
The capital of Brandenburg, Germany
zero Useful+1
synonym Potsdam (the capital of Brandenburg, Germany) generally refers to Potsdam
Potsdam German Potsdam )Yes Germany Brandenburg The capital of Berlin Southwest suburb of the city, and Berlin Only half an hour apart high-speed railway Distance. be seated Havel River Bian, with a population of 140000, is World War II Late famous Potsdam Conference The place where the meeting is held.
Potsdam was Elbe River Havel River And numerous lake And the forest. Half of the urban area has been covered with hotels Casino , music and shopping malls. There are fountains in the nearby parks avenue bench At the end of the line of sight are palaces and ruins.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
State capital
German state of Brandenburg
geographical position
Southwest suburb of Berlin
188.25 km²
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
161468 (December 31, 2013)
Famous scenic spot
Carefree Palace
Berlin Tagueroto Lilindhal Airport, Berlin Chenefeld Airport
License plate code

administrative division

Potsdam covers an area of about 12568 square kilometers. Population 1.121 million (1983 statistical data )。 be situated North German lowlands Eastern Havel River Watershed. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, and the surface is undulating. The highest point is 201 meters above sea level. Mild Continental climate Annual precipitation 525-665 mm. river network Dense, with many lakes and marshes. Industrial Machinery manufacturing , motor, optical instrument, black metallurgy , chemistry and food processing, etc. Animal Husbandry To feed Dairy cattle Mainly pigs, crops include Rye oats , wheat, potato beet Green fodder Etc. stay Berlin Nearby area Planting vegetables Mainly. Have dense railway network and highway network Havel River Elbe Havel Canal Oder Havel Canal Havel Canal is navigable. Brandenburg Lukenwald Ratno Etc. Germany became Brandenburg Part of.
The capital of Brandenburg. At the bank of Havel River, 27km southwest of Berlin. The population is 137000 (1984 statistics). In 993 AD, it was a Slavic village. The city was founded in the 14th century. During the period of Frederick the Great (1740-1786), it was the residence of the royal family and the cultural and military center of Prussia, and its status was almost the same as that of the country. From the 18th to the 19th century Kingdom of Prussia Summer Palace. From July 17 to August 2, 1945, the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain Head of Government It held a meeting here and signed the《 Potsdam Agreement 》。 Railway and Highway junction River port Industry is made by machinery( Electric locomotive , carriages, ships, precision machinery), medicine, textile, printing, food processing, etc. It has political, legal, financial, agricultural, medical, film and television institutions of higher learning Film Studio observatory meteorological observatory There are Sansuxi Palace and New Palace built in the middle of the 18th century Brandenburg Gate And churches. The suburb of Babelberg is the center of the film industry.

geographical environment

Potsdam is located southwest of Berlin, in the middle reaches of Havel River geographical environment It is the lake and forest area created during the glacial period. The valley in the city alternates with the accumulated hills left by the glacier, especially in the south of the city. Noot River It flows into Havel River in the city. There are many lakes and canal The highest point in the city is 114.2 meters above sea level, and the lowest point is the Havel River, 29 meters above sea level.

Political system


emblem of a city

The bottom color of Potsdam's city emblem is gold, and the design is a red eagle looking to the left. The eagle's beak and claws are black, and the eagle has yellow parallelogram As a hint of feathers. The emblem has a curved castle like crown with five cogs. City flag It's red and white, and the city emblem is in front.

twin cities

Potsdam has the following Sister city
Oberle (Poland), since 1973
Bobini (France), since 1974
Jevaskira( Finland ), since 1985
bonn (North Rhine Westphalia, Germany), since 1988
Perugia (Italy), since 1990
Sioux Waterfall (USA South Dakota ), since 1990
Lucerne Switzerland ), since 2002



Urban traffic

Urban traffic except Berlin S-Bahn There are many streetcars and buses outside the S7 line of S-Bahn. There are 21 bus routes in Potsdam leading to all districts in the city and including spandau And other adjacent areas can also use Bus Line 685 from Central Station Worry free Palace Road trams connect Potsdam Central Station with the old city and other suburbs. All Public transportation The tickets of Berlin - Under the jurisdiction of Brandenburg Transport Union, it also belongs to Berlin traffic system So passengers can use any ticket marked in the Berlin toll system for Zone C to go to Potsdam

