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dongjing music

Ancient traditional instrumental music
Dongjing music is a very old traditional instrument Lele Species, which originated in Sichuan Province in the Song Dynasty, is now popular in Sichuan Province, Yunnan Han area, Lijiang, Chuxiong and other Naxi and Yi areas.
Chinese name
dongjing music
Heritage level
national level
Approval time
November 11, 2014
Declaration area
Xichang City, Sichuan Province
Heritage category
folk music
Heritage number

historical origin

Dongjing Music Performance Scene
It has a long history. The musical instruments used in Yunnan are civil and martial, and the band is huge. The music style is beautiful, simple and elegant. It gets its name from the performance of the Taoist scripture Wenchang Great Cave Immortal Sutra. The Taoist scriptures are divided into three holes, namely, Dongzhen, Dongxuan, and Dongshen, which are passed down by the Taoist Sanqing Gods respectively. Therefore, the Taoist scriptures are called cave scriptures. They play the music of singing the praises in the scriptures, so they are called cave music. Dongjing music originated in Sichuan Province Pengxi County , originated from Taoist silk and bamboo music in ancient Central Plains. Its founders are Liu Ansheng and Wei Qi. [1] On November 11, 2014, Dongjing Music was listed by the State Council The fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list
Liu Ansheng was born in Pengxi County, Sichuan Province in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the fourth year of Qiandao (1168), it was written at Yuxutan, Baoping Mountain (today's Chicheng Mountain), Pengxi County《 Wenchang Great Cave Immortal Sutra 》5 volumes, widely circulated in the society. Liu Ansheng is the pioneer of Dongjing music, which is famous both at home and abroad for his talk and performance of Wenchang Great Dongxian Sutra.
Sichuan Pengxi Dongjing Music Concert Team
Wei Qi, a native of the Yuan Dynasty, called Zhongyangzi, lived in seclusion in Penglai Mountain, Pengxi County, Sichuan Province. He was young and good at Taoism. He used to be a military and civilian officer in Qijiang, Nanping and other places. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Wei Qi annotated Liu Ansheng's "Wenchang Great Cave Immortal Sutra" in Penglai Mountain, Pengxi County, Eastern Sichuan Province. In the third year of the Yuan Dynasty (1310), Wei Qi presented his Annotation of Wenchang Great Cave Immortal Sutra to the Emperor Wuzong of the Yuan Dynasty, and won a great reputation for being rewarded. His book has been widely circulated throughout the country, becoming the main scripture of Dongjing music in Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces. Wei Qi made great contributions to the generation and spread of Dongjing music. the Ming dynasty Henan Governor , local people Yang Zuoji In the Record of Building Shiyu Mountain Academy, it is said that "Zhongyangzi of Penglai Mountain annotated the Great Cave Immortal Sutra." This is the first document to record Wei Qi's annotation of the Great Cave Immortal Sutra in Penglai Mountain, Pengxi County, Sichuan Province, which was recorded in the Sichuan General Annals of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. Dongjing music is a living fossil of music, which has been UNESCO Recognized as valuable by all mankind Intangible cultural heritage
Pengxi County Dongjing Music Performance
According to Huaping County Literature and History Materials - Part II: dongjing music It was introduced from Sichuan to Dali in the seventh year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1409). The first series of Nanjian County Literature and History Materials also said that it was introduced from Sichuan to Dali in the seventh year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, and then from Dali to all parts of Yunnan. The Data of Tonghai County also said that it was introduced from Sichuan. Dali dongjing music ·The preface says that Dali and Xiaguan sent people to Sichuan to practice the Great Cave Immortal Sutra in the 13th year of Jiajing's reign (1534) of the Ming Dynasty, and brought back two of them respectively. Although there is a gap in time between the four statements, they are all definitely introduced from Sichuan. These statements are relatively reliable. It has the General Annals of Yunnan compiled by Li Yuanyang of the Ming Dynasty as a reference. It was the secretary who recorded the situation of Wenchang Palace in the counties of Yunnan in the early Ming Dynasty. Wenchang Palace is the headquarters of