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Persian mythology

Ancient Persian Mythology
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Archaeology cultural history Upper, Ancient Persia belong to Mesopotamia Cultural region, that is, today's west Asia Cultural region. Archaeologists' research proves that in ancient times, ancient Persians and ancient Persians Aryan Originally of the same genus Indo European It is a branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and its residence is in the grassland of today's South Russia. Because of the special geography of grassland natural environment The ancient Persians and the ancient Aryans depended on nomadism to make a living. With the passage of time, it gradually became Persian Aryan and Indian Aryan, which directly affected national religion And the formation of myth tradition.
Chinese name
Persian mythology
Foreign name
Persian myth
Mesopotamian cultural region
Differentiation cause
Special geographical and natural environment of grassland


In 2000 BC, the ancient Persians gradually got rid of the lifestyle of nomadic tribes, and the early religious activities In the religious activities at that time, what the ancient Persians respected most was an ancient and mysterious ritual, which was essentially primitive Nature worship In the face of natural disasters, the ancient Persians felt at a loss. They not only had no way to cope, but also had deep fear. This made the ancient Persians urgently need a belief to eliminate their inner fear, so the oldest protector god in Persian mythology came into being. Because the ancient Persians believed that all disasters and gifts in the world were controlled by the gods in the sky. If they found a suitable protective god, and kept offering sacrifices to him, and prayed piously, they could avoid all disasters and live a carefree life.


The Supreme Good God in Persian Mythology
After the creation of the protection god, some legends about the protection god began to appear Persia People put various legends about protecting gods into Oral form Gradually spread to various places. When the legend of God spread in oral form around the country, this original form of communication was soon broken due to the emergence of words. The appearance of words made the ancient Persians find another way to record the legends of gods. At the same time, along with Primitive civilization With the development of, they carved some images of gods on various objects, or painted the stories of gods on the rock walls in the original form of painting, or even molded the images of gods in a simple way and enshrined them in the temple. The ancient Persians never met natural disaster It is not a harvest year, but it is attributed to the role of protecting the gods. They believe that in the god world inaccessible to ordinary people, there are gods who dominate the human world, and there are gods who create everything in the world. Driven by this idea, more and more worshipped gods came to the life of ancient Persians, and the system of Persian mythology gradually became complete.
In the sixth century BC, the Persians Zoroaster Founded Zoroastrianism , whose teachings put forward Monotheism and dualism The only god worshipped by Zoroastrianism is the great good god Ahura Mazda The enemy is evil god Deaver There is always a struggle between good gods and evil gods.
stay Persia In history, with the emergence and maturity of Zoroastrianism, the struggle between good and evil has become more and more intense, because Zoroastrianism advocates dualism, whose doctrine is to divide all things in the world into opposing dualities, including good and evil, light and darkness, Therefore, in Persian mythology, there was a war between Ahura, the supreme god of good and justice, and Angela, the supreme god of evil. The war between them lasted for three thousand years. In this war, the supreme good god Ahura Mazda created everything in the world, and finally defeated the supreme evil god Angra Mainyu
The first man in the world, the primitive Kaiyumorzi, created by the supreme good god Ahura Mazda, with his help, established the world-famous Persian Kingdom and became the first king.

