Persian Empire

[bō sī dì guó]
The regime established by Cyrus II
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Persian Empire (550-330 BC [1] ), Islamic Republic of Iran Historical regime, also known as the Achaemenid Dynasty. In the 6th century BC, Persian cover Midi Kingdom Rule Cyrus II Under his leadership, he rebelled against Midi, destroyed the Midi Kingdom in 550 BC, and established the Persian Empire. After that, Cyrus II and his son Cambyses II And successively attacked and destroyed Lydian Empire Neo-Babylonian Empire and Kingdom of Egypt , expanding the territory of the Persian Empire. In 513 BC, Darius I Capture Thrace The Persian Empire covers Asia, Africa and Europe. During Darius I's reign, the Persian Empire reached its peak through a series of reforms.
Darius I Xerxes I and Artaxerxes I During the reign, the Persian Empire was conquered Greek city-state , started Bosch War , and finally failed, consuming the comprehensive national strength of the Persian Empire, and the Persian Empire declined from then on. In 334 BC, Macedonia king alexander iii The Eastern Expedition attacked the Persian Empire. The decaying Persian Empire collapsed for thousands of miles and lost a large area of territory. In 330 BC, the last king of the Persian Empire Darius III The Persian Empire was destroyed. [1]
Chinese name
Persian Empire
Foreign name
Persian Empire
Historical periodization
the Achaemenid Empire
Time of existence
550-330 BC

Development history


Expand and rise

In the 7th century BC, Persian cover Assyrian Empire Rule. At the end of the 7th century BC, Midi Kingdom Lydian Empire Neo-Babylonian Empire Destroy the Assyrian Empire, carve up all its territory, and the Midi Kingdom gains Persian Plateau 553 BC (I said 558 BC [2] ), Cyrus II leader Persian They launched an uprising against the rule of the Midi Kingdom. 550 BC [3] (553 years ago [4] )Cyrus II destroyed the Midi Kingdom, officially established the Persian Empire, and gradually consolidated his rule over the Persian Plateau. [2]
During this period, Two river basin The new Babylonian kingdom is still strong. Cyrus II did not directly attack the kingdom of New Babylon, but attacked Asia Minor The Kingdom of Lydia. In 546 BC, Cyrus II conquered the Kingdom of Lydia. From 546 BC to 540 BC, Cyrus II marched eastward and the eastern boundary of the Persian Empire reached Indus River Basin Central Asia , become Asia Great Empire.
In 539 BC, Cyrus II destroyed the kingdom of New Babylon. In 530 BC, Cyrus II attacked Masagathai When he died in battle, his son Cambyses II To rule.
Cyrus II
During the reign of Gambius II, the Persian Empire began to attack The Nile Valley Of Kingdom of Egypt In 525 BC, Gambius II conquered the Kingdom of Egypt and captured its king Psammetique III The Persian Empire extended to Africa. In 522 BC, Gambius II attacked libyan When he lost, his brother Baldia Persian Plateau Launch an uprising and seize power. Gambissis II died on his way back to the Persian Plateau. Darius I Kill Baldia and become the king of the Persian Empire.
During the reign of Darius I, the territory of the Persian Empire continued to expand. In 517 BC, Darius I conquered Indus Plain Darius I lived in 513 BC Strait of Bosporus , defeat europe Of Macedonia , capture Thrace The Persian Empire eventually became the first great empire in the world history across Asia, Africa and Europe. [5]

Political reform

After Darius I came to power, he adopted a series of reforms to maintain his rule, namely“ Darius I's reform ”。
Darius I established autocratic rule, adjusted administrative divisions, and divided the Persian Empire into more than 20 provinces (according to《 Behistun Inscription 》23 provinces), each province pays taxes to the central government every year. Darius I divided the country into five major military regions, under the jurisdiction of provincial military regions, and formed a naval fleet. Darius I unified the national currency and the central government minted gold coins“ Dariuk ”, 8.4g in weight, the provincial government mints silver coins. Darius I built roads across the country and opened them the Nile reach Crimson Sea The canal of Central Asia Build a reservoir. Darius I also established Zoroastrianism It is a national religion.
Darius I reformed and established Centralized system , consolidated the Persian Empire's rule over the conquered regions, objectively promoted the economic and cultural exchanges of the Persian Empire, and was conducive to the development of backward regions. [5]
Darius I

Bosch War

In 546 BC, the Persian Empire was destroyed Lydian Empire , ruled Asia Minor and aegean sea East coast Greek city-state Because of the brutal rule of the Persian Empire, in 500 BC, miletus Launch an uprising, Athens support Miletus Uprising In 494 BC, the king of the Persian Empire Darius I Suppress the Miletus Uprising.
After the Miletus Uprising was suppressed, Darius I launched the Bosch War In 492 BC, Darius I sent an army to spend it Strait of Bosporus , invaded the Greek city states in the south, but encountered a storm and returned to Asia Minor. In 490 BC, Altafernes, nephew of Darius I, crossed the Aegean Sea Marathon Plain land, Marathon Battle , defeated by Athens.
Darius I died in October 486 BC Xerxes I Begin to rule. In 480 BC, Xerxes I crossed the Bosporus Strait and attacked the Greek city states. Battle of Thermopylae Xerxes I won, but also suffered heavy losses. Battle of Salamis , Xerxes I was defeated. The Battle of Salami Bay was a turning point in the Bosch War. In 479 BC, Battle of Pilates , the Persian Empire was defeated again. Since then, the Greek city states continued to counter attack. In 449 BC, the Persian Empire and the Greek city states signed《 Peace of Callias 》The Persian Empire recognized the independence of the Greek city states on the east coast of the Aegean Sea, and the Bosnian War ended. [5]

