi And Fan Changjiang and others.
Soon, Hongshan Opera was popularized in 16 counties of Huainan Anti Japanese Base Area with the half tower as the center. Zhang Jinfu, who was then the director of the Political Department of the Second Division, also set up a Hongshan Opera Experimental Troupe in the Popular Opera Troupe (the predecessor of the Frontline Song and Dance Troupe of the Nanjing Military Region). Wang Daohan, who was then the secretary of the Party Committee of Jiashan County, personally participated in the adaptation and performance guidance of Hongshan Opera Liu Shaoqi Comrades are particularly fond of watching Hongshan Opera.
Jiangbei Headquarters of the New Fourth Army They also often organize performances to popularize Hongshan Opera.

After liberation

After the liberation, in order to carry forward and inherit the drama of Hongshan Opera, Wang Yongquan, head of the Literature and Art Section of Lai'an County Culture and Education Bureau, launched the establishment of Hongshan Opera Team in 1957. In 1958, a professional Hongshan Opera Troupe was established in Lai'an County. At that time, Ren Guilin, the first president of the Chinese Academy of Drama and the playwright of Beijing Opera "Overcoming Liangshan", Su Yiping, director of the Literature and Art Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Dai Linfeng, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and others helped to excavate the heritage of Hongshan Opera in Lai'an County, train young actors, guide rehearsals, and collate and create traditional operas "Chasing the Mountains and Blocking the Sea", "A Tale of Gold Bracelets and Jade Rings", "Six Grand He created and performed a number of traditional operas, such as The Song of the Expedition, Wanshan Hongbian, Dongfeng Horn Red Children Waiting for a batch of modern dramas. In music, add silk strings. In terms of performance, he learned from the essence of other dramatic arts and achieved good results. He went to Bengbu and Hefei to participate in provincial and municipal artistic performances and won awards.
Hongshan Opera
Lai'an Hongshan Opera Troupe Since its establishment to 1965 the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution On the eve, they carried forward the glorious tradition of Hongshan opera artists, responded to the call of the Party, implemented Comrade Mao Zedong's important instruction of "facing the countryside", adhered to the "two for" direction and the "double hundred" policy, and went deep into the mountain towns and polder areas of the county to perform. Every time the troupe goes to the countryside, they carry backpacks and walk, pick their own suitcases, drag their own props, pick their own soil and cushion the stage for performances, and use gasoline lamps to light their performances at night. Hongshan Opera actors' spirit of hard work has been unanimously praised by Party committees and governments at all levels. To this end, the Jianghuai Daily reported and introduced the impressive performance of Lai'an Hongshan Opera Troupe with a front page headline titled "Literature and Art Light Cavalry".
In the autumn of 1965, Hongshan Opera Troupe merged with Yang Opera Troupe. Soon, the Cultural Revolution began and the establishment of Hongshan Opera Troupe was cancelled. Hongshan Opera originated from the folk, developed in Huainan Anti Japanese Base Area, and flourished in the 1950s after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The depression sank before the Cultural Revolution, but for many years, amateur and semi professional troupes in rural areas still often sang Hongshan Opera, which has taken root among the people. In the old days, farmers held incense parties with strong religious superstition regularly or irregularly, such as cattle corral meeting, plowing meeting, seedling meeting, harvest meeting, etc., to honor the "Hongshan" and "Five Mountains" gods. Incense festival The Shensi people (Nuo people, also called Youren and Xiangtong) presided over the ceremony and prayed to the gods by singing and chanting. Singing can be divided into inner altar and outer altar. The inner altar mostly sings divine script. At the beginning of the book list, it mainly includes "Yuan Qiao Ferry", "Tang Monk Picks Scriptures", "Wei Zheng Chops the Old Dragon", "Jiulang Replaces His Father", "Liu Quan Goes into Melons", "Tang Wang Visits the Prefectures" (then called "Tang Six Books"). Later, it added "Yuan Tiangang Sells Divinations", "Grandma Xu Burns Incense", "Qin Shihuang Chases the Mountain and the Sea", "Huang's Daughter to King Kong", and "Chen Xiang Saves Mother"《 the eight immortals crossing the sea 》More than 10 books including Du Kang's Wine Making, Li Laojun's Birth, Han Xiangzi's Longevity; The Outer Altar often sings historical stories and folk legends, such as Wang Mang usurps the throne, Zhang Sijie makes a scene in Tokyo, Zhang Xiang's dowry, Zhang Lang divorces his wife, and The Jade Ring. In the early days, one person sat down to sing, or several people sat in groups to sing, in a rigid form. Later, they gradually changed from sitting to standing, from static to dynamic, and added "two small" (Xiaosheng, Xiaodan) plays.
As time goes by, do“ A hall meeting ”Artists gradually increased. In order to enhance their competitiveness, knowledgeable artists began to pay attention to improving themselves artistically. They boldly absorb folk tunes, strive to be closer to the masses emotionally, and at the same time, from "hall meeting" to "grass stage" and "building stage". In this process, folk troupes of different schools with different foremen gradually formed. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the activity area of the artists expanded to urban market towns, among which the more talented ones improved rapidly in art due to their broadened horizons, and accumulated a lot of experience in performance practice.