Dongjing Festival, dongjing music Play here. According to the book: Kunming Wenchang Palace is outside the west gate. The Chuxiong Zitong Temple is outside the Renfu Gate in the west of the city. Wenchang Temple in Wuding is within the old government. Wenchang Temple in Heqing is in the Taixuan Palace in the south of Fuzhi. Yongsheng Zitong Temple is in the south of Zhouzhi. Baoshan Wenchang Temple is located at the foot of Taihe Mountain in the west of the city. Lin Junjian, the deputy envoy of Hongzhi. Four days of sacrifice after the first day of labor in Spring and Autumn. There are also temples in Tengyue Prefecture. Fengqing Wenchang Temple is located three miles to the northeast of the government, and Meng Yinjian, the local magistrate in Jiajing. It can be seen that Wenchang Palace had existed widely before Jiajing. According to Volume 55 of Yao'an County Annals compiled by Yu Yunlong, a scholar of the Republic of China, every county of Dian Province has its own economic association. Since the Ming Dynasty, Yao Yi has set up a society to worship Wenchang and satirize Dongjing and Huangjing to pray for peace. An altar was also set up between them to preach the oracles, guide the ignorance and die as a branch of Taoism. However, most of the believers were scholars, so every time it was held, the ritual and music were graceful, and the ancient ritual and music were kept intact. Yaoyi Scripture Society was founded in Dongshan Old Association (formerly in White Crane Temple). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, people were invited to attend the ceremony, which began in the city's Zhongli Guixiang Society. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Geng Yu prayed, traveled in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and learned music and law, which was quite conductive. At the beginning of arresting Guangxu, Ma Siliang returned from the east of Zhejiang Province. He refined his music score, corrected the music of Guanglu Society, and the Guixiang Society copied it. Since the music of Yao'an Jinghui, it has come to Yazheng. Musical instruments include zheng, pa, pipe, bell, drum, cymbal and cymbal. The amount of funds and goods varies from one club to another, and they are kept by the correctional instrument, and they are replaced every year. Those who join the club first are called senior leaders, and those who are young and fashionable are called senior leaders. Joining the society, I felt that I was old and young, orderly, courteous and happy, and looked at the society. According to Yang Luqian's "Zhaotong County Annals Draft" (Volume VI), the teaching of the Dongjing altar was taught from the introspective Yuan, mainly by talking, performing and chanting sutras, supplemented by music. Those who pray for sunshine, rain, Christmas, celebration, and abstinence, and know their scriptures, mixed with Buddhism and Taoism, and joined the altar, are all men, not women. These records show that the dongjing music It began to flourish in the Ming Dynasty, and other versions are only varieties introduced from Sichuan.
In the Qing Dynasty dongjing music In the heyday of popularization, development, prosperity and integration in Yunnan. In more than 120 counties of the province, there are various Dongjing bands in large villages and towns with large population. Moreover, the organization is sound, and the activities have been standardized, institutionalized and regular. It has gradually spread to Myanmar and Vietnam with the caravan's whereabouts. Due to social unrest in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Chuxiong, Dali, Baoshan and Tengchong people in western Yunnan moved to Myitkyina and Mandalay in Myanmar for business. People from Mengzi, Gejiu, Shiping and Jianshui in southern Yunnan went to Vietnam, dongjing music Flowing into different groups, they took root and blossomed among Chinese. When Yunnan people leave their hometown, they miss their relatives every festival. At the festival, they start to read scriptures and play musical instruments. The pleasant local music has made many Chinese shed tears of nostalgia for their homeland
During the Republic of China, dongjing music Still playing in Yunnan as usual. Even before Tang Jiyao left for crusade against Yuan Shikai, he asked the provincial capital Dongjing to hold talks on the ritual flag. On the eve of liberation, there were still 89 Dongjing bands in Kunming. After the liberation of Yunnan, a group of Dongjing elders led by Peng Youshan established the Ancient Music Research Association to collect and sort out music scores.

