Garden cosmos

[qiū yīng]
Aubergia in Compositae
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synonym calliopsis (Compositae autumnal plants) generally refers to autumnal plants (Compositae autumnal plants)
Qiu Ying (scientific name: Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) is an annual or perennial member of Compositae and Autumn British herb Stems glabrous or slightly pilose; Leaves bipinnate; The autumnal flower is head shaped and solitary, and the outer leaves of the flower bud are lanceolate, light green; Petals elliptic obovate, tongue shaped flowers purple red to white, tubular flowers yellow, short style; The fruit is linear yellow brown and black when ripe; The flowering period is from June to August, and the fruit period is from September to October. [7] The pink color of Qiuying is a bit like cherry blossom, which is a homonym of the Chinese character name "Qiuying" from the Japanese. [8]
Autumn flowering quince is native to America Mexico [9] It is distributed all over China and planted in Yunnan and Sichuan. [10] Qiuying likes a warm and sunny environment. It is cold resistant, avoiding shade, high temperature and ponding; It is resistant to barren soil, and the loose, fertile and well drained soil is preferred. [7] The breeding mode of autumn flowering plants is mainly sowing. [11]
The whole autumn flower herb can be used as medicine. It has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying, improving eyesight, detumescence and dampness [12] The flowers of autumn flowering plants are edible and used for squeezing juice, and are used in various dishes or cakes; Qiuying has a strong habit, which is suitable for arranging flower mirrors, background materials and cut flowers. [13]
Chinese name
Garden cosmos
Latin name
Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. [4] [6]
calliopsis Cosmos
Garden cosmos
Named by and date
Cav., 1791

History of botany

The pink color of Qiuying is a bit like cherry blossom, which is a homonym of the Chinese character name "Qiuying" from the Japanese. [8]

morphological character

Cosmos is an annual or perennial herb with a height of 1-2 meters. The roots are spindle shaped, with many fibrous roots, or adventitious roots near the stem base. Stems glabrous or slightly pilose. Leaves secondary pinnate, lobes linear or filiform. Capitulum solitary, 3-6 cm in diameter; Peduncle 6-18 cm long. The outer layer of the involucral bract is lanceolate or linear lanceolate, nearly leathery, light green, with dark purple stripes, the upper end is long and narrow, 10-15mm longer than the inner layer and the inner layer, and the inner layer is oval and ovoid, membranous. The hypanthium is flat, the upper end is filiform, nearly as long as the achene.
Ligulate flower Purple red, pink or white; Tongue elliptic obovate, 2-3 cm long, 1.2-1.8 cm wide, 3-5 blunt teeth; Tubular flower Yellow, 6-8 mm long, short tube, cylindrical in upper part, with lanceolate lobes; Style with a mucronate appendage.
achene Black purple, 8-12 mm long, glabrous, with a long beak at the upper end, and 2-3 spines. Flowering from June to August, fruiting from September to October. [1] [14]

Distinction of recent species

Garden cosmos
Tongue shaped flowers are purple red, pink or white, and the tongue is elliptic and obovate, 2-3 cm long. Tubular flowers are yellow, 6-8 mm long, and the tube is short. The upper part is cylindrical, with lanceolate lobes. [1]
The flower is tongue shaped, with single and double petals, 3-5 cm in diameter, mostly yellow, golden, orange and red in color. The achene is 1.8-2.5 cm long in total, brown, hard, rough and hairy, with a slender beak at the top. [15]
Garden cosmos
Yellow Cosmos


Cosmos is native to Mexico , on Columbus After the discovery of the New World, European ladies and gentlemen were destined to see this beautiful flower. The crew picked the seeds and brought them back to Europe for planting. Because of its attractive appearance and easy cultivation, it soon spread from the garden to the countryside and mountains, and took root in the European continent. In addition, the great cosmos also conquered the heart of botanists. Its scientific name is Cosmos, Greek The original meaning has such positive meanings as universe, harmony, order, reputation, good deeds, etc. It can be seen that the namers really love it.
This famous ornamental plant originates from Mexico, America, and is widely cultivated in China. It often grows on the roadside, ridges and banks of streams. Yunnan Western Sichuan has a large area of naturalization, with an altitude of 2700 meters. [1]
Light loving plants, light loving, resistant to poor soil, avoid fertilizer, the soil is too fertile, avoid hot, avoid ponding, not adapt to the high temperature in summer, not resistant to cold. It is necessary to loosen fertile and well drained loam.