Artistic characteristics



Hongshan Opera
The music development of Hongshan Opera can be roughly divided into three stages. In the first stage, from the incense ceremony at the end of the Qing Dynasty to the singing in Caotai in the 1930s, the singing was still in seven character, cross[ Baodiao ]、[ Doubaodiao ]It mainly uses gongs and drums for accompaniment, with a single singing structure, and one tune can be used to cover multiple lyrics. In the second stage, from the late 1930s to the early 1950s, there were great breakthroughs in the form and content of singing. The original [seven character tone], [cross tone] and Shenshu tunes are collectively called Hongshan tunes. The way of filling in old songs with new words is still used by new dramas that reflect real life.
In addition, it has also widely absorbed Folk ditty Folk song Number It is used to enrich the singing and enrich the expressive force of singing. During this period, Hongshan tune still kept the old form of free free singing and accompanied by gongs and drums. With the absorption of folk tunes, silk and bamboo instruments were also introduced. The third stage is from the 1950s to now. At this stage, Hongshan Opera troupes have turned from amateurs to professionals. Lai'an County established a county level Hongshan Opera Troupe. The development of "Hongshan Tone" tends to be diversified. Artists have formed their own singing characteristics according to their own voice conditions and vocal art processing conditions. The singing accompanied by gongs and drums, the singing accompanied by silk and bamboo, and the singing accompanied by gongs and drums, silk and bamboo coexist.


The early accompaniment of Hongshan Opera is only used Percussions Big gong Small gong big cymbals Four pieces Percussion instrument However, the local troupes are different and the organization is unstable. The gongs and drums passing through the door are interspersed in the upper and lower sentences of the aria, and an additional gongs and drums are added in the first half sentence to pass through the door. In the accompaniment of [seven characters of gongs and drums] and [cross of gongs and drums], the main feature is that the door is clapped in the second half of the last word of the last sentence or the next sentence. In the later period, except for the Seven Character Tone and the Cross Tone, all the other gongs and drums were absorbed from the Beijing Opera gongs and drums classics. Gradually increased after 1940s Bamboo flute erhu fiddle Sheng And other musical instruments. In the 1950s, national orchestral instruments gradually increased. After the 1960s, it was basically subordinate to the accompaniment form of Yangju Opera.


Hongshan Dramatic tune According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 30 kinds of tunes in total, and more than 10 commonly used tunes. These tunes can be roughly divided into three categories: first, gongs and drums singing, such as "seven character tune", "cross tune", which is different from the main tune of Yangju; The aria of Yangju Opera is called "small opening", and that of Hongshan Opera is called "big opening", that is, in terms of gongs and drums. The second is prayer tunes, such as "Niangniang Tune", "Doufa Tune", "Baodiao", "Doubao Tune", "Splashing Tune", "Liantan Tune", etc. The third is folk tunes, such as Yang Liuqing, Aunt Wang mending the vat and upside down pasting. The tune of Hongshan Opera has a feature that the same tune can express many different feelings with different singing techniques. For example, "Cross Joint Play" and "Seven Character Joint Play" can contain dozens of lyrics. Artists have a general design before singing. They can fully express their priorities, emotions and sorrows. Experienced old artists can often achieve a free gallop in the artistic treatment of tunes.

music for voices in a Chinese opera

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 tunes of Hongshan Opera, and more than 20 tunes are commonly used. It can be roughly divided into three categories:[ Seven tone ]、[ Cross key] The second category is the melody for praying for gods, and the third category is the minor melody of folk songs. Seven character tune and cross tune are the basic tunes of Hongshan Opera.