artistic characteristics

dongjing music Since the fourth year of Emperor Xiaozong's Qiandao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1168), it has a history of more than 830 years. In the long process of evolution, it has gone through several stages: initial transmission, gradual prosperity, peak, decline and revitalization. Each stage presents different characteristics due to changes in economy, society and religion.
As far as Yunnan is concerned, the first is the increase of music. According to incomplete statistics, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, hundreds of Dongjing bands in the province still had more than 2000 pieces of music. Later, the relevant departments vigorously collected, sorted out and identified more than 1500 pieces of music (excluding those with different names of the same music). The spectrum of the Cave Sutra is Gongchi spectrum. There is a corresponding ritual for the Dongjing performance. The scripture altar should be set up, and the meeting should first queue up to meet the gods. Most of the participants in the talks and performances were scholars, whose cultural mentality and music outlook were influenced by Confucianism and Taoism, forming the characteristics of Dongjing music. They talked about classics and music. First, they pursued fame by offering sacrifices to the Wenchang Emperor, praying for the interaction between heaven and man and good luck; Second, the pursuit of longevity, and music can entertain God and people; Third, because the Dongjing Association is supported by the royal family or the official, it is glorious to join the Association and can mark the dignity of status. [2]
According to the ancient practice, the regular performance of Dongjing music must be led by the "leading voice". According to different "disciplines", different scriptures, "starting" different tunes, bands and harmony follow. Such as: Sacrifice Sacred Seat Tone, Courtesy Ten Offering Tone, Respect Tone, Narration, Comfort Tone, Repentance Tone, etc. The main content of the Cave Sutra is to recite the scriptures. Some of them have "He", and they sing one after another. Sometimes only wooden fish are used to beat the festival, and sometimes music accompaniment is required. The local Dongjing groups have their own set of conventional music rules.
Tanqiang is a kind of rhyme with strong lyricism. When singing the rhythmic poems in scriptures, the accompaniment can be divided into two forms: fine music and big music. The last word of the title of a tune often contains praise, praise, verse, confession, quotation, chapter, tune, song, sound, offering, etc. Such as: Pray for Harmony, Heaven Temple Ode, Kaijingzan, Xiangzan, Kaijingketa, Shoujingketa, Dadong Mantra, Auspicious Mantra, Repentance to Heaven, Plum Blossom Introductions, Greetings, Taoist Songs, Ten Sacrifices, etc. The lyrics are mostly regular eight-line poem with seven characters per line and rigorous prosodic rules , quatrains, four character poems, long and short sentences, respectively, are accompanied by different music, such as the five character sentence "Lock the Road Niche" and the seven character sentence "One River Wind". The melody of Tanqiang is beautiful and moving, which accounts for a large proportion of Dongjing tunes.
Chanting tune, that is, the prosodic rhyme tune, is the chanting style music, which can be called "chanting tune". The accompaniment is usually a click on a wooden fish or dangzi, sometimes with a small amount of silk string music. The length of the music changes and repeats with the word segment. The music stops when the incoming document is finished.
Reading tune refers to the rhyme tune of the table and Zhuwen. The tune is free and unrestrained, and changes from person to person. No instrument can be played without striking.