Main varieties

There are white flowers, large flowers and purple and red flowers. Horticultural varieties can be divided into early flowers and late flowers, as well as single and double petals. [2]
Tetra Ver Red Cosmos
Psycho White Cosmos
Seashells Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos Klondyke Mix
Crest Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Gold Cosmos
Lemon Cosmos
Picotte Cosmos
Candy Stripe Cosmos
Dream of Summer Cosmos

Reproductive methods

The breeding mode of autumn flowering plants is mainly sowing. [11]


Garden cosmos [3]
Cosmos breeds with seeds. In northern China, seeds are usually sown from April to June, and flowers bloom in succession from June to August. In August and September, the climate is hot, rainy and less flowering. After the cool autumn, they continue to blossom until First Frost If sown in July August, flowers will blossom in October, and the plants will be short and neat.
The seeds of cosmos have the ability of self seeding. Once planted, a large number of self seeding seedlings will be produced; With a little protection, it can blossom as usual. It can be sown in the middle of April. If the temperature is suitable, seedlings can be unearthed in 6-7 days.
In late March and early April, the seeds will be sown in the open seedbed. The soil temperature can germinate at a lower 15 ℃, but if sown early, it will grow into a giant plant with a height of 2m, which will easily fall due to typhoon or plant weight. There are also early opening varieties that will blossom 50 to 70 days after sowing, so they should be sown in early opening and autumn opening.


cuttage The propagation is carried out in May. The thick top branches can be selected, and a section of 8 cm to 10 cm long can be cut as cuttings. Three to five plants can be inserted in a flower pot in a cluster. The pot should be buried in the soil, 4 cm to 5 cm above the ground, and watered for shading. It will take root half a month later. After rooting, thin fertilizer solution shall be applied once every 15 days, and when it grows to 15 cm, the top buds shall be picked to promote more branches. If fertilizer and water are properly controlled, flowers can be seen in about 45 days.
Cuttage propagation is also feasible during the growth period. Cut about 15cm strong branches under the nodes and insert them into Sandy loam It can take 6-7 days to take root with proper shade and humidity. In the central and southern regions, spring sowing is conducted in April, and the germination is rapid. It germinates 7 to 10 days after sowing. It can also be propagated by softwood cutting, and roots can be born 15 days to 18 days after cutting. [3]

cultivation techniques



Transplant seedlings with 4 to 5 true leaves, and Pick one's heart The seedlings can also be thinned after direct seeding. If the base fertilizer is applied to the planting land, no further fertilization is needed during the growth period. If the soil is too fat, the branches and leaves are easy to grow and the flowering is reduced. During the high temperature period from July to August, the flowering people are not easy to bear seeds. Cosmos is a short day plant. Spring sowing seedlings tend to have luxuriant branches and leaves and less flowers. Summer sowing seedlings are short, neat and constantly flowering. [3]


Cosmos is strong in nature, likes sunshine, and is drought resistant. It does not have strict requirements on soil, but it cannot accumulate water. If it is planted in fertile soil, it is easy to cause overgrowth of branches and leaves, affecting the quality of flowering. [3]

apply fertilizer

The seedlings can be transplanted immediately when they are 5 cm high, and planted when there are 7 to 8 leaves. The seedlings can also be thinned after direct seeding. If the base fertilizer is applied to the planting land, no further fertilization is needed during the growth period. If the soil is too fat, the branches and leaves are easy to grow and the flowering is reduced. Or apply 5 times of water to the decomposed urine every 10 days during the growth period; In case of drought, it can grow and blossom well by watering twice or three times. During the high temperature period from July to August, the flowering people are not easy to bear seeds. The seeds are easy to fall off after maturity, so they should be collected in the morning. [3]

Pick one's heart

Cosmos is a short day plant. Spring seedlings tend to have luxuriant leaves and few flowers, while summer seedlings are short, neat and blooming continuously. It grows rapidly and can be pinched for many times to increase its branches. Cosmos plants are tall, and pillars should be set up in windward places to prevent lodging and damage. Generally, more dwarf plants will be bred, that is, when the seedlings are 20 cm - 30 cm high, the top will be removed, and then the new top buds will be removed several times in succession, so that the plants can be dwarfed; It also increased the number of flowers. Base fertilizer should be applied slightly to the planting nursery. The seeds should be picked when the achenes become slightly black to avoid scattering after maturity. [3]

