
[máo dì huáng]
Digitalis of Plantaginaceae
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synonym Digitalis (Scrophulariaceae Radix Rehmanniae) Generally refers to Radix Rehmanniae
Digitalis pubescens( Digitalis purpurea 50. ) is an annual or Perennial herb [3] The plant is 0.5-1 meters high, with upright stems and few branches. The whole plant is covered with gray white pubescence and glandular hair. The leaves are basal, rosette shaped, ovoid or ovoid lanceolate. Terminal raceme, bell shaped corolla, purple red, with light white spots on the inside. The chrysanthemum fruit is ovoid. [11] Because it has hairy stems and leaves and leaves that look like rehmannia glutinosa, it got the name of "hairy rehmannia glutinosa"; It is also called "digitalis" because it comes from far away Europe. [12]
Rehmannia glutinosa originated in Europe and was later introduced and cultivated in the East and the Americas. It is mostly cultivated in China. [13] It likes sunshine, cool environment, half shade resistant, cold and drought resistant, and avoids alkaline soil. It likes fertile, loose, moist soil with good drainage. [14]
Digitalis pubescens mainly contains digitalis glycosides and digitalis glycosides. Pharmacological studies have shown that Radix Rehmanniae Radix et Rhizoma Rehmanniae has the effects of cardiotonic, diuretic, anti-tumor, liver protection, anti-virus and so on. [13] Rehmannia glutinosa is a poisonous plant that needs to be avoided. The leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa contain several toxic substances. If taken in large quantities, it will lead to arrhythmia and even death. [15] The yellow flower in Maodi has a unique shape and is an excellent ornamental plant. It can be planted in clusters and patches in parks and gardens, as well as in flower beds, flower borders, and potted plants. [16]
Chinese name
Latin name
Digitalis purpurea L.
Digitalis Digitalis purpurea Liberty Bell Fingertip flower Germany Golden Bell Heart grass Cabbage [3]
Magnolia [10]
Named by and date
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [17]

History of botany

  • Name Source
Because it has hairy stems and leaves and leaves like rehmannia glutinosa, it is named as rehmannia glutinosa. The foxglove is also a cute name of foxglove( Foxglove )It is said that the bad goblin gave the fox the flowers of Radix Rehmanniae and asked the fox to put the flowers on his feet to reduce the sound of his footsteps when he was looking for food among Radix Rehmanniae. In addition, Digitalis pubescens has other nicknames such as witch gloves, fairy gloves, and the clock of the dead. [4]
Because it has hairy stems and leaves and leaves that look like rehmannia glutinosa, it got the name of "hairy rehmannia glutinosa"; It is also called "digitalis" because it comes from far away Europe. [12]
 Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove

morphological character

Annual or Perennial herb , except Corolla Outside, the whole body is covered with gray white pubescence and glandular hair, and sometimes the stem is almost hairless, with a height of 60-120 cm. Stems solitary or several in clusters. Basal leaf Most are rosette shaped, petiole with narrow wings, up to 15 cm long; Leaf blade ovate or long elliptic, 5-15 cm long, apex acute or obtuse, base gradually narrow, margin with short pointed round teeth, rarely serrate; The lower part of the stem leaf is isomorphic with the basal leaf, and gradually smaller upward, petiole It is short until it has no handle and becomes Bract [3]
Calyx campanulate, about 1 cm long, slightly enlarged in fruit stage, 5-lobed to the base; Lobes Rectangle round oval, apex obtuse to acute; Corolla purplish red, with spots on the inner surface, 3-4.5 cm long, lobes very short, and white pilose at the apex. capsule Oval, about 1.5 cm long. seed It is short stick shaped and has extremely fine soft hair in addition to honeycomb reticulation. The flowering period is from May to June. [3] [18]