Surrounding traffic

Because it is close to Berlin expressway It's very convenient to go to Potsdam. In the west and south, it is directly connected with the so-called Berlin Ring, and in the east, it is connected with the highway A115 leading to the center of Berlin. Three federal highways pass through Potsdam urban area.
It is also convenient to go to Potsdam by railway. The railway from Potsdam can lead to important stations in Berlin (such as Alexander Square Berlin Central Station , Animal Park Station) Berlin Chenefeld Airport , Yu Teborg, Dessau, Brandenburg and Henriksdorf The railway in Potsdam belongs to Berlin Railway junction Part of.

Development history


Potsdam Conference

Also called "Berlin Conference". Heads of the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom Stalin Truman Churchill (Later Attlee )And the three foreign ministers held in Potsdam from July 17 to August 2, 1945. The meeting agreed that Soviet Union The delegation's proposal adopted principles and other relevant decisions to deal with the German issue, including the establishment of Foreign Ministers' Meeting , occupy Germany's basic politics Economic principles , German compensation, western border of Poland, control Black Sea Strait , Yes Italy The policy of Gothenburg finally ceded to the Soviet Union, the policy of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland, and war criminals, Austria Territory trusteeship and participation the United Nations Organization and other issues. He signed the Protocol of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference and issued the Berlin Conference Communiqu é. These two files are basically the same《 Potsdam Agreement 》。 China, the United States and the United Kingdom also issued a proclamation Japan surrenders Potsdam Proclamation.
1945 Opening of Potsdam Conference
Germany in May 1945 Unconditional surrender , Europe Anti-Fascist War The victory ended, but after far east The war against Japan is still raging. In order to discuss the disposal of Germany and the arrangements for solving the post-war European problems, as well as strive for the Soviet Union to fight against Japan as soon as possible.
From July 17 to August 2, 1945, Truman, Churchill (the new Prime Minister Attlee after July 28) and Stalin, the heads of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union Berlin The third wartime meeting was held in Potsdam in the suburbs, known as“ Potsdam Conference ”Or "Berlin Conference". After debate and consultation, agreement was reached on some major issues.
About the occupation of Germany by the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France basic principle Yes: Germany should be allowed to Militarization Democratization and elimination Nazism , eliminate monopoly groups and rebuild German economy On the issue of German war reparations, it was finally agreed that each occupying Power should occupation zone Expropriation. The Soviet Union also obtained Germany from the western occupied areas industrial equipment 25%, of which 10% is free, and 15% is exchanged for grain and coal.
The meeting recognized the newly established poland National unity provisional government The meeting decided to establish a meeting of foreign ministers of the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, France and China to prepare for the peace treaty with the defeated European countries. In addition, the policy towards Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland and other countries as well as their participation in the United Nations were discussed. [1]

Potsdam Announcement

On July 26, 1945, during the Potsdam Conference, China, the United States and Britain issued《 Potsdam Proclamation of China, the United States and Britain to Urge Japan to Surrender 》, short for《 Potsdam Announcement 》Or Potsdam Declaration. On July 17, 1945, the heads of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain held a meeting in Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin, during which they issued an ultimatum announcement to Japan. It was drafted by the United States and agreed by the United Kingdom. China did not attend the meeting, but obtained his consent before the announcement was made. On August 2 of the same year, the Protocol of the Potsdam Conference of the Soviet Union, the United States and the United States was signed. The Soviet Union joined the announcement after declaring war on Japan on August 8. There were 13 announcements, the main contents of which were as follows: the Allies would give Japan a final blow until the end of resistance; The Japanese government should immediately announce the unconditional surrender of all armed forces; Reaffirm《 Cairo Declaration 》After Japan surrendered, its sovereignty was limited to Honshu , Hokkaido Kyushu , four countries and islands designated by allies; Complete disarmament of the army; War criminals are handed over for trial; The Japanese government must respect human rights and protect religion, speech and Freedom of thought It is not allowed to maintain industries that can be used for rearming operations, but it is allowed to allow industries that are necessary for maintaining their economy and can pay compensation for goods to obtain raw materials and resources and participate in international trade; To achieve and establish peace for the above purposes responsible government After that, the Allied occupying forces immediately withdrew. On August 14, Emperor of Japan Declare to accept the Potsdam Proclamation and surrender to the Allies.