Hongshan Opera
The performance of Hongshan Opera has learned the performance art of Beijing Opera, but it also retains the traditional performance characteristics of the opera. Such as "pushing the shirt" when two people sing and dance (the cross step when two people face each other), and "four door fight" in the beginning of the martial arts play (such as small rifles and other duels must hit the four corners of the stage). In addition, before the formal performance, there is a routine custom of "three plays", that is, the first play is not spoken, such as "jump empress", "jump extra officials", "jump god of wealth", "jump phoenix crown", etc; 2. When a play is not performed, an actor holds a cloud broom in his hand and recites the words of praise; The three plays were played randomly, and "Little Cattle herding" was performed on the stage. The lyrics of Hongshan Opera are closely related to the language of the county, and many lyrics come from local folk slang And the general spoken language, both refined and popular, catchy. Because of the strong colloquialism, heavy enunciation and no too many tunes, the seven character and cross tones are more integrated with the accompaniment of gongs and drums.


Hongshan Opera
The repertoire of Hongshan Opera is based on myths and legends, folk stories, folk librettos and some repertoires adapted from other operas. There are more than 200 plays. The aria of Hongshan Opera can be divided into three categories, namely "gongs and drums accompaniment", "praying for gods" and "folk ditty". At first, Hongshan Opera was accompanied by gongs and drums, singing and dancing, and later added silk flute. The singing is simple and straightforward, loud and clear, catchy, and full of local flavor. The performance of Hongshan Opera has gradually developed from "two small operas" to "three small operas". The character performance has gradually become stylized, and the performance has gradually transited from rural venues to urban stages.

Type of play



The repertoire of Hongshan Opera mostly comes from divine script. For example, "Yuan Qiao Ferry", "Tang Monk Picks Scripture", "Wei Zheng Chops the Old Dragon", "Jiu Lang Replaces His Father", "Liu Quan Goes to Melon", and "Tang Wang Visits the Prefectures", all of which are collectively referred to as "Six Books of the Tang Dynasty". These plays are mainly based on the "curtain show" compiled and performed in the libretto and chapter novels“ serialized theatrical performance ”。 In addition, there are more than 70 "fixed drama", such as "Hongjiang Takes Office", "Zhang Lang Resces His Wife", "Chenxiang Saves His Mother", "Chen Sanliang Climbs the Hall", "Contract Record", and "Long Xumian". Hongshan Opera has a glorious history of anti imperialism and anti feudalism. In the Qing Dynasty Guangxu reign period During, Shiguan District Hu Jinxian's Hongshan Opera Troupe in Penggangbu wrote and acted in the play "The Story of Pu Bao", exposing the evil of the Qing Dynasty's reckless disregard for human life, which led to the disaster of the troupe. stay Republic of China During the period, Jiang Yousong's Hongshan Opera Troupe in Xinglong Township had been persisting in performing anti aggression and anti feudal oppression dramas, such as "Beating the Drum and Fighting Jinshan" Three Generations of Blood and Tears Etc.


From 1941 to 1945, Lai'an County has successively established the Half Tower Amateur Theatre Troupe, Shiguan Qingfeng Theatre Troupe, Popular Theatre Troupe, Tongcheng Theatre Troupe, Chajian Militia Theatre Troupe, Half Tower Cadre and Staff Children School Amateur Theatre Troupe, etc. Performed a number of modern dramas, such as "Protecting Home", "Sending Lang to the Army", "Joining the Army", "Henan Famine", "Tiger Gone and Wolf Came" Xi'an Incident "Mutual aid in production", "Small heads pull workers but not cattle", "Wu Manyou", "The transformation of a scoundrel", etc. In 1957, the Hongshan Opera Troupe was established in Lai'an County. In 1958, the professional Hongshan Opera Troupe was established. In addition to performing traditional operas, it also compiled and performed some plays reflecting modern life, such as The Expedition Sings "The Red Mountains" Red Children, Dongfeng Horn. At the same time, a number of traditional plays have also been excavated and sorted out, such as "Chasing the Mountains and Blocking the Sea", "Gold Bracelets and Jade Rings", "Chen Ying Selling Water", and "Six Great Examinations".
Famous artists of Hongshan Opera in the late Qing Dynasty Hu Jinxian (Shi Guanxiang, who contacted artists from Hongshan Opera Troupe in the county to sing "Grandma Xu Burning Incense" all over the county to encourage anti Qing movement), followed by Lv Baozhou, Wei Jinshou, Cai Laosan, Jia Chenghua, Li Anmin, Zhu Yuehua, Hu Laoliu, and then followed by Jiang Yousong, Tang Zhengtian, Lu Zhengde, Wang Dahua, Zhu Fengying, etc.