Ahura, God of Good

The supreme good god Ahura Mazda (Persian Ahoura Mezda, Pallavian Ahuray Mazd)
The supreme god of the good world, the supreme good god, the god of light, is the guardian god of October and the 1st, 8th, 15th and 23rd of each month.
It means "the supreme god of wisdom". It is also called "Sepande Mayoux". Also called "Ormozd" or "Holmozd". It is called "Mazda" or "Ahura" for short.
The supreme god of the evil world Ahriman Opposition, after nine thousand years of struggle, will end in victory. It is a good source at the beginning of the original.
ahura It is the guardian of light, justice and goodness, and its enemies are always evil Deaver The Persians are right Ahura Mazda (Ahura Mazda) When offering sacrifices, always use precious Haoma and milk. Zoroaster believed that Ahura Mazda presided over the Last Judgment and would eventually defeat the evil Dark God together with other subordinate good gods. Ahura Mazda also created Bahman/Vohu manah Aldi Behesht /Asha Vahishta Shahriwar /Khshatra Vairiya Amordad /Ameretet Holdad /Haurvatat Sepandalmaz /Spenta Armaiti and other six good gods. Among them, Bachmann, Ordibehesht and Ahura Mazda are known as the "supreme triad god".
Those who belong to the good god camp are:
Ameshaspenta is Natural elements The guardians include water, fire, gold, land, livestock, and vegetation. At the same time, he is also the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda.
Khordad (Persian, Harv dat)
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of March and the 6th day of each month. In heaven, it represents the perfection and health of the god Mazda, and on earth, it is the god of water. [5]
Ordibehesht (Persian, Ashavahisht)
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of February and the third day of each month. It represents the sincerity and purity of the god Mazda in heaven, and is the god of fire on earth.
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of June and the fourth day of each month. It represents the majesty and rule of the god Mazda in the heaven, and is the metal god in the earth, and is responsible for helping the poor people.
Sepandarmaz, Parawien Spandarmat
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of December and the fifth day of each month. In heaven, it represents the modesty and benevolence of the god Mazda, and on earth, it is the god of land. In order to encourage people to engage in farming, Zoroastrianism worships him as the daughter of the God.
Sipandarmaz/Sipandarmat is regarded as the first grandmother of the earth, whose image is a beautiful and serious woman holding beautiful roses, Double image He is the teacher of kings. It is said that Zoroaster once saw Spandarmat covered by plants and plunged into the land. When violence is rampant in the world, Spandarmat will suddenly crack, and gems, gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, etc. will appear in the world. [1]
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of November and the second day of each month. In heaven, it represents the wisdom and goodness of the god Mazda, and on earth, it is the patron god of livestock and quadrupeds. [3]
Amordad (Persian Amordad, Pallavian Amurdat)
One of the six chief officials of Ahura Mazda, the patron saint of May and the 7th of each month. In heaven, it represents the eternity and immortality of the god Mazda, and in the earth, it is the plant god.
Mithra, the sun god
The sun god, the guardian god of July and the 16th of each month. Its name is in Old Persian Chinese means communication, harmony, peace, friendship, etc. Those who do not abide by the contract will be severely punished. Mithra Own adjustment Natural order The Persian people regard the divine power of "Li" as the master of pasture and water, which can guarantee the rain water flow and the lush vegetation, so that human beings can live and work in peace and contentment. stay the Achaemenid Empire During the period, Mithra had already mentioned with Ahura Mazda. here we are Sassanid Empire During this period, the worship of Mithras was even more common Metal currency Above, there is a statue of Mithra who gave the king power.
The god of fire, the "holy fire", is the patron saint of September and the 9th day of each month. Atar is the master of fire and the son of Ahura Mazda Zoroastrianism The important fire worship ceremony has a direct relationship. Also called "Azar".
River god Anahita (Anahita)
River Goddess. The original meaning of Anahita is "pure and great river", which has been praised by Aryan people who lived by water and grass from generation to generation. According to the legend, Anahita always responds to those who worship her, especially Persia Bishdadi Dynasty Heroes of.
Water god Aban (Persian Aban, Pallavian Apan)
The water god of Zoroastrianism, "holy water", is the guardian god of August and the 10th day of each month. It means "water" and "river", and seems to be the same god as Anahita.
Rain God Tishtal (Tishtar)
Rain god, the guardian god of April and the 13th of each month. Sirius. It is called "Tyre" for short. according to Asht According to the eighth chapter, three times a month, the first ten days turn into a 15 year old boy, the middle ten days into a golden horn bull, and the last ten days into a golden eared white horse, blessing those who praise. And about the battle between the rain god and Apushi, and the archer Arash An account of dying for the country.
God of Soul Farwaldin (Persian Farvardin, Pallavian Fravardin)
The god of soul, the guardian god of January and the 19th of each month. According to the custom, a festival is held on January 19 of the Gregorian calendar every year. [4]
Military god Bahram (Bahram)
The god of war and victory, the guardian god of the 20th day of each month. The Greek name is Welleslana , known as "The Pershian Warload". Once appeared in the image of an eagle《 Avisto 》Is described as a symbol of royal power. According to the legend, Zoroaster's heroic spirit and supernatural power were bestowed by Bahramna.
The sun god is the guardian god on the 11th day of each month. Also known as "Aftab" (Persian), "Aftap" (Pallavian) or "Hevare Heshaeta".
Moon god Mah (Persian Mah, Palavian Mah)
The moon goddess is the guardian god on the 12th day of each month. Also known as "Mawangeha" or "Mach".
Animal god Gushulwan (Palavian Goshurvan)