University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam Built in 1991, located in Historic city Potsdam, adjacent to the famous German palace Sansusici, is the youngest and most beautiful institution of higher learning in Germany. In only ten years, it has developed into a comprehensive world famous institution of higher learning, where 15000 students are studying. Its predecessor was founded in 1948 Brandenburg In the early 1950s, the university was renamed Karl Libknesi Normal College, which is the largest normal college in East Germany.
The University of Potsdam places special emphasis on the combination of learning and application, and considers the future work of students business The employment market has always been closely linked, such as universities and world-famous software enterprises SAP The Department of Software Technology has been established in cooperation, becoming the most ideal university for training computer software development talents. The university also has a close relationship with the scientific research institution The business community is closely connected with each other to provide students with future employment, interdisciplinary further education and scientific research It provides a broad prospect.
The university has five colleges: the First and Second Academy of Philosophy, the Academy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Academy of Economic and Social Sciences, and the Jewish Academy. The university pays special attention to the construction of interdisciplinary departments and institutes, which is particularly prominent in the departments and institutes such as the Academy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Academy of Economic and Social Sciences, the Department of Management, the Cognitive Science and the European Institute for Comparative Culture. The university also pays special attention to the training of primary and secondary school teachers, and has close contact with the primary and secondary school community. The research of Potsdam University in mathematics, biological food science, language science, psychology and other fields is second to none in the world, and it is a partner of the German Science Research Foundation. The University of Potsdam also emphasized international co-operation , and Western Europe North America Australia Israel as well as Eastern Europe Scientific research institutions in many countries have cooperative relations.
Major: English literature /English Labor Science , chemistry, information mathematics, business management, biochemistry, geology, music education mineralogy , pedagogy, psychology, law computer language Nutrition Sociology Physical Education , ecology, physics Administration , political science, linguistics, economic geography, German language and literature Technology national economy , history, economics geophysics

New school

The new school in Potsdam, Germany Saxony ASB Public welfare education company with limited liability It is a full-time full secondary school. The middle school is located in Potsdam, Berlin, 30 kilometers away from the center of Berlin, surrounded by lakes and forests. The school fully embodies German middle school The characteristics of education - high school students can obtain dual qualifications: one is to enter the high school of university diploma (Abitur); The other is through Vocational and technical training The advantage of obtaining a vocational certificate of labor qualification is that students have mastered the basic knowledge of a certain field in theory and practice before entering the university, so that they can have a deeper understanding of this field from the perspective of perceptual and rational cognition.
The new school in Potsdam, Germany, based on the basic law of Germany, the Constitution of Brandenburg and the legal document Based on, provide students with support to successfully complete their secondary school studies Personality development And the highest standards and most meaningful support for acquiring more effective knowledge and skills in the professional field. This School management Standard, strict and rich“ International class ”Experience in education and teaching.

Other schools

In addition, there is a German film The university was renamed Potsdam Film and Television University in 1985.
Potsdam College is a relatively new institution of higher learning.
Hasso Plattner Institut is a private school , which cultivates software System technology Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
In addition, the following research institutions are located in Potsdam:
  • Francoff Institute of Applied Polymers
  • Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces
  • Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics
  • Max Planck Institute of Plant Molecular Physiology
  • Potsdam Geological Research Center
  • And some institutions of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences

famous scenery


Worry free Palace

Sanssouci Palace is the 18th century German royal palace and garden, located in Germany North suburb of Potsdam King Of Prussia Friedrich II Imitate France Palais de Versailles Built. The palace name comes from French "Worry free" or "worry free". The whole palace and garden covers an area of 90 hectares. Because it is built on a dune, it is also called "the palace on the dune". Worry free Palace is the 18th century Germany architectural art The essence of architectural engineering It lasts for 50 years. Despite the war, it has never been bombarded by gunfire and is still well preserved. [2]
crown Just a rainproof hat. This sentence of Friedrich des Gro ß en proves his modest attitude. Frederick the Great maintained the order of Prussia in the 18th century, not relying on royal power, but relying on discipline. His wish is that of an ordinary person: sans souci. Therefore, he ordered people to build the Worry Free Palace as a summer palace in the famous Weinbergterrassen Street between 1745 and 1747. This is the place where he lives in summer and his favorite place. At the same time, it is also a shelter. In difficult times, he only brings his dog to live here. He was reluctant to carry out even a little maintenance, because this palace is his palace, "only needs to exist in my life".
You can walk westward from Wuyou Palace Park and pass the yard Orange Garden Palace , China teahouse , Mills and other famous architectural attractions. Walk to the westernmost side and you will reach the location of the new palace. Now it is also University of Potsdam Some office departments are located in the affiliated palaces around the new palace.

New Palace

After the Seven Year War from 1756 to 1763, Friedrich des Gro ß en built this building at the end of Potsdam Palace Garden Baroque The magnificent buildings in the late style were used to declare their brilliant achievements to other monarchs and enemies. Gorgeous buildings, suites after suites, luxurious banquet halls and galleries - construction workers work at full speed and are built at the top Tympanic membrane With 292 sculptures arranged on the dome, it was forced to imitate the expensive red brick painting in the postwar poverty of Prussia. However, for this reason, it is recommended that tourists visit the new palace. You can also find the underground passage connecting the Ancillary building (Communs)。
There are about 200 rooms in the new palace, including the royal residence and four rooms Rococo Style art exhibition hall. Among them, the Grottensaal, also known as the Muschelsaal, is the most fantastic, with 24000 shells, minerals, fossils and gemstone The glittering decoration was made by Frederick the Great to surprise visitors. In addition, Marmorgalerie, with its marble and gold Zenith painting It has become a beautiful model of Prussian Rococo style.
Frederick the Great prepared a bedroom for every member of the family, but there was no place for his wife. In fact, Queen Elizabeth Christine separated from the Great Emperor for a long time and used the Rococo style Schloss Sch ö nhausen as the summer palace.
After Frederick the Great died, his descendants gradually implemented the modern equipment of the new palace, such as electric lights and toilets bathroom In 1903, an elevator shaft was added to deliver goods up and down the stairs. William II was very fond of luxury, so he chose the new palace as a summer palace. The new palace is cold in winter, and the wind is not closed due to the large space. Queen Auguste Viktoria will be in closet Bathing in.

Saiqilinhoff Palace

Cecilian Hoff Palace is World War II Important agreements《 Potsdam Agreement 》The signing place is an important historical witness place. Located near JUNFERNSEE in the north of Potsdam, it is an English village architectural style The palace of. There is a hotel in the palace. If you are interested, you can stay here and feel the beauty of surrounding lakes and forests.

Famous people

The following characters were born in Potsdam:
  • June 22, 1767: Wilhelm von Humboldt , German scholars and politicians
  • August 3, 1770: Friedrich Wilhelm III , King of Prussia
  • September 21, 1801: Moritz Herman von Yakobe, engineer and physicist
  • December 10, 1804: Karl Gustav Yakob Yakobe, mathematician
  • August 31, 1821: Hermann von Helmholtz , doctors and physicists
  • On February 16, 1834: Ernst Haeckel : Philosopher
  • January 27, 1859: William II , German Emperor
  • January 23, 1882: Martin Stenki, German Buddhist scholar and writer
  • January 22, 1892: Conrad Vader, actor
  • September 2, 1934: Sheila Becher, photographer
  • November 18, 1944: Wolfgang Droop, fashion designer
  • December 29, 1953: Matthias Platzek, politician and governor of Brandenburg