Seed collection

The seedling stage of this species needs short day treatment to blossom normally, and proper sowing time should be mastered; It is suitable for direct seeding in the open and seedling raising; Sowing and covering about 1cm, about 5-10 days for emergence; When the seedlings have 4-5 true leaves, transplant them. During the high temperature period from July to August, the flowering people are not easy to bear seeds; The seeds are easy to fall off after maturity, so they should be collected in the morning. [3]


The requirements for fertilizer and water are not strict. During the growth period, the decomposed urine with 5 times of water is applied every 10 days. High and middle type varieties need to be equipped with pillars in front of flowers to prevent wind disaster lodging; It grows rapidly and can be pinched for many times to increase its branches. Likely to occur in hot weather Red spider Hazards should be prevented as soon as possible. For example, sowing from late July to early August can blossom after 50 to 60 days. The plants are short and neat, and are used for National Day. [3]

Prevent lodging

If you want to cultivate a short, non lodging big cosmos, you should take the following countermeasures: the shape of the cosmos is relatively high and sparse, and the flowers are large and beautiful. However, it often leads to lodging, which will spoil the scenery. The following measures can be taken to prevent the lodging of Cosmos: sowing in July August. During this period, the fargesia sown can blossom in October, and the plants are short and neat. Pick your heart. During the growth period of the cosmos, it is necessary to carry out several pinching operations, which can dwarf the whole plant on the one hand, and promote the germination of branches to increase the number of flowers on the other hand. Apply less fertilizer and water. Too much fertilizer and water is easy to cause the plants to grow excessively, which will lead to lodging and few flowers. [3]

Harvesting and preservation

[Cut flower harvesting] The harvested part is the pedicled inflorescence of the cosmos. When Bud It can be harvested from half open to full open, and the operation is best carried out in the morning when the temperature is low. The product should be inserted into the bucket immediately and pre cooled as soon as possible.
[Grading] The flowers and materials collected should be graded on the premise of typical variety characteristics, no damage and pollution, and good visual effect: the length of the first grade cut flowers is about 60 cm; The length of the secondary cut flower is about 50 cm; The length of three-stage cut flowers is about 40 cm. The length difference of cut flowers of the same grade should not exceed ± 2cm of the standard.
[Packaging] Bundle 10 stems of the same grade and variety of Cosmos with peduncles, and put them into lined corrugated cardboard boxes marked with product names and air holes.
[Preservation management] The cut flowers of Cosmos are not resistant to storage and transportation, and they are temporary cut flowers. Usually, they should be used as soon as possible after harvest instead of long-term storage.
[Storage period] According to the above method, the pedicled inflorescence of Cosmos can be stored for 1-2 days without affecting the decoration effect. [3]

Disease and insect control

leaf spot
The main pests and diseases are often leaf spot powdery mildew harm. Likely to occur in hot weather Red spider Hazards should be prevented as soon as possible.
Powdery mildew: The symptoms of powdery mildew are located in leaves, tender stems, flower buds and buds, and the obvious feature is that there is a gray white powdery mildew layer (conidia and mycelium of pathogenic bacteria) on the diseased part. The growth and development of the injured plants are blocked, the leaves are twisted, and the flowers cannot blossom or become deformed. When the disease is serious, the leaves will dry up and the plant will die. It belongs to Ascomycetes. The mycelium is born on both sides of the leaf, the conidia are columnar, the ascospores are aggregated to nearly aggregated, dark brown, oblate, the accessory hyphae are unbranched or irregularly branched, curved, the ascospores are long or short ovoid, and the ascospores are ovoid or oval. The asexual stage of the pathogen is powdery mildew( Oidiumery siphoides Fr.)。 The pathogen Mycelium Overwintered on the diseased buds and branches of the host, produced a large number of conidia in the next year, and invaded the host to absorb nutrients after germination.
The control method is to properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission; The seriously ill strains or parts shall be cut off in time, buried or burned to eliminate the source of bacteria; If necessary, spray 1500 times of 15% triadimefon wettable powder at the beginning of the disease. [3]

Key values



Cosmos is tall, elegant and colorful, with pink, white, dark red and other colors, suitable for layout presbyopic glasses On the edge of the grassland, around the trees and beside the road, there are lots of plants for beautification and greening, which is very interesting. Double valve varieties can be used Cut flower Material Science. Suitable for Flower border Background materials can also be planted beside fences, rocks, cliff slopes, tree beds or houses.


