
Gods in Aztec mythology
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Taizkatripoka Tezcatlipoca ( international phonetic alphabet :/teskat ɬ i ˈ po ː ka/), which means“ Smoke mirror ”。) yes Aztec mythology One of the most important gods in the Aztec legend, he ruled the first sun. He is the supreme divine power and the operator of human destiny. He and Central America Other gods are different, not representing any kind natural force Is not the patron saint of a tribe. He represents the impermanence of the world, is the "master of the present and the present", and is as omnipresent and unpredictable as the "wind of the night".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Lexical meaning
Smoke mirror
Aztec mythology One of the most important gods in



In some cases Manuscripts His image is black body, black face, yellow head band, mirror instead of foot, holding arrows, shields, spear throwers.


Taizkatripoka has many nicknames, which represent his various characteristics.
1. Moyocoyatzin means "unpredictable creator".
2. Tie Terracan Titlacahuan means "the group that enslaves us".
3. Moquequeloa means "mocker".
Once Taizkatripoka was born, it would bring chaos. If there is a rich man who was successful in everything, but suddenly fell into extreme poverty and separated from his wife and son, it must be Taizkatripoka.
Once, he appeared as a young soldier in the legendary Tolan city. When he played drums and sang songs, everyone who heard him was fascinated and began to dance involuntarily. People are as crazy as fans; However, every song and dance, someone falls from the cliff into the valley. Ted Katrika's smile is a signal of destruction. People said, "He can only play tricks on others; no one will ever be sincere and will never be friends with anyone." So he was given the title of "Necoc Yaotl".


King of Mexica Tratoani In the complicated process before the accession to the throne, one night I had to pray naked in front of the statue of Taizkatripoka. The king is also called "the flute of Taizkatripoka"