Distinction of recent species

Digitalis lanata Digitalis lanata Ehrh.)
Most of the basal leaves are rosette shaped, ovate or long elliptic, 5-15cm long, with a sharp or blunt apex, and gradually narrow base, with short sharp round teeth on the edge, few serrations, and narrow wings on the petiole, up to 15cm long; The lower part of the stem leaf is isomorphic with the basal leaf, gradually smaller upward, and the petiole is short until it is sessile and becomes a bract
The leaves are long lanceolate or strip lanceolate, 5-30cm long and 1.5cm wide. The apex is sharp, and the base is cuneate and slightly holding the stem. The whole edge, the edge of the basal leaf has irregular serrations, and there are no hairs on both sides. Only along the middle of the edge, there are white long woolen hairs. The house veins are thicker. The lateral veins extend from the base of the leaf to the upper part of the leaf, or form an acute angle with the main vein. They go straight to the apex like parallel veins, without a handle
Calyx campanulate, about 1 cm long, 5-lobed to the base, lobes oblong ovate, apex obtuse or acute; Corolla purplish red, with spots inside, 3-4.5cm long
The flower is smaller, about 2 cm long; Pedicel ca. 2 mm; Corolla is usually milky white
Digitalis lanata
reference material [1] [3]


Originated in Europe, mainly distributed in Belgium and France( Corsica , mainland France), Germany, Ireland, Italy (Sardinia), Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal (Madeira, mainland Portugal), Spain (mainland Spain, Balearic Islands), Sweden, the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland, Great Britain). It is cultivated all over China. [3] [8] Maodihuang is cold resistant, likes cool, and is afraid of heat. [6]

Reproductive methods

It is commonly used for sowing and seed propagation, and seedling cultivation and direct seeding. In the south of China, seedling cultivation is carried out in flat or high border, while in the north, seedling cultivation is carried out in sunny border. The decomposed horse dung is used as base fertilizer in the sunny border, and the fertilizer grains are fully mixed with the bed soil before leveling. The seeds are sown in the first ten days of March. The seeds are drilled or sown at a row spacing of 6 cm, and covered with thin mats for heat preservation. Generally, thin mats are opened at about 10 a.m. and covered at 4 p.m. to promote moisture. When the seedlings grow to 3-5 leaves in the middle of May, they should be planted in the field according to the row spacing of 30cm × 20cm, and watered after planting. [1]

cultivation techniques


live broadcast

The direct seeding method is labor saving, the plant grows healthily, and the yield and quality are no less than seedling cultivation and transplanting. Therefore, direct seeding should be used as far as possible, except for the small amount of seeds required for the first introduction and the need for seedling cultivation and transplanting. No matter the direct seeding or transplanting land, sufficient base fertilizer shall be applied in advance, and each mu shall be decomposed barnyard manure or compost 2500-5000 kg, and 25-50 kg of superphosphate, and deep ploughing and fine harrowing, leveling for border, and opening drainage ditch. In northern China, seeds are sown after the soil thaws in the first and middle of April, or before the soil freezes in November; The south should be sown in late autumn; Dry seeds can be used for direct sowing, or the seeds can be soaked in 20 ℃ warm water for 12 hours before spring sowing. After being taken out, the seeds can be placed in a warm room for germination, and washed with water once a day. When individual seeds germinate, they can be sown, so that they can emerge 4-5 days earlier than dry seeds. Because the seeds are small, it is advisable to mix fine sand evenly before sowing. When sowing, drill the seeds in a trench with a row spacing of 30 cm and a trench depth of about 1 cm. Spread the seeds evenly in the trench and cover with 0.6-1 cm soil. The seeding amount per mu is 200-250g. Watering after sowing, always keep the soil moist, and reduce watering after the seedlings come out. We should also pay attention to loosening soil, weeding and thinning seedlings. When the height of seedlings is about 5cm, ask for seedlings according to the plant spacing of 5-8cm, and when the height of seedlings is about 8cm, fix seedlings according to the plant spacing of 15-20cm. [5]


The seedlings should be watered and scarified in time to reduce the disease. Watering shall be carried out immediately after planting to promote seedling slowing. The first topdressing is from the end of June to the beginning of July, and the second topdressing is in the middle of August. Apply 90-150 kg ammonium sulfate per hectare. [1]
The amount of fertilizer required is large, and the continuous 100-150 is preferred ppm The humidity of liquid nitrogen fertilizer (15:5:15 or 15:10:15) should be kept between 2-4 standard levels (humidity standard 4 means that the humidity of the substrate can be felt to be wet but not saturated when contacted). In flowering season, light can be appropriately increased in consideration of the quality and quantity of flowers. Sunshine length It will not affect flowering. Although Radix Rehmanniae is slightly Shade loving plant However, when there is sufficient humidity and appropriate low temperature Light intensity Lower growth. Before flowering, plants will have 8-12 leaves. Although the temperature adaptation range of plant growth is 12-19 ℃, the best night temperature at the end stage is 12-16 ℃. Planting plants in the condition of a certain protective cooling bed can produce high-quality plants and flower spikes. On the contrary, if plants are planted in a greenhouse with relatively strong light and night temperature of more than 19 ℃, although plants will also blossom, they will grow in vain and blossom sparsely. [1]