The flowers of autumn flowering plants are edible and juicing. They are used in various dishes or cakes.


Inflorescence, seed or whole grass: clearing away heat and toxic material , brighten the eyes and remove moisture. [1]
Attached party
Cosmos alias: Shigella
Source: Coreopsis tinctoria Nut, The whole herb is used as medicine.
Habitat distribution: introduced and cultivated in various places. Nature and taste: sweet, flat.
Functions and Indications: clearing away heat, detoxifying, and resolving dampness. Indications: acute and chronic dysentery , red eyes, swelling and pain; External use to treat carbuncle and swelling.
Usage and dosage: 1-2 liang of whole grass, decocted in water; For external use, add proper amount of brown sugar to fresh whole grass, mash and apply externally.
Extract:《 National Collection of Chinese Herbal Medicine 》Cosmos and Gesang flower

Plant culture


Flower language

Flower language: pity the person in front
Big cosmos Flower language It is the sincerity, purity, purity, freedom, cheerfulness and happiness of a girl.
Cosmos (white): pure.
Big cosmos (red): amorous.
No One Can Love You Like I Can, the end of a romantic love


stay Glass Put various kinds of cosmos in the salad tray and put some Grape Tie white and pink ribbons on the plate. The scientific names of Cosmos are fine , meaning harmony. Originally autumn flowered Short day plant However, there are also many varieties of early flowers, with red, yellow, pink, white and double colors.


Since ancient times, Christianity has had the habit of connecting saints with specific flowers, which is due to the fact that when the church commemorates saints, it often adorns the altar with blooming flowers. In the Catholic monasteries in the Middle Ages, a variety of flowers were planted like a garden center. As time passed, the church combined the 366 day saints with different flowers to form the so-called flower calendar. At that time, most monasteries were located in southern Europe, and southern Europe had a Mediterranean climate, which was very suitable for planting flowers and plants. The big cosmos of Compositae was chosen to be dedicated to Saint Philippians Ward, the dean of the Buddhist monastery in Oxford in the 8th century. He is well known for his contributions to Oxford City and Oxford University. It can be said that it is the patron saint of learning. Therefore, its flower language is - academic, or - always happy.


The great Persian princess, the youngest daughter of the Persian king, was told by the witch that she was a lonely person forever. This is the strongest curse in the Kingdom of Cosmos. No one can break this curse. So Princess Cosmo lived alone in the Princess Castle.
Princess Cosmo spent a long time alone in the castle. Every day, the sun rises and the moon sets. She is always alone. Loneliness always erodes her heart. Especially the night, because the night is always very long and hard to endure, she often sat on the swing in the garden at night and cried alone.
In the end, after a long time, a knight from far away passed by the princess's castle and saw Princess Cosmo alone. It was a magnificent encounter. The knight and Princess Cosmo fell in love at first sight, and they fell in love. happy ferris wheel Upon arrival, the curse of the Great Cosmo Princess was lifted.
There is no prince in this story, because only brave knights can bring her happiness.
There is a Tibetan legend that whoever finds the eight petal Gesang flower will find happiness.

Zhang adult flower

In 1906, the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu Appointment of Aixin Jueluo · Zaitian Zhang Yintang As the deputy governor, he went to Tibet to handle Tibetan affairs as the deputy minister in Tibet, so as to save the crisis of impassability of government orders.
After Zhang Yintang entered Tibet in November 1906, he severely investigated and dealt with the corrupt official military system, vigorously rectified it, and personally drafted the "Nineteen Rules for Governing Tibet" to call the Qing court. Zhang Yintang's ideas and practices were appreciated by the court, the Tibetan local government, and the Buddhist and secular people. People affectionately called him "Lord Zhang".
Zhang Yintang cherishes national unity and prefers flowers as a hobby. When he went to Tibet, he brought a bag of "Cosmos" seeds, which were presented to the then dignitaries and monks, and scattered in the courtyard of temples and Buddhist and secular officials. This kind of flower has a strong vitality. Since stepping on this high sky and wide land, it has quickly spread to all parts of Tibet. The simple Tibetans do not know the original name of the flower, but only know that it was given by Lord Zhang, so they all call the flower he brought "Lord Zhang".