The end of decline

In 465 BC, Xerxes I was Ardaban Murder, Ardaban supports the son of Xerxes I Artaxerxes I After becoming king, Artaxerxes I killed Ardaban. In 449 BC, Artaxerxes I and Greek city-state Signed《 Peace of Callias 》, over Bosch War
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustration of Persian Empire
In 424 BC, Artaxerxes I died Xerxes II To rule. The younger brother of Xerxes II Sugdanous Murder Xerxes II and become king.
In 423 BC, Darius II Kill Sugdanus and seize power. Under Darius II, the Persian Empire supported Sparta gain peloponnesian war The victory of.
In 404 BC, Darius II died with two sons Artaxerxes II and Cyrus III In order to win the rule, a civil war broke out, and Sparta supported Cyrus III; Psameticus V stay Sais Initiate an uprising and rebuild the kingdom of Egypt. In 401 BC, Artaxerxes II defeated Cyrus III. In 400 BC, war broke out between the Persian Empire and Sparta. In 394 BC, the Persian Empire won. In 385 BC and 374 BC, Artaxerxes II failed in his two expeditions to Egypt. In 343 BC, Artaxerxes III Conquer the Kingdom of Egypt.
334 BC, European Macedonia king alexander iii to cross Strait of Bosporus , attack the Persian Empire. In 333 BC, Battle of Issus , King of the Persian Empire Darius III defeat. In 331 BC, Battle of Gaugamela Darius III was defeated again, and Alexander III constantly pursued Darius III. In 330 BC, Darius III Bactria The Persian Empire ended when he was killed. [5]


In 553 BC, when the Persian Empire was founded, its territory was limited to Persian Plateau southwest. With the expedition of Cyrus II and Cambyses II, the Persian Empire expanded. During the reign of Darius I, the Persian Empire started from the west Thrace Asia Minor and The Nile Valley , East the pamirs and Indus Plain , arriving in the north Black Sea Caucasus Mountains Caspian Sea Aral Sea and Syr River It is the first big empire in the world history that spans Asia, Africa and Europe. When the Persian Empire was founded, the capital was Pasalgard , followed by the addition of Ecbatana Sousa and Babylon In 522 BC, after Darius I came to power, he built a new capital Persepolis [5]
Territory Map of Persian Empire

King List

List of Persian Empire Kings
Chinese name
English name
Ruling time
Cyrus II
Cyrus Ⅱ
553-530 BC
Cambyses II
530-522 BC
522 BC
522-486 BC
Xerxes I
486-465 BC
Artaxerxes I
465-424 BC
Xerxes II
424 BC
424-423 BC
Darius II
423-404 BC
Artaxerxes II
404-358 BC
Cyrus Ⅲ
404-401 BC
Artaxerxes III
358-338 BC
Artaxerxes Ⅳ
338-336 BC
Darius III
336-330 BC

Political situation

The Persian Empire is Centralized system The king is the supreme ruler of the country and has unlimited power. Darius I's reform After, Centralized system Was established. [5]

Economic situation

The Persian Empire has a vast territory and unbalanced economic development. east Persian Plateau Central Asia Mainly agricultural, economically backward; west Two river basin Asia Minor The Nile Valley The economy and trade are developed, and it is the main tax area of the Persian Empire. [5]

Cultural status

The Persian Empire actively absorbed Two river basin The Nile Valley Culture, therefore, culture flourishes. The characters used in the Persian Empire were transformed Cuneiform , the official language is Old Persian There are many literary works in the Persian Empire, including《 Cyrus cylinder 》And《 Behistun Inscriptions 》Poetry is also gradually forming.
The architectural art of the Persian Empire Cyrus II The era also has nomadic people features. After the formation of the Persian Empire, the buildings were huge in scale and diverse in style, absorbing Two river basin , the Kingdom of Egypt and Greek city-state Style. The Persian Empire has excellent carving art《 Behistun Inscriptions 》Yes relief A masterpiece.
Persian believe in Zoroastrianism , founded by Midi Kingdom Of Zoroaster , the classic is《 Avista 》。 Zoroastrianism believes that there are good and evil gods in the world, and the good god is Ahura Mazda , the evil god is Ahriman Ahura Mazda and Ahriman are always in opposition. Zoroastrian dignitaries stood on the side of Ahura Mazda and fought against Ahriman. Zoroastrianism worships light and fire, also known as Zoroastrianism. Darius I During the reign, Zoroastrianism was established as the state religion of the Persian Empire. After the fall of the Persian Empire, Zoroastrianism gradually declined under the impact of repeated foreign conquest and Hellenization, Christianity, Manichaeism and Islam. [5]