Representative works

There are 270 pieces in Dali Dongjing Ancient Music (published in 1990) alone. Including Nanqing Palace, Beipingzhou, Yuhua Yin, Dongxian Praise, He Xiangu, Tiannv Scattering Flowers, Chanting Sutra, Yulu Hezhang, Yuantong Praise, Plum Blossom Introduction, Yuan Huangzan, Welcoming Immortals, Zhenwu Praise, Miaohua Yin, Shangqing Palace, Nanhua Zhang, Shenzhou Ferry, Yaotai Moon, Changchun Palace , "Fairy Flower Song", "Gold New Silk", "Silver New Silk", "Bixi Sandie", "Green Pearl Curtain", "Welcoming Immortals", "Praise to Heaven", "Moon Palace Immortal", "Liu Qingniang", "Auspicious Sound", "Tsinghua Praise", "Praise to Treasures", etc.
According to Mr. Peng Youshan, there were more than 150 pieces of Kunming Dongjing music. 132 were sorted out by the cadre records of provincial and municipal cultural bureaus. Including Xuanyun Mantra, Little Peach Blossom, Greeting Immortal Order, Taoist Order, Green Fish Order, Gui Jue Order, Which Chi Order, Qingshui Order, General's Order, Victory Order, Tao Tao Order, South Order, Pin Order, Spring Order, Summer Order, Autumn Order, Winter Order, South Makeup Order, North Makeup Order Yang Disguises, Su Disguises, Auspicious Sound, Taiping Sound, Tianji Sound, Cuihua Sound, Puguang Sound, Xutan Sound, Nao Yuanxiao, Hillside Sheep, One River Wind, Water Diversion, Wannian Huan, Han Dongshan, Man Tingfang, Liu Yaojin, Lao Guaqiang, etc.
Mr. Tang Xin sorted out Weishan dongjing music More than 100 songs, including Bu Toad Palace, Man Wu Yan, Liu Qingniang, Qingtian Palace, Eight God Mantra, He Shengchao, Feng Rush into the Pine, Golden Cicada Noise, Siping Tune, Lock the South Branch, Little Partridge, Shui Shui Pi, Down the Mountain Tiger, Point Crimson Lips, One River Wind, Wild Goose Falling on the Sand, He Gui Yi, Kai Jing Ji "Five Names", "New Tune", "Folding Money", "Crane Spreads Its Wings", "Waves Washing the Sand", "Six Five Tunes", "Guanyin Sweeps the Temple", etc. There are 111 songs in Mile County, including Thousand Years Old 1, 2, 3, 4, Ten Thousand Lotus 1, 2, 3, 4, Victory Order 1, 2, One River Wind 1, 2, Holy Number 1, 2, 3, Xianjiale 1, 2, Old Repentance 1, 2, 3, 4, Chaotianzi, One Awning Pine, Inverted Lotus, Great Merit Cao, etc. Tonghai County has "Gongxue", "Bubujiao", "Folding Money", "Tea Offering", "Xiangzan", "Silence", "Seven Star Pill", "Yin Yang Tune", "Partridge Sky", "Drunken Flower Cloud", "Winning Order", "New Lotus Leaf", "Bird Stepping on the Branch", "Ancient Song", "Chu Tianyao", "Peng Lai Palace", "Lock the South Branch", "Moon High", "Sand Falling Goose" More than 50 songs, such as "Zhu Huangtian" and "Xianjiale". There are more than 20 songs in Qujing, such as "Mountain Sheep", "Going South to the Palace", "Waves Washing the Sand", "Willow Shakes Gold", "Four Character Tune", "Puguang", "The Supreme Saying", "Canghu", "Big Cave", "Curse Candle", "Xijiang Moon", "Smoke Full of Seats", "Incense Offering", "Songs of Scattered Flowers", and "Qingping Tune". In addition, there are many music in Xuanwei, Huize, Zhaotong, Shizong, Luoping, Zhanyi, Luliang, Fuyuan, Xinping, Shiping, Jianshui, Gejiu, Lijiang, Baoshan, Tengchong, Yongsheng, Huaping, Wuding, Yuxi, Jianchuan, Heqing, Chuxiong, Kechuan, Xiangyun, Nanhua, Yao'an, Jinning, Luxi, Wenshan and other places.

Inheritance significance

Singing Dongjing music is an important carrier of Dongjing culture inheritance. Since its establishment for more than three years, Pengxi Dongjing Music Research Association has focused on the excavation of historical materials of the scriptures and the construction of music teams. There are 98 "Dongjing Ancient Orchestra" and "Dongjing Ancient Music Concert Team" in the county seat, and 32 "Mingyue Branch" Jingyue Branch "Jingyue Orchestra, with a total of 130 people. According to the 115 year heritage record of the Confucian and Taoist altar in the Mingyue Pass Temple, on the birthday of Laozi, Wenchang, Guansheng, Confucius, Huanhou, and Sakya, in addition to chanting this sutra, such as Tao Te Ching, Yin Zhi Wen, Jue Shi Shi, Filial Piety and other related sutras, 1-3 chapters of the Great Cave Immortal Sutra must be added, that is, the Great Cave Immortal Sutra will be used as a general sutra. Singing Dongjing music, such as Wenchang Xiangzan, Yang Zhizan, Bagua Zan, Winning Order, Small Open Door, Nanqing Palace, has been popular for a hundred years. Today's spiritual civilization construction keeps pace with the times. Dongjing music is put on the stage of literature and art, and plays such classic divertimentos as Ruixiang Baogao, Dongxian Song, Jintang Moon, and Beside Makeup Platform, which are magnificent, relaxing, melodious, and fascinating. We can inherit the traditional and realistic combination, let it carry forward, go out of the county gate, cross the country and even the world, and it is just around the corner. [3]

Inheritance and protection

In February 2022, Sichuan Dongjing Music (Yishala talking about ancient classics) and Sichuan Dongjing Music (Qiongdu Dongjing ancient music) were included in the "Provincial List of Representative Project Protectors of Intangible Cultural Heritage" in Sichuan. [4]