The patron god of beneficial animals in Zoroastrianism belief, and the patron god on the 14th day of each month. Cattle essence. The first bull created for Ahura Mazda was victimized by Ahriman. according to Gaza In the first chapter, Zoroaster complained to Mazda and prayed for protection, so Zoroaster was ordered to go down to earth to save the world. Bandaheshen It is also recorded in.
Judges Slaussa / Sorushi (Sraosha)
Obey the angel, the god of sunrise, and the guardian god on the 17th day of each month. According to legend, Slasha once replaced Mithra. Slosha believed in Zoroaster and constantly blessed Zoroaster. Slasha was once regarded as the messenger of Ahura Mazda. Every night, Slosha would use a round hammer, spear OMAHAWK And other weapons to punish all kinds of evil gods. It is also responsible for announcing the resurrection at the end of the judgment. Before the end of the trial, as the messenger of Ahura Mazda, he went to the selected kings to point out the perplexed.
Judge Rashnu/Rashin
The god of justice is the guardian god on the 18th day of each month. Lashnu is the son of Ahura Mazda and Almati. He is in charge of the Libra, measuring good and evil and deciding the fate of the soul.
Ram, the god of righteousness
The god of righteousness is the guardian god of the 21st day of each month. It means "peaceful" and "submissive". One is called "Vay Veh" (in Palavian), Raman. When the evil spirit separates the soul from the body, it will guide the dead to accept the judgment of the gods to determine their fate; And escorted the souls of orthodox believers through the Chinwat Bridge.
Aeolus Watta/Bud (Persian Bad, Pallavian Vat)
Fengshen is the guardian god on the 22nd day of each month. Watta has Dual character Good and evil coexist. When Watta appears as good, he will take it as his duty to protect the pious Zoroastrians and lead the dead, while when Watta appears as evil, the dead will be mixed together. In addition to good and evil《 Avisto 》In, he is described as a strong warrior. When he roars at high altitude, time will change the speed of passing.
Inner God Daena/Ding (Persian Deyn, Palavian Den)
The inner god, the conscience god, the religious god, the guardian god on the 24th day of each month. It means "religion", "belief" and "conscience".
Ashi, goddess of wealth
The goddess of wealth, who is also in charge of marriage and fertility, is the guardian god on the 25th day of each month. Also called "Ard" (Persian Ard, Palavian Art), which means "wealth", "gift" and "reward". Chapter 17 of Ashte depicts her as a beautiful goddess.
God of integrity and honesty Ashtar (Palavian Arshtat)
God of integrity and honesty, the guardian god on the 26th day of each month. One is Ashtat. Or 21 volumes Zand Avesta One of the volume names of the.
The god of the sky is the guardian god on the 27th day of each month.
Zamyad (Persian Zameyad, Paravi Zam dat)
Earth God is the guardian god on the 28th day of each month. Also called "Zam", "Zamdat". Ashte, with this god as its title, mainly praises God of Light, and rarely mentions this god.
Apocalyptic god Mahla Spand (Pahlavi Mahra Spand)
The god of apocalypse is the guardian god on the 29th of every month. It is also called Mansr Spand, which means "sacred language".
God of Light Source Anilang (Persian Aneyran, Pallavian Aneran)
The god of light source is the guardian god on the 30th day of each month. Also known as "Anelang". The boundless light source is located on the sixth floor. Above the light source is the heavenly palace of Ahura Mazda.
God of light. Also called "Phare".
God of Holy Drinks Haoma
The god of wine, the god of holy grass. The Persian will Haoma The grand sacrificial ceremony is called "Jesna", which can help believers live forever. The sacrificial ceremony starts with sacrificing cattle, and then the juice of Hao Ma's holy drink is injected into the milk to make the "Eternal Drink", which is dedicated to Ahura Mazda. Haoma Club often makes people have strong illusions, and often has a wonderful feeling of being in the heaven. Zoroaster praises Haoma because it can arouse people's passion and dispel diseases. However, Zoroaster did not agree with some forms of Haoma worship, such as blood sacrifice. Because of this, Haoma was excluded from the temple.
Perry It is a wealth spirit in the ancient Persian mythology. It lives in the plateau and mountains all the year round. Only those brave men who are not afraid of hardships and dangers can get its benefits.
Pali is an elf with a scarf on her head and a veil on her face. She has long wings on her back and wears a smart feather coat. Unlike ordinary gods, Pali eats sandalwood, and her blood will turn into gems once it flows out. In Persian style games, "Pali's treasure" is often used to describe some special or precious items. [2]
River goddess Apam Napat
Anahita's help to God. Ashte calls him "a warrior who saves the suffering and rescues the distress, and a nurturer of mankind".
Parandi, the goddess of fertility
The goddess of fertility. Also called "Palland".
Chista, goddess of knowledge
Goddess of Knowledge. Also called "Chester".
Rapithvin, the god of time
God of the hour (from noon to afternoon). Also called "Lapitewen".
Satawaesa, the rain god
God of rain. Also known as "Satavayes".
Messenger Nairyosangha
A messenger angel. In Persian mythology, Nerio Sangha is the messenger of the supreme good god Ahura Mazda. The Persians gave birth to the deity Nerio Sangha in their worship of fire. According to the legend, if Ahura Mazda was unable to punish Deva, who had caused the world's plague to run rampant, Nerio Sangha would be ordered to ask Eriyaman for help. Eriyaman is the god who dominates the peace and prosperity of Aryan people. Also known as "Neriyu Sangha" and "Neriyu Sangha".
patron saint Emma
The "first person" (the first person) in ancient Iranian mythology. Under the command of Ahura Mazda, Yima became the patron saint of the world and possessed two metal weapons - whip and mirror. During the reign of Emma, there was neither cold nor heat in the world, nor aging nor death. It was a scene of prosperity. However, because of her rebellious character, she violated the orthodoxy of Zoroastrianism, so Zoroaster punished her and she lost the glory of ruling the world.
In addition, there are small gods such as Faren, the god of good fortune.

