Potsdam Conference

Berlin Conference
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The Potsdam Conference was held from July 17, 1945 to August 2, 1945 Churchill (After July 28, 1945, the new Prime Minister Attlee) and Stalin The third wartime meeting was held in Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin“ Berlin Conference ”。 [1]
The background of the Potsdam Conference was the unconditional surrender of German fascists on May 8, 1945, and the victory of the European anti fascist war ended, but the war against Japan in the Far East was still raging. In order to discuss the disposal of post-war Germany and the arrangements for solving post-war European problems, and strive for Soviet Union Fight against Japan as soon as possible.
Chinese name
Potsdam Conference
Foreign name
Potsdam Conference
primary coverage
Disposal of Germany fascist Solve European problems
Potsdamer Konferenz
Berlin Southwest Potsdam
Stalin Truman and Attlee
Meeting time
July 17, 1945 to August 2, 1945

historical background

Held from February 4 to February 11, 1945 Yalta Conference After that, the war situation developed rapidly.
On May 8, 1945, German Supreme Command On behalf of Germany capital Berlin Suburban Karlshorst sign Unconditional surrender The Allied war on the European continent was declared victorious. In Asia and Pacific Battlefield , Allied forces have occupied Iwo Jima and Okinawa , and on Asia The mainland launched counterattacks on various battlefields fascist Our battle is about to win the final victory.
The Soviet Union, the United States and Britain held a meeting in Potsdam, southwest of Berlin, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945, in order to deal with Germany after its defeat and solve some post-war European and other problems. This is the third meeting held by the heads of government of the three countries during the war. Those who attended the meeting Stalin Truman and Churchill And the foreign ministers of the three countries. Former President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt On April 12, 1945 cerebral haemorrhage When he died, Truman, the new President of the United States, attended the meeting on behalf of the United States for the first time. Positive value during the meeting British general election Therefore, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill returned to China halfway to participate in the general election. because British Conservative Party Wins down in the general election, Winston Churchill steps down, and the new British the labor party Prime Minister Attlee and new Foreign Minister Bevin attended the last days of the meeting on July 28, 1945. [2]

Meeting History

From July 17 to August 2, 1945, Stalin Truman and Churchill (Winston Churchill resigned as the new Prime Minister after his defeat in the general election on July 28, 1945 Attlee The third and last summit of the three countries during the Second World War was held in Potsdam, the western suburb of Berlin. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the disposal of post-war Germany and the arrangements for solving post-war European problems, and to strive for Soviet Union Fight against Japan as soon as possible.
On July 26, 1945, in the form of the declaration of the United States, Britain and China《 Potsdam Announcement 》, urging Japan Surrender immediately and unconditionally, announce the basic principles that will be implemented after the Allies occupy Japan, and reiterate that on December 1, 1943 Cairo Declaration Must be implemented.
On August 2, 1945, the Protocol of the Potsdam Conference of the Soviet Union, the United States and the United States was signed. [2]

Meeting content


The German question

The meeting discussed the basic principles of occupying Germany and stipulated to disarm Germany, destroy all military industries and nazi Organize and punish war criminals, democratize political life, eliminate excessive concentration in economy, and achieve decentralization.
Potsdam Conference Site
With regard to the western boundary of Poland, it is stipulated that the original eastern territory of Germany, as well as part of East Prussia and the former Danzig Free Zone not under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Polish government. Britain and the United States agreed to establish diplomatic relations with the Polish Interim Government of National Unity.
The meeting decided to organize an international court as soon as possible to try war criminals.
The United States and Britain also agreed to cede Gothenburg and its surrounding areas to the Soviet Union.
The meeting also discussed the war against Japan, reparations and other issues, and made provisions. At the meeting, the Soviet Union reiterated its participation in the war against Japan on time.
On August 2, 1945, the three heads of state signed the Protocol of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom. The Potsdam Conference was of great significance in accelerating the end of the Second World War, but it also showed that as the war drew to a close, the contradictions and struggles between Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union became increasingly intensified. [3]
The meeting discussed the German issue poland Problems Austria A series of issues, such as the issue of "Germany", the conclusion of a peace treaty and the admission of United Nations members, will be the focus of the meeting.
After intense debate, the meeting determined the political and economic principles of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France to control and dispose of Germany. The meeting stipulated that we should thoroughly eradicate Nazism and Militarism , eliminate monopoly organization To rebuild German political life on a democratic basis.
With regard to German compensation, it was determined that "the Soviet Union's claim for compensation will be met by confiscating the assets of the Soviet occupied areas in Germany and the corresponding German foreign investment". In addition, the Soviet Union could also get 10% of the industrial facilities demolished in the western occupied areas and 15% of the commodity payment as compensation. "The compensation claims of the United States, Britain and other countries entitled to compensation will be met by foreign investment from the western occupied areas and corresponding Germany". The meeting also decided to transfer the original German East Prussia's Gothenburg (now Kaliningrad )And its adjacent areas to the Soviet Union. [3]


At the meeting, when discussing the Polish issue, the three countries decided to recognize the provisional national unity government of Poland. As for the western boundary of Poland, it is believed that the final delimitation should be settled by the peace conference, but "the heads of the three governments agree that before the final delimitation of the western boundary of Poland, the eastern territory of the former Germany is under the jurisdiction of the Polish government and cannot be regarded as part of the Soviet occupied area in Germany". [3]