Disease and insect control

In the seedling stage, if there are pests, they need to be controlled at any time. When the weather is hot and dry, there are often aphids and red spiders. You can use rotenone to spray aphids, and lime sulfur mixture to kill red spiders.
Main symptoms: The damaged plants have dark spots at the stem base near the soil surface, which are brown after expansion, shrinking and decaying. The pathogen infects the leaves and causes dark green watery round spots; The infected petiole is brown and rotten. When wet, white filamentous substances can be seen at the disease spot, and seriously diseased plants lodging.
Incidence rule: The pathogen does not produce spores and spreads through hyphae. The hyphae are colorless at the initial stage and light brown at the later stage. The saprophytic property is strong. Overwintering in habitual soil or diseased and disabled tissues. The temperature is suitable (20-24 ℃) and the humidity is high, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria. [6]
Prevention methods: ① New soil rich in organic matter or pond mud and river mud with deep color and solid texture after drying and less mud powder when breaking mud shall be used as planting soil. It is better not to use old potting soil. The base fertilizer applied shall be fully decomposed. ② Strengthen field management. When the air humidity is high, water less or no water to keep the soil in the basin wet. Apply less nitrogen fertilizer, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, timely remove the diseased leaves and old leaves in contact with the soil at the lower part and destroy them. [6]
Stem rot
Main symptoms: The leaves of diseased plants are light green. Most of them are wet rot like water stains on the leaf stumps left by cutting hemp, producing yellowish brown or reddish brown disease scars, and juice flows out when pressed by hand. The rot gradually spread to the base of adjacent uncut leaves, and the infected tissues were wet rotted. The wet decayed leaf base and stem tissue have a bad smell. The trunk of the diseased plant is longitudinally dissected, and yellow brown fat necrosis scar is visible from the infected leaf base to the inside. There is a red halo at the junction of disease and health. Many black mildew like substances can be seen in the stump incision and the heart lobe axis. [6]
Prevention methods: ① Apply lime. Lime application can prevent disease and increase. 0.5 kg/plant for general diseased fields and 0.25 kg/plant for non diseased fields for 2-3 years. ② Adjust the leaf cutting period. The leaf cutting period of susceptible and susceptible fields can be adjusted to the low humidity period. For those who cut leaves before June, they cut leaves before the first ten days of March; The original cutting of leaves after July was postponed to the first ten days of November. Be careful not to reverse blade cutting. ③ Chemical control. The susceptible and susceptible fields should spray the cut with 200 times of 40% methomyl or 400 times of 25% carbendazim within 3 days after leaf cutting, with the dosage of 20-25 kg/mu. ④ Cultivate and plant disease resistant varieties. [6]

Key values


Medicinal value

Digitalis pubescens mainly contains digitalis glycosides and digitalis glycosides. Pharmacological studies have shown that Radix Rehmanniae Radix et Rhizoma Rehmanniae has the effects of cardiotonic, diuretic, anti-tumor, liver protection, anti-virus and so on. [13] Digitalis pubescens is used as medicine with leaves. It contains more than 30 kinds of cardiac glycosides, which are quick acting cardiac glycosides with cardiac strengthening and diuretic effects. [5] It mainly contains purpura glycoside A, digitoxin, purpura glycoside B, hydroxyl digitoxin, and guitaloxin. Enhance myocardial contractility and slow down heart rate of heart failure. [2]

Ornamental value

It can be used in flower borders, flower beds, and rock gardens because of its tall size and flower shape. It can be used as natural flower arrangement. It is suitable for potted cultivation. If it is cultivated in greenhouse, it can blossom in early spring. [6]

Protection status

Included《 IUCN Red List of Endangered Species 》(IUCN 2014 ver 3.1) - no danger (LC). [8]

Plant culture

Flower language: dishonest. [7]


Rehmannia glutinosa is a poisonous plant that needs to be avoided. The leaves of Rehmannia glutinosa contain several toxic substances. If taken in large quantities, it will lead to arrhythmia and even death. [15]