2 Devil

Deaver Is a good god ahura The opponents of the evil gods are ferocious and belong to the camp of evil gods, although they have various incarnations.
The supreme evil god Angra Mainyu (Angra Mainyu in Persian)
The supreme god of the evil world, the supreme evil god. Also known as "Ahriman", "Angela Meinu", which means "evil instigator" or "evil spirit".
Against the supreme god of the good world, Ahura Mazda, after nine thousand years of struggle, it will end in failure. It is the origin of evil at the beginning of the original, the master of the dark world, the ancestor of demons and ghosts, and the culprit of endless disasters to the earth. It is the incarnation of falsehood, evil and ugliness, the representative of darkness and death, and the symbol of hypocrisy, evil, cruelty, ignorance and filthiness in the world.
Drought devil Apsh (Palavian Aposh)
The devil of drought. Represents disease. Also called "Apaosha". Responsible for confrontation with Holdad.
The sworn enemy of the rain god Tishtar. Ashte depicts it as a black bald horse with bald ears, bald neck and bald tail. In the fierce battle with Tishtal, he won first and then lost, and was "driven a thousand steps away from the Farah Kart River".
According to legend, Bahram became a white horse, and Apaosha became an ugly black horse. After a fierce battle, Bahram Defeat Apaosha.
Dragon Devil Azdahak (Persian Azhidahak, Pallavian Azhidahak)
Dragon Devil. It represents arrogance and conceit. Also called "Dahaka". Responsible for confrontation with Sepandalmaz.
With three heads and six eyes, he is very evil. He was once a prisoner of Bahram and was tied up on the holy mountain of De Mawende.
Druj (Persian Dorogh, Pallavian Druj)
Devils cheat. The devil of lies, the incarnation of falsehood, represents hypocrisy and deception. Also called "Dolog". Responsible for the confrontation with Aldi Behesht.
Once deceived Zoroaster, Zoroaster finally saw through.
Pestilence devil Astovidat (Paravi Astovidat)
The devil of plague. The death devil represents death and destruction. Also called "Mana". Responsible for fighting against Amordad.
Mana often brings plague With death, whenever someone dies, Mana will fly from the north and take away his soul. The relatives of the dead will read the scriptures and shout Amexaspenta The name prevents all this.
Lust. Evil thoughts devil, the representative of evil thoughts, represents evil and stupidity. It is also called "Pariparika". Responsible for confrontation with Bachmann.
When the appearance of Pariparika is a mouse, it is regarded as a demon full of lust. At ordinary times, Pariparika would live in the woods and seduce the heroes in the world with beautiful illusions.
Sleeping Devil Bushasbu (Persian Bushasb, Palavian Bus hasp)
Sleeping Devil. It means "lethargy" and "nightmare". It was made by Ahriman and makes people crave sleep and feel depressed. The enemy is Solush.
Female devil Talomati (Taroumati)
The name means "apostate" female devil. Hidden in the heart. In the Red Clothes scriptures of Asasin, Talomati is an ally of the great god Ariman.