Other issues

The Big Three of Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference also discussed the issue of war against Japan. During the meeting, the "Announcement of the Leaders of the Governments of the United States, Britain and China" (historical title:《 Potsdam Announcement 》), urging "the Japanese government to immediately announce the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces". Later, when the Soviet Union sent troops to fight against Japan, it also announced to join the Potsdam Proclamation, which became the common declaration of the four countries against Japan. [3]
Potsdam Conference on Italy and Former Germany Affiliated country Problem, Spanish problem, control Black Sea Strait And reiterated the need to try major war criminals. This meeting is the longest and last one held by the leaders of the three major countries during the war. It was of great significance to win the final victory of the anti fascist war, laid the foundation for the establishment of a new post-war order, and had a significant impact on the development of post-war international relations. [3]

Meeting outcomes

  1. one
    Restore the territory annexed by Germany in Europe after 1937, and separate Austria from Germany.
  2. two
    Declare the purpose of the Allied occupation of Germany: demilitarization and liquidation Nazism Democratization and dissolution Cartel Business combination. It is stipulated that the supreme power in Germany shall be exercised by the commander-in-chief of the occupying forces of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and France in their respective occupied areas in accordance with the instructions of their own governments.
  3. three
    The Potsdam Agreement Austria It is divided into four occupied areas (determined at the earlier Yalta Conference), and Berlin and Vienna are similarly divided into four occupied areas.
  4. four
    Agreed to prosecute the Nazis as war criminals.
  5. five
    The meeting recognized the newly established interim government of national unity of Poland and determined the boundary of Poland.
  6. six
    Deport Germans living outside Germany.
  7. seven
    War reparations agreement. The allies estimated the losses at $200 billion. At the insistence of the West, Germany only needs to pay 20 billion dollars in the form of assets, industrial products and labor. However, Cold War The repayment plan was not fully implemented.
  8. eight
    stay Stalin Poland was not included in the German compensation distribution scheme, but 15% of the compensation received by the Soviet Union was transferred to Poland (never implemented).
  9. nine
    The allies released Potsdam Announcement To determine the conditions for Japan's surrender.
  10. ten
    Other issues will be left to the final peace conference to be held as soon as possible. Although the West requires that the Ode River on the German Polish border be confirmed at the final peace conference Ness River Line The forced migration of German population determined at the Potsdam Conference actually made the German Polish border determined and irretrievable.
  11. eleven
    In order to carry out the necessary preparations for the conclusion of the peace treaty, a foreign ministers' meeting consisting of the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and the United States was established.
  12. twelve
    Disarm Germany, abolish all military institutions, dissolve all Nazi organizations, abolish all Nazi laws, arrest and try war criminals, and prevent Germany forever Militarism and Nazism The resurrection or reorganization of. Everything in Germany Democratic parties The right to freedom of movement should be permitted and restored. The judicial system, education and the whole political life are all re established on the basis of democracy to realize political democratization.
  13. thirteen
    German administration should be based on the principle of decentralization of political power and the development of local government authority. The economic principles for dealing with Germany are to eliminate Germany's war potential, prohibit military production, and eliminate or control all industries that can be used for military production. Eliminate the excessive concentration caused by monopoly, develop a peaceful economy, and regard Germany as an economic unit.
  14. fourteen
    With regard to German compensation, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom would meet their claims against Germany with materials in Germany and appropriate German foreign assets. The Soviet Union could also obtain compensation from the western occupied areas. Germany's fleet and merchant fleet were equally divided among the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain. Koenigsburg And neighboring areas to the Soviet Union. On the Polish issue, an agreement in principle was reached on the western border of Poland, which was finally settled by the peace treaty. Part not under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union East Prussia and the former Danzig Free City Regions, all from Poland Government jurisdiction The meeting also discussed the Austrian issue and agreed that Italy, Bulgaria Romania , Hungary and Finland to conclude a peace treaty, territorial trusteeship and control of the Black Sea Strait. [3]

historical significance

The Potsdam Conference was the longest and last meeting held by the leaders of the three major countries during the war.
This meeting is very important for seizing fascist The final victory of the war was of great significance, and agreement was reached on many major issues after the war, thus establishing the Political pattern
At the meeting, the heads of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union waged fierce struggles on a series of international issues, reflecting the deterioration of relations between the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union. With the end of the war, the contradiction between the two social systems rose again to be the main contradiction between the East and the West, which became an important part of the international struggle in the post-war period. [2]

Conference Announcement

Current Potsdam Conference Site
Potsdam Announcement 》Adopted during the Potsdam Conference. There are 13 articles in Potsdam Proclamation. At that time, the Soviet Union had not yet fought against Japan and had not signed. Although the Chinese government did not participate in the discussion, it obtained the consent of the Chinese government in advance, so the announcement was made in the form of a joint declaration of the United States, Britain and China. On August 8, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and signed the announcement, becoming the four countries against Japan joint declaration
The announcement urged the Japanese government to declare unconditional surrender immediately. Cairo Declaration 》The conditions of "must be implemented", and Japan's sovereignty is limited to Honshu Hokkaido , Kyushu, Shikoku and other islands determined by the allies. The Japanese army must completely disarm and permanently eliminate Japan Militarism The war criminals were handed over for trial. The Allies occupied Japan. All obstacles to the Japanese people's democracy must be removed. Japan is not allowed to maintain industries that can be rearmed. The declaration declared that the Allied occupying forces would withdraw immediately after the above objectives were achieved and the Japanese government inclined to peace and responsibility was established. [2]